{ "methods": { "HSVToColor(int,float[])": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected", "static" ], "params": [ "alpha", "hsv" ], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "HSVToColor(int,float[])" }, "RGBToHSV(int,int,int,float[])": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected", "static" ], "params": [ "red", "green", "blue", "hsv" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "RGBToHSV(int,int,int,float[])", "documentation": "This is implemented in native code in the Android SDK.\n\n\u003cp\u003eSince HSV \u003d\u003d HSB then the implementation from {@link java.awt.Color} can be used, with a\nsmall adjustment to the representation of the hue.\n\n\u003cp\u003e{@link java.awt.Color} represents hue as 0..1 (where 1 \u003d\u003d 100% \u003d\u003d 360 degrees), while {@link\nandroid.graphics.Color} represents hue as 0..360 degrees. The correct hue can be calculated by\nmultiplying with 360.\n\n@param red Red component\n@param green Green component\n@param blue Blue component\n@param hsv Array to store HSV components\n" } }, "imports": [ "android.graphics.Color", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements" ], "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowColor" }