ELF/@@$"    google-aoc-snd-cardS24_LE3alsa: Fail to find target_dai for headset jack TDM_0_TX Sample Ratecapture3alsa: %s: %s fail to parse id %d Sevengoogle-aoc-snd-cardset_sys_clk3alsa: %s: invalid idx %dTDM_0_TX ChanUSB_TX Format3alsa: %s: fail to parse cpu %d for %sof_parse_dai_cpucodec3alsa: %s: %s clk number overflow %d %d MCLK3alsa: error registering aoc pcm drv %d . I2S_2_TX Chanaoc_slot_fmt_getUSB_RX Format3alsa: %s: dai link num is full %udai-nameid3alsa: %s: get cpu_dai fail for %s3alsa: %s: %s fail to convert type %sfixclki2s_hw_paramshw_params_fixupaoc_be_sr_putaoc_be_ch_getTDM_0_RX Sample RateHAPTIC_RX Format3alsa: %s: fail to parse sysclk %dSR_88P2KI2S_2_TX Sample RateTDM_1_TX ChanBT_RX Format3alsa: %s: fail to parse fai_link %d3alsa: %s: fail to get dai name %drequire-suspendplatform3alsa: %s: fail to codec np 3alsa: %s: %s fail to parse out_mul %d SR_22P05KSix4alsa: %s: set codec pll %s fail %dTDM_1_TX Sample RateHAPTIC_RX Sample Ratedynamicaoc_of_parse_clksaoc_of_parse_clkSR_44P1KEightaudio_output_controlTDM_1_TX SlotFmtBT_TX Formataoc_aocdump_stateSR_192KS32_LETwogoogle,aocI2S_2_RX FormatTDM_0_TX SlotFmtTDM_1_RX FormatTDM_1_RX ChanTDM_1_TX nSlotHAPTIC_RX SlotFmtERASER_TX Chan3alsa: %s: fail to parse codec %d for %susefixupThreechre-supported3alsa: %s: invalid id %u found for %s3alsa: %s: invalid idx %uINCALL_RX Sample Rate3alsa: %s: fail to parse clks %ddai_linkno-pcmprefixFLOAT_LEOne3alsa: %s: fail to allocate memI2S_0_RX FormatTDM_0_RX ChanTDM_1_RX nSlotINCALL_TX Formataoc-card-name3alsa: %s: fail to parse snd card name %d6alsa: %s: can't find codec cfg nodecomp4alsa: %s: fail to init hs jack %s aoc_be_ch_putI2S_1_RX Sample RateI2S_1_TX Sample Rateaoc_slot_fmt_putDP_DMA_RX Formathotword-supportedBT_RX Sample Rate6alsa: %s: defer the probe %dTDM_0_TX FormatHAPTIC_RX ChanERASER_TX Sample Rate3alsa: %s: can't find dai-link nodeSR_32KS16_LEI2S_2_RX Sample Rate3alsa: %s: unsupport fmt %u on %saoc_slot_num_putinit_audio_state_query3alsa: %s: fail to parse platform %d for %suseopssnd-soc-dummyaoc_of_parse_codec_conf3alsa: %s: %s PLL requires fixup clk aoc_card_initSR_8K6alsa: %s: snd register fail %dHeadset JackI2S_0_TX Sample RateI2S_2_TX FormatTDM_1_TX FormatINTERNAL_MIC_US_TX Format3alsa: %s: fail to get cpu dai for %s3alsa: %s: %s fail to parse srcid %d in_mul&pdata->mutexTDM_1_RX Sample RateINCALL_TX Sample Rate3alsa: %s: fail to parse codec conf %daoc_of_parse_dai_linkBCLKSR_16Kinit_headset_jackI2S_1_RX ChanI2S_1_TX FormatUSB_RX Sample Ratetriggerof_drvout_mul&chip->audio_cmd_chan_mutextdm_hw_paramsTDM_0_RX Format3alsa: fail to allocate %s client 6alsa: %s: register sound card later3alsa: %s: can't find cpu node for %s3alsa: %s: fail to get of_node for %shs_jack3alsa: %s: %s fail to clk type %dSR_176P4K6alsa: %s: wait for aoc output ctrl 3alsa: %s: Failed to get aoc output ctrl %d aoc_be_sr_getof_parse_one_dai3alsa: Cannot find aoc device node I2S_1_RX FormatINTERNAL_MIC_US_TX Chan3alsa: %s: fail to parse id %d &chip->audio_mutexINCALL_RX Format3alsa: %s: fail to get prefix for %s %dclks6alsa: %s: no clks3alsa: parse_clk: fail to alloc memaoc_snd_card_probe4alsa: %s: set codec_dai clk %s fail %d4alsa: %s: set codec sys clk %s fail %d3alsa: %s: inval ch %u slot %u, bit %d, slot_bit %dUSB_TX Sample Rate3alsa: invalid child count %d for %s of_parse_one_codec_cfg3alsa: %s: fail to allocate mem for pdata4alsa: %s: set codec_dai pll %s fail %dTDM_0_RX nSlot3alsa: %s: fail to parse hs jack %d3alsa: %s: count %d invalid3alsa: %s: fail to allocate memory for dai_linkdai_idS24_3LE3alsa: %s: invalid bit width %dI2S_0_RX Sample RateI2S_0_RX ChanI2S_0_TX FormatTDM_1_RX SlotFmtINTERNAL_MIC_TX Formataoc_snd_card_parse_ofdaifmt3alsa: %s: fail to allocate memory for codec_cfgbe_idsrcidPLLFiveI2S_1_TX ChanUSB_RX Chan4alsa: %s: fail to create entry %s require-pmdown-time6alsa: %s: wait cpu_dai for %s3alsa: %s: %s clk_type is NULL4alsa: %s: set tdm slot %s fail %daoc_be_fmt_getINTERNAL_MIC_TX Sample RateBT_TX ChanINCALL_TX Chancpu3alsa: %s: conf num is full %u3alsa: %s: %s fail to parse in_mul %d BT_RX ChanDP_DMA_RX Chanaoc_audio_stateplaybackaoc_of_parse_hs_jacksrc3alsa: Fail to create headset jack %d aoc_be_fmt_putTDM_0_RX SlotFmtaoc_slot_num_getUSB_TX ChanHAPTIC_RX nSlotINTERNAL_MIC_US_TX Sample Rate3alsa: %s: fail to parse %sof_node6alsa: %s: no hs jack3alsa: %s: %s fail to parse comp 6alsa: %sSR_96KFour3alsa: %s: fail to new ctrl %dset_pll_clkINTERNAL_MIC_TX ChanINCALL_RX Chansound-daiSR_11P025Kaoc_card_late_probeTDM_0_TX nSlot3alsa: %s: fail to get dai stream name %dsyspllSR_48KI2S_0_TX ChanBT_TX Sample Ratestream-namesnd-soc-dummy-daicodec_cfgI2S_2_RX ChanERASER_TX FormatDP_DMA_RX Sample Rate@+>"V}DXw     >>   w?#ՈhTژ(ҥ,THҨhH ThT҈$ȇhVAThhMhmTȑU ThhMh Th9HߢhTp[hT(ژ(ҥ T+u,( A Td|(m@ Tv҈hI/T͋ihQH TOhҨhH`T(h&CHT( ȓ)T7葐U`TҨsaT-[hT耥hKT ( ȓ T#?AT#_?#{@9qT{#_ )+ih8J @@*?#{ ! ) J! ) ) J ) ) J ) ) J ) ) J ) ) J ) ) ) ) J ) ) J  ) ) ) J ) ) J ) ) J )*5* @{¨#_*?#C{og_WOA8%C!AZ;cM7@BgRRM7RR MP p  *)R ! ) )RB < T )R>R y8}R < 80 l9!BBjF!!B9@F9A@ )!h*bBv"i~!@BB*Q  kATRR~C`uZ(q*Ÿ@kMTN!5"#!5! !*RR @(R(`5!@Z\_kTRR <;Z#*N@!``4#@*((R(+3!*`4(RC_ qq(ySC!*(# )* 4! 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