Lines Matching refs:LOGH
801 LOGH("deleting channel %d", mChannelHandle); in ~QCamera3HardwareInterface()
1103 LOGH("mCameraId=%d",mCameraId); in openCamera()
1603 LOGH("%s: active array size %dx%d, pixel array size %dx%d, output pixel clock %u, " in getSensorModeInfo()
1648 LOGH("%s: active array size %dx%d, pixel array size %dx%d, output pixel clock %u, " in getCurrentSensorModeInfo()
1709 LOGH("Added SW TNR to pp feature mask"); in addToPPFeatureMask()
1713 LOGH("Added LLVD SeeMore to pp feature mask"); in addToPPFeatureMask()
2001 LOGH("Setting small jpeg size flag to true"); in validateStreamCombination()
2077 LOGH("Multiple streams above max viewfinder size, common mask needed"); in validateStreamCombination()
2118 LOGH("max viewfinder width %d height %d isZsl %d bUseCommonFeature %x commonFeatureMask %llx", in validateStreamCombination()
2121 LOGH("numStreamsOnEncoder %d, processedStreamCnt %d, stallcnt %d bSmallJpegSize %d", in validateStreamCombination()
2294 LOGH("newStream type = %d, stream format = %d " in configureStreamsPerfLocked()
2356 LOGH("Warning, Multiple ip/reprocess streams requested!"); in configureStreamsPerfLocked()
2512 LOGH("Input stream configured, reprocess config"); in configureStreamsPerfLocked()
4073 LOGH("instant AEC settled for frame number %d", urgent_frame_number); in handleMetadataWithLock()
4089 LOGH("valid frame_number = %u, capture_time = %lld", in handleMetadataWithLock()
4129 LOGH("Start of reporting error frame#=%u for instant AEC, streamID=%u, " in handleMetadataWithLock()
4145 LOGH("End of reporting error frame#=%u for instant AEC, streamID=%u, " in handleMetadataWithLock()
4592 LOGH("result frame_number = %d, buffer = %p", in handleBufferWithLock()
5054 …LOGH("process_capture_result frame_number %d, result %p, partial %d", result->frame_number, result… in orchestrateResult()
5494 LOGH("Dualcam: setting On=%d id =%d", mIsDeviceLinked, mCameraId); in processCaptureRequest()
5498 LOGH("Dualcam: Is this main camera = %d id =%d", mIsMainCamera, mCameraId); in processCaptureRequest()
5502 LOGH("Dualcam: Linked camera Id %d id =%d", mLinkedCameraId, mCameraId); in processCaptureRequest()
5514 LOGH("%s: Dualcam: id =%d, mIsDeviceLinked=%d", __func__,mCameraId, mIsDeviceLinked); in processCaptureRequest()
5592 LOGH("num_output_buffers = %d input_buffer = %p frame_number = %d", in processCaptureRequest()
6306 LOGH("Start META Channel"); in processCaptureRequest()
6341 LOGH("Start Processing Channel mask=%d", in processCaptureRequest()
6360 LOGH("Stopping Processing Channel mask=%d", in processCaptureRequest()
6986 LOGH("Cannot find matching framework type"); in lookupFwkName()
8220 LOGH("Metadata not found : ANDROID_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE"); in translateFromHalMetadata()
8252 LOGH("PROFILE_META_HDR_TOGGLED value=%d", fwk_hdr); in translateFromHalMetadata()
8275 LOGH("PROFILE_META_IR_TOGGLED value=%d", fwk_ir); in translateFromHalMetadata()
8303 LOGH("PROFILE_META_TNR_TOGGLED value=%d", tnr_enable); in translateFromHalMetadata()
8792 LOGH("urgent Metadata not found : ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE %d", in translateCbUrgentMetadataToResultMetadata()
8863 LOGH("urgent Metadata not found : ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE"); in translateCbUrgentMetadataToResultMetadata()
8912 LOGH("ae_params->settled = %d",ae_params->settled); in translateCbUrgentMetadataToResultMetadata()
8917 LOGH("AEC settled or Frames reached instantAEC bound, resetting instantAEC"); in translateCbUrgentMetadataToResultMetadata()
12696 LOGH("No flash mode in reprocess settings"); in setReprocParameters()
12705 LOGH("No flash state in reprocess settings"); in setReprocParameters()
12827 LOGH("Add JPEG encode crop left %d, top %d, width %d, height %d, mCameraId %d", in setReprocParameters()
12830 LOGH("Add JPEG encode crop ROI left %d, top %d, width %d, height %d, mCameraId %d", in setReprocParameters()
12844 LOGH("Add JPEG encode scale width %d, height %d, mCameraId %d", in setReprocParameters()
13364 LOGH("AE Mode controls flash, ignore android.flash.mode"); in translateFwkMetadataToHalMetadata()
13370 LOGH("flash mode after mapping %d", val); in translateFwkMetadataToHalMetadata()
13746 LOGH("PROFILE_SET_HDR_MODE %d" ,vhdr); in translateFwkMetadataToHalMetadata()
13765 LOGH("PROFILE_SET_IR_MODE %d" ,isIRon); in translateFwkMetadataToHalMetadata()
13830 LOGH("PROFILE_SET_TNR_MODE %d" ,b_TnrRequested); in translateFwkMetadataToHalMetadata()
14649 LOGH("need do reprocess for rotation"); in needRotationReprocess()
14672 LOGH("need do reprocess for ZSL WNR or min PP reprocess"); in needReprocess()
14675 LOGH("already post processed frame"); in needReprocess()
15314 LOGH("Cleared all the pending buffers "); in notifyErrorForPendingRequests()
15410 LOGH("instantAEC value set %d",val); in setInstantAEC()