# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("@bazel_skylib//lib:new_sets.bzl", "sets") load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "analysistest", "asserts") load( "//build/bazel/rules/test_common:args.bzl", "get_all_args_with_prefix", "get_single_arg_with_prefix", ) load("//build/bazel/rules/test_common:rules.bzl", "expect_failure_test") load(":cc_library_static.bzl", "cc_library_static") load(":clang_tidy.bzl", "generate_clang_tidy_actions") _PACKAGE_HEADER_FILTER = "^build/bazel/rules/cc/" _DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHECKS = [ "android-*", "bugprone-*", "cert-*", "clang-diagnostic-unused-command-line-argument", "google-build-explicit-make-pair", "google-build-namespaces", "google-runtime-operator", "google-upgrade-*", "misc-*", "performance-*", "portability-*", "-bugprone-assignment-in-if-condition", "-bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters", "-bugprone-narrowing-conversions", "-misc-const-correctness", "-misc-no-recursion", "-misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes", "-misc-unused-parameters", "-performance-no-int-to-ptr", "-clang-analyzer-security.insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling", ] _DEFAULT_CHECKS = [ "-misc-no-recursion", "-readability-function-cognitive-complexity", "-bugprone-unchecked-optional-access", "-bugprone-reserved-identifier*", "-cert-dcl51-cpp", "-cert-dcl37-c", "-readability-qualified-auto", "-bugprone-implicit-widening-of-multiplication-result", "-bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters", "-cert-err33-c", "-bugprone-unchecked-optional-access", "-misc-use-anonymous-namespace", "-performance-avoid-endl", ] _DEFAULT_CHECKS_AS_ERRORS = [ "-bugprone-assignment-in-if-condition", "-bugprone-branch-clone", "-bugprone-signed-char-misuse", "-misc-const-correctness", "-bugprone-unsafe-functions", "-cert-msc24-c", "-cert-msc33-c", "-modernize-type-traits", "-readability-avoid-unconditional-preprocessor-if", ] _EXTRA_ARGS_BEFORE = [ "-D__clang_analyzer__", "-Xclang", "-analyzer-config", "-Xclang", "c++-temp-dtor-inlining=false", ] def _clang_tidy_impl(ctx): tidy_outs = generate_clang_tidy_actions( ctx, ctx.attr.copts, ctx.attr.deps, ctx.files.srcs, ctx.files.hdrs, ctx.attr.language, ctx.attr.tidy_flags, ctx.attr.tidy_checks, ctx.attr.tidy_checks_as_errors, ctx.attr.tidy_timeout_srcs, ) return [ DefaultInfo(files = depset(tidy_outs)), ] _clang_tidy = rule( implementation = _clang_tidy_impl, attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "deps": attr.label_list(), "copts": attr.string_list(), "hdrs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "language": attr.string(values = ["c++", "c"], default = "c++"), "tidy_checks": attr.string_list(), "tidy_checks_as_errors": attr.string_list(), "tidy_flags": attr.string_list(), "tidy_timeout_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "_clang_tidy_sh": attr.label( default = Label("@//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:clang-tidy.sh"), allow_single_file = True, executable = True, cfg = "exec", doc = "The clang tidy shell wrapper", ), "_clang_tidy": attr.label( default = Label("@//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:clang-tidy"), allow_single_file = True, executable = True, cfg = "exec", doc = "The clang tidy executable", ), "_clang_tidy_real": attr.label( default = Label("@//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:clang-tidy.real"), allow_single_file = True, executable = True, cfg = "exec", ), "_with_tidy": attr.label( default = "//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:with_tidy", ), "_allow_local_tidy_true": attr.label( default = "//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:allow_local_tidy_true", ), "_with_tidy_flags": attr.label( default = "//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:with_tidy_flags", ), "_default_tidy_header_dirs": attr.label( default = "//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:default_tidy_header_dirs", ), "_tidy_timeout": attr.label( default = "//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:tidy_timeout", ), "_tidy_checks": attr.label( default = "//build/bazel/product_config:tidy_checks", ), }, toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"], fragments = ["cpp"], ) def _get_all_arg(env, actions, argname): args = get_all_args_with_prefix(actions[0].argv, argname) asserts.false(env, args == [], "could not arguments that start with `{}`".format(argname)) return args def _get_single_arg(actions, argname): return get_single_arg_with_prefix(actions[0].argv, argname) def _checks_test_impl(ctx): env = analysistest.begin(ctx) actions = analysistest.target_actions(env) checks = _get_single_arg(actions, "-checks=").split(",") asserts.set_equals(env, sets.make(ctx.attr.expected_checks), sets.make(checks)) if len(ctx.attr.unexpected_checks) > 0: for c in ctx.attr.unexpected_checks: asserts.false(env, c in checks, "found unexpected check in -checks flag: %s" % c) checks_as_errors = _get_single_arg(actions, "-warnings-as-errors=").split(",") asserts.set_equals(env, sets.make(ctx.attr.expected_checks_as_errors), sets.make(checks_as_errors)) return analysistest.end(env) _checks_test = analysistest.make( _checks_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_checks": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "expected_checks_as_errors": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "unexpected_checks": attr.string_list(), }, ) def _copts_test_impl(ctx): env = analysistest.begin(ctx) actions = analysistest.target_actions(env) args = actions[0].argv clang_flags = [] for i, a in enumerate(args): if a == "--" and len(args) > i + 1: clang_flags = args[i + 1:] break asserts.true( env, len(clang_flags) > 0, "no flags passed to clang; all arguments: %s" % args, ) for expected_arg in ctx.attr.expected_copts: asserts.true( env, expected_arg in clang_flags, "expected `%s` not present in clang flags" % expected_arg, ) return analysistest.end(env) _copts_test = analysistest.make( _copts_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_copts": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), }, ) def _tidy_flags_test_impl(ctx): env = analysistest.begin(ctx) actions = analysistest.target_actions(env) args = actions[0].argv tidy_flags = [] for i, a in enumerate(args): if a == "--" and len(args) > i + 1: tidy_flags = args[:i] asserts.true( env, len(tidy_flags) > 0, "no tidy flags passed to clang-tidy; all arguments: %s" % args, ) for expected_arg in ctx.attr.expected_tidy_flags: asserts.true( env, expected_arg in tidy_flags, "expected `%s` not present in flags to clang-tidy" % expected_arg, ) header_filter = _get_single_arg(actions, "-header-filter=") asserts.true( env, header_filter == ctx.attr.expected_header_filter, ( "expected header-filter to have value `%s`; got `%s`" % (ctx.attr.expected_header_filter, header_filter) ), ) extra_arg_before = _get_all_arg(env, actions, "-extra-arg-before=") for expected_arg in ctx.attr.expected_extra_arg_before: asserts.true( env, expected_arg in extra_arg_before, "did not find expected flag `%s` in args to clang-tidy" % expected_arg, ) return analysistest.end(env) _tidy_flags_test = analysistest.make( _tidy_flags_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_tidy_flags": attr.string_list(), "expected_header_filter": attr.string(mandatory = True), "expected_extra_arg_before": attr.string_list(), }, ) def _test_clang_tidy(): name = "checks" test_name = name + "_test" checks_test_name = test_name + "_checks" copts_test_name = test_name + "_copts" tidy_flags_test_name = test_name + "_tidy_flags" _clang_tidy( name = name, # clang-tidy operates differently on generated and non-generated files # use test_srcs so that the tidy rule doesn't think these are genearted # files srcs = ["//build/bazel/rules/cc/testing:test_srcs"], copts = ["-asdf1", "-asdf2"], tidy_flags = ["-tidy-flag1", "-tidy-flag2"], tags = ["manual"], ) _checks_test( name = checks_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_checks = _DEFAULT_CHECKS + _DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHECKS, expected_checks_as_errors = _DEFAULT_CHECKS_AS_ERRORS, ) _copts_test( name = copts_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_copts = ["-asdf1", "-asdf2"], ) _tidy_flags_test( name = tidy_flags_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_tidy_flags = ["-tidy-flag1", "-tidy-flag2"], expected_header_filter = _PACKAGE_HEADER_FILTER, expected_extra_arg_before = _EXTRA_ARGS_BEFORE, ) return [ checks_test_name, copts_test_name, tidy_flags_test_name, ] def _test_custom_header_dir(): name = "custom_header_dir" test_name = name + "_test" _clang_tidy( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tidy_flags = ["-header-filter=dir1/"], tags = ["manual"], ) _tidy_flags_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_header_filter = "dir1/", ) return [ test_name, ] def _test_disabled_checks_are_removed(): name = "disabled_checks_are_removed" test_name = name + "_test" _clang_tidy( name = name, # clang-tidy operates differently on generated and non-generated files. # use test_srcs so that the tidy rule doesn't think these are genearted # files srcs = ["//build/bazel/rules/cc/testing:test_srcs"], tidy_checks = ["misc-no-recursion", "readability-function-cognitive-complexity"], tags = ["manual"], ) _checks_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_checks = _DEFAULT_CHECKS + _DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHECKS, expected_checks_as_errors = _DEFAULT_CHECKS_AS_ERRORS, unexpected_checks = ["misc-no-recursion", "readability-function-cognitive-complexity"], ) return [ test_name, ] def _create_bad_tidy_checks_test(name, tidy_checks, failure_message): name = "bad_tidy_checks_fail_" + name test_name = name + "_test" _clang_tidy( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tidy_checks = tidy_checks, tags = ["manual"], ) expect_failure_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, failure_message = failure_message, ) return [ test_name, ] def _test_bad_tidy_checks_fail(): return ( _create_bad_tidy_checks_test( name = "with_spaces", tidy_checks = ["check with spaces"], failure_message = "Check `check with spaces` invalid, cannot contain spaces", ) + _create_bad_tidy_checks_test( name = "with_commas", tidy_checks = ["check,with,commas"], failure_message = "Check `check,with,commas` invalid, cannot contain commas. Split each entry into its own string instead", ) ) def _create_bad_tidy_flags_test(name, tidy_flags, failure_message): name = "bad_tidy_flags_fail_" + name test_name = name + "_test" _clang_tidy( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tidy_flags = tidy_flags, tags = ["manual"], ) expect_failure_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, failure_message = failure_message, ) return [ test_name, ] def _test_bad_tidy_flags_fail(): return ( _create_bad_tidy_flags_test( name = "without_leading_dash", tidy_flags = ["flag1"], failure_message = "Flag `flag1` must start with `-`", ) + _create_bad_tidy_flags_test( name = "fix_flags", tidy_flags = ["-fix"], failure_message = "Flag `%s` is not allowed, since it could cause multiple writes to the same source file", ) + _create_bad_tidy_flags_test( name = "checks_in_flags", tidy_flags = ["-checks=asdf"], failure_message = "Flag `-checks=asdf` is not allowed, use `tidy_checks` property instead", ) + _create_bad_tidy_flags_test( name = "warnings_as_errors_in_flags", tidy_flags = ["-warnings-as-errors=asdf"], failure_message = "Flag `-warnings-as-errors=asdf` is not allowed, use `tidy_checks_as_errors` property instead", ) + _create_bad_tidy_flags_test( name = "space_in_flags", tidy_flags = ["-flag with spaces"], failure_message = "Bad flag: `-flag with spaces` is not an allowed multi-word flag. Should it be split into multiple flags", ) ) def _test_disable_global_checks(): name = "disable_global_checks" test_name = name + "_test" _clang_tidy( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tidy_checks = ["-*"], tags = ["manual"], ) _checks_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_checks = ["-*"] + _DEFAULT_CHECKS, expected_checks_as_errors = _DEFAULT_CHECKS_AS_ERRORS, ) return [ test_name, ] def _cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs_test_impl(ctx): env = analysistest.begin(ctx) actions = analysistest.target_actions(env) clang_tidy_actions = [a for a in actions if a.mnemonic == "ClangTidy"] asserts.equals( env, ctx.attr.expected_num_actions, len(clang_tidy_actions), "expected to have %s clang-tidy actions, but got %s; actions: %s" % ( ctx.attr.expected_num_actions, len(clang_tidy_actions), clang_tidy_actions, ), ) for a in clang_tidy_actions: for input in a.inputs.to_list(): input_is_expected_header = input.short_path in [f.short_path for f in ctx.files.expected_headers] if input in ctx.files._clang_tidy_tools or input_is_expected_header: continue asserts.true( env, input in ctx.files.srcs, "clang-tidy operated on a file not in srcs: %s; all inputs: %s" % (input, a.inputs.to_list()), ) asserts.true( env, input not in ctx.files.disabled_srcs, "clang-tidy operated on a file in disabled_srcs: %s; all inputs: %s" % (input, a.inputs.to_list()), ) return analysistest.end(env) _cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs_test = analysistest.make( impl = _cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_num_actions": attr.int(mandatory = True), "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "disabled_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "expected_headers": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "_clang_tidy_tools": attr.label_list( default = [ "@//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:clang-tidy", "@//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:clang-tidy.real", "@//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:clang-tidy.sh", ], allow_files = True, ), }, config_settings = { "@//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:allow_local_tidy_true": True, }, ) def _create_cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs( name, srcs, expected_num_actions, disabled_srcs = None, expected_headers = []): name = "cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs_" + name test_name = name + "_test" cc_library_static( name = name, srcs = srcs, tidy_disabled_srcs = disabled_srcs, tidy = "local", tags = ["manual"], ) _cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_actions = expected_num_actions, srcs = srcs, disabled_srcs = disabled_srcs, expected_headers = expected_headers + select({ "//build/bazel_common_rules/platforms/os:android": ["@//bionic/libc:generated_android_ids"], "//conditions:default": [], }), ) return test_name def _test_cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs(): return [ _create_cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs( name = "with_srcs", srcs = ["a.cpp", "b.cpp"], expected_num_actions = 2, ), _create_cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs( name = "with_disabled_srcs", srcs = ["a.cpp", "b.cpp"], disabled_srcs = ["b.cpp", "c.cpp"], expected_num_actions = 1, ), ] def _no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files_test_impl(ctx): env = analysistest.begin(ctx) actions = analysistest.target_actions(env) clang_tidy_actions = [a for a in actions if a.mnemonic == "ClangTidy"] for a in clang_tidy_actions: found_clang_analyzer = False for arg in a.argv: if "-clang-analyzer-*" in arg: found_clang_analyzer = True asserts.true(env, found_clang_analyzer) return analysistest.end(env) _no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files_test = analysistest.make( impl = _no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files_test_impl, config_settings = { "@//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:allow_local_tidy_true": True, }, ) def _test_no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files(): name = "no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files" gen_name = name + "_generated_files" test_name = name + "_test" native.genrule( name = gen_name, outs = ["aout.cpp", "bout.cpp"], cmd = "touch $(OUTS)", tags = ["manual"], ) cc_library_static( name = name, srcs = [":" + gen_name], tidy = "local", tags = ["manual"], ) _no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, ) return [ test_name, ] def _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test_impl(ctx): env = analysistest.begin(ctx) actions = analysistest.target_actions(env) clang_tidy_actions = [a for a in actions if a.mnemonic == "ClangTidy"] asserts.equals( env, ctx.attr.expected_num_tidy_actions, len(clang_tidy_actions), "expected to find %d tidy actions, but found %d" % ( ctx.attr.expected_num_tidy_actions, len(clang_tidy_actions), ), ) return analysistest.end(env) _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test = analysistest.make( impl = _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_num_tidy_actions": attr.int(), }, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_tidy_true_test = analysistest.make( impl = _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_num_tidy_actions": attr.int(), }, config_settings = { "@//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:with_tidy": True, }, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_allow_local_tidy_true_test = analysistest.make( impl = _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test_impl, attrs = { "expected_num_tidy_actions": attr.int(), }, config_settings = { "@//build/bazel/flags/cc/tidy:allow_local_tidy_true": True, }, ) def _test_clang_tidy_runs_if_tidy_true(): name = "clang_tidy_runs_if_tidy_true" test_name = name + "_test" with_tidy_test_name = test_name + "_with_tidy_true" allow_local_tidy_true_test_name = test_name + "_allow_local_tidy_true" cc_library_static( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tidy = "local", tags = ["manual"], ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 0, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_tidy_true_test( name = with_tidy_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 1, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_allow_local_tidy_true_test( name = allow_local_tidy_true_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 1, ) return [ test_name, with_tidy_test_name, allow_local_tidy_true_test_name, ] def _test_clang_tidy_runs_if_attribute_unset(): name = "clang_tidy_runs_if_attribute_unset" test_name = name + "_test" with_tidy_test_name = test_name + "_with_tidy_true" allow_local_tidy_true_test_name = test_name + "_allow_local_tidy_true" cc_library_static( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tags = ["manual"], ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 0, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_tidy_true_test( name = with_tidy_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 1, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_allow_local_tidy_true_test( name = allow_local_tidy_true_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 0, ) return [ test_name, with_tidy_test_name, allow_local_tidy_true_test_name, ] def _test_no_clang_tidy_if_tidy_false(): name = "no_clang_tidy_if_tidy_false" test_name = name + "_test" with_tidy_test_name = test_name + "_with_tidy_true" allow_local_tidy_true_test_name = test_name + "_allow_local_tidy_true" cc_library_static( name = name, srcs = ["a.cpp"], tidy = "never", tags = ["manual"], ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_no_tidy_env_test( name = test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 0, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_tidy_true_test( name = with_tidy_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 0, ) _clang_tidy_actions_count_with_allow_local_tidy_true_test( name = allow_local_tidy_true_test_name, target_under_test = name, expected_num_tidy_actions = 0, ) return [ test_name, with_tidy_test_name, allow_local_tidy_true_test_name, ] def clang_tidy_test_suite(name): native.test_suite( name = name, tests = _test_clang_tidy() + _test_custom_header_dir() + _test_disabled_checks_are_removed() + _test_bad_tidy_checks_fail() + _test_bad_tidy_flags_fail() + _test_disable_global_checks() + _test_cc_library_static_generates_clang_tidy_actions_for_srcs() + _test_no_clang_analyzer_on_generated_files() + _test_no_clang_tidy_if_tidy_false() + _test_clang_tidy_runs_if_tidy_true() + _test_clang_tidy_runs_if_attribute_unset(), )