Lines Matching refs:tests
4 … and is downloaded a…
7 #### To run all tests in CtsMediaPerformanceClassTestCases
11 #### To run a subset of tests in CtsMediaPerformanceClassTestCases
15 #### To run all tests in CtsMediaPerformanceClassTestCases by overriding Build.VERSION.MEDIA_PERFOR…
16 … some cases it might be useful to override Build.VERSION.MEDIA_PERFORMANCE_CLASS and run the tests.
17 For eg: when the device doesn't advertise Build.VERSION.MEDIA_PERFORMANCE_CLASS, running the tests …
19 Following runs the tests by overriding Build.VERSION.MEDIA_PERFORMANCE_CLASS as S.
25 All tests accepts attributes that offer selective run of tests.
29 To select codecs by media type, *media-type-prefix* can be passed to media codec tests to select on…
31 Example: To limit the tests to run for media types whose names start with video/avc
37 To select codecs by applying regular expressions, *codec-filter* can be passed to media codec tests…
39 Example: To limit the tests to run for and
46 To select codecs by name, *codec-prefix* can be passed to media codec tests to select one or more c…
48 Example: To limit the tests to run for codecs whose names start with
54 Example: To limit the tests to run for