{ "methods": { "__constructor__(int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "netId" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "__constructor__(int)" }, "bindSocket(java.io.FileDescriptor)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "fd" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "minSdk": 23, "name": "bindSocket(java.io.FileDescriptor)", "documentation": "No-ops. We cannot assume that a Network represents a real network interface on the device\nrunning this test, so we have nothing to bind the socket to.\n" }, "bindSocket(java.net.DatagramSocket)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "socket" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "minSdk": 22, "name": "bindSocket(java.net.DatagramSocket)", "documentation": "No-ops. We cannot assume that a Network represents a real network interface on the device\nrunning this test, so we have nothing to bind the socket to.\n" }, "bindSocket(java.net.Socket)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "socket" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "bindSocket(java.net.Socket)", "documentation": "No-ops. We cannot assume that a Network represents a real network interface on the device\nrunning this test, so we have nothing to bind the socket to.\n" }, "getNetId()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getNetId()", "documentation": "Allows to get the stored netId.\n\n@return The netId.\n" }, "newInstance(int)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [ "netId" ], "returnType": "android.net.Network", "exceptions": [], "name": "newInstance(int)", "documentation": "Creates new instance of {@link Network}, because its constructor is hidden.\n\n@param netId The netId.\n@return The Network instance.\n" } }, "imports": [ "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP", "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1", "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M", "android.net.Network", "java.io.FileDescriptor", "java.net.DatagramSocket", "java.net.Socket", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements", "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow" ], "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowNetwork" }