Lines Matching refs:tests
3 This document refers to the tests in the packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/test directory.
5 The tests are designed to be run when the Android runtime is not running. From a terminal, run:
7 ## Before you run tests
17 ## Running tests
24 But for the impatient, run specific groups of tests like this:
45 [==========] Running 11 tests from 2 test cases.
47 [----------] 6 tests from BluetoothTest
60 [----------] 6 tests from BluetoothTest (32789 ms total)
62 [----------] 5 tests from GattTest
73 [----------] 5 tests from GattTest (11706 ms total)
76 [==========] 11 tests from 2 test cases ran. (44495 ms total)
77 [ PASSED ] 11 tests.