/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.example.android.mediarecorder; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.app.Activity; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.media.CamcorderProfile; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.TextureView; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import com.example.android.common.media.CameraHelper; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; /** * This activity uses the camera/camcorder as the A/V source for the {@link android.media.MediaRecorder} API. * A {@link android.view.TextureView} is used as the camera preview which limits the code to API 14+. This * can be easily replaced with a {@link android.view.SurfaceView} to run on older devices. */ public class MainActivity extends Activity { private Camera mCamera; private TextureView mPreview; private MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder; private File mOutputFile; private boolean isRecording = false; private static final String TAG = "Recorder"; private Button captureButton; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.sample_main); mPreview = (TextureView) findViewById(R.id.surface_view); captureButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_capture); } /** * The capture button controls all user interaction. When recording, the button click * stops recording, releases {@link android.media.MediaRecorder} and {@link android.hardware.Camera}. When not recording, * it prepares the {@link android.media.MediaRecorder} and starts recording. * * @param view the view generating the event. */ public void onCaptureClick(View view) { if (isRecording) { // BEGIN_INCLUDE(stop_release_media_recorder) // stop recording and release camera try { mMediaRecorder.stop(); // stop the recording } catch (RuntimeException e) { // RuntimeException is thrown when stop() is called immediately after start(). // In this case the output file is not properly constructed ans should be deleted. Log.d(TAG, "RuntimeException: stop() is called immediately after start()"); //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored mOutputFile.delete(); } releaseMediaRecorder(); // release the MediaRecorder object mCamera.lock(); // take camera access back from MediaRecorder // inform the user that recording has stopped setCaptureButtonText("Capture"); isRecording = false; releaseCamera(); // END_INCLUDE(stop_release_media_recorder) } else { // BEGIN_INCLUDE(prepare_start_media_recorder) new MediaPrepareTask().execute(null, null, null); // END_INCLUDE(prepare_start_media_recorder) } } private void setCaptureButtonText(String title) { captureButton.setText(title); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); // if we are using MediaRecorder, release it first releaseMediaRecorder(); // release the camera immediately on pause event releaseCamera(); } private void releaseMediaRecorder(){ if (mMediaRecorder != null) { // clear recorder configuration mMediaRecorder.reset(); // release the recorder object mMediaRecorder.release(); mMediaRecorder = null; // Lock camera for later use i.e taking it back from MediaRecorder. // MediaRecorder doesn't need it anymore and we will release it if the activity pauses. mCamera.lock(); } } private void releaseCamera(){ if (mCamera != null){ // release the camera for other applications mCamera.release(); mCamera = null; } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private boolean prepareVideoRecorder(){ // BEGIN_INCLUDE (configure_preview) mCamera = CameraHelper.getDefaultCameraInstance(); // We need to make sure that our preview and recording video size are supported by the // camera. Query camera to find all the sizes and choose the optimal size given the // dimensions of our preview surface. Camera.Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); List<Camera.Size> mSupportedPreviewSizes = parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes(); List<Camera.Size> mSupportedVideoSizes = parameters.getSupportedVideoSizes(); Camera.Size optimalSize = CameraHelper.getOptimalVideoSize(mSupportedVideoSizes, mSupportedPreviewSizes, mPreview.getWidth(), mPreview.getHeight()); // Use the same size for recording profile. CamcorderProfile profile = CamcorderProfile.get(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH); profile.videoFrameWidth = optimalSize.width; profile.videoFrameHeight = optimalSize.height; // likewise for the camera object itself. parameters.setPreviewSize(profile.videoFrameWidth, profile.videoFrameHeight); mCamera.setParameters(parameters); try { // Requires API level 11+, For backward compatibility use {@link setPreviewDisplay} // with {@link SurfaceView} mCamera.setPreviewTexture(mPreview.getSurfaceTexture()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Surface texture is unavailable or unsuitable" + e.getMessage()); return false; } // END_INCLUDE (configure_preview) // BEGIN_INCLUDE (configure_media_recorder) mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); // Step 1: Unlock and set camera to MediaRecorder mCamera.unlock(); mMediaRecorder.setCamera(mCamera); // Step 2: Set sources mMediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT ); mMediaRecorder.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA); // Step 3: Set a CamcorderProfile (requires API Level 8 or higher) mMediaRecorder.setProfile(profile); // Step 4: Set output file mOutputFile = CameraHelper.getOutputMediaFile(CameraHelper.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); if (mOutputFile == null) { return false; } mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile(mOutputFile.getPath()); // END_INCLUDE (configure_media_recorder) // Step 5: Prepare configured MediaRecorder try { mMediaRecorder.prepare(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.d(TAG, "IllegalStateException preparing MediaRecorder: " + e.getMessage()); releaseMediaRecorder(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "IOException preparing MediaRecorder: " + e.getMessage()); releaseMediaRecorder(); return false; } return true; } /** * Asynchronous task for preparing the {@link android.media.MediaRecorder} since it's a long blocking * operation. */ class MediaPrepareTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... voids) { // initialize video camera if (prepareVideoRecorder()) { // Camera is available and unlocked, MediaRecorder is prepared, // now you can start recording mMediaRecorder.start(); isRecording = true; } else { // prepare didn't work, release the camera releaseMediaRecorder(); return false; } return true; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { if (!result) { MainActivity.this.finish(); } // inform the user that recording has started setCaptureButtonText("Stop"); } } }