{ "methods": { "__constructor__(android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "src" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "__constructor__(android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "equals(java.lang.Object)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "obj" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "equals(java.lang.Object)" }, "getAffineTransform()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.awt.geom.AffineTransform", "exceptions": [], "name": "getAffineTransform()" }, "getDescription()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.lang.String", "exceptions": [], "name": "getDescription()" }, "getPostOperations()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.util.List\u003cjava.lang.String\u003e", "exceptions": [], "name": "getPostOperations()", "documentation": "A list of all \u0027post\u0027 operations performed on this Matrix. The last operation performed will\nbe last in the list.\n@return A list of all \u0027post\u0027 operations performed on this Matrix.\n" }, "getPreOperations()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.util.List\u003cjava.lang.String\u003e", "exceptions": [], "name": "getPreOperations()", "documentation": "A list of all \u0027pre\u0027 operations performed on this Matrix. The last operation performed will\nbe first in the list.\n@return A list of all \u0027pre\u0027 operations performed on this Matrix.\n" }, "getSetOperations()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.util.Map\u003cjava.lang.String,java.lang.String\u003e", "exceptions": [], "name": "getSetOperations()", "documentation": "A map of all \u0027set\u0027 operations performed on this Matrix.\n@return A map of all \u0027set\u0027 operations performed on this Matrix.\n" }, "getSimpleMatrix(android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "private", "static" ], "params": [ "matrix" ], "returnType": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix.SimpleMatrix", "exceptions": [], "name": "getSimpleMatrix(android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "getValues(float[])": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "values" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "getValues(float[])" }, "hasPerspective()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "hasPerspective()" }, "hashCode()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "minSdk": 19, "name": "hashCode()" }, "invert(android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "inverse" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "invert(android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "isAffine()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "minSdk": 21, "name": "isAffine()" }, "isIdentity()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "isIdentity()" }, "mapPoint(android.graphics.PointF)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "point" ], "returnType": "android.graphics.PointF", "exceptions": [], "name": "mapPoint(android.graphics.PointF)" }, "mapPoint(float,float)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "x", "y" ], "returnType": "android.graphics.PointF", "exceptions": [], "name": "mapPoint(float,float)" }, "mapPoints(float[],int,float[],int,int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "dst", "dstIndex", "src", "srcIndex", "pointCount" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "mapPoints(float[],int,float[],int,int)" }, "mapRadius(float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "radius" ], "returnType": "float", "exceptions": [], "name": "mapRadius(float)" }, "mapRect(android.graphics.RectF,android.graphics.RectF)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "destination", "source" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "mapRect(android.graphics.RectF,android.graphics.RectF)" }, "mapVectors(float[],int,float[],int,int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "dst", "dstIndex", "src", "srcIndex", "vectorCount" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "mapVectors(float[],int,float[],int,int)" }, "postConcat(android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "other" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postConcat(android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "postConcat(org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix.SimpleMatrix)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "private" ], "params": [ "matrix" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postConcat(org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix.SimpleMatrix)" }, "postRotate(float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "degrees" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postRotate(float)" }, "postRotate(float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "degrees", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postRotate(float,float,float)" }, "postScale(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sx", "sy" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postScale(float,float)" }, "postScale(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sx", "sy", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postScale(float,float,float,float)" }, "postSkew(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "kx", "ky" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postSkew(float,float)" }, "postSkew(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "kx", "ky", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postSkew(float,float,float,float)" }, "postTranslate(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "dx", "dy" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "postTranslate(float,float)" }, "preConcat(android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "other" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preConcat(android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "preConcat(org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix.SimpleMatrix)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "private" ], "params": [ "matrix" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preConcat(org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix.SimpleMatrix)" }, "preRotate(float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "degrees" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preRotate(float)" }, "preRotate(float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "degrees", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preRotate(float,float,float)" }, "preScale(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sx", "sy" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preScale(float,float)" }, "preScale(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sx", "sy", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preScale(float,float,float,float)" }, "preSkew(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "kx", "ky" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preSkew(float,float)" }, "preSkew(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "kx", "ky", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preSkew(float,float,float,float)" }, "preTranslate(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "dx", "dy" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "preTranslate(float,float)" }, "rectStaysRect()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "rectStaysRect()" }, "reset()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "reset()" }, "set(android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "src" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "set(android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "setConcat(android.graphics.Matrix,android.graphics.Matrix)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "a", "b" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "setConcat(android.graphics.Matrix,android.graphics.Matrix)" }, "setRectToRect(android.graphics.RectF,android.graphics.RectF,android.graphics.Matrix.ScaleToFit)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "src", "dst", "stf" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "setRectToRect(android.graphics.RectF,android.graphics.RectF,android.graphics.Matrix.ScaleToFit)" }, "setRotate(float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "degrees" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setRotate(float)" }, "setRotate(float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "degrees", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setRotate(float,float,float)" }, "setScale(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sx", "sy" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setScale(float,float)" }, "setScale(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sx", "sy", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setScale(float,float,float,float)" }, "setSinCos(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sinValue", "cosValue" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setSinCos(float,float)" }, "setSinCos(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "sinValue", "cosValue", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setSinCos(float,float,float,float)" }, "setSkew(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "kx", "ky" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setSkew(float,float)" }, "setSkew(float,float,float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "kx", "ky", "px", "py" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setSkew(float,float,float,float)" }, "setTranslate(float,float)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "dx", "dy" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setTranslate(float,float)" }, "setValues(float[])": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "values" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setValues(float[])" } }, "imports": [ "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT", "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP", "android.graphics.Matrix", "android.graphics.Matrix.ScaleToFit", "android.graphics.PointF", "android.graphics.RectF", "java.awt.geom.AffineTransform", "java.util.ArrayDeque", "java.util.ArrayList", "java.util.Arrays", "java.util.Collections", "java.util.Deque", "java.util.LinkedHashMap", "java.util.List", "java.util.Map", "java.util.Objects", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements", "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow", "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix.SimpleMatrix" ], "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMatrix" }