{ "methods": { "__constructor__()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "__constructor__()" }, "addChild(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "child" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "addChild(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo)" }, "areThereUnrecycledWindows(boolean)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [ "printUnrecycledWindowsToSystemErr" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "areThereUnrecycledWindows(boolean)", "documentation": "Check for leaked objects that were {@code obtain}ed but never\n{@code recycle}d.\n\n@param printUnrecycledWindowsToSystemErr - if true, stack traces of calls\n to {@code obtain} that lack matching calls to {@code recycle} are\n dumped to System.err.\n@return {@code true} if there are unrecycled windows\n" }, "equals(java.lang.Object)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "object" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "equals(java.lang.Object)" }, "getBoundsInScreen(android.graphics.Rect)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "outBounds" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "getBoundsInScreen(android.graphics.Rect)" }, "getChild(int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "index" ], "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo", "exceptions": [], "name": "getChild(int)" }, "getChildCount()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getChildCount()" }, "getClone()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "private" ], "params": [], "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo", "exceptions": [], "name": "getClone()" }, "getId()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getId()" }, "getLayer()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getLayer()" }, "getParent()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo", "exceptions": [], "name": "getParent()" }, "getRoot()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo", "exceptions": [], "name": "getRoot()" }, "getTitle()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.lang.CharSequence", "exceptions": [], "minSdk": 24, "name": "getTitle()", "documentation": "Returns the title of this window, or {@code null} if none is available. " }, "getType()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getType()" }, "hashCode()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "hashCode()" }, "isAccessibilityFocused()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "isAccessibilityFocused()" }, "isActive()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "isActive()" }, "isFocused()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "isFocused()" }, "obtain()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected", "static" ], "params": [], "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo", "exceptions": [], "name": "obtain()" }, "obtain(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected", "static" ], "params": [ "window" ], "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo", "exceptions": [], "name": "obtain(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo)" }, "recycle()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "recycle()" }, "resetObtainedInstances()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "resetObtainedInstances()", "documentation": "Clear list of obtained instance objects. {@code areThereUnrecycledWindows} will always\nreturn false if called immediately afterwards.\n" }, "setAccessibilityFocused(boolean)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "value" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setAccessibilityFocused(boolean)" }, "setActive(boolean)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "value" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setActive(boolean)" }, "setBoundsInScreen(android.graphics.Rect)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "bounds" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setBoundsInScreen(android.graphics.Rect)" }, "setFocused(boolean)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "focused" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setFocused(boolean)" }, "setId(int)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "value" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setId(int)" }, "setLayer(int)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "value" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setLayer(int)" }, "setRoot(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "root" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setRoot(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo)" }, "setTitle(java.lang.CharSequence)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "value" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setTitle(java.lang.CharSequence)", "documentation": "Sets the title of this window.\n\n@param value The {@link CharSequence} to set as the title of this window\n" }, "setType(int)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [ "value" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setType(int)" } }, "imports": [ "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP", "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N", "android.graphics.Rect", "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo", "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo", "java.util.ArrayList", "java.util.HashMap", "java.util.List", "java.util.Map", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements", "org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject", "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow", "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers", "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowAccessibilityWindowInfo.StrictEqualityWindowWrapper" ], "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowAccessibilityWindowInfo", "documentation": "Shadow of {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo} that allows a test to set\nproperties that are locked in the original class.\n" }