sequence! { procedure, context, // ACL Connection Established Lower Tester -> IUT: IoCapabilityReq { transaction_id: 0, io_capabilities: 0x02, oob_authentication_data: 0x00, authentication_requirement: 0x01, } IUT -> Upper Tester: IoCapabilityResponse { bd_addr: context.peer_address(), io_capability: IoCapability::KeyboardOnly, oob_data_present: OobDataPresent::NotPresent, authentication_requirements: AuthenticationRequirements::NoBondingMitmProtection, } IUT -> Upper Tester: IoCapabilityRequest { bd_addr: context.peer_address(), } Upper Tester -> IUT: IoCapabilityRequestReply { bd_addr: context.peer_address(), io_capability: IoCapability::DisplayOnly, oob_present: OobDataPresent::NotPresent, authentication_requirements: AuthenticationRequirements::NoBondingMitmProtection, } IUT -> Upper Tester: IoCapabilityRequestReplyComplete { num_hci_command_packets: 1, status: ErrorCode::Success, bd_addr: context.peer_address(), } IUT -> Lower Tester: IoCapabilityRes { transaction_id: 0, io_capabilities: 0x00, oob_authentication_data: 0x00, authentication_requirement: 0x01, } // Public Key Exchange Lower Tester -> IUT: EncapsulatedHeader { transaction_id: 0, major_type: 1, minor_type: 1, payload_length: 48, } IUT -> Lower Tester: Accepted { transaction_id: 0, accepted_opcode: Opcode::EncapsulatedHeader, } repeat 3 times with (part in peer_p192_public_key()) { Lower Tester -> IUT: EncapsulatedPayload { transaction_id: 0, data: part, } IUT -> Lower Tester: Accepted { transaction_id: 0, accepted_opcode: Opcode::EncapsulatedPayload, } } IUT -> Lower Tester: EncapsulatedHeader { transaction_id: 0, major_type: 1, minor_type: 1, payload_length: 48, } Lower Tester -> IUT: Accepted { transaction_id: 0, accepted_opcode: Opcode::EncapsulatedHeader, } repeat 3 times with (part in local_p192_public_key(&context)) { IUT -> Lower Tester: EncapsulatedPayload { transaction_id: 0, data: part, } Lower Tester -> IUT: Accepted { transaction_id: 0, accepted_opcode: Opcode::EncapsulatedPayload, } } // Authentication Stage 1: Passkey Entry Protocol IUT -> Upper Tester: UserPasskeyNotification { bd_addr: context.peer_address(), passkey: 0 } Lower Tester -> IUT: SimplePairingConfirm { transaction_id: 0, commitment_value: [0; 16], } IUT -> Lower Tester: SimplePairingConfirm { transaction_id: 0, commitment_value: [0; 16], } Lower Tester -> IUT: SimplePairingNumber { transaction_id: 0, nonce: [0; 16], } IUT -> Lower Tester: NotAccepted { transaction_id: 0, not_accepted_opcode: Opcode::SimplePairingNumber, error_code: ErrorCode::AuthenticationFailure.into(), } IUT -> Upper Tester: SimplePairingComplete { status: ErrorCode::AuthenticationFailure, bd_addr: context.peer_address(), } }