ELF@,@@&$ 2d,acpm_tmu_rd_tmp_concur_wq%dacpm_mfd_rtc_update6[%s] >2ms:%2d%% 2ms~1ms:%2d%% 1ms~500us:%2d%% 500us~400us:%2d%% 400us~300us:%2d%% 300us~200us:%2d%% 200us~100us:%2d%% 100us~50us:%2d%% 50us~30us:%2d%% 30us~10us:%2d%% 10us~1us:%2d%%, <1us:%2d%% %s, slc_validity alloc failed acpm_dvfs_req_wq%dacpm_debug_tmu_resumeINTacpm_slc_request_wq%d%s: Failed to read S2MPG-Main PMacpm_main_pm_bulk_readCPUCL2INTCAM%s: Cannot find main-pmic acpm_slc_mbox_trigger_wqacpm_mbox_mfd_sub_pm_random_readacpm_mbox_slc_request_sendacpm_mbox_dvfsacpm_dvfs_steep_jumpacpm_mbox_test_init%s: Failed get frequency acpm_debug_tmu_suspendCPUCL0TNR%s: valid acpm firmware %d.%d. %s: ctrlist protection failed, ret: %d %s: [S2MPG-Main]addr: 0x%X, val: 0x%X acpm_main_pm_read_reg%s: fail to read time reg(%d) main-pmicsub-pmic&mbox_test->mfd->sub_pm_lockacpm_frameworkexynos_devfreq_lock_freq: dm=%d, ret=%d %s: domain[%s]set_rate: %d Hz, get_rate: %d Hz, latency: %llu ns, ret: %d acpm_pt_clients_disable%s%s, No client: %s, cancel slc mbox stress %s, subcmd: %llu not support dvfs alloc failed acpm_tmu_mbox_resume_wq%s: rtc update failed, ret: %d acpm_mfd_rtc_read_time%s: RTC abnormal, cancel mfd stress %s: fail to read update ret(%d,%u) acpm_main_pm_write_regacpm_tmu_set_resume%s: set pmic failed, ret: %d %s: S2MPG-Main device not found %s: fail to read ret: %d 6[%s] >2ms:%2d, 2ms~1ms:%2d, 1ms~500us:%2d, 500us~400us:%2d, 400us~300us:%2d, 300us~200us:%2d, 200us~100us:%2d, 100us~50us:%2d, 50us~30us:%2d, 30us~10us:%2d, 10us~1us:%2d, <1us:%2d %s: dm_id[%d], set_rate: %d Hz, get_rate: %d Hz, latency= %u ns %s: node name: %s, slc-ptid[%d]: %d %s acpm ipc fail, ret: %d %s: acpm irq %d cold cnt %d stat %d DSU%s done. %s: slc_state: 0x%X, sicd: %lu, ap_on: %lu, slc_on: %lu, mif_on: %lu %s: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d(0x%02x)%s dvfs_freq_table_initMIFG3D%s: Cannot find main-pmic i2c dvfs_validity alloc failed acpm_tmu_rd_tmp_trigger_wq%s: name: %s, size: %X, pbha: %X, vpid: %X, pri_way: %X, sec_way: %X CAMacpm_mfd_set_pmicmfd-regulator-list-subacpm_s2mpg_main_mfd_rd_wq%dacpm_s2mpg_sub_mfd_rd_wq%d%s, NO slc_pt_list! %s: Fail to read RTC_UPDATE ret: %d tmu_validity alloc failed &mbox_test->mfd->main_pm_lock%s: domain[%s]set_rate: %d Hz, CL0: %d Hz, CL1: %d Hz, CL2: %d Hz, latency: %llu ns, ret: %d acpm_mbox_mfd_main_pm_random_read%s: Cannot find sub-pmic i2c acpm_tmu_rd_tmp_random_wq%d%s: thermal zone %d temp %d stat %d %s, req %d not support init_domain_freq_table%s: addr: 0x%X, value: 0x%X, err_result: 0x%X 0x%016llx %s, cal_id: %d, get boundary failed, ret: %d G3DL2%s: S2MPG-Sub device not found acpm_mbox_test_setting%s: [S2MPG-Sub]addr: 0x%X, val: 0x%X acpm_sub_pm_read_regdvfs_latency_stats_settingacpm_dvfs_stats_dump%s mbox_test alloc failed acpm_mfd_mbox_trigger_wq%s done! [acpm_tmu] IPC error! type 0x%02x latency %llu ns ret %d acpm_dvfs_set_cpufreqacpm_dvfs_get_devfreq%s failed, ret = %d %s, dvfs_test is NULL acpm_pt_clients_enableacpm-stressacpm_tmu_mbox_suspend_wqacpm_debug_tmu_rd_tmp_concur%s: Failed to read S2MPG-Sub %s: main regulator list not found, len: %d acpm_sub_pm_write_reg%s, mfd_validity alloc failed &mbox_test->mfd->rtc_lockAM%s, dm alloc failed %s, cal_id: 0x%X, get boundary failed CPUCL1%s: Cannot find sub-pmic %s: sub regulator list not found, len: %d acpm_pmic_ctrlist_stress%s: node name: %s dvfs_latency_stats%s, cal_id: 0x%X not support mfd-regulator-list-main acpm_mbox_test_removeacpm_debug_tmu_rd_tmp_randomacpm_dvfs_set_devfreq%s: [Aged]%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d(0x%02x)%s, now: %llus, old: %llus BCI6=============================================================================================================================================================================== %s done acpm_rtc_monotonic_chkacpm_mbox_testTPUcpufreq target failed, ret: %d %s: fail to write update ret(%d,%u) %s, sub-cmd:%llu, out of range! acpm_mbox_test_probeacpm_dvfs_mbox_trigger_wqgoogle,acpm-mbox-test               %}?#{_WO@@TT@*@@)@  @j~* @) @@@) c@%K@s@!T**OCWB_A{Ĩ#_@* g@?#{_WO@@Ts@@"@#@*@@AT@ @? 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