# Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import logging import os import zipfile import common import edify_generator import verity_utils from check_target_files_vintf import CheckVintfIfTrebleEnabled, HasPartition from common import OPTIONS from ota_utils import UNZIP_PATTERN, FinalizeMetadata, GetPackageMetadata, PropertyFiles import subprocess logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def GetBlockDifferences(target_zip, source_zip, target_info, source_info, device_specific): """Returns a ordered dict of block differences with partition name as key.""" def GetIncrementalBlockDifferenceForPartition(name): if not HasPartition(source_zip, name): raise RuntimeError( "can't generate incremental that adds {}".format(name)) partition_src = common.GetUserImage(name, OPTIONS.source_tmp, source_zip, info_dict=source_info, allow_shared_blocks=allow_shared_blocks) partition_tgt = common.GetUserImage(name, OPTIONS.target_tmp, target_zip, info_dict=target_info, allow_shared_blocks=allow_shared_blocks) # Check the first block of the source system partition for remount R/W only # if the filesystem is ext4. partition_source_info = source_info["fstab"]["/" + name] check_first_block = partition_source_info.fs_type == "ext4" # Disable imgdiff because it relies on zlib to produce stable output # across different versions, which is often not the case. return common.BlockDifference(name, partition_tgt, partition_src, check_first_block, version=blockimgdiff_version, disable_imgdiff=True) if source_zip: # See notes in common.GetUserImage() allow_shared_blocks = (source_info.get('ext4_share_dup_blocks') == "true" or target_info.get('ext4_share_dup_blocks') == "true") blockimgdiff_version = max( int(i) for i in target_info.get( "blockimgdiff_versions", "1").split(",")) assert blockimgdiff_version >= 3 block_diff_dict = collections.OrderedDict() partition_names = ["system", "vendor", "product", "odm", "system_ext", "vendor_dlkm", "odm_dlkm", "system_dlkm"] for partition in partition_names: if not HasPartition(target_zip, partition): continue # Full OTA update. if not source_zip: tgt = common.GetUserImage(partition, OPTIONS.input_tmp, target_zip, info_dict=target_info, reset_file_map=True) block_diff_dict[partition] = common.BlockDifference(partition, tgt, src=None) # Incremental OTA update. else: block_diff_dict[partition] = GetIncrementalBlockDifferenceForPartition( partition) assert "system" in block_diff_dict # Get the block diffs from the device specific script. If there is a # duplicate block diff for a partition, ignore the diff in the generic script # and use the one in the device specific script instead. if source_zip: device_specific_diffs = device_specific.IncrementalOTA_GetBlockDifferences() function_name = "IncrementalOTA_GetBlockDifferences" else: device_specific_diffs = device_specific.FullOTA_GetBlockDifferences() function_name = "FullOTA_GetBlockDifferences" if device_specific_diffs: assert all(isinstance(diff, common.BlockDifference) for diff in device_specific_diffs), \ "{} is not returning a list of BlockDifference objects".format( function_name) for diff in device_specific_diffs: if diff.partition in block_diff_dict: logger.warning("Duplicate block difference found. Device specific block" " diff for partition '%s' overrides the one in generic" " script.", diff.partition) block_diff_dict[diff.partition] = diff return block_diff_dict def WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_file): target_info = common.BuildInfo(OPTIONS.info_dict, OPTIONS.oem_dicts) # We don't know what version it will be installed on top of. We expect the API # just won't change very often. Similarly for fstab, it might have changed in # the target build. target_api_version = target_info["recovery_api_version"] script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(target_api_version, target_info) if target_info.oem_props and not OPTIONS.oem_no_mount: target_info.WriteMountOemScript(script) metadata = GetPackageMetadata(target_info) if not OPTIONS.no_signing: staging_file = common.MakeTempFile(suffix='.zip') else: staging_file = output_file output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile( staging_file, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) device_specific = common.DeviceSpecificParams( input_zip=input_zip, input_version=target_api_version, output_zip=output_zip, script=script, input_tmp=OPTIONS.input_tmp, metadata=metadata, info_dict=OPTIONS.info_dict) assert HasRecoveryPatch(input_zip, info_dict=OPTIONS.info_dict) # Assertions (e.g. downgrade check, device properties check). ts = target_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc") ts_text = target_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.date") script.AssertOlderBuild(ts, ts_text) target_info.WriteDeviceAssertions(script, OPTIONS.oem_no_mount) device_specific.FullOTA_Assertions() block_diff_dict = GetBlockDifferences(target_zip=input_zip, source_zip=None, target_info=target_info, source_info=None, device_specific=device_specific) # Two-step package strategy (in chronological order, which is *not* # the order in which the generated script has things): # # if stage is not "2/3" or "3/3": # write recovery image to boot partition # set stage to "2/3" # reboot to boot partition and restart recovery # else if stage is "2/3": # write recovery image to recovery partition # set stage to "3/3" # reboot to recovery partition and restart recovery # else: # (stage must be "3/3") # set stage to "" # do normal full package installation: # wipe and install system, boot image, etc. # set up system to update recovery partition on first boot # complete script normally # (allow recovery to mark itself finished and reboot) recovery_img = common.GetBootableImage("recovery.img", "recovery.img", OPTIONS.input_tmp, "RECOVERY") if OPTIONS.two_step: if not target_info.get("multistage_support"): assert False, "two-step packages not supported by this build" fs = target_info["fstab"]["/misc"] assert fs.fs_type.upper() == "EMMC", \ "two-step packages only supported on devices with EMMC /misc partitions" bcb_dev = {"bcb_dev": fs.device} common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery.img", recovery_img.data) script.AppendExtra(""" if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s") == "2/3" then """ % bcb_dev) # Stage 2/3: Write recovery image to /recovery (currently running /boot). script.Comment("Stage 2/3") script.WriteRawImage("/recovery", "recovery.img") script.AppendExtra(""" set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "3/3"); reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "recovery"); else if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s") == "3/3" then """ % bcb_dev) # Stage 3/3: Make changes. script.Comment("Stage 3/3") # Dump fingerprints script.Print("Target: {}".format(target_info.fingerprint)) device_specific.FullOTA_InstallBegin() # All other partitions as well as the data wipe use 10% of the progress, and # the update of the system partition takes the remaining progress. system_progress = 0.9 - (len(block_diff_dict) - 1) * 0.1 if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data: system_progress -= 0.1 progress_dict = {partition: 0.1 for partition in block_diff_dict} progress_dict["system"] = system_progress if target_info.get('use_dynamic_partitions') == "true": # Use empty source_info_dict to indicate that all partitions / groups must # be re-added. dynamic_partitions_diff = common.DynamicPartitionsDifference( info_dict=OPTIONS.info_dict, block_diffs=block_diff_dict.values(), progress_dict=progress_dict) dynamic_partitions_diff.WriteScript(script, output_zip, write_verify_script=OPTIONS.verify) else: for block_diff in block_diff_dict.values(): block_diff.WriteScript(script, output_zip, progress=progress_dict.get(block_diff.partition), write_verify_script=OPTIONS.verify) CheckVintfIfTrebleEnabled(OPTIONS.input_tmp, target_info) boot_img = common.GetBootableImage( "boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.input_tmp, "BOOT") common.CheckSize(boot_img.data, "boot.img", target_info) common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", boot_img.data) script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img") script.ShowProgress(0.1, 10) device_specific.FullOTA_InstallEnd() if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None: script.AppendExtra(OPTIONS.extra_script) script.UnmountAll() if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data: script.ShowProgress(0.1, 10) script.FormatPartition("/data") if OPTIONS.two_step: script.AppendExtra(""" set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", ""); """ % bcb_dev) script.AppendExtra("else\n") # Stage 1/3: Nothing to verify for full OTA. Write recovery image to /boot. script.Comment("Stage 1/3") _WriteRecoveryImageToBoot(script, output_zip) script.AppendExtra(""" set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "2/3"); reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", ""); endif; endif; """ % bcb_dev) script.SetProgress(1) script.AddToZip(input_zip, output_zip, input_path=OPTIONS.updater_binary) metadata.required_cache = script.required_cache # We haven't written the metadata entry, which will be done in # FinalizeMetadata. common.ZipClose(output_zip) needed_property_files = ( NonAbOtaPropertyFiles(), ) FinalizeMetadata(metadata, staging_file, output_file, needed_property_files, package_key=OPTIONS.package_key) def WriteBlockIncrementalOTAPackage(target_zip, source_zip, output_file): target_info = common.BuildInfo(OPTIONS.target_info_dict, OPTIONS.oem_dicts) source_info = common.BuildInfo(OPTIONS.source_info_dict, OPTIONS.oem_dicts) target_api_version = target_info["recovery_api_version"] source_api_version = source_info["recovery_api_version"] if source_api_version == 0: logger.warning( "Generating edify script for a source that can't install it.") script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator( source_api_version, target_info, fstab=source_info["fstab"]) if target_info.oem_props or source_info.oem_props: if not OPTIONS.oem_no_mount: source_info.WriteMountOemScript(script) metadata = GetPackageMetadata(target_info, source_info) if not OPTIONS.no_signing: staging_file = common.MakeTempFile(suffix='.zip') else: staging_file = output_file output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile( staging_file, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) device_specific = common.DeviceSpecificParams( source_zip=source_zip, source_version=source_api_version, source_tmp=OPTIONS.source_tmp, target_zip=target_zip, target_version=target_api_version, target_tmp=OPTIONS.target_tmp, output_zip=output_zip, script=script, metadata=metadata, info_dict=source_info) source_boot = common.GetBootableImage( "/tmp/boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.source_tmp, "BOOT", source_info) target_boot = common.GetBootableImage( "/tmp/boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.target_tmp, "BOOT", target_info) updating_boot = (not OPTIONS.two_step and (source_boot.data != target_boot.data)) target_recovery = common.GetBootableImage( "/tmp/recovery.img", "recovery.img", OPTIONS.target_tmp, "RECOVERY") block_diff_dict = GetBlockDifferences(target_zip=target_zip, source_zip=source_zip, target_info=target_info, source_info=source_info, device_specific=device_specific) CheckVintfIfTrebleEnabled(OPTIONS.target_tmp, target_info) # Assertions (e.g. device properties check). target_info.WriteDeviceAssertions(script, OPTIONS.oem_no_mount) device_specific.IncrementalOTA_Assertions() # Two-step incremental package strategy (in chronological order, # which is *not* the order in which the generated script has # things): # # if stage is not "2/3" or "3/3": # do verification on current system # write recovery image to boot partition # set stage to "2/3" # reboot to boot partition and restart recovery # else if stage is "2/3": # write recovery image to recovery partition # set stage to "3/3" # reboot to recovery partition and restart recovery # else: # (stage must be "3/3") # perform update: # patch system files, etc. # force full install of new boot image # set up system to update recovery partition on first boot # complete script normally # (allow recovery to mark itself finished and reboot) if OPTIONS.two_step: if not source_info.get("multistage_support"): assert False, "two-step packages not supported by this build" fs = source_info["fstab"]["/misc"] assert fs.fs_type.upper() == "EMMC", \ "two-step packages only supported on devices with EMMC /misc partitions" bcb_dev = {"bcb_dev": fs.device} common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery.img", target_recovery.data) script.AppendExtra(""" if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s") == "2/3" then """ % bcb_dev) # Stage 2/3: Write recovery image to /recovery (currently running /boot). script.Comment("Stage 2/3") script.AppendExtra("sleep(20);\n") script.WriteRawImage("/recovery", "recovery.img") script.AppendExtra(""" set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "3/3"); reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "recovery"); else if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s") != "3/3" then """ % bcb_dev) # Stage 1/3: (a) Verify the current system. script.Comment("Stage 1/3") # Dump fingerprints script.Print("Source: {}".format(source_info.fingerprint)) script.Print("Target: {}".format(target_info.fingerprint)) script.Print("Verifying current system...") device_specific.IncrementalOTA_VerifyBegin() WriteFingerprintAssertion(script, target_info, source_info) # Check the required cache size (i.e. stashed blocks). required_cache_sizes = [diff.required_cache for diff in block_diff_dict.values()] if updating_boot: boot_type, boot_device_expr = common.GetTypeAndDeviceExpr("/boot", source_info) d = common.Difference(target_boot, source_boot, "bsdiff") _, _, d = d.ComputePatch() if d is None: include_full_boot = True common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", target_boot.data) else: include_full_boot = False logger.info( "boot target: %d source: %d diff: %d", target_boot.size, source_boot.size, len(d)) common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img.p", d) target_expr = 'concat("{}:",{},":{}:{}")'.format( boot_type, boot_device_expr, target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1) source_expr = 'concat("{}:",{},":{}:{}")'.format( boot_type, boot_device_expr, source_boot.size, source_boot.sha1) script.PatchPartitionExprCheck(target_expr, source_expr) required_cache_sizes.append(target_boot.size) if required_cache_sizes: script.CacheFreeSpaceCheck(max(required_cache_sizes)) # Verify the existing partitions. for diff in block_diff_dict.values(): diff.WriteVerifyScript(script, touched_blocks_only=True) device_specific.IncrementalOTA_VerifyEnd() if OPTIONS.two_step: # Stage 1/3: (b) Write recovery image to /boot. _WriteRecoveryImageToBoot(script, output_zip) script.AppendExtra(""" set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "2/3"); reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", ""); else """ % bcb_dev) # Stage 3/3: Make changes. script.Comment("Stage 3/3") script.Comment("---- start making changes here ----") device_specific.IncrementalOTA_InstallBegin() progress_dict = {partition: 0.1 for partition in block_diff_dict} progress_dict["system"] = 1 - len(block_diff_dict) * 0.1 if OPTIONS.source_info_dict.get("use_dynamic_partitions") == "true": if OPTIONS.target_info_dict.get("use_dynamic_partitions") != "true": raise RuntimeError( "can't generate incremental that disables dynamic partitions") dynamic_partitions_diff = common.DynamicPartitionsDifference( info_dict=OPTIONS.target_info_dict, source_info_dict=OPTIONS.source_info_dict, block_diffs=block_diff_dict.values(), progress_dict=progress_dict) dynamic_partitions_diff.WriteScript( script, output_zip, write_verify_script=OPTIONS.verify) else: for block_diff in block_diff_dict.values(): block_diff.WriteScript(script, output_zip, progress=progress_dict.get(block_diff.partition), write_verify_script=OPTIONS.verify) if OPTIONS.two_step: common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", target_boot.data) script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img") logger.info("writing full boot image (forced by two-step mode)") if not OPTIONS.two_step: if updating_boot: if include_full_boot: logger.info("boot image changed; including full.") script.Print("Installing boot image...") script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img") else: # Produce the boot image by applying a patch to the current # contents of the boot partition, and write it back to the # partition. logger.info("boot image changed; including patch.") script.Print("Patching boot image...") script.ShowProgress(0.1, 10) target_expr = 'concat("{}:",{},":{}:{}")'.format( boot_type, boot_device_expr, target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1) source_expr = 'concat("{}:",{},":{}:{}")'.format( boot_type, boot_device_expr, source_boot.size, source_boot.sha1) script.PatchPartitionExpr(target_expr, source_expr, '"boot.img.p"') else: logger.info("boot image unchanged; skipping.") # Do device-specific installation (eg, write radio image). device_specific.IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd() if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None: script.AppendExtra(OPTIONS.extra_script) if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data: script.Print("Erasing user data...") script.FormatPartition("/data") if OPTIONS.two_step: script.AppendExtra(""" set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", ""); endif; endif; """ % bcb_dev) script.SetProgress(1) # For downgrade OTAs, we prefer to use the update-binary in the source # build that is actually newer than the one in the target build. if OPTIONS.downgrade: script.AddToZip(source_zip, output_zip, input_path=OPTIONS.updater_binary) else: script.AddToZip(target_zip, output_zip, input_path=OPTIONS.updater_binary) metadata.required_cache = script.required_cache # We haven't written the metadata entry yet, which will be handled in # FinalizeMetadata(). common.ZipClose(output_zip) # Sign the generated zip package unless no_signing is specified. needed_property_files = ( NonAbOtaPropertyFiles(), ) FinalizeMetadata(metadata, staging_file, output_file, needed_property_files, package_key=OPTIONS.package_key) def GenerateNonAbOtaPackage(target_file, output_file, source_file=None): """Generates a non-A/B OTA package.""" # Check the loaded info dicts first. if OPTIONS.info_dict.get("no_recovery") == "true": raise common.ExternalError( "--- target build has specified no recovery ---") # Non-A/B OTAs rely on /cache partition to store temporary files. cache_size = OPTIONS.info_dict.get("cache_size") if cache_size is None: logger.warning("--- can't determine the cache partition size ---") OPTIONS.cache_size = cache_size if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None: with open(OPTIONS.extra_script) as fp: OPTIONS.extra_script = fp.read() if OPTIONS.extracted_input is not None: OPTIONS.input_tmp = OPTIONS.extracted_input else: if not os.path.isdir(target_file): logger.info("unzipping target target-files...") OPTIONS.input_tmp = common.UnzipTemp(target_file, UNZIP_PATTERN) else: OPTIONS.input_tmp = target_file tmpfile = common.MakeTempFile(suffix=".zip") os.unlink(tmpfile) common.RunAndCheckOutput( ["zip", tmpfile, "-r", ".", "-0"], cwd=target_file) assert zipfile.is_zipfile(tmpfile) target_file = tmpfile OPTIONS.target_tmp = OPTIONS.input_tmp # If the caller explicitly specified the device-specific extensions path via # -s / --device_specific, use that. Otherwise, use META/releasetools.py if it # is present in the target target_files. Otherwise, take the path of the file # from 'tool_extensions' in the info dict and look for that in the local # filesystem, relative to the current directory. if OPTIONS.device_specific is None: from_input = os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "META", "releasetools.py") if os.path.exists(from_input): logger.info("(using device-specific extensions from target_files)") OPTIONS.device_specific = from_input else: OPTIONS.device_specific = OPTIONS.info_dict.get("tool_extensions") if OPTIONS.device_specific is not None: OPTIONS.device_specific = os.path.abspath(OPTIONS.device_specific) # Generate a full OTA. if source_file is None: with zipfile.ZipFile(target_file) as input_zip: WriteFullOTAPackage( input_zip, output_file) # Generate an incremental OTA. else: logger.info("unzipping source target-files...") OPTIONS.source_tmp = common.UnzipTemp( OPTIONS.incremental_source, UNZIP_PATTERN) with zipfile.ZipFile(target_file) as input_zip, \ zipfile.ZipFile(source_file) as source_zip: WriteBlockIncrementalOTAPackage( input_zip, source_zip, output_file) def WriteFingerprintAssertion(script, target_info, source_info): source_oem_props = source_info.oem_props target_oem_props = target_info.oem_props if source_oem_props is None and target_oem_props is None: script.AssertSomeFingerprint( source_info.fingerprint, target_info.fingerprint) elif source_oem_props is not None and target_oem_props is not None: script.AssertSomeThumbprint( target_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint"), source_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint")) elif source_oem_props is None and target_oem_props is not None: script.AssertFingerprintOrThumbprint( source_info.fingerprint, target_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint")) else: script.AssertFingerprintOrThumbprint( target_info.fingerprint, source_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint")) class NonAbOtaPropertyFiles(PropertyFiles): """The property-files for non-A/B OTA. For non-A/B OTA, the property-files string contains the info for METADATA entry, with which a system updater can be fetched the package metadata prior to downloading the entire package. """ def __init__(self): super(NonAbOtaPropertyFiles, self).__init__() self.name = 'ota-property-files' def _WriteRecoveryImageToBoot(script, output_zip): """Find and write recovery image to /boot in two-step OTA. In two-step OTAs, we write recovery image to /boot as the first step so that we can reboot to there and install a new recovery image to /recovery. A special "recovery-two-step.img" will be preferred, which encodes the correct path of "/boot". Otherwise the device may show "device is corrupt" message when booting into /boot. Fall back to using the regular recovery.img if the two-step recovery image doesn't exist. Note that rebuilding the special image at this point may be infeasible, because we don't have the desired boot signer and keys when calling ota_from_target_files.py. """ recovery_two_step_img_name = "recovery-two-step.img" recovery_two_step_img_path = os.path.join( OPTIONS.input_tmp, "OTA", recovery_two_step_img_name) if os.path.exists(recovery_two_step_img_path): common.ZipWrite( output_zip, recovery_two_step_img_path, arcname=recovery_two_step_img_name) logger.info( "two-step package: using %s in stage 1/3", recovery_two_step_img_name) script.WriteRawImage("/boot", recovery_two_step_img_name) else: logger.info("two-step package: using recovery.img in stage 1/3") # The "recovery.img" entry has been written into package earlier. script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "recovery.img") def HasRecoveryPatch(target_files_zip, info_dict): board_uses_vendorimage = info_dict.get("board_uses_vendorimage") == "true" if board_uses_vendorimage: target_files_dir = "VENDOR" else: target_files_dir = "SYSTEM/vendor" patch = "%s/recovery-from-boot.p" % target_files_dir img = "%s/etc/recovery.img" % target_files_dir namelist = target_files_zip.namelist() return patch in namelist or img in namelist