{ "methods": { "__constructor__(android.content.Context)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "context" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "__constructor__(android.content.Context)" }, "__constructor__(android.content.Context,android.os.Looper)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "context", "looper" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "__constructor__(android.content.Context,android.os.Looper)" }, "cancel()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "cancel()" }, "getDuration()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getDuration()" }, "getGravity()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getGravity()" }, "getLatestToast()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [], "returnType": "android.widget.Toast", "exceptions": [], "name": "getLatestToast()", "documentation": "Returns the most recently shown {@code Toast}.\n\n@return the most recently shown {@code Toast}\n" }, "getTextOfLatestToast()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [], "returnType": "java.lang.String", "exceptions": [], "name": "getTextOfLatestToast()", "documentation": "Returns the text of the most recently shown {@code Toast}.\n\n@return the text of the most recently shown {@code Toast}\n" }, "getView()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "android.view.View", "exceptions": [], "name": "getView()" }, "getXOffset()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getXOffset()" }, "getYOffset()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "getYOffset()" }, "isCancelled()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public" ], "params": [], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "isCancelled()" }, "makeText(android.content.Context,int,int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected", "static" ], "params": [ "context", "resId", "duration" ], "returnType": "android.widget.Toast", "exceptions": [], "name": "makeText(android.content.Context,int,int)" }, "makeText(android.content.Context,java.lang.CharSequence,int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected", "static" ], "params": [ "context", "text", "duration" ], "returnType": "android.widget.Toast", "exceptions": [], "name": "makeText(android.content.Context,java.lang.CharSequence,int)" }, "reset()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "reset()", "documentation": "Discards the recorded {@code Toast}s. Shown toasts are automatically cleared between\ntests. This method allows the user to discard recorded toasts during the test in order to make assertions clearer\ne.g:\n\n\u003cpre\u003e\n\n // Show a single toast\n myClass.showToast();\n\n assertThat(ShadowToast.shownToastCount()).isEqualTo(1);\n ShadowToast.reset();\n\n // Show another toast\n myClass.showToast();\n\n assertThat(ShadowToast.shownToastCount()).isEqualTo(1);\n\n\u003c/pre\u003e\n" }, "setDuration(int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "duration" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setDuration(int)" }, "setGravity(int,int,int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "gravity", "xOffset", "yOffset" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setGravity(int,int,int)" }, "setText(int)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "resId" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setText(int)" }, "setText(java.lang.CharSequence)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "text" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setText(java.lang.CharSequence)" }, "setView(android.view.View)": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [ "view" ], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "setView(android.view.View)" }, "show()": { "isImplementation": true, "modifiers": [ "protected" ], "params": [], "returnType": "void", "exceptions": [], "name": "show()" }, "showedCustomToast(java.lang.CharSequence,int)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [ "message", "layoutResourceIdToCheckForMessage" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "showedCustomToast(java.lang.CharSequence,int)", "documentation": "Returns whether or not a particular custom {@code Toast} has been shown.\n\n@param message the message to search for\n@param layoutResourceIdToCheckForMessage\n the id of the resource that contains the toast messages\n@return whether the {@code Toast} was requested\n" }, "showedToast(java.lang.CharSequence)": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [ "message" ], "returnType": "boolean", "exceptions": [], "name": "showedToast(java.lang.CharSequence)", "documentation": "query method that returns whether or not a particular {@code Toast} has been shown.\n\n@param message the message to search for\n@return whether the {@code Toast} was requested\n" }, "shownToastCount()": { "isImplementation": false, "modifiers": [ "public", "static" ], "params": [], "returnType": "int", "exceptions": [], "name": "shownToastCount()", "documentation": "Returns the number of {@code Toast} requests that have been made during this test run\nor since {@link #reset()} has been called.\n\n@return the number of {@code Toast} requests that have been made during this test run\n or since {@link #reset()} has been called.\n" } }, "imports": [ "android.content.Context", "android.os.Looper", "android.view.View", "android.widget.TextView", "android.widget.Toast", "java.util.List", "org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation", "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements", "org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject", "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow" ], "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowToast" }