/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Inject} from '@angular/core'; import {assertDefined, assertUnreachable} from 'common/assert_utils'; import {FunctionUtils} from 'common/function_utils'; import {TimeUtils} from 'common/time_utils'; import { Message, MessageBugReport, MessageFiles, MessagePing, MessageTimestamp, MessageType, TimestampType, } from 'cross_tool/messages'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: ` <span class="app-title">Remote Tool Mock (simulates cross-tool protocol)</span> <hr/> <p>Open Winscope tab</p> <input class="button-open-winscope" type="button" value="Open" (click)="onButtonOpenWinscopeClick()"/> <hr/> <p>Send bugreport</p> <input class="button-send-bugreport" type="file" value="" (change)="onButtonSendBugreportClick($event)"/> <hr/> <p>Send file</p> <input class="button-send-files" type="file" value="" (change)="onButtonSendFilesClick($event)"/> <hr/> <p>Send timestamp [ns]</p> <input class="input-timestamp" type="number" id="name" name="name"/> <input class="button-send-realtime-timestamp" type="button" value="Send" (click)="onButtonSendRealtimeTimestampClick()"/> <input class="button-send-boottime-timestamp" type="button" value="Send" (click)="onButtonSendBoottimeTimestampClick()"/> <hr/> <p>Received realtime timestamp:</p> <p class="paragraph-received-realtime-timestamp"></p> <p>Received boottime timestamp:</p> <p class="paragraph-received-boottime-timestamp"></p> `, }) export class AppComponent { static readonly TARGET = 'http://localhost:8080'; static readonly TIMESTAMP_IN_BUGREPORT_MESSAGE = 1670509911000000000n; static readonly TIMESTAMP_IN_FILES_MESSAGE = 15725894416n; private winscope: Window | null = null; private isWinscopeUp = false; private onMessagePongReceived = FunctionUtils.DO_NOTHING; constructor( @Inject(ChangeDetectorRef) private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, ) { window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { this.onMessageReceived(event); }); } async onButtonOpenWinscopeClick() { this.openWinscope(); await this.waitWinscopeUp(); } async onButtonSendBugreportClick(event: Event) { const file = await this.readInputFile(event); this.sendBugreport(file); } async onButtonSendFilesClick(event: Event) { const file = await this.readInputFile(event); this.sendFiles([file]); } onButtonSendRealtimeTimestampClick() { const inputTimestampElement = assertDefined( document.querySelector('.input-timestamp'), ) as HTMLInputElement; this.sendTimestamp( BigInt(inputTimestampElement.value), TimestampType.CLOCK_REALTIME, ); } onButtonSendBoottimeTimestampClick() { const inputTimestampElement = assertDefined( document.querySelector('.input-timestamp'), ) as HTMLInputElement; this.sendTimestamp( BigInt(inputTimestampElement.value), TimestampType.CLOCK_BOOTTIME, ); } private openWinscope() { this.printStatus('OPENING WINSCOPE'); this.winscope = window.open(AppComponent.TARGET); if (!this.winscope) { throw new Error('Failed to open winscope'); } this.printStatus('OPENED WINSCOPE'); } private async waitWinscopeUp() { this.printStatus('WAITING WINSCOPE UP'); const promise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => { this.onMessagePongReceived = () => { this.isWinscopeUp = true; resolve(); }; }); setTimeout(async () => { while (!this.isWinscopeUp) { assertDefined(this.winscope).postMessage( new MessagePing(), AppComponent.TARGET, ); await TimeUtils.sleepMs(10); } }, 0); await promise; this.printStatus('DONE WAITING (WINSCOPE IS UP)'); } private sendBugreport(file: File) { this.printStatus('SENDING BUGREPORT'); assertDefined(this.winscope).postMessage( new MessageBugReport(file, AppComponent.TIMESTAMP_IN_BUGREPORT_MESSAGE), AppComponent.TARGET, ); this.printStatus('SENT BUGREPORT'); } private sendFiles(files: File[]) { this.printStatus('SENDING FILES'); assertDefined(this.winscope).postMessage( new MessageFiles( files, AppComponent.TIMESTAMP_IN_FILES_MESSAGE, TimestampType.CLOCK_BOOTTIME, ), AppComponent.TARGET, ); this.printStatus('SENT FILES'); } private sendTimestamp(value: bigint, type: TimestampType) { this.printStatus('SENDING TIMESTAMP'); assertDefined(this.winscope).postMessage( new MessageTimestamp(value, type), AppComponent.TARGET, ); this.printStatus('SENT TIMESTAMP'); } private onMessageReceived(event: MessageEvent) { const message = event.data as Message; if (!message.type) { console.log( 'Cross-tool protocol received unrecognized message:', message, ); return; } switch (message.type) { case MessageType.PING: console.log( 'Cross-tool protocol received unexpected ping message:', message, ); break; case MessageType.PONG: this.onMessagePongReceived(); break; case MessageType.BUGREPORT: console.log( 'Cross-tool protocol received unexpected bugreport message:', message, ); break; case MessageType.TIMESTAMP: console.log('Cross-tool protocol received timestamp message:', message); this.onMessageTimestampReceived(message as MessageTimestamp); break; case MessageType.FILES: console.log( 'Cross-tool protocol received unexpected files message:', message, ); break; default: console.log( 'Cross-tool protocol received unrecognized message:', message, ); break; } } private onMessageTimestampReceived(message: MessageTimestamp) { let paragraph: HTMLParagraphElement | undefined; const timestampType = assertDefined(message.timestampType); switch (timestampType) { case TimestampType.UNKNOWN: throw Error("Winscope shouldn't send timestamps with UNKNOWN type"); case TimestampType.CLOCK_BOOTTIME: { paragraph = document.querySelector( '.paragraph-received-boottime-timestamp', ) as HTMLParagraphElement; break; } case TimestampType.CLOCK_REALTIME: { paragraph = document.querySelector( '.paragraph-received-realtime-timestamp', ) as HTMLParagraphElement; break; } default: assertUnreachable(timestampType); } paragraph.textContent = message.timestampNs.toString(); this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } private printStatus(status: string) { console.log('STATUS: ' + status); } private async readInputFile(event: Event): Promise<File> { const files: FileList | null = (event?.target as HTMLInputElement)?.files; if (!files || !files[0]) { throw new Error('Failed to read input files'); } return files[0]; } }