/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "jvmti_helper.h" #include "jvmti.h" #include "test_env.h" #include <dlfcn.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "scoped_local_ref.h" namespace art { void CheckJvmtiError(jvmtiEnv* env, jvmtiError error) { if (error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { char* error_name; jvmtiError name_error = env->GetErrorName(error, &error_name); if (name_error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to get error name for " << error; } LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected error: " << error_name; } } // These are a set of capabilities we will enable in all situations. These are chosen since they // will not affect the runtime in any significant way if they are enabled. static const jvmtiCapabilities standard_caps = { .can_tag_objects = 1, .can_generate_field_modification_events = 1, .can_generate_field_access_events = 1, .can_get_bytecodes = 1, .can_get_synthetic_attribute = 1, .can_get_owned_monitor_info = 0, .can_get_current_contended_monitor = 1, .can_get_monitor_info = 1, .can_pop_frame = 0, .can_redefine_classes = 1, .can_signal_thread = 1, .can_get_source_file_name = 1, .can_get_line_numbers = 1, .can_get_source_debug_extension = 1, .can_access_local_variables = 0, .can_maintain_original_method_order = 1, .can_generate_single_step_events = 1, .can_generate_exception_events = 0, .can_generate_frame_pop_events = 0, .can_generate_breakpoint_events = 1, .can_suspend = 1, .can_redefine_any_class = 0, .can_get_current_thread_cpu_time = 0, .can_get_thread_cpu_time = 0, .can_generate_method_entry_events = 1, .can_generate_method_exit_events = 1, .can_generate_all_class_hook_events = 0, .can_generate_compiled_method_load_events = 0, .can_generate_monitor_events = 0, .can_generate_vm_object_alloc_events = 1, .can_generate_native_method_bind_events = 1, .can_generate_garbage_collection_events = 1, .can_generate_object_free_events = 1, .can_force_early_return = 0, .can_get_owned_monitor_stack_depth_info = 0, .can_get_constant_pool = 0, .can_set_native_method_prefix = 0, .can_retransform_classes = 1, .can_retransform_any_class = 0, .can_generate_resource_exhaustion_heap_events = 0, .can_generate_resource_exhaustion_threads_events = 0, }; jvmtiCapabilities GetStandardCapabilities() { return standard_caps; } void SetStandardCapabilities(jvmtiEnv* env) { if (IsJVM()) { // RI is more strict about adding capabilities at runtime then ART so just give it everything. SetAllCapabilities(env); return; } jvmtiCapabilities caps = GetStandardCapabilities(); CheckJvmtiError(env, env->AddCapabilities(&caps)); } void SetAllCapabilities(jvmtiEnv* env) { jvmtiCapabilities caps; CheckJvmtiError(env, env->GetPotentialCapabilities(&caps)); CheckJvmtiError(env, env->AddCapabilities(&caps)); } bool JvmtiErrorToException(JNIEnv* env, jvmtiEnv* jvmtienv, jvmtiError error) { if (error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { return false; } ScopedLocalRef<jclass> rt_exception(env, env->FindClass("java/lang/RuntimeException")); if (rt_exception.get() == nullptr) { // CNFE should be pending. return true; } char* err; CheckJvmtiError(jvmtienv, jvmtienv->GetErrorName(error, &err)); env->ThrowNew(rt_exception.get(), err); Deallocate(jvmtienv, err); return true; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const jvmtiError& rhs) { switch (rhs) { case JVMTI_ERROR_NONE: return os << "NONE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD: return os << "INVALID_THREAD"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_GROUP: return os << "INVALID_THREAD_GROUP"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_PRIORITY: return os << "INVALID_PRIORITY"; case JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED: return os << "THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_SUSPENDED: return os << "THREAD_SUSPENDED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE: return os << "THREAD_NOT_ALIVE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT: return os << "INVALID_OBJECT"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_CLASS: return os << "INVALID_CLASS"; case JVMTI_ERROR_CLASS_NOT_PREPARED: return os << "CLASS_NOT_PREPARED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_METHODID: return os << "INVALID_METHODID"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_LOCATION: return os << "INVALID_LOCATION"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_FIELDID: return os << "INVALID_FIELDID"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES: return os << "NO_MORE_FRAMES"; case JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME: return os << "OPAQUE_FRAME"; case JVMTI_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH: return os << "TYPE_MISMATCH"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT: return os << "INVALID_SLOT"; case JVMTI_ERROR_DUPLICATE: return os << "DUPLICATE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: return os << "NOT_FOUND"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_MONITOR: return os << "INVALID_MONITOR"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NOT_MONITOR_OWNER: return os << "NOT_MONITOR_OWNER"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INTERRUPT: return os << "INTERRUPT"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_CLASS_FORMAT: return os << "INVALID_CLASS_FORMAT"; case JVMTI_ERROR_CIRCULAR_CLASS_DEFINITION: return os << "CIRCULAR_CLASS_DEFINITION"; case JVMTI_ERROR_FAILS_VERIFICATION: return os << "FAILS_VERIFICATION"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_METHOD_ADDED: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_METHOD_ADDED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_SCHEMA_CHANGED: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_SCHEMA_CHANGED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_TYPESTATE: return os << "INVALID_TYPESTATE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_HIERARCHY_CHANGED: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_HIERARCHY_CHANGED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_METHOD_DELETED: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_METHOD_DELETED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NAMES_DONT_MATCH: return os << "NAMES_DONT_MATCH"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_CLASS_MODIFIERS_CHANGED: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_CLASS_MODIFIERS_CHANGED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_METHOD_MODIFIERS_CHANGED: return os << "UNSUPPORTED_REDEFINITION_METHOD_MODIFIERS_CHANGED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNMODIFIABLE_CLASS: return os << "JVMTI_ERROR_UNMODIFIABLE_CLASS"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: return os << "NOT_AVAILABLE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_MUST_POSSESS_CAPABILITY: return os << "MUST_POSSESS_CAPABILITY"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER: return os << "NULL_POINTER"; case JVMTI_ERROR_ABSENT_INFORMATION: return os << "ABSENT_INFORMATION"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_TYPE: return os << "INVALID_EVENT_TYPE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT: return os << "ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"; case JVMTI_ERROR_NATIVE_METHOD: return os << "NATIVE_METHOD"; case JVMTI_ERROR_CLASS_LOADER_UNSUPPORTED: return os << "CLASS_LOADER_UNSUPPORTED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return os << "OUT_OF_MEMORY"; case JVMTI_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return os << "ACCESS_DENIED"; case JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE: return os << "WRONG_PHASE"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL: return os << "INTERNAL"; case JVMTI_ERROR_UNATTACHED_THREAD: return os << "UNATTACHED_THREAD"; case JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT: return os << "INVALID_ENVIRONMENT"; } LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected error type " << static_cast<int>(rhs); __builtin_unreachable(); } void DeallocParams(jvmtiEnv* env, jvmtiParamInfo* params, jint n_params) { for (jint i = 0; i < n_params; i++) { Dealloc(env, params[i].name); } } jint GetExtensionEventId(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, const std::string_view& name) { jint n_ext = 0; jint res = -1; bool found_res = false; jvmtiExtensionEventInfo* infos = nullptr; CHECK_EQ(jvmti->GetExtensionEvents(&n_ext, &infos), JVMTI_ERROR_NONE); for (jint i = 0; i < n_ext; i++) { const jvmtiExtensionEventInfo& info = infos[i]; if (name == info.id) { res = info.extension_event_index; found_res = true; } DeallocParams(jvmti, info.params, info.param_count); Dealloc(jvmti, info.short_description, info.id, info.params); } Dealloc(jvmti, infos); CHECK(found_res); return res; } void* GetExtensionFunctionVoid(JNIEnv* env, jvmtiEnv* jvmti, const std::string_view& name) { jint n_ext = 0; void* res = nullptr; jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo* infos = nullptr; if (JvmtiErrorToException(env, jvmti, jvmti->GetExtensionFunctions(&n_ext, &infos))) { return nullptr; } for (jint i = 0; i < n_ext; i++) { const jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo& info = infos[i]; if (name == info.id) { res = reinterpret_cast<void*>(info.func); } DeallocParams(jvmti, info.params, info.param_count); Dealloc(jvmti, info.short_description, info.errors, info.id, info.params); } Dealloc(jvmti, infos); if (res == nullptr) { JvmtiErrorToException(env, jvmti, JVMTI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } return res; } } // namespace art