/* * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //! `aconfig_protos` is a crate for the protos defined for aconfig // When building with the Android tool-chain // // - an external crate `aconfig_protos` will be generated // - the feature "cargo" will be disabled // // When building with cargo // // - a local sub-module will be generated in OUT_DIR and included in this file // - the feature "cargo" will be enabled // // This module hides these differences from the rest of aconfig. // ---- When building with the Android tool-chain ---- #[cfg(not(feature = "cargo"))] mod auto_generated { pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::flag_metadata::Flag_purpose as ProtoFlagPurpose; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_declaration as ProtoFlagDeclaration; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_declarations as ProtoFlagDeclarations; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_metadata as ProtoFlagMetadata; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_permission as ProtoFlagPermission; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_state as ProtoFlagState; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_value as ProtoFlagValue; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Flag_values as ProtoFlagValues; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Parsed_flag as ProtoParsedFlag; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Parsed_flags as ProtoParsedFlags; pub use aconfig_rust_proto::aconfig::Tracepoint as ProtoTracepoint; } // ---- When building with cargo ---- #[cfg(feature = "cargo")] mod auto_generated { // include! statements should be avoided (because they import file contents verbatim), but // because this is only used during local development, and only if using cargo instead of the // Android tool-chain, we allow it include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/aconfig_proto/mod.rs")); pub use aconfig::flag_metadata::Flag_purpose as ProtoFlagPurpose; pub use aconfig::Flag_declaration as ProtoFlagDeclaration; pub use aconfig::Flag_declarations as ProtoFlagDeclarations; pub use aconfig::Flag_metadata as ProtoFlagMetadata; pub use aconfig::Flag_permission as ProtoFlagPermission; pub use aconfig::Flag_state as ProtoFlagState; pub use aconfig::Flag_value as ProtoFlagValue; pub use aconfig::Flag_values as ProtoFlagValues; pub use aconfig::Parsed_flag as ProtoParsedFlag; pub use aconfig::Parsed_flags as ProtoParsedFlags; pub use aconfig::Tracepoint as ProtoTracepoint; } // ---- Common for both the Android tool-chain and cargo ---- pub use auto_generated::*; use anyhow::Result; use paste::paste; /// Path to proto file const ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH: &str = "//build/make/tools/aconfig/aconfig_protos/protos/aconfig.proto"; /// Check if the name identifier is valid pub fn is_valid_name_ident(s: &str) -> bool { // Identifiers must match [a-z][a-z0-9_]*, except consecutive underscores are not allowed if s.contains("__") { return false; } let mut chars = s.chars(); let Some(first) = chars.next() else { return false; }; if !first.is_ascii_lowercase() { return false; } chars.all(|ch| ch.is_ascii_lowercase() || ch.is_ascii_digit() || ch == '_') } /// Check if the package identifier is valid pub fn is_valid_package_ident(s: &str) -> bool { if !s.contains('.') { return false; } s.split('.').all(is_valid_name_ident) } /// Check if the container identifier is valid pub fn is_valid_container_ident(s: &str) -> bool { s.split('.').all(is_valid_name_ident) } fn try_from_text_proto<T>(s: &str) -> Result<T> where T: protobuf::MessageFull, { protobuf::text_format::parse_from_str(s).map_err(|e| e.into()) } macro_rules! ensure_required_fields { ($type:expr, $struct:expr, $($field:expr),+) => { $( paste! { ensure!($struct.[<has_ $field>](), "bad {}: missing {}", $type, $field); } )+ }; } /// Utility module for flag_declaration proto pub mod flag_declaration { use super::*; use anyhow::ensure; /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(pdf: &ProtoFlagDeclaration) -> Result<()> { ensure_required_fields!("flag declaration", pdf, "name", "namespace", "description"); ensure!( is_valid_name_ident(pdf.name()), "bad flag declaration: bad name {} expected snake_case string; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", pdf.name() ); ensure!( is_valid_name_ident(pdf.namespace()), "bad flag declaration: bad namespace {} expected snake_case string; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", pdf.namespace() ); ensure!(!pdf.description().is_empty(), "bad flag declaration: empty description"); ensure!(pdf.bug.len() == 1, "bad flag declaration: exactly one bug required"); Ok(()) } } /// Utility module for flag_declarations proto pub mod flag_declarations { use super::*; use anyhow::ensure; /// Construct a proto instance from a textproto string content pub fn try_from_text_proto(s: &str) -> Result<ProtoFlagDeclarations> { let pdf: ProtoFlagDeclarations = super::try_from_text_proto(s)?; verify_fields(&pdf)?; Ok(pdf) } /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(pdf: &ProtoFlagDeclarations) -> Result<()> { ensure_required_fields!("flag declarations", pdf, "package"); // TODO(b/312769710): Make the container field required. ensure!( is_valid_package_ident(pdf.package()), "bad flag declarations: bad package {} expected snake_case strings delimited by dots; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", pdf.package() ); ensure!( !pdf.has_container() || is_valid_container_ident(pdf.container()), "bad flag declarations: bad container" ); for flag_declaration in pdf.flag.iter() { super::flag_declaration::verify_fields(flag_declaration)?; } Ok(()) } } /// Utility module for flag_value proto pub mod flag_value { use super::*; use anyhow::ensure; /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(fv: &ProtoFlagValue) -> Result<()> { ensure_required_fields!("flag value", fv, "package", "name", "state", "permission"); ensure!( is_valid_package_ident(fv.package()), "bad flag value: bad package {} expected snake_case strings delimited by dots; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", fv.package() ); ensure!( is_valid_name_ident(fv.name()), "bad flag value: bad name {} expected snake_case string; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", fv.name() ); Ok(()) } } /// Utility module for flag_values proto pub mod flag_values { use super::*; /// Construct a proto instance from a textproto string content pub fn try_from_text_proto(s: &str) -> Result<ProtoFlagValues> { let pfv: ProtoFlagValues = super::try_from_text_proto(s)?; verify_fields(&pfv)?; Ok(pfv) } /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(pfv: &ProtoFlagValues) -> Result<()> { for flag_value in pfv.flag_value.iter() { super::flag_value::verify_fields(flag_value)?; } Ok(()) } } /// Utility module for flag_permission proto enum pub mod flag_permission { use super::*; use anyhow::bail; /// Construct a flag permission proto enum from string pub fn parse_from_str(permission: &str) -> Result<ProtoFlagPermission> { match permission.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() { "read_write" => Ok(ProtoFlagPermission::READ_WRITE), "read_only" => Ok(ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY), _ => bail!("Permission needs to be read_only or read_write."), } } /// Serialize flag permission proto enum to string pub fn to_string(permission: &ProtoFlagPermission) -> &str { match permission { ProtoFlagPermission::READ_WRITE => "read_write", ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY => "read_only", } } } /// Utility module for tracepoint proto pub mod tracepoint { use super::*; use anyhow::ensure; /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(tp: &ProtoTracepoint) -> Result<()> { ensure_required_fields!("tracepoint", tp, "source", "state", "permission"); ensure!(!tp.source().is_empty(), "bad tracepoint: empty source"); Ok(()) } } /// Utility module for parsed_flag proto pub mod parsed_flag { use super::*; use anyhow::ensure; /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(pf: &ProtoParsedFlag) -> Result<()> { ensure_required_fields!( "parsed flag", pf, "package", "name", "namespace", "description", "state", "permission" ); ensure!( is_valid_package_ident(pf.package()), "bad parsed flag: bad package {} expected snake_case strings delimited by dots; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", pf.package() ); ensure!( !pf.has_container() || is_valid_container_ident(pf.container()), "bad parsed flag: bad container" ); ensure!( is_valid_name_ident(pf.name()), "bad parsed flag: bad name {} expected snake_case string; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", pf.name() ); ensure!( is_valid_name_ident(pf.namespace()), "bad parsed flag: bad namespace {} expected snake_case string; \ see {ACONFIG_PROTO_PATH} for details", pf.namespace() ); ensure!(!pf.description().is_empty(), "bad parsed flag: empty description"); ensure!(!pf.trace.is_empty(), "bad parsed flag: empty trace"); for tp in pf.trace.iter() { super::tracepoint::verify_fields(tp)?; } ensure!(pf.bug.len() == 1, "bad flag declaration: exactly one bug required"); if pf.is_fixed_read_only() { ensure!( pf.permission() == ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY, "bad parsed flag: flag is is_fixed_read_only but permission is not READ_ONLY" ); for tp in pf.trace.iter() { ensure!(tp.permission() == ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY, "bad parsed flag: flag is is_fixed_read_only but a tracepoint's permission is not READ_ONLY" ); } } Ok(()) } /// Get the file path of the corresponding flag declaration pub fn path_to_declaration(pf: &ProtoParsedFlag) -> &str { debug_assert!(!pf.trace.is_empty()); pf.trace[0].source() } } /// Utility module for parsed_flags proto pub mod parsed_flags { use super::*; use anyhow::bail; use std::cmp::Ordering; /// Construct a proto instance from a binary proto bytes pub fn try_from_binary_proto(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<ProtoParsedFlags> { let message: ProtoParsedFlags = protobuf::Message::parse_from_bytes(bytes)?; verify_fields(&message)?; Ok(message) } /// Ensure the proto instance is valid by checking its fields pub fn verify_fields(pf: &ProtoParsedFlags) -> Result<()> { use crate::parsed_flag::path_to_declaration; let mut previous: Option<&ProtoParsedFlag> = None; for parsed_flag in pf.parsed_flag.iter() { if let Some(prev) = previous { let a = create_sorting_key(prev); let b = create_sorting_key(parsed_flag); match a.cmp(&b) { Ordering::Less => {} Ordering::Equal => bail!( "bad parsed flags: duplicate flag {} (defined in {} and {})", a, path_to_declaration(prev), path_to_declaration(parsed_flag) ), Ordering::Greater => { bail!("bad parsed flags: not sorted: {} comes before {}", a, b) } } } super::parsed_flag::verify_fields(parsed_flag)?; previous = Some(parsed_flag); } Ok(()) } /// Merge multipe parsed_flags proto pub fn merge(parsed_flags: Vec<ProtoParsedFlags>, dedup: bool) -> Result<ProtoParsedFlags> { let mut merged = ProtoParsedFlags::new(); for mut pfs in parsed_flags.into_iter() { merged.parsed_flag.append(&mut pfs.parsed_flag); } merged.parsed_flag.sort_by_cached_key(create_sorting_key); if dedup { // Deduplicate identical protobuf messages. Messages with the same sorting key but // different fields (including the path to the original source file) will not be // deduplicated and trigger an error in verify_fields. merged.parsed_flag.dedup(); } verify_fields(&merged)?; Ok(merged) } /// Sort parsed flags pub fn sort_parsed_flags(pf: &mut ProtoParsedFlags) { pf.parsed_flag.sort_by_key(create_sorting_key); } fn create_sorting_key(pf: &ProtoParsedFlag) -> String { pf.fully_qualified_name() } } /// ParsedFlagExt trait pub trait ParsedFlagExt { /// Return the fully qualified name fn fully_qualified_name(&self) -> String; } impl ParsedFlagExt for ProtoParsedFlag { fn fully_qualified_name(&self) -> String { format!("{}.{}", self.package(), self.name()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_flag_declarations_try_from_text_proto() { // valid input let flag_declarations = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" container: "system" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "123" is_exported: true } flag { name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." bug: "abc" is_fixed_read_only: true } "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(flag_declarations.package(), "com.foo.bar"); assert_eq!(flag_declarations.container(), "system"); let first = flag_declarations.flag.iter().find(|pf| pf.name() == "first").unwrap(); assert_eq!(first.name(), "first"); assert_eq!(first.namespace(), "first_ns"); assert_eq!(first.description(), "This is the description of the first flag."); assert_eq!(first.bug, vec!["123"]); assert!(!first.is_fixed_read_only()); assert!(first.is_exported()); let second = flag_declarations.flag.iter().find(|pf| pf.name() == "second").unwrap(); assert_eq!(second.name(), "second"); assert_eq!(second.namespace(), "second_ns"); assert_eq!(second.description(), "This is the description of the second flag."); assert_eq!(second.bug, vec!["abc"]); assert!(second.is_fixed_read_only()); assert!(!second.is_exported()); // valid input: missing container in flag declarations is supported let flag_declarations = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "123" } "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(flag_declarations.container(), ""); assert!(!flag_declarations.has_container()); // bad input: missing package in flag declarations let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" container: "system" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." } flag { name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad flag declarations: missing package"); // bad input: missing namespace in flag declaration let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" container: "system" flag { name: "first" description: "This is the description of the first flag." } flag { name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad flag declaration: missing namespace"); // bad input: bad package name in flag declarations let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "_com.FOO__BAR" container: "system" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." } flag { name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag declarations: bad package")); // bad input: bad name in flag declaration let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" container: "system" flag { name: "FIRST" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." } flag { name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag declaration: bad name")); // bad input: no bug entries in flag declaration let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" container: "system" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag declaration: exactly one bug required")); // bad input: multiple bug entries in flag declaration let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" container: "system" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "123" bug: "abc" } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag declaration: exactly one bug required")); // bad input: invalid container name in flag declaration let error = flag_declarations::try_from_text_proto( r#" package: "com.foo.bar" container: "__bad_bad_container.com" flag { name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "123" bug: "abc" } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag declarations: bad container")); // TODO(b/312769710): Verify error when container is missing. } #[test] fn test_flag_values_try_from_text_proto() { // valid input let flag_values = flag_values::try_from_text_proto( r#" flag_value { package: "com.first" name: "first" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } flag_value { package: "com.second" name: "second" state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE } "#, ) .unwrap(); let first = flag_values.flag_value.iter().find(|fv| fv.name() == "first").unwrap(); assert_eq!(first.package(), "com.first"); assert_eq!(first.name(), "first"); assert_eq!(first.state(), ProtoFlagState::DISABLED); assert_eq!(first.permission(), ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY); let second = flag_values.flag_value.iter().find(|fv| fv.name() == "second").unwrap(); assert_eq!(second.package(), "com.second"); assert_eq!(second.name(), "second"); assert_eq!(second.state(), ProtoFlagState::ENABLED); assert_eq!(second.permission(), ProtoFlagPermission::READ_WRITE); // bad input: bad package in flag value let error = flag_values::try_from_text_proto( r#" flag_value { package: "COM.FIRST" name: "first" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag value: bad package")); // bad input: bad name in flag value let error = flag_values::try_from_text_proto( r#" flag_value { package: "com.first" name: "FIRST" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(format!("{:?}", error).contains("bad flag value: bad name")); // bad input: missing state in flag value let error = flag_values::try_from_text_proto( r#" flag_value { package: "com.first" name: "first" permission: READ_ONLY } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad flag value: missing state"); // bad input: missing permission in flag value let error = flag_values::try_from_text_proto( r#" flag_value { package: "com.first" name: "first" state: DISABLED } "#, ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad flag value: missing permission"); } fn try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto: &str) -> Result<ProtoParsedFlags> { use protobuf::Message; let parsed_flags: ProtoParsedFlags = try_from_text_proto(text_proto)?; let mut binary_proto = Vec::new(); parsed_flags.write_to_vec(&mut binary_proto)?; parsed_flags::try_from_binary_proto(&binary_proto) } #[test] fn test_parsed_flags_try_from_text_proto() { // valid input let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.first" name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "SOME_BUG" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } parsed_flag { package: "com.second" name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." bug: "SOME_BUG" state: ENABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } trace { source: "flags.values" state: ENABLED permission: READ_ONLY } is_fixed_read_only: true container: "system" } "#; let parsed_flags = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap(); assert_eq!(parsed_flags.parsed_flag.len(), 2); let second = parsed_flags.parsed_flag.iter().find(|fv| fv.name() == "second").unwrap(); assert_eq!(second.package(), "com.second"); assert_eq!(second.name(), "second"); assert_eq!(second.namespace(), "second_ns"); assert_eq!(second.description(), "This is the description of the second flag."); assert_eq!(second.bug, vec!["SOME_BUG"]); assert_eq!(second.state(), ProtoFlagState::ENABLED); assert_eq!(second.permission(), ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY); assert_eq!(2, second.trace.len()); assert_eq!(second.trace[0].source(), "flags.declarations"); assert_eq!(second.trace[0].state(), ProtoFlagState::DISABLED); assert_eq!(second.trace[0].permission(), ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY); assert_eq!(second.trace[1].source(), "flags.values"); assert_eq!(second.trace[1].state(), ProtoFlagState::ENABLED); assert_eq!(second.trace[1].permission(), ProtoFlagPermission::READ_ONLY); assert!(second.is_fixed_read_only()); // valid input: empty let parsed_flags = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto("").unwrap(); assert!(parsed_flags.parsed_flag.is_empty()); // bad input: empty trace let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.first" name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY container: "system" } "#; let error = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flag: empty trace"); // bad input: missing namespace in parsed_flag let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.first" name: "first" description: "This is the description of the first flag." state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let error = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flag: missing namespace"); // bad input: parsed_flag not sorted by package let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "bbb.bbb" name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } parsed_flag { package: "aaa.aaa" name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." bug: "" state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let error = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flags: not sorted: bbb.bbb.first comes before aaa.aaa.second" ); // bad input: parsed_flag not sorted by name let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.foo" name: "bbb" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } parsed_flag { package: "com.foo" name: "aaa" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." bug: "" state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let error = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flags: not sorted: com.foo.bbb comes before com.foo.aaa" ); // bad input: duplicate flags let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.foo" name: "bar" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } parsed_flag { package: "com.foo" name: "bar" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." bug: "" state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let error = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flags: duplicate flag com.foo.bar (defined in flags.declarations and flags.declarations)"); } #[test] fn test_parsed_flag_path_to_declaration() { let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.foo" name: "bar" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "b/12345678" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } trace { source: "flags.values" state: ENABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let parsed_flags = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap(); let parsed_flag = &parsed_flags.parsed_flag[0]; assert_eq!(crate::parsed_flag::path_to_declaration(parsed_flag), "flags.declarations"); } #[test] fn test_parsed_flags_merge() { let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.first" name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "a" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } parsed_flag { package: "com.second" name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" description: "This is the description of the second flag." bug: "b" state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let expected = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap(); let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.first" name: "first" namespace: "first_ns" description: "This is the description of the first flag." bug: "a" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let first = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap(); let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.second" name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" bug: "b" description: "This is the description of the second flag." state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE trace { source: "flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } container: "system" } "#; let second = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap(); let text_proto = r#" parsed_flag { package: "com.second" name: "second" namespace: "second_ns" bug: "b" description: "This is the description of the second flag." state: ENABLED permission: READ_WRITE trace { source: "duplicate/flags.declarations" state: DISABLED permission: READ_ONLY } } "#; let second_duplicate = try_from_binary_proto_from_text_proto(text_proto).unwrap(); // bad cases // two of the same flag with dedup disabled let error = parsed_flags::merge(vec![first.clone(), first.clone()], false).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flags: duplicate flag com.first.first (defined in flags.declarations and flags.declarations)"); // two conflicting flags with dedup disabled let error = parsed_flags::merge(vec![second.clone(), second_duplicate.clone()], false).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flags: duplicate flag com.second.second (defined in flags.declarations and duplicate/flags.declarations)"); // two conflicting flags with dedup enabled let error = parsed_flags::merge(vec![second.clone(), second_duplicate.clone()], true).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", error), "bad parsed flags: duplicate flag com.second.second (defined in flags.declarations and duplicate/flags.declarations)"); // valid cases assert!(parsed_flags::merge(vec![], false).unwrap().parsed_flag.is_empty()); assert!(parsed_flags::merge(vec![], true).unwrap().parsed_flag.is_empty()); assert_eq!(first, parsed_flags::merge(vec![first.clone()], false).unwrap()); assert_eq!(first, parsed_flags::merge(vec![first.clone()], true).unwrap()); assert_eq!( expected, parsed_flags::merge(vec![first.clone(), second.clone()], false).unwrap() ); assert_eq!( expected, parsed_flags::merge(vec![first.clone(), second.clone()], true).unwrap() ); assert_eq!( expected, parsed_flags::merge(vec![second.clone(), first.clone()], false).unwrap() ); assert_eq!( expected, parsed_flags::merge(vec![second.clone(), first.clone()], true).unwrap() ); // two identical flags with dedup enabled assert_eq!(first, parsed_flags::merge(vec![first.clone(), first.clone()], true).unwrap()); } }