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!"#$%&' ( zM 4 4 N4 �7 VE M �d #$%&'()*+,-./0123
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!" $ $ � $ $ � � � � C A �� �� goodix,brl-a goodix,brl-b goodix,brl-d goodix,nottingham gtx8_i2c gtx8_spi goodix,brl-a goodix,brl-b goodix,brl-b,gt7986 goodix,brl-d goodix,nottingham goodix_ts goodix_firmware.bin goodix_test_limits_255.csv goodix_cfg_group.bin �� �K h6 ������������ �1 �. ��@������������������� � � � D ( � �
� > 6 �� �K h6 ������������ �1 �. ��@������������������� 3gtd: GTP: %s: Bus error, retry firmware update:%d NOCODE 6gtd: GTP: config_id equal 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed alloc memory 6gtd: GTP: stylus_rawdata_addr: 0x%04X, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed send config data ready cmd %d 6gtd: GTP: status check pass 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed send config read finish command 3gtd: GTP: %s: convert ic info encounter error brl_get_capacitance_data 3gtd: GTP: %s: obtian diff_data failed, exit! 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to get scan mode, ret: %d brl_get_grip_enabled 6gtd: GTP: set report rate %d 6gtd: GTP: spi probe out 3gtd: GTP: %s: no valid device tree node found &core_data->cmd_lock 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed power on goodix,irq-flags 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get panel-max-y ts_suspend ,pen config_version:%x
goodix_ts_request_handle 6gtd: GTP: success handle ic request 0x%x 3gtd: GTP: %s: %s%d--%s%d shortcircut gdix_check_gndvdd_shortcircut goodix_tools_release cmd_list 3gtd: GTP: %s: limits file [%s] not available special_selfraw_min goodix_noise_test get_package_id get_self_compensation 3gtd: GTP: %s: not found valid config
RX: lowpower active
set_water_mode[%d] goodix_set_grip_data set noise enabled
6gtd: GTP: st_max_count: %d 6gtd: GTP: lp_marginal_min_x: %d
3gtd: GTP: %s: switch osc test mode failed, sta[%x] ack[%x] high speed ack &tmf->update_mutex 6gtd: GTP: Update test_limits_name to %s 6gtd: GTP: Firmware update successfully 3gtd: GTP: %s: Bad firmware, cheksum error 6gtd: GTP: Index: %d 6gtd: GTP: Subsystem size: %u 3gtd: GTP: %s: ic type mismatch! 3gtd: GTP: %s: Loading ISP error 6gtd: GTP: Success send ISP data 3gtd: GTP: %s: patch id error %c%c%c != %s 6gtd: GTP: try send flash cmd:%*ph 3gtd: GTP: %s: still failed to read version after upgraded strnlen 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed send config write end command 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed write flash head info brl_get_self_sensing_data 6gtd: GTP: Report Rate: %dHz is not support goodix,test-limits-name ts_active 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed set pen device 6gtd: GTP: enable fod open_test-[%s] 6gtd: GTP: get test time %dms 6gtd: GTP: >>>>> No shortcircut gdix_check_rx_rx_shortcircut ical_raw_min 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed get max_limits 3gtd: GTP: %s: self_rawdata[%d] out of range[%d %d] set_single_tap set_grip_mode stylus osc test:
goodix_force_update 6gtd: GTP: notify update start 6gtd: GTP: Firmware package protocol: V%u 6gtd: GTP: enable misctl clock goodix_flash_package 3gtd: GTP: %s: data:%*ph 6gtd: GTP: pid from flash is %s send_cfg_cmd wait_cmd_status 3gtd: GTP: %s: config head checksum error 6gtd: GTP: read fw version: %d, retry %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: framedata is not ready val:0x%02x, exit! 3gtd: GTP: %s: r_sta[0x%x] != status[0x%x] brl_get_scan_mode HS goodix_ts_report_status 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid irq-gpio in dt: %d 6gtd: GTP: firmware name from dt: %s goodix_ts_power_init 6gtd: GTP: Failed to register gti pm failed read addr(%x), len(%d)
6gtd: GTP: not enable DOUBLE-TAP gsx_double_type_store 6gtd: GTP: DRV[%d~%d] open circuit, ret=0x%X SEN GND 3gtd: GTP: %s: Async data write failed 3gtd: GTP: %s: can't find core data 0x00 3gtd: GTP: %s: %s: malloc failed!
3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid compatible property goodix_stylus_rawdata_test 3gtd: GTP: %s: copy from user failed %s: enable OK
stylus_osc_test exit highsense mode
6gtd: GTP: lp_marginal_max_x: %d 6gtd: GTP: lp_marginal_max_y: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to update gesture param, status[%x] 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed read isp version 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to write firmware packet 6gtd: GTP: flash cmd status not ready, retry %d, ack 0x%x, status 0x%x, ret %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: data check failed, please retry 3gtd: GTP: %s: flash target addr error, please check goodix_read_pid_from_flash 6gtd: GTP: set update mode:0x%x 6gtd: GTP: frame_data_addr: 0x%04X 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to enable group1 clock, ret:%d status:%02x 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed enter flash read state 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed read data len %lu 6gtd: GTP: Driver bin info: ver %s, len %d, pkgs %d &x->wait goodix_pinctrl_init goodix_later_init_thread DriverVersion:%s
3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to create proc entry: goodix_ts.%d/driver_test 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to get_capacitance_data, exit! 6gtd: GTP: get DOUBLE-TAP gesture 6gtd: GTP: enable double tap 3gtd: GTP: %s: open test result checksum error 3gtd: GTP: %s: Alloc memory failed 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed get noise limits goodix_open_test 3gtd: GTP: %s: delta_data[%d] > limits[%d] normal idle
6gtd: GTP: disable continue report config_id:0x%X config_ver:0x%02X
set noise lv1
3gtd: GTP: %s: point type is not stylus
6gtd: GTP: fw update return %d goodix-fwu 6gtd: GTP: Update cfg_bin_name to %s 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed prepare ISP, retry %d 6gtd: GTP: Firmware config id:0x%x update_en_store 6gtd: GTP: Drv*Sen,Button,Force num: %d x %d, %d, %d 6gtd: GTP: self_diffdata_addr: 0x%04X 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to enable avdd:%d brl_gesture 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed read flash ready state 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed set scan mode cmd 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to get palm enabled, ret: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to set report rate goodix_spi_read_bra goodix_read_cfg_bin 6gtd: GTP: Esd off, esd work state %d 6gtd: GTP: get reset-gpio[%d] from dt goog,panel_map 6gtd: GTP: Device power on 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to alloc gti options
3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to allocated pen device 3gtd: GTP: %s: convert config data FAILED success gsx_fod_type_store short_test-[%s]
6gtd: GTP: inspect module exit 6gtd: GTP: WARNNING invalid pin 3gtd: GTP: %s: Faild found corrresponding channel num:%d goodix_tools_ioctl 6gtd: GTP: set tools ctrl sync %d goodix_get_ic_type 3gtd: GTP: %s: enter test mode failed special_raw_min 6gtd: GTP: load %s failed 1, maybe not this item
%s: disable OK
set scan mode to idle
6gtd: GTP: lp_min_count: %d
set_charge_mode 3gtd: GTP: %s: fw mode uninit 6gtd: GTP: fw update success 6gtd: GTP: get fw bin retry:[%d] I2C 6gtd: GTP: Firmware subsystem num: %u 6gtd: GTP: Success hold CPU 3gtd: GTP: %s: flash cmd ack error, ack 0x%x, ret %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: fw module uninit 6gtd: GTP: ic_version_id: 0x%01X 6gtd: GTP: frame_data_customer_id: 0x%01X brl_reset_after 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed write config data, %d 6gtd: GTP: cmd buf %*ph 6gtd: GTP: device confirm val: %*ph. 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to set heatmap %s, err: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to %s screen protector mode goodix_spi_read 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid reset-gpio in dt: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get panel-max-w 6gtd: GTP: config id is equal 0x%x, skiped &cd->ble_data.lock 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to alloc self_sensing_data driver_info 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed convert: 0x%x, 0x%x 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid length info state:%s
esd_info 6gtd: GTP: gesture module init success PASS 6gtd: GTP: short test prepare IN 6gtd: GTP: >>>>> short check return 0x%x compatible 3gtd: GTP: %s: malloc test resource failed parse_valid_data 3gtd: GTP: %s: self rawdata is not ready val:0x%02x, exit 3gtd: GTP: %s: frame has no stylus pack data driver_test_write set_freq_index 6gtd: GTP: exit highsense mode landscape left
6gtd: GTP: landscape right 6gtd: GTP: lp_monitor_chan_min_rx: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed create fwupate sysfs node 6gtd: GTP: Firmware size: %u 6gtd: GTP: firmware file version: %*ph 6gtd: GTP: data:%*ph 6gtd: GTP: config_version: 0x%01X 6gtd: GTP: Cmd: 0x%04X, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid scan rate num %d > %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid rx freq num %d > %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: esd check failed, 0x%x 6gtd: GTP: touch data checksum error 3gtd: GTP: %s: switch rawdata mode failed, exit! 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get cfg and reg info, update fw then retry 3gtd: GTP: %s: there is none cfg package, pkg_num:%d 6gtd: GTP: get config type %d, len %d, for sensor id %d goodix,panel-max-w goodix_ts_gpio_setup rom_pid:%s
3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid parame 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid address info echo 0/1 > irq_info to disable/enable irq
6gtd: GTP: update pen pressure from ble %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed create gesture sysfs files 6gtd: GTP: enable single tap FAIL goodix_shortcircuit_test goodix_shortcircut_analysis 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed read Drv-to-Drv short rawdata gtp_tools 6gtd: GTP: Send config success goodix_tools_open 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to create proc driver_test goodix_obtain_testlimits special_freq_raw_min special_freq_stylusraw_max 3gtd: GTP: %s: noise data[%d] > noise threshold[%d]
set_heatmap 6gtd: GTP: sub_cfg_len:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: touch data is not ready val:0x%02x, exit! freq%d: APIs
6gtd: GTP: Request firmware image [%s] 3gtd: GTP: %s: unknown status 6gtd: GTP: success do update work 6gtd: GTP: self_rawdata_addr: 0x%04X brl_flash_read brl_set_heatmap_enabled goodix_get_reg_and_cfg 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid irq-flags 6gtd: GTP: invalied avdd name length: %ld > %ld 6gtd: GTP: iovdd name from dt: %s 6gtd: GTP: undefined udfps-y(optional)! goodix,pen-enable 3gtd: GTP: %s: Cannot create work thread
goodix_ts_reg_rw_show goodix_ts_pen_set_store 6gtd: GTP: open test pass 3gtd: GTP: %s: send test mode failed 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to alloc memory 3gtd: GTP: %s: Debug tools miscdev register failed nottingham shortciurt_threshold 3gtd: GTP: %s: request_firmware, limits param length error,len:%zu 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed get self_min_limits 3gtd: GTP: %s: send rawdata cmd failed
6gtd: GTP: disable long press get_fw_status set scan mode to active
set palm %s
6gtd: GTP: lp_motion_tolerance_outer: %d 6gtd: GTP: update gesture param FAIL help irq_enabled list_scan_mode goodix_fw_update_proc 3gtd: GTP: %s: data check pass, but failed get follow-up results result 6gtd: GTP: cmd data %*ph 6gtd: GTP: try send config to 0x%x, len %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid mntual freq num %d > %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed set pinctrl state goodix,iovdd-name goodix,firmware-name goodix,panel-max-x 6gtd: GTP: Power init goodix_ts_pen_dev_config 6gtd: GTP: set sense OFF 3gtd: GTP: %s: esd check failed goodix_ts_esd_work 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get irq num %d 6gtd: GTP: fodx:%d fody:%d size:%d press:%d maj:%d min:%d ori:%d 6gtd: GTP: not enable FOD-UP %s 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed send config 6gtd: GTP: read config,reg_addr=0x%x, length=%d goodix_self_open_test self_open_test enable continue report
hsync mode: %s
error: not support
fail scan_mode 6gtd: GTP: flash cmd ack error retry %d, ack 0x%x, ret %d 6gtd: GTP: flash cmd ack check pass 6gtd: GTP: point_struct_len: %d 6gtd: GTP: Irq disabled 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed wait for fw ready for config, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed read config head %d 6gtd: GTP: success read config data: len %zu 3gtd: GTP: %s: frame head checksum error disable 6gtd: GTP: goodix i2c probe in 3gtd: GTP: %s: I2c read failed,dev:%02x,reg:%04x,size:%u 6gtd: GTP: success get reg and cfg info from cfg bin 6gtd: GTP: use one binary goodix,panel_map goodix,sleep-enable 6gtd: GTP: [DT]x:%d, y:%d, w:%d, p:%d sleep_enable:%d pen_enable:%d 6gtd: GTP: GPIO setup,reset-gpio:%d, irq-gpio:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed read addr(%x) length(%d) goodix_ts_reg_rw_store 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get length info inspect_module_init 6gtd: GTP: ic type is nottingham
get_self_base set_debug_log open_test set_report_rate 6gtd: GTP: ic status:%d set_highsense_mode[%d] 6gtd: GTP: lp_monitor_chan_max_rx: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: unknown update mode 0x%x 3gtd: GTP: %s: Firmware update failed, ret:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: still failed to read ic info after upgraded 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed do fw update work 6gtd: GTP: calibration_feature: 0x%04X 6gtd: GTP: Irq enabled 6gtd: GTP: rom_vid:%*ph 6gtd: GTP: invalid ic info length %d, retry %d 6gtd: GTP: invalid touch#%d id %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: frame body checksum error enable 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to get coordinate filter enabled, ret: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: Invalid cfg_bin size:%d goodix_ts_core_init SUSPEND 3gtd: GTP: %s: address(0x%x) and length(%d) can't be null 6gtd: GTP: get ble cmd:%*ph 6gtd: GTP: Suspend start stylus-inactive: IN_TS=%lld TS=%lld DELTA=%lld ns.
6gtd: GTP: pen pair event 6gtd: GTP: not enable FOD-DOWN 6gtd: GTP: TP test prepare OK 3gtd: GTP: %s: Read TEST_RESULT_REG failed 6gtd: GTP: IRQ enabled 3gtd: GTP: %s: Memory allco err 3gtd: GTP: %s: Async data read failed 3gtd: GTP: %s: Copy_to_user failed special_freq_raw_max special_stylusraw_min 3gtd: GTP: %s: rawdata is not ready val:0x%02x i:%d, exit 3gtd: GTP: %s: short result checksum err OK
get_raw get_base 6gtd: GTP: enable long press normal active
set noise lv0
3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to start write gesture param, status[%x] 6gtd: GTP: LPTW param:%*ph 6gtd: GTP: update gesture param OK Tx1_rawdata
3gtd: GTP: %s: failed flash to 0x%05X,size:%u bytes 3gtd: GTP: %s: read flash 0x%04x failed 6gtd: GTP: gesture_feature: 0x%04X brl_select_spi_mode brl_read_version 6gtd: GTP: failed get ic info data, %d brl_set_palm_enabled 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to set panel speed mode: %s 3gtd: GTP: %s: cfg_bin checksum check filed 0x%02x != 0x%02x goodix,config-name 6gtd: GTP: update flag: 0x%X 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed do fw update goodix_ts_sysfs_init config_id:%x
6gtd: GTP: cfg file [%s] is ready debug_log 3gtd: GTP: %s: gesture module init failed! 3gtd: GTP: %s: open test failed 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed read to-gnd rawdata VDD goodix_tools_init 3gtd: GTP: %s: the GTP_SEND_COMMAND function has been removed brl-d memcpy: detected field-spanning write (size %zu) of single %s (size %zu)
portrait mode
6gtd: GTP: lp_min_node_count: %d goodix_set_gesture_param enable heatmap
normal speed error: %d
low power active mode 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to prepare ISP, exit update:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: use one binary but not find subsys cfg 3gtd: GTP: %s: Product ID mismatch:%s != %s goodix_fw_version_compare 6gtd: GTP: success enable esd key 6gtd: GTP: success flash config with ISP 6gtd: GTP: FW-State: 0x%04X, %d 6gtd: GTP: IN 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed read command ack, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: config data read back compare file 3gtd: GTP: %s: device confirm failed, rx_buf:%*ph brl_set_coord_filter_enabled 6gtd: GTP: I2c write retry[%d] 6gtd: GTP: %s: goodix spi probe in 3gtd: GTP: %s: found same type config twice for sensor id %d, skiped %02x, 6gtd: GTP: goodix_ts_report_gesture_up 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to create proc entry: goodix_ts.%d/tp_capacitance_data TX:%d RX:%d
6gtd: GTP: get FOD-UP gesture 6gtd: GTP: Irq aready set with, arg = %ld init_cfg_data driver_test_selftest 6gtd: GTP: limit_file_name:%s ical_shortciurt_threshold field "(u8 *)ts_test->selfrawdata.data" at ../private/google-modules/touch/goodix/goodix_ts_proc.c:2100
set_sense_mode get_mcu_id get_scan_mode %s: OK
%s: %dHz
3gtd: GTP: %s: noise data not ready, status[%x] set_palm_mode[%d] 6gtd: GTP: st_max_x: %d update gesture param OK
3gtd: GTP: %s: touch num is 0 3gtd: GTP: %s: Bad firmware, size not match, %zu != %d 6gtd: GTP: ic_cfg_id:0x%x != file_cfg_id:0x%x goodix_fw_sysfs_init 3gtd: GTP: %s: config len exceed limit %d > %d 6gtd: GTP: touch head checksum err[%*ph] 6gtd: GTP: failed to read mutual data 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to %s coordinate filter goodix,config_names 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to parse resolutions:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed to allocated input device 3gtd: GTP: %s: cfg file [%s] not available,errno:%d disable-depth:%d
6gtd: GTP: TP test prepare IN 3gtd: GTP: %s: Failed read Drv-to-Sen short rawdata 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed copy driver version info to user async_write NG
set_noise_mode stylus_raw_test 6gtd: GTP: enable continue report palm[%d] 6gtd: GTP: st_min_y: %d 6gtd: GTP: st_min_count: %d 6gtd: GTP: lp_min_x: %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: osc clk test failed ping &core_data->update_ctrl.mutex goodix,pid-suffix-fw-map 6gtd: GTP: side_touch_feature: 0x%04X 6gtd: GTP: failed get ic info length, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed register goodix platform device, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: I2c write failed,dev:%02x,reg:%04x,size:%u goodix_spi_read_fast 6gtd: GTP: cfg_bin_name:%s goodix_ts_probe %s%d %s%d%s 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid data info 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed create gesture sysfs node! 6gtd: GTP: inspect module init success 6gtd: GTP: invalid self_capdata:0x%x 6gtd: GTP: warning data is all %s
ga687x 3gtd: GTP: %s: rawdata[%d] out of range[%d %d] 3gtd: GTP: %s: stylusraw[%d] out of range[%d %d]
get_im_data sleep
water[%d] enter highsense mode
6gtd: GTP: st_max_y: %d 0x%04x:
goodix_flash_subsystem 6gtd: GTP: mutual_rawdata_addr: 0x%04X 6gtd: GTP: OUT brl_set_grip_enabled goodix_i2c_read 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed set spi mode, %d 6gtd: GTP: dma_mode: %s
goodix,dev-id 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get panel-max-p, use default 3gtd: GTP: %s: Could not get active pinstate
6gtd: GTP: no valid normal config found 3gtd: GTP: %s: Unable to register input device pen_get tp_capacitance_data %5d, 6gtd: GTP: get SINGLE-TAP gesture 6gtd: GTP: gesture module exit single_type 3gtd: GTP: %s: short circut:R=%dK,R_Threshold=%dK 3gtd: GTP: %s: %s%d shortcircut to %s,R=%ldK,R_Threshold=%dK goodix_auto_test special_raw_delta goodix_delta_test 3gtd: GTP: %s: send stylus test cmd failed Delta test:
reset Result: PASS
6gtd: GTP: lp_max_y: %d not support stylus data
%d,%d locked 6gtd: GTP: start update proc 6gtd: GTP: need to upgrade __fortify_strlen 6gtd: GTP: frame_data_version_id: 0x%01X brl_power_on 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed switch SPI mode, ret:%d r_value:%02x brl_send_cmd 3gtd: GTP: %s: invalid tx freq num %d > %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: clean touch event failed, exit! 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to %s grip mode 3gtd: GTP: %s: alloc rx_buf failed, size:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed add spi bus driver goodix_firmware.bin 6gtd: GTP: Avdd name is NULL 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed power on, %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to get ic info, try to upgrade goodix_ts_stage2_init 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get data[%d] info pen_set 6gtd: GTP: can not handle request type 0x%x rawdata_proc_show 6gtd: GTP: missing key info for esd check 6gtd: GTP: Device power off 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed power off, %d 6gtd: GTP: ---------------------- short_test begin ---------------------- 3gtd: GTP: %s: Drv-to-Sen adc data checksum error 6gtd: GTP: TP test finish IN 6gtd: GTP: success read config:len=%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: Read i2c failed 3gtd: GTP: %s: obtain open test limits failed ical_raw_max 3gtd: GTP: %s: set freq %d failed
%s: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x 0x%x
3gtd: GTP: %s: %s: invalid cmd param set_lp_param set scan mode to default
disable continue report
6gtd: GTP: lp_min_y: %d 6gtd: GTP: lp_marginal_min_y: %d 6gtd: GTP: set frequency index %d 3gtd: GTP: %s: Firmware image [%s] not available,errno:%d 6gtd: GTP: --- End flash subsystem[%d]: OK --- goodix_update_finish 3gtd: GTP: %s: Cannot create sysfs structure!
updating 6gtd: GTP: info_version_id: 0x%01X 6gtd: GTP: touch_data_version_id: 0x%01X 3gtd: GTP: %s: cmd status not ready, retry %d, ack 0x%x, status 0x%x, ret %d 6gtd: GTP: rom_pid:%s 3gtd: GTP: %s: cmd_addr fw_buf_addr and touch_data_addr is null brl_esd_check 3gtd: GTP: %s: alloc tx_buf failed, size:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get cfg bin[%s] error:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: request_firmware, cfg_bin length ERROR,len:%zu 3gtd: GTP: %s: offset error,pkg:%d, offset1:%d, offset2:%d 3gtd: GTP: %s: usupported config type %d 6gtd: GTP: esd on 3gtd: GTP: %s: hw ops is NULL 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed init tools goodix_parse_dt 6gtd: GTP: Firmware name %s 6gtd: GTP: test limits name from dt: %s goodix_parse_dt_resolution ts_irq_gpio goodix_ts_power_on 3gtd: GTP: %s: stage2 init failed 6gtd: GTP: device#%d wait device#%d timeout to complete init state2! 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed to alloc self_sensing_data_manual 3gtd: GTP: %s: Unable to register pen device 0x%x,%d {%*ph}
6gtd: GTP: pen_data:x %d, y %d, p %d, tilt_x %d tilt_y %d key[%d %d] fod_type 3gtd: GTP: %s: open test not ready, status = %x%x 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed alloc memory 6gtd: GTP: sub ic type is brl-b2 special_raw_max
set_continue_mode Result: FAIL
goodix_get_im_rawdata 6gtd: GTP: Update fw_name to %s 6gtd: GTP: no need to upgrade 3gtd: GTP: %s: Bad firmware, invalid subsys num: %d 6gtd: GTP: --- Start to flash subsystem[%d] --- 6gtd: GTP: Flash firmware to 0x%05X,size:%u bytes 6gtd: GTP: config_id: 0x%4X 6gtd: GTP: chip_reset 6gtd: GTP: cmd ack data %*ph 3gtd: GTP: %s: failed get valied fw version 3gtd: GTP: %s: rawdata is not ready val:0x%02x, exit! 3gtd: GTP: %s: report rawdata failed, exit! brl_get_coord_filter_enabled gtx8_spi &dev_res->bus.mutex 3gtd: GTP: %s: spi transfer error:%d &goodix_devices.mutex