ELFH$ @@-+00$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3 D .        q4    ) 1 y      ( OQu OX el :GX yv1AQ%5A(3hz nw  !    .     W               $   x "% c   I2 B O Z ! 5! A!  :h    1<H? [<4,, $ D d x   <<<<0  lLd$\8Hsec_ts_read_calibration_reportdump: i/o %u, comm %u, reset %u, longest %lld.%u. %s: re-init grip(%d), edh: %d, edg: %d, lan: %d sec_ts_unlocked_release_all_finger%s: spi fail, ret %d, sync code %X, reg(M) %X, reg(S) %X, cmd_result %X, chksum(M) %X, chksum(S) %X %s: grip prescreened frames %d. %s: set power mode failed(%d) %s: write clear event failed sec_ts_run_rawdata_all | %s: read rawdata type failed get_chip_vendorrun_reference_readrun_reference_read_all%s: checksum = %02X gapX TX %s: %d, %d Cal: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X sec_touchkeycmd_list%s: size %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x ../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_ts.cENTERsec_ts_read_internal%s: Encoded heatmap is already enabled. sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_timeoutsec_ts_pinctrl_configuresec_ts-event-queue%s: force wlc mode if usb present during wlc online.%s: failed to integrity check (%d) %s: bl update command send fail! %s: request firmware done! size = %d %s: skip fw update %s: bl fw download success - device id = %02X sec_ts_enter_fw_mode%s: read fail, read_boot_status %s: read_boot_id = %02X%02X%02X %s: %d %s: ito: %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: set rawdata type failed! run_rawcap_gap_read_allrun_self_reference_readglove_modeset_wirelesscharger_modesec_ts_cs_spec_over_check%s: Read Event type enable status fail "TMXZ":"%d","TMNZ":"%d","TAVZ":"%d"%s: Failed to read heatmap_mode%s: failed to read touch functions(%d) sec_cmd_init%s %ssec_ts_enter_recovery_store3%s: bad len %zu sec_ts_write%s: count: %d, pass cnt: %d, fail cnt: %d, status: %X, param ver: %X %X %X %X (+)sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_enablesec,tsp-icid_gpiosec,fod_coords%s: charger_mode change from %#x to %#x %s: Unable to register %s input device 0x%x STATUS: vsync %d -> %d sec_ts_remove%s: firmware header error = %08X %s: vzalloc failed %s: IC Image version info: %x.%x.%x.%x sec_ts_load_fw_from_ffu%s: %d, %s execute_p2ptest%s: 0x%02X %02X,%02X,%02X,%02X get_rawcap%s: fail!, %d %s: param = %d, set Normal ACTIVE mode multi_count_showwet_mode_showall_touch_count_storemodule_id_showvendorpressure_enable%s: failed to read boot status(%d) %s: already power on %s: Failed to send touch function command%s: ptlib - Writing encoded heatmap's enabled register failed. %s: Failed to register tbn context. %s: could not read boot status. Assuming no device connected. %s: unavailable switch_gpio! sec_set_switch_gpio&x->wait%s: enable local heatmap failed, returned %i %s: event buffer is empty %s: IC Event Queue is full OFF%s: Failed to send command(0x%x)sec_ts_shutdown%s: sw_reset time out! %s: read bl update status fail! %s: config_ver of bin: %x.%x.%x.%x %s: offset: %u, length: %d, size: %d %s: Failed to sec_cmd_init run_rawcap_read_allget_deltarun_self_rawcap_readrun_self_rawcap_gap_read_all%4d,%s: %s %#x holding_time_storeLSI_%sencoded_enable3%s %s: failed to create sysfs group cmd_result_show6%s %s: %s sec_ts_raw_device_initsec_ts_reg_manual_storesec_ts_set_lowpowermode%s: set brush mode %s: Read grip_prescreen_timeout register failed. sec,icid_match_value%s: write reg %#x %#x failed, returned %i sec_ts_ptflib_get_grip_prescreen_frames%s: Failed to send touch function command.%s: set brush mode. %s: failed to set 16:9 mode. Invalid x or y: (%i, %i), value=%i, ending loop %s: LPM: pm resume is not handled %s: ESD detected. run reset %s: Read mutual frame failed sec_ts_firmware_update_blsec_ts_firmware_update%s: fw verify fail, fw_size %d != ii %d %s: ReadBootStatus = 0x%x, Firmware download Start! get_tsp_nvm_data_by_sizecSIZcRXGcRXR%s: %02X %s: not support param %s: failed! ret %d Para out of range%s: param = %d, Sense On module_idOK%s: fail to write AFE_CAL %s: Failed to send covertype command: %d%s: Configure grip_prescreen_timeout register failed %d. %s: SPI interface(%d Hz) %s: done sec,touch_i2c_switchSLPI%s: set 16:9 mode. %s: alloc heatmap_buff failed sec_ts_read_eventSTATUS: grip: %d. %s: one of coords is ZERO(%d, %d)!%s: %d (in=%d, out=%d, rep=%d, out_max=%d). %s: unmatched heatmap size (%d,%d) (%d,%d). unregister_panel_bridge%s: force release SEC_TS_BUS_REF_BUGREPORT(delta: %lld)! sec_ts_hw_reset%s: fail to read ic version OK %d %d %s: Self test start! cCOU%s: done (wet: %d)## run_delta_read_allaod_enableset_palm_detection_enable0x%02X, 0x%02X PASS%s: param = %d %d, do touch system reset heatmap_mode_storeheatmap dump(mode %d) %s SE-V%02X.%02X.%02X cmd_result_2_showsec_ts_regsec_ts_gesture_statussec_ts_set_grip_type%s: setup SPI rt failed(%d) %s: Unable to request threaded irq %s: Failed to request gpio %d, ret %d support_dex_mode%s: before resume: mode %#x, state %#x. %s: set dex mode. applying touch_offload settings. %s: usb_present(%d) and wlc_online(%d) no changed!%s: Beginning firmware update after probe. sec_touchscreenUnexpected heatmap size: %i x %i%s: event buffer overflow %d sec_ts_handle_fod_event%s : charger=0x%x, Cover=0x%x, Power mode=0x%x %s: write passwd fail! %s: fail to read BootStatus %s: CLEAR EVENT STACK execute_selftestcCHA%s: failed#1 ret: %d %s: failed to fix tmode. ------gapY RX %s: already checking now Failed to Custom Library LP log %d 3%s %s: failed to create device for the sysfs FAIL%s: Unable to request tsp_int [%d]: %d %s: pwr off, close: %d, status: %x %s: Failed to wake the touch bus. sec,regulator_boot_on%s: read touch mode failed(%d) sec_ts_fw_update_work%s: read one event failed STATUS: FoD: %s, X,Y: %d, %d %s: do not support coordinate action(%d) %s: do not support coordinate type(%d) %s: tid(%d) is out of range %s: val %lu%s: done. %s: initial firmware update %s, cal: %X %s: firmware chunk write failed, addr=%08X, size = %d sec_ts_release_tmodecRXSsec_ts_run_rawdata_type%s: Set powermode failed run_rawcap_gap_combo_read_allget_aod_rectsec_ts_check_index%s... scrub_pos_show%d fw_version/mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/89/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_ts_only_vendor.csec_ts_reg_manualsec_ts_regreadsize_manual_store%02X %s: len %d over pre-allocated size %d %s: retry %d for 0x%02X size(%d) delay_us(%d) psy notifier register failed sec,irq_type%s: Failed to toggle switch_gpio, err = %d %s: failed to set dex mode %x. %s: failed to read device ID(%d) %s: hw_reset ack. STATUS: hopping %d -> %d by %d with lvl %#x %#x ON%s: bl updated but bl version not matching, ver=%02X OK set_grip_data_to_ic%s: self %d : error ## ret: %d run_self_reference_read_allset_wet_mode_enableset_noise_mode_enable%s%s: failed [%d] %s: miss cal spec : %d,%d,%d %s: FrameAvg x 1000 %s: failed to read status(%d) comm_err_count_show%s: failed to read device id(%d) c %s: gpio request one %s: Nothing to read %s: failed to read, %d %s: close: %d, status: %x %s: reference is unexpectedly set: mask=0x%04X, ref=0x%04X, enable=%d %s: spi write retry %d %s: could not get active pinstate &ts->device_mutexsec,support_sidegesture%s: toggling switch to %s %s: Failed to control vdd: %d %s: fail to read information 0x%x STATUS: palm: %d. sec_ts_handle_coord_eventtrue%s: invalid gpio %d. %s: firmware mode failed %s: bl fw id does not match - device id = %02X %s: fw erase failed, mem_addr= %08X, pagenum = %d %s: Image version read error sec_ts_load_fw_from_bin%s: failed to fix tmode %s: P2Ptest execution time out! %s: Set rawdata type failed %3dget_mis_cal_infoenable_coordinate_report%s: IC is power off disableTSP_truned off%s: check disassemble count: %d %s: failed, retval = %d encoded_enable_storeReport rate: %d tspsec_ts_regread%s: invalid input to reg read! cmd_num %d, cmd %x %x %s: Failed to send commandsec_ts_read_init_info%s: read power mode failed! SUSPENDsec_ts_probe&ts->io_mutex%s: TSP_ID : %d sec,touch_reset_gpio%s: failed to set brush mode. %s: force_wlc(%d->%d), usb_present(%d->%d), wlc_online(%d->%d), charger_mode(%#x->%#x)%s: fail! ret %d %s: Read delta frame failed %s: firmware update retry: %d %s: Success! read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: fw write failed, page_idx = %u %6d, %s: P2P test start! cSIG%s: Write Cal commend failed! %s: flag: %02X (clr,lan,nor,edg,han) RXget_referenceset_continuous_report_enable13,14%s: node = %d sec_ts_read_frame_p2penable%s: param error! param = %d %s: write reg %#x para %#x failed, returned %i FAIL(%#x) checksum%s: %lld ms status_showVsync: %d sec_touchcmd_statuscmd_result_23%s %s: No sec_cmd_list buffer %s: failed to peek hc sec,bringup%s: refresh rate(Hz) changed to %d from %d %s: Failed to get avdd regulator. %s: fail to write Sense_on 0x%x %s: Skipping stray interrupt since bus is suspended(power_status: %d) sec_ts_populate_encoded_channel%s: request bt done! size = %d %s: read fail, read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: failed#4 ret: %d %s: invalid data type sec_ts_read_frameset_mis_cal_specget_wet_moderun_rawdata_read_type%s: parameter error: %u, %u heatmap_dumpcmd_result/mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/89/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_ts.c%s: Time Over sec_ts_hc_dump%s: SEC_TS_CMD_SET_GRIP_DETEC failed with ret=%d %s: SEC_TS_CMD_LONGPRESS_DROP_AREA failed with ret=%d %s: Write grip_prescreen_timeout register failed. %s: could not get pinctrl %s: Failed to get tsp-icid gpio %s: sec,fod_coords not found! %s: Offload device ID = "%c%c%c%c" / 0x%08X %s: reset failed! ret %d %s: device is closed %s: %d (%d,0x%04X,0x%04X,%d) ts(%lld,%lld) %s: IC config %x %x, Bin config %x %x %s: num_chunk: %d %s: firmware chunk error = %08X ffu_tsp.bin%s: mode %d state %d c%s sec_ts : TXrun_rawdata_p2p_read_allset_aod_rectset_touchable_area%s: firmware version read error iris %s: param = %d, Sense Off %02X%02X%02X%02Xmulti_count_storewet_modecomm_err_count_storez_value%s: failed to touch status(%d) %s: fail %s: invalid input %c, Have to start with R(r) %s: reg %X sz %d -> %s sec_ts_read_information%s: write reg retry over retry limit, skip read %s: spi fail, ret %d, sync code %X, reg(S) %X, chksum(M) %X, chksum(S) %X sec,always_lpmode%s: encoded skipped %d/%d sec_ts_fw_initsec_ts_pm_suspend%s: RUN OFFSET CALIBRATION %s: fw read fail mem_addr=%08X,unit_size=%d sec_ts_save_version_of_bin%s: Self test done! sec_ts_execute_force_calibration%s: 0x%02X %02X,%02X %s: self %d ## get_config_verbrush_enableset_touch_mode%s: success [%d] %s: Touch is stopped! ito_checkraw_check3%s %s: cmd length is over (%s,%d)!! %s: gpio free %s: read reg %x failed! %s: retry %d %s: power mode - write(%d) read(%d) %s: read reg(%#x) over retry limit, comm_err_count %d, io_err_count %d on_stateoff_state%s: No power contorl found secsec,max_coordssec,model_nameavdd%s: Failed to send touch func_mode commandread_heatmap_raw%s: read failed, returned %i sec_ts_irq_thread%s: sw_reset ack. %s: Read customlib failed, offset(0x%04X)) size(%d) update_motion_filter%s: sw reset failed.sec_ts_firmware_update_on_hidden_menu%s: write fail, enter_fw_mode %s: fw write failed, write_size %d != fw_size %d %s: send command failed, %02X %s: config version read error %6d, TXget_fw_ver_icget_y_cross_routingrun_rawcap_factory_read_allrun_force_calibrationrun_cal_checkNAsec_ts_read_frame_stdevRead Stat Fail%s: Write Vendor Event Level fail z_value_showheatmap_dump_store%s: GESTURE STATUS %x %x %x %x %x %x %s: POWER_STATUS: OFF %s: write over retry limit dump: cnt %u, active %u, wet %u, palm %u. sec_ts_glove_mode_enablessec_ts_set_cover_type%s: already power off %s: could not get suspend pinstate sec_ts_resume_worksec_ts_populate_frame/mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/89/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_ts_fw.c%s: bringup. do not update %s: read device id fail after bl fw download inputget_force_calibration%s_SE_%02X%02XNONE%s: Failed to send notify %s: para out of range %s: param = %d, set Normal IDLE mode all_touch_countcmd../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_cmd.csec_ts_reg_storedump-int: #%llu(%llu.%u): S#%llu%s C#%llu(0x%lx)%s. %s: [RA] tID: %d mc: %d tc: %u v: %02X%02X cal: %02X(%02X) id(%d,%d) %s: Read grip_prescreen_mode register failed. sec,irq_gpiosec_ts_heatmap_initCOORD: wait all finger(s) release after grip entered sec_ts_memoryreadsec_ts_save_version_of_ic%s: tx gap=%d, rx gap=%d, peak=%d G935%s: Failed to write offset %s: param = %d, set Lowpower ACTIVE mode comm_err_countchecksum_show%s: Invalid input. fw_version_showFW file: N/A Functions: %#x, %#x cmd_status_show%s %s: %d, %s %s: POWER_STATUS: OFF, retry: %d %s: %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X [%d] %s: %s(%X) %s: power enable %s: Do not match TSP_ICID %s: skipped to get project_name property %s/input1%s: unknown event %x %x %x %x %x %x %s: hw reset failed.%s: write fail, Sense_on %s: core version read error %s: initial firmware update %s /mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/89/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_ts_fn.c%s: failed to read frame %s: Send selftest cmd failed! cRXTsec_ts_fn_remove + %5dget_tsp_test_resultincrease_disassemble_countsec_ts_cm_spec_over_checkNG_FINGER_ONM: %s, M: %d, A: %s, A: %dholding_time%s: invalid grip_prescreen_mode value %d. %s: Failed to allocate platform data %s: boot timeout(status %#x)! Reflash FW to recover. wirelesssec,firmware_namesec,mis_cal_check%s: set charger mode %#x panel_bridge_disableCOORD: detect palm leave(tid %#x -> 0x0), tid_touch %#x COORD: all fingers released with palm(s)/grip(s) leaved once %s: kmalloc for encoded_buff failed. sec_ts_populate_self_channel%s: sw_reset failed or time out, try hw_reset to recover! %s: write reg %#x failed, return %i %s: Send P2Ptest Mode cmd failed! %s: 0x%02X %02X Rx%02d | get_fw_ver_binclear_cover_modeset_print_format%s: %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%X %s: %s, status =%x %s: w: %d, h: %d, x: %d, y: %d multi_countwet_mode_store%s: touch: %d, force: %d, aod: %d, spay: %d force_recal_count6%s %s: cmd = %s(%s) NOT_APPLICABLEcmd_list_showsec_ts_regreadsizesec_ts_enter_recoverysec_ts_wait_for_ready_with_countsec_ts_debug_dump%s: failed to read sub id(%d) %s: fac_nv: %02X, cal_count: %02X %s: Failed to set %s: Configure grip_prescreen_mode register failed %d. %s: Cannot create work thread %s: allocate device err! &ts->bus_mutex%s: request_irq = %d %s: ONLY update charger_mode status from %#x to %#x, then will apply during resume panel_bridge_enable%s: DEVICE ID: %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X %s: invalid integrity result (0x%x) STATUS: %#x %#x %#x %#x %#x %#x %#x %#x %s[P] tID: %d x: %d y: %d z: %d major: %d minor: %d tc: %u type: %X sec_ts_sw_resetsec_ts_bl_update%s: data = %X, mem_rb = %X, ii = %d %s: IC Core version info: %x.%x.%x.%x, set_tsp_nvm_data_clearcVER%s: recover rawdata type failed get_x_numrun_delta_readdrawing_test_enableset_lowpower_modeSE-V%02X.%02X.%02X%s: set touch mode %s: STATUS_EVENT enable = 0x%02X, 0x%02X %s: clear checksum_storeENABLEstatusTouch status: %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x %s: invalid input size %d sec_ts_enable_fw_grip%s: TS_STATUS: %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X %s: bus_refmask = 0x%02X. %s: wake-up touch(#%d) by 0x%02X cmd delay_us(%d) %s: ptlib - Read encoded heatmap's enabled status failed. %s: fail to write custom library command %s: set mode %d. sec,project_name%s: after resume: mode %#x, state %#x. %s: fail to sec_ts_fw_init 0x%x %s: Failed to get vdd regulator. %s: %s vdd sec_ts_reinitsec_ts_populate_mutual_channel%s: mode %d, wait_for_done %d, sense_on %d. tsp_sec/s6smc41_blupdate_img_REL.bin%s: initial bl update %s %s: [%d] 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X %s: fail to write OFFSET CAL SEC! %3d, cTXO%s: failed#2 ret: %d set_tsp_test_resultdebugwireless enable%s: Failed to read rect %s: not support DeX mode %s: set brush mode %s Write Stat Failget_lp_dumpFW file: %s sec_ts_regread_manual%s: failed to set dex mode %x &ts->lock%s: Failed to get max_coords property %s: already suspended. %s: run LPM interrupt handler, %d ONE: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X Could not reserve a frame: ret=%d. sec_ts_ptflib_decodersec_ts_psy_cbޭ%s: fw update Success! read_boot_status = 0x%x ALL%s: nvm write failed. ret: %d cAMB%s: Failed to create sysfs attributes %s: start (wet: %d)## %s: mutual %d ## module_off_masterrun_self_delta_read_allget_disassemble_countReadCSUMfail%s: FrameStd x 1000 %s: Failed to send command 74 [DeX]%s: failed to set brush mode %s: ERROR : %d, INFO : %d, USER_INPUT : %d, INFO_CUSTOMLIB : %d, VENDOR_INFO : %d, VENDOR_EVENT_LEVEL : %d %s: %02X%02X%02X%02X ito_check_show%d: %04x%04x%04x%04x cmd_store%s sec_ts_parsing_cmds%s: %X, %X, %X sec_ts_stop_devicesec_ts_set_bus_refACTIVEsec,tsp_vsync_gpiosec,encoded_enable%s: firmware update was unsuccessful. COORD: wait all finger(s) release after palm entered %s: Driver does not support stylus status%s: kmalloc for mutual_strength_heatmap (%d). %s: irq disabled sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe%s: Load firmware: %s NG %s: P2P test done! cRXOcTXGsec_ts_print_framedead_zone_enable%s: coordinate report %s 3%s %s: not defined devt=%d /mnt/disks/build-disk/src/partner-android/android14-gs-pixel-5.15-24Q3/out/bazel/output_user_root/8b156cf455f167603eb9c07f716dd43e/sandbox/linux-sandbox/89/execroot/__main__/aosp/../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_cmd.cnot_support_cmd6%s %s: cmd = %s %s: BOOT_STATUS: %X %s: Functions: %02X sec_ts_start_devicesec_ts_write_burst_internalsec_ts_ptflib_reinitsec_ts_aggregate_bus_stateusb%s: io_burstmax is larger than io_read_buf and/or io_write_buf. %s: Failed to set gpio %d direction sec_ts_charger_work%s: wait_for_done %d. sec_ts_system_reset%s: firmware is not available %s: write ok, enter_fw_mode - 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x %s: img_ver of bin: %x.%x.%x.%x %s: [ERROR] Touch is stopped %s: failed to release tmode %s: fail to write Sense_off %s: Send P2Ptest cmd failed! get_y_numset_log_level%02X %6d%s: set 16:9 mode %s %s: Toggle Sense On/Off scrub_posall_touch_count_showgrip_prescreen_timeout_store%s: 0x%x, 0x%x, size %d %s: read %x command fail %s: read reg %X sz %d %s: %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: cover open, not send cmd%s: set dex mode %s: set timeout %d. %s: fw update on probe disabled! %s: tbn_register_mask = %#x. %s: boot timeout(status %#x)! Reset system to recover. sec,panel_mapsec,switch_gpiosec_ts_suspend_work%s: %s avdd STATUS: rate %d -> %d STATUS: WLC: %#x STATUS: noise: %#x %s: ss_frame_type change from %#x false%s: bt is not available %s: bl update completed! %s: Not support command[%d] %s: verify done(%d) sec_ts_read_raw_dataget_tsp_nvm_data%s: Failed to create input symbolic link ----fw_updateget_chip_namerun_rawcap_readrun_rawdata_stdev_readrun_rawcap_high_freq_read_allset_grip_dataset_charger_nb_enableTSP turned offN930%s: fail to enable w-charger status, POWER_STATUS=OFF %d %d %d%s: max: %d, min: %d, avg: %d SE%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XNG, Failed to read rect, addr=%d%s: write reg %#x failed, returned %i Wet mode: %d 6%s %s[sec_input]%s: failed to read: %d %s: lv1_readsize = %d sec_ts_gesture_status_showsec_ts_regreadsize_manual&ts->eventlock%s: vsync %s sec,i2c-burstmax%s: Failed to get io_burstmax property %s: Failed to get tsp-id gpio %s: setting motion filter = %s. %s: No calibration: restore_cal = %d %s: fw update sequence done, BUT read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: read id fail sec_ts_chunk_updatesec_ts_flashwritecTXRsec_ts_read_channelsec_ts_read_frame_and_channelspay_enableNG%02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X %s: read disassemble count: %d "TMXZ":"%d","TMNZ":"%d"DISABLE%s: fail - sysfs_create_group dump-dbg: #%d: (%d, %d) (%d, %d). %s: end %s: Failed to control avdd: %d sec_touchpad%s: already init done! ALL: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: water wet mode %d %s: slot 0 is in use!FoD: send input cancel event. %s: kmalloc for mutual_strength_heatmap (%d) failed. sec_ts_check_firmware_version../private/google-modules/touch/sec/sec_ts_fn.c%s: mutual %d : error ## ret: %d module_on_masterrun_rawdata_read_alldex_enable%s: read get_checksum result fail! NG, Failed to read rect%s: DEBUG current_index = %d force_recal_count_showgrip_prescreen_timeoutc param =++factory command list++ %s: glove: %d, status: %x %s: ptlib - Enabling encoded heatmap failed. %s: No platform data found %s: TSP_ICID : %d %s: Failed to request gpio %d sec,touch_offload_id%s: mm2px %d %s: failed to write sw_reset. %s: failed to write sense_on. %s: bootloader is up to date %s: enter fail! read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: memory read failed %s: do not matched version info %s: core_ver of bin: %x.%x.%x.%x %s: fail to write Sense_on %s: SENSE ON %s: Selftest execution time out! cTXS%s: P2P test failed get_thresholdget_checksum_data%s: read threshold fail! %s: [0x%X][0x%X] M: %d, M: %d, A: %d, A: %d wireless disable%lld msget_lp_dump_showsec_epen%s: fail - device_create sec_ts_regread_showdump: #%d: %lld.%u(%lld.%u) D(%d, %d). %s: set 16:9 mode %s: CMD_NG cmd(M) = %X, cmd(S) = %X, cmd_result = %X %s: Encoded heatmap was not initialized. sec_ts deferring for power regulators %s: Failed to get icid match value %s: Failed to get reset_gpio AP%s: already resumed. sec_ts_power%s: TOUCH STATUS: %02X || %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X COORD: detect palm enter(tid 0x0 -> %#x) COORD: detect grip enter(tid 0x0 -> %#x) COORD: detect grip leave(tid %#x -> 0x0), tid_touch %#x sec_ts_update_v4l2_mutual_strength%s: Read self frame failed %s: can't suspend because touch bus is in use! %s: failed, ret: %d %s: failed to kmalloc %3d,cRES %s: read rawdata failed! get_x_cross_routingset_grip_detection_enableSendCMDfailOK(MODULE)[DeXI]%s: failed to set 16:9 mode z_value_storeCharger mode: %#x sec_cmd_exit3%s %s: No platform data found sec_ts%s: Failed to get irq gpio dump: #%d: N/A! %s: not chage touch state, %d sec_ts_read_bulk_internal%s: Write grip_prescreen_mode register failed. sec_ts-fw-update-queue%s: failed(%d) sec_ts_parse_dt%s: no irq_type property, set to default! sec,tsp-id_gpiosec,reset_gpiovdd%s: int_cnt %llu. %s: Read grip prescreen frames register failed. %s: ms_frame_type change from %#x 3%s: Failed to queue reserved frame: ret=%d. %s: bus_refmask 0x%X %s: hw_reset time out! sec_ts_limited_flashpagewritesec_ts_memoryblockreadsec_ts_fix_tmodec %2X, %2X, %2X, %2X %02d run_rawcap_combo_read_allrun_trx_short_test%s: failed to set dex %smode %s: param = %d, set Lowpower IDLE mode %s: scrub_id: %d, X: %d, Y: %d NG, Failed to Custom Library LP log, current_index=%dgrip_prescreen_mode %3d,ID: %02X %02X %02X %s %s: COMMAND = %s sec_ts_enable_ptflib%s: pwr off, glove: %d, status: %x %s: nTX: %d, nRX: %d, rY: %d, rX: %d %s: Read encoded heatmap's inited failed. sec_ts_read_from_customlib%s: Failed to parse dt %s: Can't alloc fw update work thread %s: lcdtype 0x%08X sec,heatmap_mode%s: Failed to read sec,touch_offload_id %s: SEC_TS_CMD_STATEMANAGE_ON failed! ret %d register_panel_bridgepanel_bridge_mode_set%s: read reg %#x failed, returned %i %s: LPM: -ERESTARTSYS if interrupted, %d %s[R] tID: %d mc: %d tc: %u lx: %d ly: %d v: %02X%02X cal: %02X(%02X) id(%d,%d) 6%s NG %d %d %s: SENSE OFF %s: nvm send command failed. ret: %d cFAIcTXTsec_ts_run_cal_check%s: failed#3 ret: %d %s: mis cal data : %d %s: not support! sec_ts_fn_initrun_self_rawcap_read_allrun_self_delta_read%s: threshold write type failed. ret: %d %s: miss cal data : %d %d,%d,%d,%d%s: send get_checksum_cmd fail! %s: cmd write failed %s: command (1)%X, (2)%X: %X %s: failed to set deadzone %s: Write Event type enable status fail %d holding_time_showgrip_prescreen_mode_storeBoot status: %#x sec,tsp_intsec_ts_regread_manual_show%s: len is larger than buffer size %s: enable %d. EXIT%s: failed %s: cover cmd write type: %d, mode: %x, ret: %d%s: fail to read custom library command %s: invalid grip_prescreen_timeout value %d. %s: skipped to get model_name property sec,mm2px%s: io_burstmax: %d, bringup: %d, FW: %s, mis_cal_check: %d %s: failed to write Sense_on. %s: drop this because raw data reading by others %s: failed to alloc. %s: IC config version info: %x.%x.%x.%x tsp_sec/sec_hero.fw%s: offset: %u data: %02X cCRCcPAS %02dforce_touch_active%s: %s %d%s: [ERROR] not support, %d %s: disassemble count is #1 %d %s: set DeX touch_pad mode%s & Iris mode%s: POWER off! "TTCN":"%d","TFCN":"%d","TACN":"%d","TSCN":"%d"Fingers#: %d 3%s %s: other cmd is running. c %d%s: Power off state %s: Unable to request tsp_int [%d] 3%s: memory allocation failed!3%s: bad input sec,sec_ts'void (_Bool)''void (struct drm_bridge *)'SECN/AY761Y661A552MC44'void (void *)''int (struct sec_ts_data *, unsigned char *, int)''int (void *, _Bool)''int (struct sec_ts_data *, unsigned char, unsigned char *, int)'?#ըiҨhT(>-T҈(a,TH>Th[藼b@T(\T( ȓ TҨ#lTh=ҨL5^- T=ҨL5^THH THɈnHxHT%]H*H* T%]H*H*T҈("1T(=҈T( ȓMTn* T(* Tl=(%` T9H( T( ȓ TO(҈(a` T((r T[hTUHh%` T(ȭt(TViҨh` T҈$ȇhVTGҨ#T2H#T(%"( ȓT#&   ( ȓ5T?T#_( ȓu#T( ȓ T?#{@9qT{#_ )+ih8J @@*?#{ O*Bc@R`@Bcxhx)qHT)RjR)!? jT Rhj)8h2Fy6 R *h2yhC(4RuR#R6Bc@R`@B@9]q`TRBc@Rj(8`@Bcxh2FyT7y) R *h2yhC5Bc@R`@d2FyB,bb RCR`6Bc@R`@BBc@R`@d2FyB*OB @{è#_?#{og_WOCA8%C C C4*x(qTtBMR*yMRHR+}S` ~@?3x(9) 9+9794qT**i{**+ m_8 n%@8  aTH ? 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ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.128$d.128$d.1028$x.28sec_ts_firmware_update_bl.input_log_buf.28$d.918$d.818$d.718sec_ts_pm_suspend.input_log_buf.618$d.618$d.518$d.418$d.1318sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.318$d.318$d.1218$x.218$d.1118$d.118$d.1018$x.18sec_ts_hc_dump.input_log_buf.18sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.18$d.908$d.808$d.708get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug608$d.608sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.508set_continuous_report_enable.input_log_buf.508$d.508$d.408$d.1308$x.308$d.1208$x.208$d.1108sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.108set_grip_data_to_ic.input_log_buf.108$d.108$d.1008$d.8$d.997$d.897$d.797$d.697sec_ts_populate_mutual_channel.input_log_buf.597$d.597sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.497$d.497$d.397$d.1297$x.297get_threshold.input_log_buf.297$d.1197$x.197sec_ts_print_frame.input_log_buf.197sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.197$d.1097$x.97$d.987$d.887$d.787$d.687sec_ts_populate_encoded_channel.input_log_buf.587$d.587sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.487$d.487$d.1387$x.387$d.1287$x.287sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.287$d.1187$x.187sec_ts_read_frame.input_log_buf.187$d.1087sec_ts_set_lowpowermode.input_log_buf.87$d.87$d.977$d.877$d.777$d.677sec_ts_handle_coord_event.input_log_buf.577$d.577read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.477set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.477$d.477$d.1377$x.377get_force_calibration.input_log_buf.377$d.1277$x.277$d.1177$x.177sec_ts_print_channel.input_log_buf.177$d.1077$x.77sec_ts_read_init_info.input_log_buf.77sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.77$d.967$d.867$d.767$d.667sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.567$d.567read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.467set_log_level.input_log_buf.467$d.467__UNIQUE_ID_description367$d.1367$x.367$d.1267$x.267$d.1167$x.167sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_timeout.input_log_buf.167sec_ts_read_channel.input_log_buf.167$d.1067execute_p2ptest.input_log_buf.67sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.67sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.67$d.67$d.957$d.857$d.757$d.657$d.557sec_ts_heatmap_init.input_log_buf.457$d.457$d.1357$x.357sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.357$d.1257$x.257$d.1157$x.157sec_ts_load_fw_from_ffu.input_log_buf.157sec_ts_ptflib_reinit.input_log_buf.157sec_ts_run_rawdata_all.input_log_buf.157$d.1057$x.57sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.57get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.input_log_buf.57sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.57$d.947$d.847$d.747$d.647sec_ts_handle_fod_event.input_log_buf.547$d.547sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.447brush_enable.input_log_buf.447$d.447$d.1347sec_ts_suspend_work.input_log_buf.347sec_ts_cm_spec_over_check.input_log_buf.347$d.347$d.1247sec_ts_probe.__key.247$x.247$d.1147$x.147sec_ts_write_burst_internal.input_log_buf.147sec_ts_save_version_of_ic.input_log_buf.147$d.1047sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe.input_log_buf.47get_tsp_nvm_data.input_log_buf.47$d.47$d.937$d.837$d.737set_touch_mode.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug637$d.637sec_ts_read_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug537$d.537dex_enable.input_log_buf.437$d.437$d.1337$x.337sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.337$d.1237$x.237sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.237$d.1137$x.137sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.137sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.137$d.1037$x.37sec_ts_bl_update.input_log_buf.37$d.927$d.827$d.727$d.627sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.527$d.527sec_ts_power.input_log_buf.427$d.427$d.1327$x.327$d.1227sec_ts_probe.__key.227$x.227$d.1127$x.127sec_ts_fn_init.input_log_buf.127$d.1027$x.27sec_ts_debug_dump.input_log_buf.27sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.27$d.917$d.817$d.717$d.617sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.517$d.517$d.1317$x.317get_mis_cal_info.input_log_buf.317$d.1217$x.217sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.217$d.1117$x.117sec_ts_run_cal_check.input_log_buf.117$d.1017$x.17sec_ts_system_reset.input_log_buf.17$d.907$d.807$d.707get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug607$d.607set_continuous_report_enable.input_log_buf.507$d.507$d.407$d.1307$x.307sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.307$d.1207$x.207sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.207$d.1107$x.107sec_ts_chunk_update.input_log_buf.107$d.1007sec_ts_hw_reset.input_log_buf.7sec_ts_write.input_log_buf.7sec_ts_release_tmode.input_log_buf.7$d.7$d.996$d.896$d.796$d.696sec_ts_populate_mutual_channel.input_log_buf.596$d.596set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.496$d.496$d.396$d.1296$x.296$d.1196$d.196$d.1096$x.96sec_ts_enter_fw_mode.input_log_buf.96sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.96$d.986$d.886$d.786$d.686$d.586set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.486$d.486$d.1386$x.386set_tsp_test_result.input_log_buf.386sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.386$d.1286$x.286fw_update.input_log_buf.286$d.1186$x.186sec_ts_read_frame.input_log_buf.186$d.1086$x.86$d.976$d.876$d.776$d.676$d.576$d.476$d.1376$x.376sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.376$d.1276$x.276sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.276$d.1176$x.176sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_enable.input_log_buf.176$d.1076$x.76execute_selftest.input_log_buf.76$d.966$d.866$d.766$d.666sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.566$d.566$d.466$d.1366$x.366cmd_attr_group.366sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.366run_rawdata_read_type.input_log_buf.366$d.1266$x.266$d.1166$x.166$d.1066$x.66sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.66$d.956$d.856$d.756$d.656sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.556$d.556set_log_level.input_log_buf.456$d.456$d.1356$x.356sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.356$d.1256$d.256$d.1156$x.156sec_ts_run_rawdata_all.input_log_buf.156$d.1056$x.56get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.input_log_buf.56$d.946$d.846$d.746$d.646sec_ts_parse_dt.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug546$d.546$d.446$d.1346$x.346$d.1246$x.246$d.1146sec_ts_write_burst_internal.input_log_buf.146sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.146$d.146$d.1046$x.46sec_ts_set_cover_type.input_log_buf.46sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe.input_log_buf.46$d.936$d.836$d.736$d.636sec_ts_read_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug536sec_ts_read_vendor_event.input_log_buf.536$d.536sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.436$d.436$d.1336$x.336get_checksum_data.input_log_buf.336$d.1236$x.236$d.1136sec_ts_save_version_of_bin.input_log_buf.136sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.136sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.136$d.136$d.1036sec_ts_enable_fw_grip.input_log_buf.36$d.36$d.926$d.826$d.726$d.626sec_ts_debug_dump.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug526$d.526$d.426$d.1326$x.326get_wet_mode.input_log_buf.326$d.1226$x.226$d.1126sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.126sec_ts_memoryblockread.input_log_buf.126$d.126$d.1026$x.26sec_ts_firmware_update_bl.input_log_buf.26sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.26$d.916$d.816$d.716$d.616$d.516set_wirelesscharger_mode.input_log_buf.416$d.416$d.1316sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.316$d.316$d.1216$x.216$d.1116sec_ts_limited_flashpagewrite.input_log_buf.116sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.116$d.116$d.1016$x.16$d.906$d.806$d.706get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug606$d.606sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.506set_noise_mode_enable.input_log_buf.506$d.506get_disassemble_count.input_log_buf.406$d.406$d.1306$x.306$d.1206$x.206$d.1106sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.106set_grip_data_to_ic.input_log_buf.106$d.106$d.1006sec_ts_raw_device_init.input_log_buf.6$d.6$d.995$d.895$d.795$d.695sec_ts_populate_mutual_channel.input_log_buf.595$d.595sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.495set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.495$d.495$d.395$d.1295$x.295sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.295get_threshold.input_log_buf.295$d.1195$x.195sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.195$d.1095$x.95$d.985$d.885$d.785$d.685sec_ts_populate_encoded_channel.input_log_buf.585$d.585sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.485$d.485$d.1385$x.385run_trx_short_test.input_log_buf.385$d.1285$x.285$d.1185$x.185$d.1085$x.85sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.85sec_ts_set_lowpowermode.input_log_buf.85$d.975$d.875$d.775$d.675fw_version_show.input_log_buf.575sec_ts_handle_coord_event.input_log_buf.575$d.575read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.475set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.475$d.475$d.1375$x.375$d.1275$x.275$d.1175$x.175sec_ts_print_channel.input_log_buf.175$d.1075sec_ts_read_init_info.input_log_buf.75sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.75$d.75$d.965$d.865$d.765$d.665$d.565read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.465$d.465$d.1365$x.365$d.1265$x.265sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.265$d.1165$x.165sec_ts_read_channel.input_log_buf.165$d.1065execute_p2ptest.input_log_buf.65sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.65$d.65$d.955$d.855$d.755$d.655sec_ts_set_bus_ref.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug555$d.555set_touchable_area.input_log_buf.455$d.455$d.1355$d.355$d.1255$x.255sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.255$d.1155sec_ts_ptflib_reinit.input_log_buf.155sec_ts_run_rawdata_all.input_log_buf.155$d.155$d.1055$x.55sec_ts_regread_manual_show.input_log_buf.55get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.input_log_buf.55sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.55$d.945$d.845$d.745$d.645sec_ts_parse_dt.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug545get_lp_dump_show.input_log_buf.545$d.545sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.445brush_enable.input_log_buf.445$d.445$d.1345$x.345sec_ts_suspend_work.input_log_buf.345sec_ts_cm_spec_over_check.input_log_buf.345$d.1245$x.245sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.245$d.1145$x.145sec_ts_save_version_of_ic.input_log_buf.145$d.1045$x.45get_tsp_nvm_data.input_log_buf.45$d.935$d.835$d.735$d.635sec_ts_read_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug535$d.535$d.435$d.1335sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.335$d.335$d.1235$x.235sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.235$d.1135$x.135sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.135$d.1035$x.35sec_ts_bl_update.input_log_buf.35$d.925$d.825$d.725$d.625sec_ts_debug_dump.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug525sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.525$d.525set_aod_rect.input_log_buf.425sec_ts_power.input_log_buf.425$d.425$d.1325$x.325get_wet_mode.input_log_buf.325$d.1225$x.225sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.225$d.1125$x.125sec_ts_memoryblockread.input_log_buf.125$d.1025$x.25$d.915$d.815$d.715$d.615$d.515$d.415$d.1315$x.315get_mis_cal_info.input_log_buf.315$d.1215$x.215$d.1115$x.115sec_ts_run_cal_check.input_log_buf.115$d.1015$x.15sec_ts_read_calibration_report.input_log_buf.15sec_ts_system_reset.input_log_buf.15sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.15sec_ts_read_raw_data.input_log_buf.15$d.905$d.805$d.705get_tsp_nvm_data.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug605$d.605set_noise_mode_enable.input_log_buf.505$d.505get_disassemble_count.input_log_buf.405sec_ts_charger_work.input_log_buf.405$d.405$d.1305$x.305$d.1205sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.205$d.205$d.1105$x.105sec_ts_chunk_update.input_log_buf.105$d.1005sec_ts_hw_reset.input_log_buf.5sec_ts_write.input_log_buf.5sec_ts_fix_tmode.input_log_buf.5$d.5$d.994$d.894$d.794$d.694$d.594set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.494$d.494get_tsp_test_result.input_log_buf.394sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.394$d.394$d.1294$x.294$d.1194sec_ts_print_frame.input_log_buf.194$d.194$d.1094$x.94sec_ts_enter_fw_mode.input_log_buf.94sec_ts_stop_device.input_log_buf.94$d.984$d.884$d.784$d.684status_show.input_log_buf.584$d.584set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.484$d.484$d.1384$x.384run_trx_short_test.input_log_buf.384sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.384$d.1284$x.284sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.284fw_update.input_log_buf.284$d.1184$x.184sec_ts_read_frame.input_log_buf.184$d.1084$x.84$d.974$d.874$d.774$d.674$d.574$d.474$d.1374$x.374run_force_calibration.input_log_buf.374sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.374$d.1274$x.274sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.274$d.1174$x.174sec_ts_print_channel.input_log_buf.174$d.1074$x.74execute_selftest.input_log_buf.74$d.964$d.864$d.764$d.664unregister_panel_bridge.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug564sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.564$d.564set_log_level.input_log_buf.464$d.464cmd_status_show.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug364$d.1364$x.364sec_ts_read_frame_p2p.input_log_buf.364sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.364$d.1264$x.264$d.1164$x.164sec_ts_read_from_customlib.input_log_buf.164$d.1064$x.64sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.64$d.954$d.854$d.754$d.654sec_ts_set_bus_ref.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug554force_recal_count_show.input_log_buf.554$d.554$d.454$d.1354$x.354$d.1254$x.254$d.1154$x.154sec_ts_load_fw_from_bin.input_log_buf.154sec_ts_run_rawdata_all.input_log_buf.154$d.1054$x.54get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.input_log_buf.54$d.944$d.844$d.744$d.644sec_ts_parse_dt.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug544sec_ts_read_vendor_event.input_log_buf.544$d.544$d.444$d.1344$x.344$d.1244$x.244$d.1144sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.144$d.144$d.1044$x.44sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe.input_log_buf.44get_tsp_nvm_data.input_log_buf.44$d.934$d.834$d.734$d.634sec_ts_handle_coord_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug534sec_ts_read_vendor_event.input_log_buf.534$d.534sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.434$d.434$d.1334$x.334$d.1234$x.234$d.1134sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.134sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.134$d.134$d.1034$x.34get_tsp_nvm_data.input_log_buf.34$d.924$d.824$d.724$d.624$d.524$d.424$d.1324$x.324get_mis_cal_info.input_log_buf.324$d.1224$x.224$d.1124sec_ts_fn_init.input_log_buf.124sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.124$d.124$d.1024$x.24sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.24sec_ts_read_raw_data.input_log_buf.24$d.914$d.814$d.714$d.614sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.514$d.514set_wirelesscharger_mode.input_log_buf.414$d.414$d.1314$x.314get_mis_cal_info.input_log_buf.314$d.1214$x.214sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.214$d.1114sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.114$d.114$d.1014$x.14$d.904$d.804$d.704get_tsp_nvm_data.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug604sec_ts_populate_self_channel.input_log_buf.604$d.604sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.504set_wet_mode_enable.input_log_buf.504$d.504$d.404__UNIQUE_ID_scmversion304$d.1304$x.304$d.1204$x.204$d.1104sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.104set_grip_data_to_ic.input_log_buf.104$d.104$d.1004sec_ts_raw_device_init.input_log_buf.4$d.4$d.993$d.893$d.793$d.693sec_ts_update_v4l2_mutual_strength.input_log_buf.593$d.593sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.493set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.493$d.493get_tsp_test_result.input_log_buf.393$d.393$d.1293$x.293sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.293get_fw_ver_ic.input_log_buf.293$d.1193$x.193$d.1093$x.93$d.983$d.883$d.783$d.683$d.583set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.483$d.483$d.1383$x.383$d.1283$x.283$d.1183$x.183$d.1083$x.83sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.83sec_ts_set_lowpowermode.input_log_buf.83$d.973$d.873$d.773$d.673sec_ts_handle_coord_event.input_log_buf.573$d.573read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.473set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.473$d.473$d.1373$x.373$d.1273$x.273$d.1173$x.173sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_timeout.input_log_buf.173$d.1073sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.73$d.73$d.963$d.863$d.763$d.663sec_ts_cm_spec_over_check.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug563register_panel_bridge.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug563$d.563read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.463$d.463$d.1363$x.363sec_ts_read_frame_p2p.input_log_buf.363$d.1263$x.263sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.263$d.1163$x.163sec_ts_read_channel.input_log_buf.163$d.1063execute_p2ptest.input_log_buf.63sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.63sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.63$d.63$d.953$d.853$d.753$d.653sec_ts_aggregate_bus_state.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug553sec_ts_handle_fod_event.input_log_buf.553$d.553sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.453set_touchable_area.input_log_buf.453$d.453$d.1353sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.353sec_ts_suspend_work.input_log_buf.353$d.353$d.1253$x.253sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.253$d.1153$x.153sec_ts_ptflib_reinit.input_log_buf.153sec_ts_load_fw_from_bin.input_log_buf.153sec_ts_run_rawdata_all.input_log_buf.153$d.1053$x.53sec_ts_regread_manual_show.input_log_buf.53get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.input_log_buf.53sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.53sec_ts_set_cover_type.input_log_buf.53$d.943$d.843$d.743$d.643sec_ts_parse_dt.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug543get_lp_dump_show.input_log_buf.543$d.543sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.443brush_enable.input_log_buf.443$d.443$d.1343$x.343sec_ts_suspend_work.input_log_buf.343$d.1243$x.243sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.243$d.1143$x.143sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.143sec_ts_save_version_of_ic.input_log_buf.143$d.1043$x.43sec_ts_glove_mode_enables.input_log_buf.43$d.933$d.833$d.733$d.633sec_ts_handle_coord_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug533$d.533$d.433$d.1333get_checksum_data.input_log_buf.333$d.333$d.1233sec_ts_probe.__key.233$x.233$d.1133$x.133sec_ts_check_firmware_version.input_log_buf.133$d.1033$x.33sec_ts_debug_dump.input_log_buf.33sec_ts_bl_update.input_log_buf.33$d.923$d.823$d.723$d.623update_motion_filter.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug523sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.523$d.523set_aod_rect.input_log_buf.423sec_ts_power.input_log_buf.423$d.423$d.1323$x.323get_mis_cal_info.input_log_buf.323$d.1223$x.223sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.223$d.1123$x.123sec_ts_memoryblockread.input_log_buf.123$d.1023$x.23$d.913$d.813$d.713sec_ts_remove.input_log_buf.613$d.613$d.513$d.413$d.1313$x.313sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.313$d.1213$x.213$d.1113$x.113sec_ts_run_cal_check.input_log_buf.113$d.1013$x.13$d.903$d.803$d.703get_tsp_nvm_data.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug603sec_ts_populate_self_channel.input_log_buf.603$d.603set_wet_mode_enable.input_log_buf.503$d.503increase_disassemble_count.input_log_buf.403sec_ts_charger_work.input_log_buf.403$d.403__UNIQUE_ID_depends303$d.1303$x.303sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.303$d.1203sec_ts_read_frame_and_channel.input_log_buf.203sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.203$d.203$d.1103$x.103sec_ts_chunk_update.input_log_buf.103$d.1003sec_ts_hw_reset.input_log_buf.3sec_ts_write.input_log_buf.3sec_ts_fix_tmode.input_log_buf.3$d.3sec_cmd_set_cmd_result_2dev_attr_cmd_result_2$d.992$d.892$d.792$d.692$d.592set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.492$d.492$d.1392set_tsp_test_result.input_log_buf.392sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.392$d.392$d.1292$x.292$d.1192$x.192sec_ts_print_frame.input_log_buf.192$d.1092$x.92sec_ts_enter_fw_mode.input_log_buf.92$d.982$d.882$d.782$d.682$d.582$d.482$d.1382$x.382enable_coordinate_report.input_log_buf.382sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.382$d.1282$x.282sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.282$d.1182$x.182sec_ts_read_frame.input_log_buf.182sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_enable.input_log_buf.182$d.1082$x.82sec_ts_set_lowpowermode.input_log_buf.82$d.972$d.872$d.772$d.672$d.572$d.472$d.1372$x.372sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.372$d.1272$x.272$d.1172$x.172sec_ts_print_channel.input_log_buf.172$d.1072$x.72execute_selftest.input_log_buf.72$d.962$d.862$d.762$d.662panel_bridge_mode_set.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug562sec_ts_cm_spec_over_check.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug562sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.562$d.562set_log_level.input_log_buf.462$d.462$d.1362$x.362sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.362sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.362$d.1262$x.262$d.1162$x.162$d.1062$x.62$d.952$d.852$d.752$d.652sec_ts_charger_work.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug552$d.552$d.452$d.1352$x.352sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.352$d.1252$x.252$d.1152sec_ts_run_rawdata_all.input_log_buf.152$d.152$d.1052$x.52get_tsp_nvm_data_by_size.input_log_buf.52sec_ts_set_cover_type.input_log_buf.52$d.942$d.842$d.742$d.642sec_ts_parse_dt.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug542sec_ts_read_vendor_event.input_log_buf.542$d.542$d.442$d.1342$x.342$d.1242$x.242$d.1142sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.142$d.142$d.1042$x.42sec_ts_parsing_cmds.input_log_buf.42sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe.input_log_buf.42get_tsp_nvm_data.input_log_buf.42__sw_hweight32$d.932$d.832$d.732$d.632sec_ts_handle_coord_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug532sec_ts_read_vendor_event.input_log_buf.532$d.532sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.432dex_enable.input_log_buf.432$d.432$d.1332$x.332sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.332$d.1232$x.232$d.1132sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.132sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.132$d.132$d.1032$x.32sec_ts_regread_show.input_log_buf.32$d.922$d.822$d.722$d.622$d.522$d.422$d.1322$x.322$d.1222$x.222$d.1122sec_ts_set_bus_ref.input_log_buf.122$d.122$d.1022$x.22sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.22$d.912$d.812$d.712$d.612sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.512$d.512dead_zone_enable.input_log_buf.412$d.412$d.1312$x.312set_mis_cal_spec.input_log_buf.312$d.1212$x.212sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.212$d.1112sec_ts_flashwrite.input_log_buf.112sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.112$d.112$d.1012$x.12sec_ts_wait_for_ready_with_count.input_log_buf.12sec_ts_sw_reset.input_log_buf.12$d.902$d.802$d.702sec_ts_populate_self_channel.input_log_buf.602$d.602sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.502set_grip_detection_enable.input_log_buf.502$d.502$d.1402increase_disassemble_count.input_log_buf.402sec_ts_charger_work.input_log_buf.402$d.402__UNIQUE_ID_name302$d.1302$x.302get_threshold.input_log_buf.302$d.1202$x.202sec_ts_read_frame_and_channel.input_log_buf.202$d.1102$x.102sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.102$d.1002$d.2$d.991$d.891$d.791$d.691sec_ts_update_v4l2_mutual_strength.input_log_buf.591$d.591sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.491$d.491$d.1391sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.391$d.391$d.1291$x.291$d.1191$x.191sec_ts_pinctrl_configure.input_log_buf.191$d.1091$x.91sec_ts_set_lowpowermode.input_log_buf.91$d.981$d.881$d.781$d.681status_show.input_log_buf.581sec_ts_handle_coord_event.input_log_buf.581$d.581read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.481set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.481$d.481$d.1381$x.381$d.1281$x.281$d.1181$x.181sec_ts_print_channel.input_log_buf.181$d.1081sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.81$d.81$d.971$d.871$d.771$d.671__UNIQUE_ID_license571sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.571$d.571read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.471$d.471$d.1371$x.371sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.371$d.1271$x.271$d.1171$x.171sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_timeout.input_log_buf.171$d.1071sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.71sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.71$d.71$d.961$d.861$d.761$d.661sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.561heatmap_mode_store.input_log_buf.561$d.561read_heatmap_raw.input_log_buf.461$d.461$d.1361$x.361sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.361$d.1261$x.261sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.261$d.1161sec_ts_ptflib_reinit.input_log_buf.161sec_ts_read_channel.input_log_buf.161$d.161$d.1061$x.61execute_p2ptest.input_log_buf.61sec_ts_read_information.input_log_buf.61sec_ts_firmware_update.input_log_buf.61$d.951$d.851$d.751$d.651$d.551sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.451set_touchable_area.input_log_buf.451$d.451$d.1351sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.351sec_ts_suspend_work.input_log_buf.351$d.351$d.1251$x.251sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.251$d.1151$x.151$d.1051$d.51$d.941$d.841$d.741$d.641sec_ts_parse_dt.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug541$d.541sec_ts_fw_init.input_log_buf.441$d.441$d.1341$x.341sec_ts_check_index.input_log_buf.341$d.1241$x.241sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.241$d.1141$x.141sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.141sec_ts_save_version_of_ic.input_log_buf.141$d.1041$x.41sec_ts_glove_mode_enables.input_log_buf.41sec_ts_parsing_cmds.input_log_buf.41$d.931$d.831$d.731$d.631sec_ts_handle_coord_event.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug531$d.531$d.431$d.1331$x.331$d.1231sec_ts_probe.__key.231$x.231$d.1131$x.131sec_ts_check_firmware_version.input_log_buf.131$d.1031$x.31set_tsp_nvm_data_clear.input_log_buf.31sec_ts_debug_dump.input_log_buf.31sec_ts_bl_update.input_log_buf.31$d.921$d.821$d.721$d.621sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.521$d.521sec_ts_power.input_log_buf.421$d.421$d.1321$x.321$d.1221$x.221sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.221$d.1121$x.121sec_ts_run_cal_check.input_log_buf.121$d.1021$x.21sec_ts_system_reset.input_log_buf.21sec_ts_read_raw_data.input_log_buf.21$d.911$d.811$d.711$d.611$d.511sec_ts_fw_update_work.input_log_buf.411$d.411$d.1311$x.311set_mis_cal_spec.input_log_buf.311$d.1211$x.211$d.1111$x.111$d.1011sec_ts_sw_reset.input_log_buf.11$d.11$d.901$d.801$d.701$d.601sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.501set_grip_detection_enable.input_log_buf.501$d.501$d.1401$d.401__UNIQUE_ID_vermagic301$d.1301$x.301sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.301$d.1201sec_ts_read_frame_and_channel.input_log_buf.201sec_ts_probe.input_log_buf.201$d.201$d.1101sec_ts_execute_force_calibration.input_log_buf.101sec_ts_chunk_update.input_log_buf.101$d.101$d.1001$d.1$d.990$d.890$d.790$d.690$d.590set_touch_mode.input_log_buf.490$d.490$d.1390set_tsp_test_result.input_log_buf.390sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.390$d.390$d.1290$x.290sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.290get_fw_ver_ic.input_log_buf.290$d.1190$x.190$d.1090sec_ts_enter_fw_mode.input_log_buf.90$d.90$d.980$d.880$d.780$d.680$d.580$d.480$d.1380$x.380sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.380$d.1280$x.280$d.1180$x.180sec_ts_ptflib_grip_prescreen_enable.input_log_buf.180$d.1080$x.80$d.970$d.870$d.770$d.670__UNIQUE_ID_description570sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.570$d.570set_log_level.input_log_buf.470$d.470$d.1370$x.370run_rawdata_read_all.input_log_buf.370sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.370$d.1270$x.270$d.1170$x.170$d.1070$x.70execute_selftest.input_log_buf.70$d.960$d.860$d.760$d.660panel_bridge_disable.__UNIQUE_ID_ddebug560sec_ts_reinit.input_log_buf.560$d.560$d.460$d.1360$x.360sec_ts_resume_work.input_log_buf.360$d.1260$x.260$d.1160$x.160$d.1060$x.60$d.950$d.850$d.750$d.650get_lp_dump_show.input_log_buf.550$d.550$d.450$d.1350$x.350sec_ts_read_frame_stdev.input_log_buf.350$d.1250$x.250$d.1150sec_ts_read_bulk_internal.input_log_buf.150sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.150$d.150$d.1050$x.50sec_ts_regreadsize_manual_store.input_log_buf.50sec_ts_set_cover_type.input_log_buf.50$d.940$d.840$d.740$d.640sec_ts_read_vendor_event.input_log_buf.540$d.540dex_enable.input_log_buf.440$d.440$d.1340$x.340$d.1240$x.240$d.1140sec_ts_read_internal.input_log_buf.140$d.140$d.1040$x.40sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe.input_log_buf.40get_tsp_nvm_data.input_log_buf.40$d.930$d.830$d.730$d.630$d.530dex_enable.input_log_buf.430$d.430$d.1330$x.330sec_ts_parse_dt.input_log_buf.330get_checksum_data.input_log_buf.330$d.1230$x.230$d.1130sec_ts_run_rawdata_type.input_log_buf.130$d.130$d.1030$x.30sec_ts_regread_show.input_log_buf.30$d.920$d.820$d.720sec_ts_pm_suspend.input_log_buf.620$d.620$d.520set_wirelesscharger_mode.input_log_buf.420$d.420$d.1320$x.320get_mis_cal_info.input_log_buf.320$d.1220$x.220$d.1120$x.120sec_ts_set_bus_ref.input_log_buf.120sec_ts_memoryread.input_log_buf.120$d.1020$x.20sec_ts_enter_recovery_store.input_log_buf.20$d.910$d.810$d.710$d.610sec_ts_read_event.input_log_buf.510$d.510clear_cover_mode.input_log_buf.410$d.410$d.1310$x.310set_mis_cal_spec.input_log_buf.310$d.1210$x.210$d.1110sec_ts_flashwrite.input_log_buf.110sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.110set_grip_data_to_ic.input_log_buf.110$d.110$d.1010$x.10sec_ts_reg_store.input_log_buf.10$d.900$d.800$d.700sec_ts_populate_self_channel.input_log_buf.600$d.600$d.500$d.1400increase_disassemble_count.input_log_buf.400sec_ts_charger_work.input_log_buf.400$d.400$d.1300$x.300$d.1200$x.200sec_ts_read_frame_and_channel.input_log_buf.200$d.1100$x.100sec_ts_start_device.input_log_buf.100$d.1000@0pp&2*jD 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