/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "jni.h" #include "jvmti.h" #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "jni_binder.h" #include "jvmti_helper.h" #include "scoped_local_ref.h" #include "scoped_utf_chars.h" #include "test_env.h" namespace art { static std::string GetClassName(JNIEnv* jni_env, jclass cls) { ScopedLocalRef class_class(jni_env, jni_env->GetObjectClass(cls)); jmethodID mid = jni_env->GetMethodID(class_class.get(), "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); ScopedLocalRef str( jni_env, reinterpret_cast(jni_env->CallObjectMethod(cls, mid))); ScopedUtfChars utf_chars(jni_env, str.get()); return utf_chars.c_str(); } static std::mutex gLock; static std::string gCollection; static jthread gExpectedThread = nullptr; static void RecordAllocationEvent(JNIEnv* jni_env, jobject object, jclass object_klass, jlong size) { std::string object_klass_descriptor = GetClassName(jni_env, object_klass); ScopedLocalRef object_klass2(jni_env, jni_env->GetObjectClass(object)); std::string object_klass_descriptor2 = GetClassName(jni_env, object_klass2.get()); std::string result = android::base::StringPrintf("ObjectAllocated type %s/%s size %zu", object_klass_descriptor.c_str(), object_klass_descriptor2.c_str(), static_cast(size)); std::unique_lock mu(gLock); gCollection += result + "#"; } static void JNICALL ObjectAllocatedGlobal(jvmtiEnv* ti_env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JNIEnv* jni_env, jthread thread, jobject object, jclass object_klass, jlong size) { // Ignore events from threads other than the test thread. It is not possible // to make sure that we don't receive any outstanding callbacks after // disabling the allocation events. So just ignore events from other threads // to make the test stable. if (!jni_env->IsSameObject(thread, gExpectedThread)) { return; } RecordAllocationEvent(jni_env, object, object_klass, size); } static void JNICALL ObjectAllocatedThread(jvmtiEnv* ti_env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, JNIEnv* jni_env, jthread thread, jobject object, jclass object_klass, jlong size) { CHECK(jni_env->IsSameObject(thread, gExpectedThread)); RecordAllocationEvent(jni_env, object, object_klass, size); } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest_setupObjectAllocCallback( JNIEnv* env, jclass klass ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jboolean enable, jboolean global) { jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks; memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(jvmtiEventCallbacks)); if (enable) { callbacks.VMObjectAlloc = global ? ObjectAllocatedGlobal : ObjectAllocatedThread; } else { callbacks.VMObjectAlloc = nullptr; } jvmtiError ret = jvmti_env->SetEventCallbacks(&callbacks, sizeof(callbacks)); JvmtiErrorToException(env, jvmti_env, ret); } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest_enableAllocationTracking( JNIEnv* env, jclass klass ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, jboolean enable) { jvmtiError ret = jvmti_env->SetEventNotificationMode( enable ? JVMTI_ENABLE : JVMTI_DISABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VM_OBJECT_ALLOC, thread); if (enable) { if (thread == nullptr) { // We are enabling the allocation events globally but can only deterministically check the // ones on the current thread. jthread curr_thread; jvmti_env->GetCurrentThread(&curr_thread); gExpectedThread = env->NewGlobalRef(curr_thread); } else { gExpectedThread = env->NewGlobalRef(thread); } } else if (gExpectedThread != nullptr) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(gExpectedThread); gExpectedThread = nullptr; } JvmtiErrorToException(env, jvmti_env, ret); } extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest_getAndResetAllocationTrackingString( JNIEnv* env, jclass klass ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { // We will have a string allocation. So only do the C++ string retrieval under lock. std::string result; { std::unique_lock mu(gLock); result.swap(gCollection); } // Make sure we give any other threads that might have been waiting to get a last crack time to // run. We will ignore their additions however. bool is_empty = false; do { { std::unique_lock mu(gLock); is_empty = gCollection.empty(); gCollection.clear(); } sched_yield(); } while (!is_empty); if (result.empty()) { return nullptr; } return env->NewStringUTF(result.c_str()); } static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { { "setupObjectAllocCallback", "(Z;Z)V", (void*)Java_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest_setupObjectAllocCallback}, { "enableAllocationTracking", "(Ljava/lang/Thread;Z)V", (void*)Java_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest_enableAllocationTracking }, { "getAndResetAllocationTrackingString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)Java_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest_getAndResetAllocationTrackingString }, }; void register_android_jvmti_cts_JvmtiTrackingTest(jvmtiEnv* jenv, JNIEnv* env) { ScopedLocalRef klass(env, GetClass(jenv, env, "android/jvmti/cts/JvmtiTrackingTest", nullptr)); if (klass.get() == nullptr) { env->ExceptionClear(); return; } env->RegisterNatives(klass.get(), gMethods, sizeof(gMethods) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod)); if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { env->ExceptionClear(); LOG(ERROR) << "Could not register natives for JvmtiTrackingTest class"; } } } // namespace art