/* * Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "dexopt_chroot_setup.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <cstring> #include <filesystem> #include <string> #include <string_view> #include "aidl/com/android/server/art/BnDexoptChrootSetup.h" #include "android-base/properties.h" #include "android-base/scopeguard.h" #include "android/binder_auto_utils.h" #include "base/common_art_test.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "exec_utils.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "selinux/selinux.h" #include "tools/binder_utils.h" #include "tools/cmdline_builder.h" namespace art { namespace dexopt_chroot_setup { namespace { using ::android::base::ScopeGuard; using ::android::base::WaitForProperty; using ::art::tools::CmdlineBuilder; class DexoptChrootSetupTest : public CommonArtTest { protected: void SetUp() override { CommonArtTest::SetUp(); dexopt_chroot_setup_ = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<DexoptChrootSetup>(); // TODO(jiakaiz): Delete this one the SDK version is bumped to 35. char* con; if (getfilecon(DexoptChrootSetup::PRE_REBOOT_DEXOPT_DIR, &con) < 0) { ASSERT_EQ(errno, ENOENT) << ART_FORMAT("Failed to getfilecon '{}': {}", DexoptChrootSetup::PRE_REBOOT_DEXOPT_DIR, strerror(errno)); GTEST_SKIP() << ART_FORMAT("This platform is too old and doesn't have directory '{}'", DexoptChrootSetup::PRE_REBOOT_DEXOPT_DIR); } { auto cleanup = ScopeGuard([&]() { freecon(con); }); constexpr std::string_view kExpectedCon = "u:object_r:pre_reboot_dexopt_file:s0"; if (con != kExpectedCon) { GTEST_SKIP() << ART_FORMAT("This platform is too old and doesn't have SELinux context '{}'", kExpectedCon); } } // Note that if a real Pre-reboot Dexopt is kicked off after this check, the test will still // fail, but that should be very rare. if (std::filesystem::exists(DexoptChrootSetup::CHROOT_DIR)) { GTEST_SKIP() << "A real Pre-reboot Dexopt is running"; } ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForProperty("dev.bootcomplete", "1", /*relative_timeout=*/std::chrono::minutes(3))); test_skipped = false; scratch_dir_ = std::make_unique<ScratchDir>(); scratch_path_ = scratch_dir_->GetPath(); // Remove the trailing '/'; scratch_path_.resize(scratch_path_.length() - 1); } void TearDown() override { if (test_skipped) { return; } scratch_dir_.reset(); dexopt_chroot_setup_->tearDown(); CommonArtTest::TearDown(); } std::shared_ptr<DexoptChrootSetup> dexopt_chroot_setup_; std::unique_ptr<ScratchDir> scratch_dir_; std::string scratch_path_; bool test_skipped = true; }; TEST_F(DexoptChrootSetupTest, Run) { // We only test the Mainline update case here. There isn't an easy way to test the OTA update case // in such a unit test. The OTA update case is assumed to be covered by the E2E test. ASSERT_STATUS_OK( dexopt_chroot_setup_->setUp(/*in_otaSlot=*/std::nullopt, /*in_mapSnapshotsForOta=*/false)); ASSERT_STATUS_OK(dexopt_chroot_setup_->init()); // Some important dirs that should be the same as outside. std::vector<const char*> same_dirs = { "/", "/system", "/system_ext", "/vendor", "/product", "/data", "/mnt/expand", "/dev", "/dev/cpuctl", "/dev/cpuset", "/proc", "/sys", "/sys/fs/cgroup", "/sys/fs/selinux", "/metadata", }; for (const std::string& dir : same_dirs) { struct stat st_outside; ASSERT_EQ(stat(dir.c_str(), &st_outside), 0); struct stat st_inside; ASSERT_EQ(stat(PathInChroot(dir).c_str(), &st_inside), 0); EXPECT_EQ(st_outside.st_dev, st_inside.st_dev); EXPECT_EQ(st_outside.st_ino, st_inside.st_ino); } // Some important dirs that are expected to be writable. std::vector<const char*> writable_dirs = { "/data", "/mnt/expand", }; for (const std::string& dir : writable_dirs) { EXPECT_EQ(access(PathInChroot(dir).c_str(), W_OK), 0); } // Some important dirs that are not the same as outside but should be prepared. std::vector<const char*> prepared_dirs = { "/apex/com.android.art", "/linkerconfig/com.android.art", }; for (const std::string& dir : prepared_dirs) { EXPECT_FALSE(std::filesystem::is_empty(PathInChroot(dir))); } EXPECT_TRUE(std::filesystem::is_directory(PathInChroot("/mnt/artd_tmp"))); // Check that the chroot environment is capable to run programs. `dex2oat` is arbitrarily picked // here. The test dex file and the scratch dir in /data are the same inside the chroot as outside. CmdlineBuilder args; args.Add(GetArtBinDir() + "/art_exec") .Add("--chroot=%s", DexoptChrootSetup::CHROOT_DIR) .Add("--") .Add(GetArtBinDir() + "/dex2oat" + (Is64BitInstructionSet(kRuntimeISA) ? "64" : "32")) .Add("--dex-file=%s", GetTestDexFileName("Main")) .Add("--oat-file=%s", scratch_path_ + "/output.odex") .Add("--output-vdex=%s", scratch_path_ + "/output.vdex") .Add("--compiler-filter=speed") .Add("--boot-image=/nonx/boot.art"); std::string error_msg; EXPECT_TRUE(Exec(args.Get(), &error_msg)) << error_msg; // Check that `setUp` can be repetitively called, to simulate the case where an instance of the // caller (typically system_server) called `setUp` and crashed later, and a new instance called // `setUp` again. ASSERT_STATUS_OK( dexopt_chroot_setup_->setUp(/*in_otaSlot=*/std::nullopt, /*in_mapSnapshotsForOta=*/false)); ASSERT_STATUS_OK(dexopt_chroot_setup_->init()); ASSERT_STATUS_OK(dexopt_chroot_setup_->tearDown()); EXPECT_FALSE(std::filesystem::exists(DexoptChrootSetup::CHROOT_DIR)); // Check that `tearDown` can be repetitively called too. ASSERT_STATUS_OK(dexopt_chroot_setup_->tearDown()); // Check that `setUp` can be followed directly by a `tearDown`. ASSERT_STATUS_OK( dexopt_chroot_setup_->setUp(/*in_otaSlot=*/std::nullopt, /*in_mapSnapshotsForOta=*/false)); ASSERT_STATUS_OK(dexopt_chroot_setup_->tearDown()); EXPECT_FALSE(std::filesystem::exists(DexoptChrootSetup::CHROOT_DIR)); } } // namespace } // namespace dexopt_chroot_setup } // namespace art