#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # """This script merges two partial target files packages. One input package contains framework files, and the other contains vendor files. This script produces a complete, merged target files package: - This package can be used to generate a flashable IMG package. See --output-img. - This package can be used to generate an OTA package. See --output-ota. - The merged package is checked for compatibility between the two inputs. Usage: merge_target_files [args] --framework-target-files framework-target-files-package The input target files package containing framework bits. This is a zip archive or a directory. --framework-item-list framework-item-list-file The optional path to a newline-separated config file of items that are extracted as-is from the framework target files package. --framework-misc-info-keys framework-misc-info-keys-file The optional path to a newline-separated config file of keys to extract from the framework META/misc_info.txt file. --vendor-target-files vendor-target-files-package The input target files package containing vendor bits. This is a zip archive or a directory. --vendor-item-list vendor-item-list-file The optional path to a newline-separated config file of items that are extracted as-is from the vendor target files package. --boot-image-dir-path The input boot image directory path. This path contains IMAGES/boot.img file. --output-target-files output-target-files-package If provided, the output merged target files package. Also a zip archive. --output-dir output-directory If provided, the destination directory for saving merged files. Requires the --output-item-list flag. Can be provided alongside --output-target-files, or by itself. --output-item-list output-item-list-file. The optional path to a newline-separated config file that specifies the file patterns to copy into the --output-dir. Required if providing the --output-dir flag. --output-ota output-ota-package The output ota package. This is a zip archive. Use of this flag may require passing the --path common flag; see common.py. --output-img output-img-package The output img package, suitable for use with 'fastboot update'. Use of this flag may require passing the --path common flag; see common.py. --output-super-empty output-super-empty-image If provided, creates a super_empty.img file from the merged target files package and saves it at this path. --rebuild_recovery Copy the recovery image used by non-A/B devices, used when regenerating vendor images with --rebuild-sepolicy. --allow-duplicate-apkapex-keys If provided, duplicate APK/APEX keys are ignored and the value from the framework is used. --rebuild-sepolicy If provided, rebuilds odm.img or vendor.img to include merged sepolicy files. If odm is present then odm is preferred. --vendor-otatools otatools.zip If provided, use this otatools.zip when recompiling the odm or vendor image to include sepolicy. --keep-tmp Keep tempoary files for debugging purposes. --avb-resolve-rollback-index-location-conflict If provided, resolve the conflict AVB rollback index location when necessary. --allow-partial-ab If provided, allow merging non-AB framework target files with AB vendor target files, which means that only the vendor has AB partitions. The following only apply when using the VSDK to perform dexopt on vendor apps: --framework-dexpreopt-config If provided, the location of framwework's dexpreopt_config.zip. --framework-dexpreopt-tools if provided, the location of framework's dexpreopt_tools.zip. --vendor-dexpreopt-config If provided, the location of vendor's dexpreopt_config.zip. """ import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import zipfile import add_img_to_target_files import build_image import build_super_image import common import img_from_target_files import merge_compatibility_checks import merge_dexopt import merge_meta import merge_utils import ota_from_target_files from common import ExternalError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OPTIONS = common.OPTIONS # Always turn on verbose logging. OPTIONS.verbose = True OPTIONS.framework_target_files = None OPTIONS.framework_item_list = [] OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys = [] OPTIONS.vendor_target_files = None OPTIONS.vendor_item_list = [] OPTIONS.boot_image_dir_path = None OPTIONS.output_target_files = None OPTIONS.output_dir = None OPTIONS.output_item_list = [] OPTIONS.output_ota = None OPTIONS.output_img = None OPTIONS.output_super_empty = None OPTIONS.rebuild_recovery = False # TODO(b/150582573): Remove this option. OPTIONS.allow_duplicate_apkapex_keys = False OPTIONS.vendor_otatools = None OPTIONS.rebuild_sepolicy = False OPTIONS.keep_tmp = False OPTIONS.avb_resolve_rollback_index_location_conflict = False OPTIONS.allow_partial_ab = False OPTIONS.framework_dexpreopt_config = None OPTIONS.framework_dexpreopt_tools = None OPTIONS.vendor_dexpreopt_config = None def move_only_exists(source, destination): """Judge whether the file exists and then move the file.""" if os.path.exists(source): shutil.move(source, destination) def remove_file_if_exists(file_name): """Remove the file if it exists and skip otherwise.""" try: os.remove(file_name) except FileNotFoundError: pass def include_extra_in_list(item_list): """ 1. Include all `META/*` files in the item list. To ensure that `AddImagesToTargetFiles` can still be used with vendor item list that do not specify all of the required META/ files, those files should be included by default. This preserves the backward compatibility of `rebuild_image_with_sepolicy`. 2. Include `SYSTEM/build.prop` file in the item list. To ensure that `AddImagesToTargetFiles` for GRF vendor images, can still access SYSTEM/build.prop to pass GetPartitionFingerprint check in BuildInfo constructor. """ if not item_list: return None return list(item_list) + ['META/*'] + ['SYSTEM/build.prop'] def create_merged_package(temp_dir): """Merges two target files packages into one target files structure. Returns: Path to merged package under temp directory. """ # Extract "as is" items from the input framework and vendor partial target # files packages directly into the output temporary directory, since these # items do not need special case processing. output_target_files_temp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'output') merge_utils.CollectTargetFiles( input_zipfile_or_dir=OPTIONS.framework_target_files, output_dir=output_target_files_temp_dir, item_list=OPTIONS.framework_item_list) merge_utils.CollectTargetFiles( input_zipfile_or_dir=OPTIONS.vendor_target_files, output_dir=output_target_files_temp_dir, item_list=OPTIONS.vendor_item_list) if OPTIONS.boot_image_dir_path: merge_utils.CollectTargetFiles( input_zipfile_or_dir=OPTIONS.boot_image_dir_path, output_dir=output_target_files_temp_dir, item_list=['IMAGES/boot.img']) # Perform special case processing on META/* items. # After this function completes successfully, all the files we need to create # the output target files package are in place. merge_meta.MergeMetaFiles( temp_dir=temp_dir, merged_dir=output_target_files_temp_dir, framework_partitions=OPTIONS.framework_partition_set) merge_dexopt.MergeDexopt( temp_dir=temp_dir, output_target_files_dir=output_target_files_temp_dir) return output_target_files_temp_dir def generate_missing_images(target_files_dir): """Generate any missing images from target files.""" # Regenerate IMAGES in the target directory. add_img_args = [ '--verbose', '--add_missing', ] if OPTIONS.rebuild_recovery: add_img_args.append('--rebuild_recovery') if OPTIONS.avb_resolve_rollback_index_location_conflict: add_img_args.append('--avb_resolve_rollback_index_location_conflict') add_img_args.append(target_files_dir) add_img_to_target_files.main(add_img_args) def rebuild_image_with_sepolicy(target_files_dir): """Rebuilds odm.img or vendor.img to include merged sepolicy files. If odm is present then odm is preferred -- otherwise vendor is used. """ partition = 'vendor' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_files_dir, 'ODM')): partition = 'odm' partition_img = '{}.img'.format(partition) partition_map = '{}.map'.format(partition) logger.info('Recompiling %s using the merged sepolicy files.', partition_img) # Copy the combined SEPolicy file and framework hashes to the image that is # being rebuilt. def copy_selinux_file(input_path, output_filename): input_filename = os.path.join(target_files_dir, input_path) if not os.path.exists(input_filename): input_filename = input_filename.replace('SYSTEM_EXT/', 'SYSTEM/system_ext/') \ .replace('PRODUCT/', 'SYSTEM/product/') if not os.path.exists(input_filename): logger.info('Skipping copy_selinux_file for %s', input_filename) return shutil.copy( input_filename, os.path.join(target_files_dir, partition.upper(), 'etc/selinux', output_filename)) copy_selinux_file('META/combined_sepolicy', 'precompiled_sepolicy') copy_selinux_file('SYSTEM/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256', 'precompiled_sepolicy.plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256') copy_selinux_file( 'SYSTEM_EXT/etc/selinux/system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256', 'precompiled_sepolicy.system_ext_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256') copy_selinux_file('PRODUCT/etc/selinux/product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256', 'precompiled_sepolicy.product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256') if not OPTIONS.vendor_otatools: # Remove the partition from the merged target-files archive. It will be # rebuilt later automatically by generate_missing_images(). remove_file_if_exists( os.path.join(target_files_dir, 'IMAGES', partition_img)) return # TODO(b/192253131): Remove the need for vendor_otatools by fixing # backwards-compatibility issues when compiling images across releases. if not OPTIONS.vendor_target_files: raise ValueError( 'Expected vendor_target_files if vendor_otatools is not None.') logger.info( '%s recompilation will be performed using the vendor otatools.zip', partition_img) # Unzip the vendor build's otatools.zip and target-files archive. vendor_otatools_dir = common.MakeTempDir( prefix='merge_target_files_vendor_otatools_') vendor_target_files_dir = common.MakeTempDir( prefix='merge_target_files_vendor_target_files_') common.UnzipToDir(OPTIONS.vendor_otatools, vendor_otatools_dir) merge_utils.CollectTargetFiles( input_zipfile_or_dir=OPTIONS.vendor_target_files, output_dir=vendor_target_files_dir, item_list=include_extra_in_list(OPTIONS.vendor_item_list)) # Copy the partition contents from the merged target-files archive to the # vendor target-files archive. shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(vendor_target_files_dir, partition.upper())) shutil.copytree( os.path.join(target_files_dir, partition.upper()), os.path.join(vendor_target_files_dir, partition.upper()), symlinks=True) # Delete then rebuild the partition. remove_file_if_exists( os.path.join(vendor_target_files_dir, 'IMAGES', partition_img)) rebuild_partition_command = [ os.path.join(vendor_otatools_dir, 'bin', 'add_img_to_target_files'), '--verbose', '--add_missing', ] if OPTIONS.rebuild_recovery: rebuild_partition_command.append('--rebuild_recovery') rebuild_partition_command.append(vendor_target_files_dir) logger.info('Recompiling %s: %s', partition_img, ' '.join(rebuild_partition_command)) common.RunAndCheckOutput(rebuild_partition_command, verbose=True) # Move the newly-created image to the merged target files dir. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_files_dir, 'IMAGES')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(target_files_dir, 'IMAGES')) shutil.move( os.path.join(vendor_target_files_dir, 'IMAGES', partition_img), os.path.join(target_files_dir, 'IMAGES', partition_img)) move_only_exists( os.path.join(vendor_target_files_dir, 'IMAGES', partition_map), os.path.join(target_files_dir, 'IMAGES', partition_map)) def copy_recovery_file(filename): for subdir in ('VENDOR', 'SYSTEM/vendor'): source = os.path.join(vendor_target_files_dir, subdir, filename) if os.path.exists(source): dest = os.path.join(target_files_dir, subdir, filename) shutil.copy(source, dest) return logger.info('Skipping copy_recovery_file for %s, file not found', filename) if OPTIONS.rebuild_recovery: copy_recovery_file('etc/recovery.img') copy_recovery_file('bin/install-recovery.sh') copy_recovery_file('recovery-from-boot.p') def generate_super_empty_image(target_dir, output_super_empty): """Generates super_empty image from target package. Args: target_dir: Path to the target file package which contains misc_info.txt for detailed information for super image. output_super_empty: If provided, copies a super_empty.img file from the target files package to this path. """ # Create super_empty.img using the merged misc_info.txt. misc_info_txt = os.path.join(target_dir, 'META', 'misc_info.txt') use_dynamic_partitions = common.LoadDictionaryFromFile(misc_info_txt).get( 'use_dynamic_partitions') if use_dynamic_partitions != 'true' and output_super_empty: raise ValueError( 'Building super_empty.img requires use_dynamic_partitions=true.') elif use_dynamic_partitions == 'true': super_empty_img = os.path.join(target_dir, 'IMAGES', 'super_empty.img') build_super_image_args = [ misc_info_txt, super_empty_img, ] build_super_image.main(build_super_image_args) # Copy super_empty.img to the user-provided output_super_empty location. if output_super_empty: shutil.copyfile(super_empty_img, output_super_empty) def create_target_files_archive(output_zip, source_dir, temp_dir): """Creates a target_files zip archive from the input source dir. Args: output_zip: The name of the zip archive target files package. source_dir: The target directory contains package to be archived. temp_dir: Path to temporary directory for any intermediate files. """ output_target_files_list = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'output.list') output_target_files_meta_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'META') def files_from_path(target_path, extra_args=None): """Gets files under the given path and return a sorted list.""" find_command = ['find', target_path] + (extra_args or []) find_process = common.Run( find_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, verbose=False) return common.RunAndCheckOutput(['sort'], stdin=find_process.stdout, verbose=False) # META content appears first in the zip. This is done by the # standard build system for optimized extraction of those files, # so we do the same step for merged target_files.zips here too. meta_content = files_from_path(output_target_files_meta_dir) other_content = files_from_path( source_dir, ['-path', output_target_files_meta_dir, '-prune', '-o', '-print']) with open(output_target_files_list, 'w') as f: f.write(meta_content) f.write(other_content) command = [ 'soong_zip', '-d', '-o', os.path.abspath(output_zip), '-C', source_dir, '-r', output_target_files_list, ] logger.info('creating %s', output_zip) common.RunAndCheckOutput(command, verbose=True) logger.info('finished creating %s', output_zip) def merge_target_files(temp_dir): """Merges two target files packages together. This function uses framework and vendor target files packages as input, performs various file extractions, special case processing, and finally creates a merged zip archive as output. Args: temp_dir: The name of a directory we use when we extract items from the input target files packages, and also a scratch directory that we use for temporary files. """ logger.info('starting: merge framework %s and vendor %s into output %s', OPTIONS.framework_target_files, OPTIONS.vendor_target_files, OPTIONS.output_target_files) output_target_files_temp_dir = create_merged_package(temp_dir) partition_map = common.PartitionMapFromTargetFiles( output_target_files_temp_dir) compatibility_errors = merge_compatibility_checks.CheckCompatibility( target_files_dir=output_target_files_temp_dir, partition_map=partition_map) if compatibility_errors: for error in compatibility_errors: logger.error(error) raise ExternalError( 'Found incompatibilities in the merged target files package.') # Include the compiled policy in an image if requested. if OPTIONS.rebuild_sepolicy: rebuild_image_with_sepolicy(output_target_files_temp_dir) generate_missing_images(output_target_files_temp_dir) generate_super_empty_image(output_target_files_temp_dir, OPTIONS.output_super_empty) # Finally, create the output target files zip archive and/or copy the # output items to the output target files directory. if OPTIONS.output_dir: merge_utils.CopyItems(output_target_files_temp_dir, OPTIONS.output_dir, OPTIONS.output_item_list) if not OPTIONS.output_target_files: return create_target_files_archive(OPTIONS.output_target_files, output_target_files_temp_dir, temp_dir) # Create the IMG package from the merged target files package. if OPTIONS.output_img: img_from_target_files.main( [OPTIONS.output_target_files, OPTIONS.output_img]) # Create the OTA package from the merged target files package. if OPTIONS.output_ota: ota_from_target_files.main( [OPTIONS.output_target_files, OPTIONS.output_ota]) def main(): """The main function. Process command line arguments, then call merge_target_files to perform the heavy lifting. """ common.InitLogging() def option_handler(o, a): if o == '--system-target-files': logger.warning( '--system-target-files has been renamed to --framework-target-files') OPTIONS.framework_target_files = a elif o == '--framework-target-files': OPTIONS.framework_target_files = a elif o == '--system-item-list': logger.warning( '--system-item-list has been renamed to --framework-item-list') OPTIONS.framework_item_list = a elif o == '--framework-item-list': OPTIONS.framework_item_list = a elif o == '--system-misc-info-keys': logger.warning('--system-misc-info-keys has been renamed to ' '--framework-misc-info-keys') OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys = a elif o == '--framework-misc-info-keys': OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys = a elif o == '--other-target-files': logger.warning( '--other-target-files has been renamed to --vendor-target-files') OPTIONS.vendor_target_files = a elif o == '--vendor-target-files': OPTIONS.vendor_target_files = a elif o == '--other-item-list': logger.warning('--other-item-list has been renamed to --vendor-item-list') OPTIONS.vendor_item_list = a elif o == '--vendor-item-list': OPTIONS.vendor_item_list = a elif o == '--boot-image-dir-path': OPTIONS.boot_image_dir_path = a elif o == '--output-target-files': OPTIONS.output_target_files = a elif o == '--output-dir': OPTIONS.output_dir = a elif o == '--output-item-list': OPTIONS.output_item_list = a elif o == '--output-ota': OPTIONS.output_ota = a elif o == '--output-img': OPTIONS.output_img = a elif o == '--output-super-empty': OPTIONS.output_super_empty = a elif o == '--rebuild_recovery' or o == '--rebuild-recovery': OPTIONS.rebuild_recovery = True elif o == '--allow-duplicate-apkapex-keys': OPTIONS.allow_duplicate_apkapex_keys = True elif o == '--vendor-otatools': OPTIONS.vendor_otatools = a elif o == '--rebuild-sepolicy': OPTIONS.rebuild_sepolicy = True elif o == '--keep-tmp': OPTIONS.keep_tmp = True elif o == '--avb-resolve-rollback-index-location-conflict': OPTIONS.avb_resolve_rollback_index_location_conflict = True elif o == '--allow-partial-ab': OPTIONS.allow_partial_ab = True elif o == '--framework-dexpreopt-config': OPTIONS.framework_dexpreopt_config = a elif o == '--framework-dexpreopt-tools': OPTIONS.framework_dexpreopt_tools = a elif o == '--vendor-dexpreopt-config': OPTIONS.vendor_dexpreopt_config = a else: return False return True args = common.ParseOptions( sys.argv[1:], __doc__, extra_long_opts=[ 'system-target-files=', 'framework-target-files=', 'system-item-list=', 'framework-item-list=', 'system-misc-info-keys=', 'framework-misc-info-keys=', 'other-target-files=', 'vendor-target-files=', 'other-item-list=', 'vendor-item-list=', 'boot-image-dir-path=', 'output-target-files=', 'output-dir=', 'output-item-list=', 'output-ota=', 'output-img=', 'output-super-empty=', 'framework-dexpreopt-config=', 'framework-dexpreopt-tools=', 'vendor-dexpreopt-config=', 'rebuild_recovery', 'rebuild-recovery', 'allow-duplicate-apkapex-keys', 'vendor-otatools=', 'rebuild-sepolicy', 'keep-tmp', 'avb-resolve-rollback-index-location-conflict', 'allow-partial-ab', ], extra_option_handler=option_handler) # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if (args or OPTIONS.framework_target_files is None or OPTIONS.vendor_target_files is None or (OPTIONS.output_target_files is None and OPTIONS.output_dir is None) or (OPTIONS.output_dir is not None and not OPTIONS.output_item_list) or (OPTIONS.rebuild_recovery and not OPTIONS.rebuild_sepolicy)): common.Usage(__doc__) sys.exit(1) framework_namelist = merge_utils.GetTargetFilesItems( OPTIONS.framework_target_files) vendor_namelist = merge_utils.GetTargetFilesItems( OPTIONS.vendor_target_files) if OPTIONS.framework_item_list: OPTIONS.framework_item_list = common.LoadListFromFile( OPTIONS.framework_item_list) else: OPTIONS.framework_item_list = merge_utils.InferItemList( input_namelist=framework_namelist, framework=True) OPTIONS.framework_partition_set = merge_utils.ItemListToPartitionSet( OPTIONS.framework_item_list) if OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys: OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys = common.LoadListFromFile( OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys) else: OPTIONS.framework_misc_info_keys = merge_utils.InferFrameworkMiscInfoKeys( input_namelist=framework_namelist) if OPTIONS.vendor_item_list: OPTIONS.vendor_item_list = common.LoadListFromFile(OPTIONS.vendor_item_list) else: OPTIONS.vendor_item_list = merge_utils.InferItemList( input_namelist=vendor_namelist, framework=False) OPTIONS.vendor_partition_set = merge_utils.ItemListToPartitionSet( OPTIONS.vendor_item_list) if OPTIONS.output_item_list: OPTIONS.output_item_list = common.LoadListFromFile(OPTIONS.output_item_list) if not merge_utils.ValidateConfigLists(): sys.exit(1) temp_dir = common.MakeTempDir(prefix='merge_target_files_') try: merge_target_files(temp_dir) finally: if OPTIONS.keep_tmp: logger.info('Keeping temp_dir %s', temp_dir) else: common.Cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': main()