# Writing an MPC Test Using [this CL](https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/cts/+/2128521) as a guide focusing on requirement [8.2/H-1-1](https://source.android.com/docs/compatibility/13/android-13-cdd#2274_performance): - R: MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 100MB/s. - S and Tiramisu: MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 125MB/s. ## Define Requirements ### Define Constants Under RequirementConstants For our requirement, [8.2/H-1-1](https://source.android.com/docs/compatibility/13/android-13-cdd#2274_performance), we have one required measurement, so we will create one constant, `FILESYSTEM_IO_RATE`, to track that. This constant eventually will make its way to the internal cts_media_performance_class_test_metrics.proto, so the string-value we choose for it needs to structured like a proto field name and should include units at the end: ``` public static final String FILESYSTEM_IO_RATE = "filesystem_io_rate_mbps"; ``` Additionally, we may need to create a new BiPredicate for our requirement. The BiPredicate defines the operator to test measurements for our requirement with. For our case, we want to test if an I/O rate is at or above a certain value, so we will use a GTE operator. We will additionally be storing I/O rates as doubles, leading us to define the BiPredicate DOUBLE_GTE: ``` public static final BiPredicate DOUBLE_GTE = RequirementConstants.gte(); ``` ### Define Requirement Class Under PerformanceClassEvaluator In PerformanceClassEvaluator.java, we will define a new requirement class. This class should be defined as nested class under PerformanceClassEvaluator: ``` // used for requirements [8.2/H-1-1], [8.2/H-1-2], [8.2/H-1-3], [8.2/H-1-4] public static class FileSystemRequirement extends Requirement { private static final String TAG = FileSystemRequirement.class.getSimpleName(); ... } ``` #### Define Constructor The constructors for requirement classes are very standardized. They are always private; they always take in two inputs: `String id, RequiredMeasurement ... reqs`; and they always contain one line: `super(id, reqs)`: ``` private FileSystemRequirement(String id, RequiredMeasurement ... reqs) { super(id, reqs); } ``` #### Define Set Measured Value Method(s) Requirement classes need to define a method for each required measurement. These methods always contain one line: a function call to Requirement’s `setMeausredValue` method. For [8.2/H-1-1](https://source.android.com/docs/compatibility/13/android-13-cdd#2274_performance), we only have one required measurement so only need to make one method for it: ``` /** * Set the Filesystem I/O Rate in MB/s. */ public void setFilesystemIoRate(double filesystemIoRate) { this.setMeasuredValue(RequirementConstants.FILESYSTEM_IO_RATE, filesystemIoRate); } ``` #### Define Create Method The last thing we need to make for our requirement class is a create method. This method defines each of the required measurements. Each RequiredMeasurement.java is created through a builder and defining the following: * The datatype of the measurement. This is during the call to the RequiredMeasurement’s builder function, ex: `builder()` * The ID for the measurement. This is the String constant we defined earlier. * The predicate for the measurement. This is the BiPredicate we defined earlier. * A required value for each achievable performance class. For example, using the GTE a BiPredicate: * `addRequiredValue(Build.VERSION_CODES.R, 100.0)` says that if a requirement measurement is greater than or equal to to 100, the device makes performance class R * `addRequiredValue(Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU, 125.0)` says that if a requirement measurement is greater than or equal to to 125, the device makes performance class Tiramisu Note: if a device meets multiple performance classes for a requirement, the system automatically chooses to record the higher classification For requirement [8.2/H-1-1](https://source.android.com/docs/compatibility/13/android-13-cdd#2274_performance) we define the following create method: ``` /** * [8.2/H-1-1] MUST ensure a sequential write performance of * at least 100(R) / 125(S & T) MB/s. */ public static FileSystemRequirement createR8_2__H_1_1() { RequiredMeasurement filesystem_io_rate = RequiredMeasurement.builder() .setId(RequirementConstants.FILESYSTEM_IO_RATE) .setPredicate(RequirementConstants.DOUBLE_GTE) .addRequiredValue(Build.VERSION_CODES.R, 100.0) .addRequiredValue(Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU, 125.0) .build(); return new FileSystemRequirement(RequirementConstants.R8_2__H_1_1, filesystem_io_rate); } ``` Note: a requirement class can be and often is used for multiple requirements. If so, a create method must be defined for each. #### Define Add Method at the Bottom of PerformanceClassEvaluator After all of that we just need to define an add method at the bottom of PerformacneClassEvaluator for our requirement. All it does is call PerformanceClassEvaluator’s `addRequirement` method using the create method we defined earlier. ``` public FileSystemRequirement addR8_2__H_1_1() { return this.addRequirement(FileSystemRequirement.createR8_2__H_1_1()); } ``` ## Update Test to Report Data Using PerformanceClassEvaluator Now that we have a requirement defined we just need to update our test to use PerformanceClassEvaluator. First we need to add the following to our test class: @Rule public final TestName mTestName = new TestName(); Next we will create the evaluator and add our newly defined requirement. This can be done at any point during the test, but typically test writers choose to do this at the end of the test: ``` PerformanceClassEvaluator pce = new PerformanceClassEvaluator(this.mTestName); PerformanceClassEvaluator.FileSystemRequirement r8_2__H_1_1 = pce.addR8_2__H_1_1(); ``` After the test, once our required measurement(s) have been calculated, we use the set measurement method(s) we defined to report them: ``` r8_2__H_1_1.setFilesystemIoRate(stat.mAverage); ``` Finally, we just need to submit our results. The submit method should be called only once at the very end of the test. If we are writing our test CTS, we should use `submitAndCheck`; if we are writing our test under CTS-Verifier or ITS, we should use `submitAndVerify`. Ex: ``` pce.submitAndCheck(); ``` The test results are then processed and reported creating a file cts_media_performance_class_test_cases.reportlog.json which will eventually have its data upload and processed. You can view the file with ```shell adb root adb shell cat /storage/emulated/0/report-log-files/CtsMediaPerformanceClassTestCases.reportlog.json ```