/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mem_map_arena_pool.h" #include <sys/mman.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstddef> #include <iomanip> #include <numeric> #include <android-base/logging.h> #include "base/arena_allocator-inl.h" #include "base/mem_map.h" #include "base/systrace.h" #include "runtime_globals.h" namespace art HIDDEN { class MemMapArena final : public Arena { public: MemMapArena(size_t size, bool low_4gb, const char* name); virtual ~MemMapArena(); void Release() override; private: static MemMap Allocate(size_t size, bool low_4gb, const char* name); MemMap map_; }; MemMapArena::MemMapArena(size_t size, bool low_4gb, const char* name) : map_(Allocate(size, low_4gb, name)) { memory_ = map_.Begin(); static_assert(ArenaAllocator::kArenaAlignment <= kMinPageSize, "Arena should not need stronger alignment than kMinPageSize."); DCHECK_ALIGNED(memory_, ArenaAllocator::kArenaAlignment); size_ = map_.Size(); } MemMap MemMapArena::Allocate(size_t size, bool low_4gb, const char* name) { // Round up to a full page as that's the smallest unit of allocation for mmap() // and we want to be able to use all memory that we actually allocate. size = RoundUp(size, gPageSize); std::string error_msg; // TODO(b/278665389): remove this retry logic if the root cause is found. constexpr int MAX_RETRY_CNT = 3; int retry_cnt = 0; while (true) { MemMap map = MemMap::MapAnonymous(name, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, low_4gb, &error_msg); if (map.IsValid()) { if (retry_cnt > 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Succeed with retry(cnt=" << retry_cnt << ")"; } return map; } else { if (retry_cnt == MAX_RETRY_CNT) { CHECK(map.IsValid()) << error_msg << "(retried " << retry_cnt << " times)"; } } retry_cnt++; LOG(ERROR) << error_msg << " but retry(cnt=" << retry_cnt << ")"; } } MemMapArena::~MemMapArena() { // Destroys MemMap via std::unique_ptr<>. } void MemMapArena::Release() { if (bytes_allocated_ > 0) { map_.MadviseDontNeedAndZero(); bytes_allocated_ = 0; } } MemMapArenaPool::MemMapArenaPool(bool low_4gb, const char* name) : low_4gb_(low_4gb), name_(name), free_arenas_(nullptr) { MemMap::Init(); } MemMapArenaPool::~MemMapArenaPool() { ReclaimMemory(); } void MemMapArenaPool::ReclaimMemory() { while (free_arenas_ != nullptr) { Arena* arena = free_arenas_; free_arenas_ = free_arenas_->next_; delete arena; } } void MemMapArenaPool::LockReclaimMemory() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_); ReclaimMemory(); } Arena* MemMapArenaPool::AllocArena(size_t size) { Arena* ret = nullptr; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_); if (free_arenas_ != nullptr && LIKELY(free_arenas_->Size() >= size)) { ret = free_arenas_; free_arenas_ = free_arenas_->next_; } } if (ret == nullptr) { ret = new MemMapArena(size, low_4gb_, name_); } ret->Reset(); return ret; } void MemMapArenaPool::TrimMaps() { ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_); for (Arena* arena = free_arenas_; arena != nullptr; arena = arena->next_) { arena->Release(); } } size_t MemMapArenaPool::GetBytesAllocated() const { size_t total = 0; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_); for (Arena* arena = free_arenas_; arena != nullptr; arena = arena->next_) { total += arena->GetBytesAllocated(); } return total; } void MemMapArenaPool::FreeArenaChain(Arena* first) { if (kRunningOnMemoryTool) { for (Arena* arena = first; arena != nullptr; arena = arena->next_) { MEMORY_TOOL_MAKE_UNDEFINED(arena->memory_, arena->bytes_allocated_); } } if (arena_allocator::kArenaAllocatorPreciseTracking) { // Do not reuse arenas when tracking. while (first != nullptr) { Arena* next = first->next_; delete first; first = next; } return; } if (first != nullptr) { Arena* last = first; while (last->next_ != nullptr) { last = last->next_; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_); last->next_ = free_arenas_; free_arenas_ = first; } } } // namespace art