############################################ GlueLayer_ToolConfigSelection=3 user_ports_tcp_name=Autotest user_ports_tcp_port=7555 debug_console=1 debug_dir=/data/vendor/gps/logs ############################################ GlueLayer_IsGedKeyExist=1 GlueLayer_EnableGnssCfgInterface=1 uni_log_max_file_count=5 uni_log_max_size_mb=20 uni_log_total_max_size_mb=100 debug_enable=4 mem_dump_to_node=1 gnss_device_type=K042 gnss_device_patch_address=0 gnss_device_patch_file=/vendor/firmware/kepler.bin allow_logging_if_disconnected=0 # enable ism stream for GAAM ism_stream_enable=1 caplay_port_tcp_port=@GNSS_ISM_CAPTURE_PLAYBACK # Enable/Disable 1PPS Time Sync policy Is1PPSTimeSyncEnable=1 MaxNtnRefLocAgeSecs=600 # CHIP_CONFIG_IO_OPT_HOSTIO_VIA_SECONDARY + CHIP_CONFIG_IO_OPT_CPMB_MASK #Chip_Configuration_Io_Options=0x9 # enable DEBUG sync msg #Chip_Configuration_Io_Options=0xD # force CP crash on GAL bad ISM (1 is first instance, 2 is when we assert) #Chip_Configuration_cpdbgsync=1 # Chip_Configuration_TrackerDebugMode = 0x10 GlueLayer_IsPlatformRefTimeEnable=1 # enables CHPP for SPI port # uncomment the *chpp* lines below (and comment gnss_device-data_port_kepslim_present above) to use SPI+CHPP # when using CHPP, make sure to enable the CHPP defines in build_settings.mak chpp_betp_client=1 chpp_log_level=2 gnss_device_data_port_chpp_spi_device=/dev/gnss_ipc gnss_device_data_port_chpp_present=1 ### Update for VTS ### GlueLayer_YearOfHW=2023 scheduling_enabled=1 # VDR End condition (meter, meter, sec, sec) ChipCfg_VDR_high_end_Distance = 200 ChipCfg_VDR_low_end_Distance = 200 ChipCfg_VDR_high_end_Time = 20 ChipCfg_VDR_low_end_Time = 20 ### temporarily disable precise time aiding ### Chip_Configuration_AidingConfiguration=0x00020046 # set shared reference clock for freq aiding (0x20) # enable dcxo (0x04) Chip_Configuration_RefClkControl=0x24 #Chip_Configuration_RefClkControl=0x20 #Chip_Configuration_RefClkUncertainty=20000 ### Override for DCXO Cnom/TuneValue #Chip_Configuration_DCXOtuneValue=5143 ### DCXO Optional Parameters. ##### # Can specify Crystal type, and/or over-ride T0-inflection point #### # # Optionally specify DXCO Crystal type, and operation mode # 8 bits. Lower 4 bits Crystal ID# (0-15) # Upper 4 bits Poly Configuration: (0/1) # Poly Configuration: 0: Use CP's poly, 1: Force use of default manufactures polynomial ### Crystal Types: ## 0 - Unknown/Default ## 1 - Kyocera CT1612RB ## 2 - NDK NX1612SD CS12311 ## 3 - NDK NX1612SD CS13950 ## 4 - NDK NX1612SD CS15298 ## 5 - KDS 7CG07680A10 ## 6- TXC 0W76870003 ## E.g. Use Kyocera, and ignore CP's polynomial: DCXO_CrystalType=0x11 ## E.g. Use KDS, and Use CP's polynomial: DCXO_CrystalType=0x05 ## LOOK! S5400 ERD's uses NDK(2), Phones use Kyocera(1). Default set to phone (1) Chip_Configuration_DCXO_CrystalType=0x11 ## Optionally specify DXCO Inflection point temperature, #### # This will override any default value or value in Crystal type #### # Value is degrees C x 100 E.g. 2855 = 28.55 deg C # Range should be 2000 to 3100 #Chip_Configuration_DCXO_InflectionPoint=2855 # L1 + L5 MCW Chip_Configuration_GNSSConstConstraintDef = 0x60FF LocTech_Constraints = 0x60FF Chip_Configuration_RfMiscCtrl = 0x80008001 ### 2C48 L1 only MCW ### #Chip_Configuration_GNSSConstConstraintDef=0x602F #Chip_Configuration_RfMiscCtrl=0x80008001 # L1 HYSPDY - CP #Chip_Configuration_GNSSConstConstraintDef=0x602F #LocTech_Constraints = 0x602F #Chip_Configuration_RfMiscCtrl=0x8001 #Chip_Configuration_IspTestConfig=0x22242822 # Disable BDS in the U.S. # 0-enabled (default), 1-disabled, 2-auto(disabled in US) #gloUsedInUSPolicy=2 bdsUsedInUSPolicy=2 sbasUsedInUSPolicy=2 qzssUsedInUSPolicy=2 navicUsedInUSPolicy=2 # DVS: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default) # DFS: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default) Chip_Configuration_FeatureCfg_DVS = 1 Chip_Configuration_FeatureCfg_DFS = 1 # Disable MTPL Chip_Configuration_FeatureCfg_MTPL = 1 # MCW Link failure behavior: 0 = SW Assert (default), 1 = GNSS restart (hot start) Chip_Configuration_FeatureCfg_SDL_BYASS = 1 # This is a bitfield that will disable incoming interrupts for mailboxes # AP = 0x1 # APM = 0x2 # CP = 0x4 # CHUB = 0x8 mailboxDisabled=0x0 ### Specify RFIC ID for K42 ### # 55400000 = S5540 EVT0 gnss_rfic_chip_id=55400000 # Uncomment to Disable SUPL #Aiding_AidingType=0 # Uncomment to Disable SUPL (Ignore Android Framework Requests to Enable SUPL) #GlueLayer_EnableFwConfiguration=0 #Uncomment to disable SGEE #Sif_OperationMode=0 # Enables RTC time aiding from Host # 1 - enable, 0 - disable (default) UseRtcForAiding=1 # increase rtc uncertainty from Host to hedge against bad fixes additional_rtc_uncertainty_ms=10 # set to 1 for FW SGEE download - Requires Android FW to be properly configured Sif_UseFwXtraInterface=1 # ChipCfg_GetGpsWeekFloor variable allows testing of old GPS weeks. # Used here to adjust the GPS week for carrier testing. # Simulations in the past may be based on any week number. # Guidelines: # If simulation week absolute week number is: # 1-1023: ChipCfg_SetGpsWeekFloor=1 # 1024-2047: ChipCfg_SetGpsWeekFloor=1024 # 2048-3071: ChipCfg_SetGpsWeekFloor=2048 # Example: ChipCfg_GetGpsWeekFloor=1024 # The above sets the correct operation when the true week is between 1024 and 2048 # ChipCfg_GetGpsWeekFloor=0 Agnss_IsGloAidingEnable=0 SETCaps_IsOtdoa=1 SETCaps_IsLpp=1 SETCaps_SuplUT1=20 PosReq_Supl2Params_SuplNiUdpPort=7275 GlueLayer_LPPCpBitmask=0xFF GlueLayer_IsCpLteNeighborCellEnable=1 GlueLayer_isReqDBHFromFwRefLoc=1 GlueLayer_isReqUBPFromPressureSensor=1 GlueLayer_IsRilCIDReqEnable=0 GlueLayer_IsMemsEnable=1 GlueLayer_MeasCorrCap=7 # 0x0001: CHIP_CONFIG_MEMS_ACCEL_AVAILABLE # 0x0002: CHIP_CONFIG_MEMS_MAGN_AVAILABLE # 0x0004: CHIP_CONFIG_MEMS_GYRO_AVAILABLE # 0x0010: CHIP_CONFIG_MEMS_ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE # 0x0020: CHIP_CONFIG_MEMS_STEPCOUNTER_AVAILABLE Chip_Configuration_mems_data_Configuration=0x25 Chip_Configuration_FeatureCfg_ANDRD_MEAS_CORR_ENABLE=1 CP_LocTech_PrimaryConst=0 CP_LocTech_Constraints=1 CP_LocTech_Requirements=0 UP_LocTech_PrimaryConst=0 UP_LocTech_Constraints=1 UP_LocTech_Requirements=0 SpotLogger_Allowed=0 # GNSS power values in "mW" SingleBandAcqPower=69 MultiBandAcqPower=90 SingleBandFullTrkPower=55 MultiBandFullTrkPower=70 SingleBandDutyCycleTrkPower=50 MultiBandDutyCycleTrkPower=65 SingleBandNmTrkPower=20 MultiBandNmTrkPower=28 SingleBandUdTrkPower=14 MultiBandUdTrkPower=18 RfPathLossDb_Ap=3600 RfPathLossDb_Cp=3600 RfPathLossDb_L5_Ap=4300 RfPathLossDb_L5_Cp=4300 NmeaBitmask=0x010003fff # force engine to use entire response time for emergency session; default 0 IsUseEntireRespTime911=1 # force engine to engage high accuracy if entire response time used; default 0 isForceHighAccuracyMode=1 # This is to indicate if AP supports CP partial reset feature # default = CP partial reset feature enabled # 0 = CP partial reset feature enabled # 1 = CP partial reset feature disabled cp_partial_reset_disable=1 # 0: Use calibrated data 1: Use uncalibrated data isUseUncalAccel=1 isUseUncalMagn=0 # 0x0001: Enable StaticNavMode # 0x0002: Enable TunnelDetection # 0x0040: Self-detection Algorithm works # 0x0400: Enable MEMS S5 # 0x2000: Enable MEMS PGMF (Pedestrian GNSS + MEMS Fusion) NavOptions=0x2443 GNSS_CARRIER_CONFIG_BEGIN # DEFAULT GNSS_CARRIER_ID=0 ENABLE_CAPS_OTDOA=1 ENABLE_2G_CP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_2G_CP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_3G_CP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_3G_CP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_4G_CP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_4G_CP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_5G_CP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_5G_CP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_2G_UP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_2G_UP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_3G_UP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_3G_UP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_4G_UP_CAPS_MSA=1 ENABLE_4G_UP_CAPS_MSB=1 ENABLE_5G_UP_CAPS_MSA=0 ENABLE_5G_UP_CAPS_MSB=0 SUPL_SSL_METHOD=TLSv1_1 SUPL_HMAC_HASH=SHA256 SUPL_UT2_SEC=20 SUPL_UT3_SEC=20 ENABLE_LPP_CP=1 ENABLE_LPP_UP=0 ENABLE_LPPE_CP=3 ENABLE_LPPE_UP=0 ENABLE_NLP_IN_LPPE=1 ENABLE_NLP_IN_AGNSS=0 ENABLE_LPP_HA_GAD_SHAPE=0 USE_EMER_PDN_FOR_EMER_SUPL=1 # ATT GNSS_CARRIER_ID=1 # TMO GNSS_CARRIER_ID=2 ENABLE_3G_CP_CAPS_MSA=0 ENABLE_4G_CP_CAPS_MSA=0 ENABLE_NLP_IN_LPPE=0 ENABLE_NLP_IN_AGNSS=1 ENABLE_LPP_HA_GAD_SHAPE=1 # VZW GNSS_CARRIER_ID=3 ENABLE_CAPS_OTDOA=0 ENABLE_LPP_UP=1 ENABLE_LPPE_UP=3 SUPL_SSL_METHOD=TLSv1_2 SUPL_UT2_SEC=10 SUPL_UT3_SEC=30 # AIRTEL GNSS_CARRIER_ID=4 # RAKUTEN GNSS_CARRIER_ID=5 ENABLE_LPP_UP=1 ENABLE_LPPE_UP=3 # KDDI GNSS_CARRIER_ID=6 ENABLE_LPP_CP=0 ENABLE_LPP_UP=1 ENABLE_LPPE_CP=0 ENABLE_LPPE_UP=3 # SBM GNSS_CARRIER_ID=7 ENABLE_LPP_CP=0 ENABLE_LPPE_CP=0 ENABLE_5G_CP_CAPS_MSA=0 ENABLE_5G_CP_CAPS_MSB=0 USE_EMER_PDN_FOR_EMER_SUPL=0 # DOCOMO GNSS_CARRIER_ID=8 # LAB GNSS_CARRIER_ID=9 ENABLE_LPP_UP=1 ENABLE_LPPE_UP=3 GNSS_CARRIER_CONFIG_END