/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <algos/time_sync.h> #include <atomic.h> #include <common/math/macros.h> #include <cpu/cpuMath.h> #include <errno.h> #include <gpio.h> #include <heap.h> #include <halIntf.h> #include <hostIntf.h> #include <i2c.h> #include <isr.h> #include <nanohub_math.h> #include <nanohubPacket.h> #include <printf.h> #include <plat/exti.h> #include <plat/gpio.h> #include <plat/syscfg.h> #include <plat/rtc.h> #include <sensors.h> #include <seos.h> #include <slab.h> #include <spi.h> #include <timer.h> #include <variant/sensType.h> #include <variant/variant.h> #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT #include <calibration/magnetometer/mag_cal/mag_cal.h> #endif #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED #include <calibration/accelerometer/accel_cal.h> #endif #if defined(OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED) && !defined(GYRO_CAL_ENABLED) #undef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED #endif #if defined(GYRO_CAL_DBG_ENABLED) && !defined(GYRO_CAL_ENABLED) #undef GYRO_CAL_DBG_ENABLED #endif #if defined(OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED) && !defined(OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED) #undef OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED #endif #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED #include <calibration/gyroscope/gyro_cal.h> #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED #include <calibration/over_temp/over_temp_cal.h> #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED #include <limits.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define VERBOSE_PRINT(fmt, ...) do { \ osLog(LOG_VERBOSE, "%s " fmt, "[BMI160]", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0); #define INFO_PRINT(fmt, ...) do { \ osLog(LOG_INFO, "%s " fmt, "[BMI160]", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0); #define ERROR_PRINT(fmt, ...) do { \ osLog(LOG_ERROR, "%s " fmt, "[BMI160] ERROR:", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0); #define DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, ...) do { \ if (DBG_ENABLE) { \ osLog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s " fmt, "[BMI160]", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } while (0); #define DEBUG_PRINT_IF(cond, fmt, ...) do { \ if ((cond) && DBG_ENABLE) { \ osLog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s " fmt, "[BMI160]", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } while (0); #define DBG_ENABLE 0 #define DBG_CHUNKED 0 #define DBG_INT 0 #define DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE 0 #define DBG_STATE 0 #define DBG_WM_CALC 0 #define TIMESTAMP_DBG 0 #define BMI160_APP_VERSION 20 // fixme: to list required definitions for a slave mag #ifdef USE_BMM150 #include "bosch_bmm150_slave.h" #elif USE_AK09915 #include "akm_ak09915_slave.h" #endif #define BMI160_APP_ID APP_ID_MAKE(NANOHUB_VENDOR_GOOGLE, 2) #ifdef BMI160_I2C_BUS_ID #define BMI160_USE_I2C #ifndef BMI160_I2C_SPEED #define BMI160_I2C_SPEED 400000 #endif #ifndef BMI160_I2C_ADDR #define BMI160_I2C_ADDR 0x68 #endif #endif #define BMI160_SPI_WRITE 0x00 #define BMI160_SPI_READ 0x80 #ifndef BMI160_SPI_BUS_ID #define BMI160_SPI_BUS_ID 1 #endif #ifndef BMI160_SPI_SPEED_HZ #define BMI160_SPI_SPEED_HZ 8000000 #endif #define BMI160_SPI_MODE 3 #ifndef BMI160_SPI_CS_PIN #define BMI160_SPI_CS_PIN GPIO_PB(12) #endif #ifndef BMI160_INT1_IRQ #define BMI160_INT1_IRQ EXTI9_5_IRQn #endif #ifndef BMI160_INT1_PIN #define BMI160_INT1_PIN GPIO_PB(6) #endif #ifndef BMI160_INT2_IRQ #define BMI160_INT2_IRQ EXTI9_5_IRQn #endif #ifndef BMI160_INT2_PIN #define BMI160_INT2_PIN GPIO_PB(7) #endif #define BMI160_ID 0xd1 #define BMI160_REG_ID 0x00 #define BMI160_REG_ERR 0x02 #define BMI160_REG_PMU_STATUS 0x03 #define BMI160_REG_DATA_0 0x04 #define BMI160_REG_DATA_1 0x05 #define BMI160_REG_DATA_14 0x12 #define BMI160_REG_SENSORTIME_0 0x18 #define BMI160_REG_STATUS 0x1b #define BMI160_REG_INT_STATUS_0 0x1c #define BMI160_REG_INT_STATUS_1 0x1d #define BMI160_REG_TEMPERATURE_0 0x20 #define BMI160_REG_TEMPERATURE_1 0x21 #define BMI160_REG_FIFO_LENGTH_0 0x22 #define BMI160_REG_FIFO_DATA 0x24 #define BMI160_REG_ACC_CONF 0x40 #define BMI160_REG_ACC_RANGE 0x41 #define BMI160_REG_GYR_CONF 0x42 #define BMI160_REG_GYR_RANGE 0x43 #define BMI160_REG_MAG_CONF 0x44 #define BMI160_REG_FIFO_DOWNS 0x45 #define BMI160_REG_FIFO_CONFIG_0 0x46 #define BMI160_REG_FIFO_CONFIG_1 0x47 #define BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_0 0x4b #define BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_1 0x4c #define BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_2 0x4d #define BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_3 0x4e #define BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_4 0x4f #define BMI160_REG_INT_EN_0 0x50 #define BMI160_REG_INT_EN_1 0x51 #define BMI160_REG_INT_EN_2 0x52 #define BMI160_REG_INT_OUT_CTRL 0x53 #define BMI160_REG_INT_LATCH 0x54 #define BMI160_REG_INT_MAP_0 0x55 #define BMI160_REG_INT_MAP_1 0x56 #define BMI160_REG_INT_MAP_2 0x57 #define BMI160_REG_INT_DATA_0 0x58 #define BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_0 0x5f #define BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_1 0x60 #define BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_2 0x61 #define BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_3 0x62 #define BMI160_REG_INT_TAP_0 0x63 #define BMI160_REG_INT_TAP_1 0x64 #define BMI160_REG_INT_FLAT_0 0x67 #define BMI160_REG_INT_FLAT_1 0x68 #define BMI160_REG_PMU_TRIGGER 0x6C #define BMI160_REG_FOC_CONF 0x69 #define BMI160_REG_CONF 0x6a #define BMI160_REG_IF_CONF 0x6b #define BMI160_REG_SELF_TEST 0x6d #define BMI160_REG_OFFSET_0 0x71 #define BMI160_REG_OFFSET_3 0x74 #define BMI160_REG_OFFSET_6 0x77 #define BMI160_REG_STEP_CNT_0 0x78 #define BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_0 0x7a #define BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_1 0x7b #define BMI160_REG_CMD 0x7e #define BMI160_REG_MAGIC 0x7f #define INT_STEP 0x01 #define INT_ANY_MOTION 0x04 #define INT_DOUBLE_TAP 0x10 #define INT_SINGLE_TAP 0x20 #define INT_ORIENT 0x40 #define INT_FLAT 0x80 #define INT_HIGH_G_Z 0x04 #define INT_LOW_G 0x08 #define INT_DATA_RDY 0x10 #define INT_FIFO_FULL 0x20 #define INT_FIFO_WM 0x40 #define INT_NO_MOTION 0x80 #define BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_INVALID 0x80 // mark the end of valid data #define BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_SKIP 0x81 // not defined by hw, used for skip a byte in buffer #define WATERMARK_MIN 1 #define WATERMARK_MAX 200 // must <= 255 (0xff) #define WATERMARK_MAX_SENSOR_RATE 400 // Accel and gyro are 400 Hz max #define WATERMARK_TIME_UNIT_NS (1000000000ULL/(WATERMARK_MAX_SENSOR_RATE)) #define gSPI BMI160_SPI_BUS_ID #define ACCL_INT_LINE EXTI_LINE_P6 #define GYR_INT_LINE EXTI_LINE_P7 #define SPI_WRITE_0(addr, data) spiQueueWrite(addr, data, 2) #define SPI_WRITE_1(addr, data, delay) spiQueueWrite(addr, data, delay) #define GET_SPI_WRITE_MACRO(_1,_2,_3,NAME,...) NAME #define SPI_WRITE(...) GET_SPI_WRITE_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__, SPI_WRITE_1, SPI_WRITE_0)(__VA_ARGS__) #define SPI_READ_0(addr, size, buf) spiQueueRead(addr, size, buf, 0) #define SPI_READ_1(addr, size, buf, delay) spiQueueRead(addr, size, buf, delay) #define GET_SPI_READ_MACRO(_1,_2,_3,_4,NAME,...) NAME #define SPI_READ(...) GET_SPI_READ_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__, SPI_READ_1, SPI_READ_0)(__VA_ARGS__) #define EVT_SENSOR_ACC_DATA_RDY sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_ACCEL) #define EVT_SENSOR_GYR_DATA_RDY sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_GYRO) #define EVT_SENSOR_MAG_DATA_RDY sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_MAG) #define EVT_SENSOR_STEP sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_STEP_DETECT) #define EVT_SENSOR_NO_MOTION sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_NO_MOTION) #define EVT_SENSOR_ANY_MOTION sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_ANY_MOTION) #define EVT_SENSOR_FLAT sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_FLAT) #define EVT_SENSOR_DOUBLE_TAP sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_DOUBLE_TAP) #define EVT_SENSOR_STEP_COUNTER sensorGetMyEventType(SENS_TYPE_STEP_COUNT) #define MAX_NUM_COMMS_EVENT_SAMPLES 15 #ifndef BMI160_ACC_SAMPLES #define BMI160_ACC_SAMPLES 3000 #endif #ifndef BMI160_GYRO_SAMPLES #define BMI160_GYRO_SAMPLES 20 #endif #ifndef BMI160_MAG_SAMPLES #define BMI160_MAG_SAMPLES 600 #endif // Default accel range is 8g #ifndef BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G #define BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G 8 #endif #if BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G == 16 #define ACC_RANGE_SETTING 0x0c #elif BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G == 8 #define ACC_RANGE_SETTING 0x08 #else #error "Invalid BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G setting: valid values are 8, 16" #endif #define kScale_acc (9.81f * BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G / 32768.0f) #define kScale_gyr 0.00053263221f // GYR_range * M_PI / (180.0f * 32768.0f); #define kScale_temp 0.001953125f // temperature in deg C #define kTempInvalid -1000.0f #define kTimeSyncPeriodNs 100000000ull // sync sensor and RTC time every 100ms #define kSensorTimerIntervalUs 39ull // bmi160 clock increaments every 39000ns #define kMinRTCTimeIncrementNs 1250000ull // forced min rtc time increment, 1.25ms for 400Hz #define kMinSensorTimeIncrement 64 // forced min sensortime increment, // 64 = 2.5 msec for 400Hz #define ACC_MIN_RATE 5 #define GYR_MIN_RATE 6 #define ACC_MAX_RATE 12 #define GYR_MAX_RATE 13 #define MAG_MAX_RATE 11 #define ACC_MAX_OSR 3 #define GYR_MAX_OSR 4 #define ODR_100HZ 8 #define ODR_200HZ 9 #define MOTION_ODR 7 #define RETRY_CNT_CALIBRATION 10 #define RETRY_CNT_ID 5 #define RETRY_CNT_MAG 30 #define SPI_PACKET_SIZE 30 #define FIFO_READ_SIZE (1024+4) #define CHUNKED_READ_SIZE (64) #define BUF_MARGIN 32 // some extra buffer for additional reg RW when a FIFO read happens #define SPI_BUF_SIZE (FIFO_READ_SIZE + CHUNKED_READ_SIZE + BUF_MARGIN) #ifndef ABS #define ABS(x) (((x) > 0) ? (x) : -(x)) #endif enum SensorIndex { FIRST_CONT_SENSOR = 0, ACC = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR, GYR, #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT MAG, #endif NUM_CONT_SENSOR, FIRST_ONESHOT_SENSOR = NUM_CONT_SENSOR, STEP = FIRST_ONESHOT_SENSOR, DTAP, FLAT, ANYMO, NOMO, STEPCNT, NUM_OF_SENSOR, }; enum SensorEvents { NO_EVT = -1, EVT_SPI_DONE = EVT_APP_START + 1, EVT_SENSOR_INTERRUPT_1, EVT_SENSOR_INTERRUPT_2, EVT_TIME_SYNC, }; enum InitState { RESET_BMI160, INIT_BMI160, INIT_MAG, INIT_ON_CHANGE_SENSORS, INIT_DONE, }; enum CalibrationState { CALIBRATION_START, CALIBRATION_FOC, CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE, CALIBRATION_SET_OFFSET, CALIBRATION_DONE, CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT, }; enum AccTestState { ACC_TEST_START, ACC_TEST_CONFIG, ACC_TEST_RUN_0, ACC_TEST_RUN_1, ACC_TEST_VERIFY, ACC_TEST_DONE }; enum GyroTestState { GYRO_TEST_START, GYRO_TEST_RUN, GYRO_TEST_VERIFY, GYRO_TEST_DONE }; enum SensorState { // keep this in sync with getStateName SENSOR_BOOT, SENSOR_VERIFY_ID, SENSOR_INITIALIZING, SENSOR_IDLE, SENSOR_POWERING_UP, SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN, SENSOR_CONFIG_CHANGING, SENSOR_INT_1_HANDLING, SENSOR_INT_2_HANDLING, SENSOR_CALIBRATING, SENSOR_TESTING, SENSOR_STEP_CNT, SENSOR_TIME_SYNC, SENSOR_SAVE_CALIBRATION, SENSOR_NUM_OF_STATE }; #if DBG_STATE #define PRI_STATE "s" static const char * getStateName(int32_t s) { // keep this in sync with SensorState static const char* const l[] = {"BOOT", "VERIFY_ID", "INIT", "IDLE", "PWR_UP", "PWR-DN", "CFG_CHANGE", "INT1", "INT2", "CALIB", "TEST", "STEP_CNT", "SYNC", "SAVE_CALIB"}; if (s >= 0 && s < SENSOR_NUM_OF_STATE) { return l[s]; } return "???"; #else #define PRI_STATE PRIi32 static int32_t getStateName(int32_t s) { return s; #endif } enum MagConfigState { MAG_SET_START, MAG_SET_IF, // BMM150 only MAG_SET_REPXY, MAG_SET_REPZ, MAG_GET_DIG_X, MAG_GET_DIG_Y, MAG_GET_DIG_Z, MAG_SET_SAVE_DIG, MAG_SET_FORCE, MAG_SET_ADDR, MAG_SET_DATA, MAG_SET_DONE, MAG_INIT_FAILED }; struct ConfigStat { uint64_t latency; uint32_t rate; bool enable; }; struct CalibrationData { struct HostHubRawPacket header; struct SensorAppEventHeader data_header; int32_t xBias; int32_t yBias; int32_t zBias; } __attribute__((packed)); struct TestResultData { struct HostHubRawPacket header; struct SensorAppEventHeader data_header; } __attribute__((packed)); struct BMI160Sensor { struct ConfigStat pConfig; // pending config status request struct TripleAxisDataEvent *data_evt; uint32_t handle; uint32_t rate; uint64_t latency; uint64_t prev_rtc_time; uint32_t offset[3]; bool powered; // activate status bool configed; // configure status bool offset_enable; uint8_t flush; enum SensorIndex idx; }; struct OtcGyroUpdateBuffer { struct AppToSensorHalDataBuffer head; struct GyroOtcData data; volatile uint8_t lock; // lock for static object bool sendToHostRequest; } __attribute__((packed)); struct BMI160Task { uint32_t tid; struct BMI160Sensor sensors[NUM_OF_SENSOR]; #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED // Gyro Cal -- Declaration. struct GyroCal gyro_cal; #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // Over-temp gyro calibration object. struct OverTempCal over_temp_gyro_cal; struct OtcGyroUpdateBuffer otcGyroUpdateBuffer; #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // time keeping. uint64_t last_sensortime; uint64_t frame_sensortime; uint64_t prev_frame_time[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; uint64_t time_delta[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; uint64_t next_delta[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; uint64_t tempTime; uint64_t timesync_rtc_time; // spi and interrupt spi_cs_t cs; struct SpiMode mode; struct SpiPacket packets[SPI_PACKET_SIZE]; struct SpiDevice *spiDev; struct Gpio *Int1; struct Gpio *Int2; IRQn_Type Irq1; IRQn_Type Irq2; struct ChainedIsr Isr1; struct ChainedIsr Isr2; #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED struct AccelCal acc; #endif #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT struct MagCal moc; #endif time_sync_t gSensorTime2RTC; float tempCelsius; float last_charging_bias_x; uint32_t total_step_cnt; uint32_t last_step_cnt; uint32_t poll_generation; uint32_t active_poll_generation; uint8_t active_oneshot_sensor_cnt; uint8_t interrupt_enable_0; uint8_t interrupt_enable_2; uint8_t acc_downsample; uint8_t gyr_downsample; bool magBiasPosted; bool magBiasCurrent; bool fifo_enabled[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; // for step count uint32_t stepCntSamplingTimerHandle; bool step_cnt_changed; // spi buffers int xferCnt; uint8_t *dataBuffer; uint8_t *statusBuffer; uint8_t *sensorTimeBuffer; uint8_t *temperatureBuffer; uint8_t txrxBuffer[SPI_BUF_SIZE]; // states volatile uint8_t state; //task state, type enum SensorState, do NOT change this directly enum InitState init_state; enum MagConfigState mag_state; enum CalibrationState calibration_state; enum AccTestState acc_test_state; enum GyroTestState gyro_test_state; // for self-test int16_t accTestX, accTestY, accTestZ; // pending configs bool pending_int[2]; bool pending_step_cnt; bool pending_config[NUM_OF_SENSOR]; bool pending_calibration_save; bool pending_time_sync; bool pending_delta[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; bool pending_dispatch; bool frame_sensortime_valid; // FIFO setting uint16_t chunkReadSize; uint8_t watermark; // spi rw struct SlabAllocator *mDataSlab; uint16_t mWbufCnt; uint8_t mRegCnt; #ifdef BMI160_USE_I2C uint8_t cReg; SpiCbkF sCallback; #endif uint8_t mRetryLeft; bool spiInUse; }; static uint32_t AccRates[] = { SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/8.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/4.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/2.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f), SENSOR_HZ(50.0f), SENSOR_HZ(100.0f), SENSOR_HZ(200.0f), SENSOR_HZ(400.0f), 0, }; static uint32_t GyrRates[] = { SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/8.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/4.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/2.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f), SENSOR_HZ(50.0f), SENSOR_HZ(100.0f), SENSOR_HZ(200.0f), SENSOR_HZ(400.0f), 0, }; #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static uint32_t MagRates[] = { SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/8.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/4.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/2.0f), SENSOR_HZ(25.0f), SENSOR_HZ(50.0f), SENSOR_HZ(100.0f), 0, }; #endif static uint32_t StepCntRates[] = { SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/300.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/240.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/180.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/120.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/90.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/60.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/45.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/30.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/15.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/10.0f), SENSOR_HZ(1.0f/5.0f), SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE, 0 }; static const uint64_t stepCntRateTimerVals[] = // should match StepCntRates and be the timer length for that rate in nanosecs { 300 * 1000000000ULL, 240 * 1000000000ULL, 180 * 1000000000ULL, 120 * 1000000000ULL, 90 * 1000000000ULL, 60 * 1000000000ULL, 45 * 1000000000ULL, 30 * 1000000000ULL, 15 * 1000000000ULL, 10 * 1000000000ULL, 5 * 1000000000ULL, }; static struct BMI160Task mTask; #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static struct MagTask magTask; #endif #define MAG_WRITE(addr, data) \ do { \ SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_4, data); \ SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_3, addr); \ } while (0) #define MAG_READ(addr, size) \ do { \ SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_2, addr, 5000); \ SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_DATA_0, size, &mTask.dataBuffer); \ } while (0) #define DEC_INFO(name, type, axis, inter, samples) \ .sensorName = name, \ .sensorType = type, \ .numAxis = axis, \ .interrupt = inter, \ .minSamples = samples #define DEC_INFO_RATE(name, rates, type, axis, inter, samples) \ DEC_INFO(name, type, axis, inter, samples), \ .supportedRates = rates #define DEC_INFO_RATE_RAW(name, rates, type, axis, inter, samples, raw, scale) \ DEC_INFO(name, type, axis, inter, samples), \ .supportedRates = rates, \ .flags1 = SENSOR_INFO_FLAGS1_RAW, \ .rawType = raw, \ .rawScale = scale #define DEC_INFO_RATE_BIAS(name, rates, type, axis, inter, samples, bias) \ DEC_INFO(name, type, axis, inter, samples), \ .supportedRates = rates, \ .flags1 = SENSOR_INFO_FLAGS1_BIAS, \ .biasType = bias #define DEC_INFO_RATE_RAW_BIAS(name, rates, type, axis, inter, samples, raw, scale, bias) \ DEC_INFO_RATE_RAW(name, rates, type, axis, inter, samples, raw, scale), \ .flags1 = SENSOR_INFO_FLAGS1_RAW | SENSOR_INFO_FLAGS1_BIAS, \ .biasType = bias typedef struct BMI160Task _Task; #define TASK _Task* const _task // To get rid of static variables all task functions should have a task structure pointer input. // This is an intermediate step. #define TDECL() TASK = &mTask; (void)_task // Access task variables without explicitly specify the task structure pointer. #define T(v) (_task->v) // Atomic get state #define GET_STATE() (atomicReadByte(&(_task->state))) // Atomic set state, this set the state to arbitrary value, use with caution #define SET_STATE(s) do{\ DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_STATE, "set state %" PRI_STATE "\n", getStateName(s));\ atomicWriteByte(&(_task->state), (s));\ }while(0) // Atomic switch state from IDLE to desired state. static bool trySwitchState_(TASK, enum SensorState newState) { #if DBG_STATE bool ret = atomicCmpXchgByte(&T(state), SENSOR_IDLE, newState); uint8_t prevState = ret ? SENSOR_IDLE : GET_STATE(); DEBUG_PRINT("switch state %" PRI_STATE "->%" PRI_STATE ", %s\n", getStateName(prevState), getStateName(newState), ret ? "ok" : "failed"); return ret; #else return atomicCmpXchgByte(&T(state), SENSOR_IDLE, newState); #endif } // Short-hand #define trySwitchState(s) trySwitchState_(_task, (s)) // Chunked FIFO read functions static void chunkedReadInit_(TASK, int index, int size); #define chunkedReadInit(a,b) chunkedReadInit_(_task, (a), (b)) static void chunkedReadSpiCallback(void *cookie, int error); static void initiateFifoRead_(TASK, bool isInterruptContext); #define initiateFifoRead(a) initiateFifoRead_(_task, (a)) static uint8_t* shallowParseFrame(uint8_t * buf, int size); #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // otc gyro cal save restore functions static void handleOtcGyroConfig_(TASK, const struct AppToSensorHalDataPayload *data); #define handleOtcGyroConfig(a) handleOtcGyroConfig_(_task, (a)) static bool sendOtcGyroUpdate_(); #define sendOtcGyroUpdate() sendOtcGyroUpdate_(_task) static void unlockOtcGyroUpdateBuffer(); #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // Binary dump to osLog static void dumpBinary(void* buf, unsigned int address, size_t size); // Watermark calculation static uint8_t calcWatermark2_(TASK); #define calcWatermark2() calcWatermark2_(_task) static const struct SensorInfo mSensorInfo[NUM_OF_SENSOR] = { #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED { DEC_INFO_RATE_RAW_BIAS("Accelerometer", AccRates, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL, NUM_AXIS_THREE, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, BMI160_ACC_SAMPLES, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL_RAW, 1.0/kScale_acc, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL_BIAS) }, #else { DEC_INFO_RATE_RAW("Accelerometer", AccRates, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL, NUM_AXIS_THREE, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, BMI160_ACC_SAMPLES, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL_RAW, 1.0/kScale_acc) }, #endif { DEC_INFO_RATE_BIAS("Gyroscope", GyrRates, SENS_TYPE_GYRO, NUM_AXIS_THREE, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, BMI160_GYRO_SAMPLES, SENS_TYPE_GYRO_BIAS) }, #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT { DEC_INFO_RATE_RAW_BIAS("Magnetometer", MagRates, SENS_TYPE_MAG, NUM_AXIS_THREE, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, BMI160_MAG_SAMPLES, SENS_TYPE_MAG_RAW, 1.0/kScale_mag, SENS_TYPE_MAG_BIAS) }, #endif { DEC_INFO("Step Detector", SENS_TYPE_STEP_DETECT, NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, 100) }, { DEC_INFO("Double Tap", SENS_TYPE_DOUBLE_TAP, NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, 20) }, { DEC_INFO("Flat", SENS_TYPE_FLAT, NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, 20) }, { DEC_INFO("Any Motion", SENS_TYPE_ANY_MOTION, NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, 20) }, { DEC_INFO("No Motion", SENS_TYPE_NO_MOTION, NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, 20) }, { DEC_INFO_RATE("Step Counter", StepCntRates, SENS_TYPE_STEP_COUNT, NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED, NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP, 20) }, }; static void time_init(void) { time_sync_init(&mTask.gSensorTime2RTC); } static bool sensortime_to_rtc_time(uint64_t sensor_time, uint64_t *rtc_time_ns) { // fixme: nsec? return time_sync_estimate_time1( &mTask.gSensorTime2RTC, sensor_time * 39ull, rtc_time_ns); } static void map_sensortime_to_rtc_time(uint64_t sensor_time, uint64_t rtc_time_ns) { // fixme: nsec? time_sync_add(&mTask.gSensorTime2RTC, rtc_time_ns, sensor_time * 39ull); } static void invalidate_sensortime_to_rtc_time(void) { time_sync_reset(&mTask.gSensorTime2RTC); } static void minimize_sensortime_history(void) { // truncate datapoints to the latest two to maintain valid sensortime to rtc // mapping and minimize the inflence of the past mapping time_sync_truncate(&mTask.gSensorTime2RTC, 2); // drop the oldest datapoint when a new one arrives for two times to // completely shift out the influence of the past mapping time_sync_hold(&mTask.gSensorTime2RTC, 2); } static void dataEvtFree(void *ptr) { TDECL(); struct TripleAxisDataEvent *ev = (struct TripleAxisDataEvent *)ptr; slabAllocatorFree(T(mDataSlab), ev); } static void spiQueueWrite(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data, uint32_t delay) { TDECL(); if (T(spiInUse)) { ERROR_PRINT("SPI in use, cannot queue write\n"); return; } T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).size = 2; T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).txBuf = &T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt)]); T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).rxBuf = &T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt)]); T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).delay = delay * 1000; T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt++)]) = BMI160_SPI_WRITE | addr; T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt++)]) = data; T(mRegCnt)++; } /* * need to be sure size of buf is larger than read size */ static void spiQueueRead(uint8_t addr, size_t size, uint8_t **buf, uint32_t delay) { TDECL(); if (T(spiInUse)) { ERROR_PRINT("SPI in use, cannot queue read %d %d\n", (int)addr, (int)size); return; } *buf = &T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt)]); T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).size = size + 1; // first byte will not contain valid data T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).txBuf = &T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt)]); T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).rxBuf = *buf; T(packets[T(mRegCnt)]).delay = delay * 1000; T(txrxBuffer[T(mWbufCnt)++]) = BMI160_SPI_READ | addr; T(mWbufCnt) += size; T(mRegCnt)++; } #ifdef BMI160_USE_I2C static void i2cBatchTxRx(void *evtData, int err); #endif static void spiBatchTxRx(struct SpiMode *mode, SpiCbkF callback, void *cookie, const char * src) { TDECL(); if (T(mWbufCnt) > SPI_BUF_SIZE) { ERROR_PRINT("NO enough SPI buffer space, dropping transaction.\n"); return; } if (T(mRegCnt) > SPI_PACKET_SIZE) { ERROR_PRINT("spiBatchTxRx too many packets!\n"); return; } T(spiInUse) = true; T(mWbufCnt) = 0; #ifdef BMI160_USE_I2C T(cReg) = 0; T(sCallback) = callback; i2cBatchTxRx(cookie, 0); #else // Reset variables before issuing SPI transaction. // SPI may finish before spiMasterRxTx finish uint8_t regCount = T(mRegCnt); T(mRegCnt) = 0; if (spiMasterRxTx(T(spiDev), T(cs), T(packets), regCount, mode, callback, cookie) < 0) { ERROR_PRINT("spiMasterRxTx failed!\n"); } #endif } static bool bmi160Isr1(struct ChainedIsr *isr) { TASK = container_of(isr, struct BMI160Task, Isr1); if (!extiIsPendingGpio(T(Int1))) { return false; } DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_INT, "i1\n"); initiateFifoRead(true /*isInterruptContext*/); extiClearPendingGpio(T(Int1)); return true; } static bool bmi160Isr2(struct ChainedIsr *isr) { TASK = container_of(isr, struct BMI160Task, Isr2); if (!extiIsPendingGpio(T(Int2))) return false; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_INT, "i2\n"); if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_SENSOR_INTERRUPT_2, _task, NULL, T(tid))) ERROR_PRINT("bmi160Isr2: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n"); extiClearPendingGpio(T(Int2)); return true; } static void sensorSpiCallback(void *cookie, int err) { mTask.spiInUse = false; if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_SPI_DONE, cookie, NULL, mTask.tid)) ERROR_PRINT("sensorSpiCallback: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n"); } static void sensorTimerCallback(uint32_t timerId, void *data) { if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_SPI_DONE, data, NULL, mTask.tid)) ERROR_PRINT("sensorTimerCallback: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n") } static void timeSyncCallback(uint32_t timerId, void *data) { if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_TIME_SYNC, data, NULL, mTask.tid)) ERROR_PRINT("timeSyncCallback: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n"); } static void stepCntSamplingCallback(uint32_t timerId, void *data) { union EmbeddedDataPoint step_cnt; if (mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].powered && mTask.step_cnt_changed) { mTask.step_cnt_changed = false; step_cnt.idata = mTask.total_step_cnt; osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_STEP_COUNTER, step_cnt.vptr, NULL); } } static bool accFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[ACC].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool gyrFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[GYR].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static bool magFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[MAG].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } #endif static bool stepFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[STEP].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool doubleTapFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[DTAP].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool noMotionFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[NOMO].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool anyMotionFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[ANYMO].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool flatFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[FLAT].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool stepCntFirmwareUpload(void *cookie) { sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); return true; } static bool enableInterrupt(struct Gpio *pin, IRQn_Type irq, struct ChainedIsr *isr) { gpioConfigInput(pin, GPIO_SPEED_LOW, GPIO_PULL_NONE); syscfgSetExtiPort(pin); extiEnableIntGpio(pin, EXTI_TRIGGER_RISING); extiChainIsr(irq, isr); return true; } static bool disableInterrupt(struct Gpio *pin, IRQn_Type irq, struct ChainedIsr *isr) { extiUnchainIsr(irq, isr); extiDisableIntGpio(pin); return true; } static void magConfigMagic(void) { // set the MAG power to NORMAL mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x19, 10000); // Magic register sequence to shift register page table to access hidden // register SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x37); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x9a); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0xc0); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAGIC, 0x90); SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_DATA_1, 1, &mTask.dataBuffer); } static void magConfigIf(void) { // Set the on-chip I2C pull-up register settings and shift the register // table back down (magic) SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_DATA_1, mTask.dataBuffer[1] | 0x30); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAGIC, 0x80); // Config the MAG I2C device address #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_0, (MAG_I2C_ADDR << 1)); #endif // set mag_manual_enable, mag_offset=0, mag_rd_burst='8 bytes' SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_1, 0x83); // primary interface: autoconfig, secondary: magnetometer. SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_IF_CONF, 0x20); // fixme: move to mag-specific function #ifdef USE_BMM150 // set mag to SLEEP mode MAG_WRITE(BMM150_REG_CTRL_1, 0x01); #elif USE_AK09915 // Disable Noise Suppression Filter (NSF) settings MAG_WRITE(AKM_AK09915_REG_CNTL1, 0x00); #endif } // fixme: break this up to master/slave-specific, so it'll be eventually slave-agnostic, // and slave provides its own stateless config function // fixme: not all async_elem_t is supported static void magConfig(void) { switch (mTask.mag_state) { case MAG_SET_START: magConfigMagic(); mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_IF; break; case MAG_SET_IF: magConfigIf(); #ifdef USE_AK09915 mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_FORCE; #elif USE_BMM150 mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_REPXY; #endif break; #ifdef USE_BMM150 case MAG_SET_REPXY: // MAG_SET_REPXY and MAG_SET_REPZ case set: // regular preset, f_max,ODR ~ 102 Hz MAG_WRITE(BMM150_REG_REPXY, 9); mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_REPZ; break; case MAG_SET_REPZ: MAG_WRITE(BMM150_REG_REPZ, 15); mTask.mag_state = MAG_GET_DIG_X; break; case MAG_GET_DIG_X: // MAG_GET_DIG_X, MAG_GET_DIG_Y and MAG_GET_DIG_Z cases: // save parameters for temperature compensation. MAG_READ(BMM150_REG_DIG_X1, 8); mTask.mag_state = MAG_GET_DIG_Y; break; case MAG_GET_DIG_Y: bmm150SaveDigData(&magTask, &mTask.dataBuffer[1], 0); MAG_READ(BMM150_REG_DIG_X1 + 8, 8); mTask.mag_state = MAG_GET_DIG_Z; break; case MAG_GET_DIG_Z: bmm150SaveDigData(&magTask, &mTask.dataBuffer[1], 8); MAG_READ(BMM150_REG_DIG_X1 + 16, 8); mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_SAVE_DIG; break; case MAG_SET_SAVE_DIG: bmm150SaveDigData(&magTask, &mTask.dataBuffer[1], 16); // fall through, no break; mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_FORCE; #endif case MAG_SET_FORCE: // set MAG mode to "forced". ready to pull data #ifdef USE_AK09915 MAG_WRITE(AKM_AK09915_REG_CNTL2, 0x01); #elif USE_BMM150 MAG_WRITE(BMM150_REG_CTRL_2, 0x02); #endif mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_ADDR; break; case MAG_SET_ADDR: // config MAG read data address to the first data register #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_2, MAG_REG_DATA); #endif mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_DATA; break; case MAG_SET_DATA: // clear mag_manual_en. SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_IF_1, 0x03, 1000); // set the MAG power to SUSPEND mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x18, 10000); mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_DONE; mTask.init_state = INIT_ON_CHANGE_SENSORS; break; default: break; } SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 1000); } static bool flushData(struct BMI160Sensor *sensor, uint32_t eventId) { bool success = false; if (sensor->data_evt) { success = osEnqueueEvtOrFree(eventId, sensor->data_evt, dataEvtFree); sensor->data_evt = NULL; } return success; } static void flushAllData(void) { int i; for (i = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; i < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; i++) { flushData(&mTask.sensors[i], EVENT_TYPE_BIT_DISCARDABLE | sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[i].sensorType)); } } static bool allocateDataEvt(struct BMI160Sensor *mSensor, uint64_t rtc_time) { TDECL(); mSensor->data_evt = slabAllocatorAlloc(T(mDataSlab)); if (mSensor->data_evt == NULL) { // slab allocation failed ERROR_PRINT("slabAllocatorAlloc() failed\n"); return false; } // delta time for the first sample is sample count memset(&mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample, 0x00, sizeof(struct SensorFirstSample)); mSensor->data_evt->referenceTime = rtc_time; mSensor->prev_rtc_time = rtc_time; return true; } static inline bool anyFifoEnabled(void) { bool anyFifoEnabled = mTask.fifo_enabled[ACC] || mTask.fifo_enabled[GYR]; #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT anyFifoEnabled = anyFifoEnabled || mTask.fifo_enabled[MAG]; #endif return anyFifoEnabled; } static void configFifo(void) { TDECL(); int i; uint8_t val = 0x12; bool any_fifo_enabled_prev = anyFifoEnabled(); // if ACC is configed, enable ACC bit in fifo_config reg. if (mTask.sensors[ACC].configed && mTask.sensors[ACC].latency != SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) { val |= 0x40; mTask.fifo_enabled[ACC] = true; } else { mTask.fifo_enabled[ACC] = false; } // if GYR is configed, enable GYR bit in fifo_config reg. if (mTask.sensors[GYR].configed && mTask.sensors[GYR].latency != SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) { val |= 0x80; mTask.fifo_enabled[GYR] = true; } else { mTask.fifo_enabled[GYR] = false; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT // if MAG is configed, enable MAG bit in fifo_config reg. if (mTask.sensors[MAG].configed && mTask.sensors[MAG].latency != SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) { val |= 0x20; mTask.fifo_enabled[MAG] = true; } else { mTask.fifo_enabled[MAG] = false; } #endif // if this is the first data sensor fifo to enable, start to // sync the sensor time and rtc time if (!any_fifo_enabled_prev && anyFifoEnabled()) { invalidate_sensortime_to_rtc_time(); // start a new poll generation and attach the generation number to event if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_TIME_SYNC, (void *)mTask.poll_generation, NULL, mTask.tid)) ERROR_PRINT("configFifo: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n"); } // cancel current poll generation if (any_fifo_enabled_prev && !anyFifoEnabled()) { ++mTask.poll_generation; } // if this is not the first fifo enabled or last fifo disabled, flush all fifo data; if (any_fifo_enabled_prev && anyFifoEnabled()) { mTask.pending_dispatch = true; mTask.xferCnt = FIFO_READ_SIZE; SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_FIFO_DATA, mTask.xferCnt, &mTask.dataBuffer); } // calculate the new watermark level if (anyFifoEnabled()) { mTask.watermark = calcWatermark2_(_task); DEBUG_PRINT("wm=%d", mTask.watermark); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FIFO_CONFIG_0, mTask.watermark); } // config the fifo register SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FIFO_CONFIG_1, val); // if no more fifo enabled, we need to cleanup the fifo and invalidate time if (!anyFifoEnabled()) { SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0xb0); mTask.frame_sensortime_valid = false; for (i = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; i < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; i++) { mTask.pending_delta[i] = false; mTask.prev_frame_time[i] = ULONG_LONG_MAX; } } } static bool accPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); VERBOSE_PRINT("accPower: on=%d, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", on, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { // set ACC power mode to NORMAL SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x11, 50000); } else { // set ACC power mode to SUSPEND mTask.sensors[ACC].configed = false; configFifo(); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x10, 5000); } mTask.sensors[ACC].powered = on; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[ACC] = true; mTask.sensors[ACC].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static bool gyrPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); VERBOSE_PRINT("gyrPower: on=%d, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", on, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { // set GYR power mode to NORMAL SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x15, 50000); } else { // set GYR power mode to SUSPEND mTask.sensors[GYR].configed = false; configFifo(); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x14, 5000); } if (anyFifoEnabled() && on != mTask.sensors[GYR].powered) { #if TIMESTAMP_DBG DEBUG_PRINT("minimize_sensortime_history()\n"); #endif minimize_sensortime_history(); } mTask.sensors[GYR].powered = on; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[GYR] = true; mTask.sensors[GYR].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static bool magPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); VERBOSE_PRINT("magPower: on=%d, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", on, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { // set MAG power mode to NORMAL SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x19, 10000); } else { // set MAG power mode to SUSPEND mTask.sensors[MAG].configed = false; configFifo(); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x18, 5000); } mTask.sensors[MAG].powered = on; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[MAG], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[MAG] = true; mTask.sensors[MAG].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } #endif static bool stepPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { // if step counter is powered, no need to change actual config of step // detector. // But we choose to perform one SPI_WRITE anyway to go down the code path // to state SENSOR_POWERING_UP/DOWN to update sensor manager. if (on) { mTask.interrupt_enable_2 |= 0x08; } else { if (!mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].powered) mTask.interrupt_enable_2 &= ~0x08; mTask.sensors[STEP].configed = false; } mTask.sensors[STEP].powered = on; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_2, mTask.interrupt_enable_2, 450); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[STEP], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[STEP] = true; mTask.sensors[STEP].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static bool flatPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { mTask.interrupt_enable_0 |= 0x80; } else { mTask.interrupt_enable_0 &= ~0x80; mTask.sensors[FLAT].configed = false; } mTask.sensors[FLAT].powered = on; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_0, mTask.interrupt_enable_0, 450); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[FLAT], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[FLAT] = true; mTask.sensors[FLAT].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static bool doubleTapPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { mTask.interrupt_enable_0 |= 0x10; } else { mTask.interrupt_enable_0 &= ~0x10; mTask.sensors[DTAP].configed = false; } mTask.sensors[DTAP].powered = on; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_0, mTask.interrupt_enable_0, 450); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[DTAP], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[DTAP] = true; mTask.sensors[DTAP].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static bool anyMotionPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); DEBUG_PRINT("anyMotionPower: on=%d, oneshot_cnt %d, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", on, mTask.active_oneshot_sensor_cnt, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { mTask.interrupt_enable_0 |= 0x07; } else { mTask.interrupt_enable_0 &= ~0x07; mTask.sensors[ANYMO].configed = false; } mTask.sensors[ANYMO].powered = on; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_0, mTask.interrupt_enable_0, 450); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ANYMO], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[ANYMO] = true; mTask.sensors[ANYMO].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static bool noMotionPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); DEBUG_PRINT("noMotionPower: on=%d, oneshot_cnt %d, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", on, mTask.active_oneshot_sensor_cnt, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { mTask.interrupt_enable_2 |= 0x07; } else { mTask.interrupt_enable_2 &= ~0x07; mTask.sensors[NOMO].configed = false; } mTask.sensors[NOMO].powered = on; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_2, mTask.interrupt_enable_2, 450); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[NOMO], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[NOMO] = true; mTask.sensors[NOMO].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static bool stepCntPower(bool on, void *cookie) { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(on ? SENSOR_POWERING_UP : SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN)) { if (on) { if (!mTask.sensors[STEP].powered) { mTask.interrupt_enable_2 |= 0x08; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_2, mTask.interrupt_enable_2, 450); } // set step_cnt_en bit SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_1, 0x08 | 0x03, 1000); } else { if (mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle) { timTimerCancel(mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle); mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle = 0; } if (!mTask.sensors[STEP].powered) { mTask.interrupt_enable_2 &= ~0x08; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_2, mTask.interrupt_enable_2); } // unset step_cnt_en bit SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_1, 0x03); mTask.last_step_cnt = 0; mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].configed = false; } mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].powered = on; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[STEPCNT], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[STEPCNT] = true; mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].pConfig.enable = on; } return true; } static void updateTimeDelta(uint8_t idx, uint8_t odr) { if (mTask.fifo_enabled[idx]) { // wait till control frame to update, if not disabled mTask.next_delta[idx] = 1ull << (16 - odr); mTask.pending_delta[idx] = true; } else { mTask.time_delta[idx] = 1ull << (16 - odr); } } // compute the register value from sensor rate. static uint8_t computeOdr(uint32_t rate) { uint8_t odr = 0x00; switch (rate) { // fall through intended to get the correct register value case SENSOR_HZ(3200): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(1600): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(800): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(400): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(200): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(100): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(50): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(25): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/2.0f): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/4.0f): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/8.0f): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/16.0f): odr ++; case SENSOR_HZ(25.0f/32.0f): odr ++; default: return odr; } } static void configMotion(uint8_t odr) { #if BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G == 16 // motion threshold is element * 31.25mg (for 16g range) static const uint8_t motion_thresholds[ACC_MAX_RATE+1] = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1}; #elif BMI160_ACC_RANGE_G == 8 // motion threshold is element * 15.63mg (for 8g range) static const uint8_t motion_thresholds[ACC_MAX_RATE+1] = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2}; #endif // set any_motion duration to 1 point // set no_motion duration to (3+1)*1.28sec=5.12sec SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_0, 0x03 << 2, 450); // set any_motion threshold SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_1, motion_thresholds[odr], 450); // set no_motion threshold SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_2, motion_thresholds[odr], 450); } static bool accSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { TDECL(); int odr, osr = 0; int osr_mode = 2; // normal // change this to DEBUG_PRINT as there will be frequent (un)subscribings // to accel with different rate/latency requirements. DEBUG_PRINT("accSetRate: rate=%ld, latency=%lld, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", rate, latency, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_CONFIG_CHANGING)) { odr = computeOdr(rate); if (!odr) { ERROR_PRINT("invalid acc rate\n"); return false; } updateTimeDelta(ACC, odr); // minimum supported rate for ACCEL is 12.5Hz. // Anything lower than that shall be acheived by downsampling. if (odr < ACC_MIN_RATE) { osr = ACC_MIN_RATE - odr; odr = ACC_MIN_RATE; } // for high odrs, oversample to reduce hw latency and downsample // to get desired odr if (odr > ODR_100HZ) { // 200Hz osr4, >= 400Hz osr2 if (odr == ODR_200HZ) { osr_mode = 0; // OSR4 } else { osr_mode = 1; // OSR2 } osr = (ACC_MAX_OSR + odr) > ACC_MAX_RATE ? (ACC_MAX_RATE - odr) : ACC_MAX_OSR; odr += osr; } mTask.sensors[ACC].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[ACC].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[ACC].configed = true; mTask.acc_downsample = osr; // configure ANY_MOTION and NO_MOTION based on odr configMotion(odr); // set ACC bandwidth parameter to 2 (bits[4:6]) // set the rate (bits[0:3]) SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_ACC_CONF, (osr_mode << 4) | odr); // configure down sampling ratio, 0x88 is to specify we are using // filtered samples SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FIFO_DOWNS, (mTask.acc_downsample << 4) | mTask.gyr_downsample | 0x88); // flush the data and configure the fifo configFifo(); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[ACC] = true; mTask.sensors[ACC].pConfig.enable = 1; mTask.sensors[ACC].pConfig.rate = rate; mTask.sensors[ACC].pConfig.latency = latency; } return true; } static bool gyrSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { TDECL(); int odr, osr = 0; int osr_mode = 2; // normal VERBOSE_PRINT("gyrSetRate: rate=%ld, latency=%lld, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", rate, latency, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_CONFIG_CHANGING)) { odr = computeOdr(rate); if (!odr) { ERROR_PRINT("invalid gyr rate\n"); return false; } updateTimeDelta(GYR, odr); // minimum supported rate for GYRO is 25.0Hz. // Anything lower than that shall be acheived by downsampling. if (odr < GYR_MIN_RATE) { osr = GYR_MIN_RATE - odr; odr = GYR_MIN_RATE; } // for high odrs, oversample to reduce hw latency and downsample // to get desired odr if (odr > ODR_100HZ) { // 200Hz osr4, >= 400Hz osr2 if (odr == ODR_200HZ) { osr_mode = 0; // OSR4 } else { osr_mode = 1; // OSR2 } osr = (GYR_MAX_OSR + odr) > GYR_MAX_RATE ? (GYR_MAX_RATE - odr) : GYR_MAX_OSR; odr += osr; } mTask.sensors[GYR].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[GYR].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[GYR].configed = true; mTask.gyr_downsample = osr; // set GYR bandwidth parameter to 2 (bits[4:6]) // set the rate (bits[0:3]) SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_GYR_CONF, (osr_mode << 4) | odr); // configure down sampling ratio, 0x88 is to specify we are using // filtered samples SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FIFO_DOWNS, (mTask.acc_downsample << 4) | mTask.gyr_downsample | 0x88); // flush the data and configure the fifo configFifo(); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[GYR] = true; mTask.sensors[GYR].pConfig.enable = 1; mTask.sensors[GYR].pConfig.rate = rate; mTask.sensors[GYR].pConfig.latency = latency; } return true; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static bool magSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { TDECL(); int odr; if (rate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE) rate = SENSOR_HZ(100); VERBOSE_PRINT("magSetRate: rate=%ld, latency=%lld, state=%" PRI_STATE "\n", rate, latency, getStateName(GET_STATE())); if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_CONFIG_CHANGING)) { mTask.sensors[MAG].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[MAG].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[MAG].configed = true; odr = computeOdr(rate); if (!odr) { ERROR_PRINT("invalid mag rate\n"); return false; } updateTimeDelta(MAG, odr); odr = odr > MAG_MAX_RATE ? MAG_MAX_RATE : odr; // set the rate for MAG SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_MAG_CONF, odr); // flush the data and configure the fifo configFifo(); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[MAG], __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_config[MAG] = true; mTask.sensors[MAG].pConfig.enable = 1; mTask.sensors[MAG].pConfig.rate = rate; mTask.sensors[MAG].pConfig.latency = latency; } return true; } #endif static bool stepSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[STEP].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[STEP].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[STEP].configed = true; sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[STEP].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, rate, latency); return true; } static bool flatSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[FLAT].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[FLAT].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[FLAT].configed = true; sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[FLAT].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, rate, latency); return true; } static bool doubleTapSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[DTAP].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[DTAP].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[DTAP].configed = true; sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[DTAP].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, rate, latency); return true; } static bool anyMotionSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[ANYMO].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[ANYMO].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[ANYMO].configed = true; sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[ANYMO].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, rate, latency); return true; } static bool noMotionSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[NOMO].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[NOMO].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[NOMO].configed = true; sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[NOMO].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, rate, latency); return true; } static bool stepCntSetRate(uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency, void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].rate = rate; mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].latency = latency; mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].configed = true; if (rate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE && mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle) { timTimerCancel(mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle); mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle = 0; } else if (rate != SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE) { if (mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle) { timTimerCancel(mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle); } mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle = timTimerSet(sensorTimerLookupCommon(StepCntRates, stepCntRateTimerVals, rate), 0, 50, stepCntSamplingCallback, NULL, false); if (!mTask.stepCntSamplingTimerHandle) ERROR_PRINT("Couldn't get a timer for step counter\n"); } sensorSignalInternalEvt(mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, rate, latency); return true; } static void sendFlushEvt(void) { while (mTask.sensors[ACC].flush > 0) { osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_ACC_DATA_RDY, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); mTask.sensors[ACC].flush--; } while (mTask.sensors[GYR].flush > 0) { osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_GYR_DATA_RDY, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); mTask.sensors[GYR].flush--; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT while (mTask.sensors[MAG].flush > 0) { osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_MAG_DATA_RDY, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); mTask.sensors[MAG].flush--; } #endif } static bool accFlush(void *cookie) { TDECL(); mTask.sensors[ACC].flush++; initiateFifoRead(false /*isInterruptContext*/); return true; } static bool gyrFlush(void *cookie) { TDECL(); mTask.sensors[GYR].flush++; initiateFifoRead(false /*isInterruptContext*/); return true; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static bool magFlush(void *cookie) { TDECL(); mTask.sensors[MAG].flush++; initiateFifoRead(false /*isInterruptContext*/); return true; } #endif static bool stepFlush(void *cookie) { return osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_STEP, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); } static bool flatFlush(void *cookie) { return osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_FLAT, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); } static bool doubleTapFlush(void *cookie) { return osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_DOUBLE_TAP, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); } static bool anyMotionFlush(void *cookie) { return osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_ANY_MOTION, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); } static bool noMotionFlush(void *cookie) { return osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_NO_MOTION, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); } static bool stepCntFlushGetData() { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_STEP_CNT)) { SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STEP_CNT_0, 2, &mTask.dataBuffer); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[STEPCNT], __FUNCTION__); return true; } return false; } static bool stepCntFlush(void *cookie) { mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].flush++; stepCntFlushGetData(); return true; } static void sendStepCnt() { union EmbeddedDataPoint step_cnt; uint32_t cur_step_cnt; cur_step_cnt = (int)(mTask.dataBuffer[1] | (mTask.dataBuffer[2] << 8)); if (cur_step_cnt != mTask.last_step_cnt) { // Check for possible overflow if (cur_step_cnt < mTask.last_step_cnt) { mTask.total_step_cnt += cur_step_cnt + (0xFFFF - mTask.last_step_cnt); } else { mTask.total_step_cnt += (cur_step_cnt - mTask.last_step_cnt); } mTask.last_step_cnt = cur_step_cnt; // Send the event if the current rate is ONCHANGE or we need to flush; // otherwise, wait until step count sampling timer expires if (mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].rate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE || mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].flush) { step_cnt.idata = mTask.total_step_cnt; osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_STEP_COUNTER, step_cnt.vptr, NULL); } else { mTask.step_cnt_changed = true; } } while (mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].flush) { osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_STEP_COUNTER, SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH, NULL); mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].flush--; } } static bool stepCntSendLastData(void *cookie, uint32_t tid) { // If this comes in and we don't have data yet, there's no harm in reporting step_cnt = 0 if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_SENSOR_STEP_COUNTER, (void *) mTask.total_step_cnt, NULL, tid)) { ERROR_PRINT("stepCntSendLastData: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n"); return false; } return true; } static uint64_t parseSensortime(uint32_t sensor_time24) { uint32_t prev_time24; uint32_t kHalf = 1ul << 23; uint64_t full; prev_time24 = (uint32_t)mTask.last_sensortime & 0xffffff; if (mTask.last_sensortime == 0) { mTask.last_sensortime = (uint64_t)sensor_time24; return (uint64_t)(sensor_time24); } if (sensor_time24 == prev_time24) { return (uint64_t)(mTask.last_sensortime); } full = (mTask.last_sensortime & ~0xffffffull) | sensor_time24; if (((prev_time24 < sensor_time24) && (sensor_time24 - prev_time24) < kHalf) || ((prev_time24 > sensor_time24) && (prev_time24 - sensor_time24) > kHalf)) { if (full < mTask.last_sensortime) { full += 0x1000000ull; } mTask.last_sensortime = full; return mTask.last_sensortime; } if (full < mTask.last_sensortime) { return full; } return (full - 0x1000000ull); } static void parseRawData(struct BMI160Sensor *mSensor, uint8_t *buf, float kScale, uint64_t sensorTime) { TDECL(); struct TripleAxisDataPoint *sample; uint64_t rtc_time, cur_time; uint32_t delta_time; float x, y, z; int16_t raw_x, raw_y, raw_z; #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT bool newMagBias = false; #endif if (!sensortime_to_rtc_time(sensorTime, &rtc_time)) { return; } cur_time = sensorGetTime(); if (rtc_time > cur_time + kMinRTCTimeIncrementNs) { // + tolerance to prevent frequent tripping INFO_PRINT("Future ts %s: rtc_time = %llu, cur_time = %llu", mSensorInfo[mSensor->idx].sensorName, rtc_time, cur_time); // clamp to current time rtc_time = cur_time + kMinRTCTimeIncrementNs; } if (rtc_time < mSensor->prev_rtc_time + kMinRTCTimeIncrementNs) { #if TIMESTAMP_DBG DEBUG_PRINT("%s prev rtc 0x%08x %08x, curr 0x%08x %08x, delta %d usec\n", mSensorInfo[mSensor->idx].sensorName, (unsigned int)((mSensor->prev_rtc_time >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (unsigned int)(mSensor->prev_rtc_time & 0xffffffff), (unsigned int)((rtc_time >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (unsigned int)(rtc_time & 0xffffffff), (int)(rtc_time - mSensor->prev_rtc_time) / 1000); #endif rtc_time = mSensor->prev_rtc_time + kMinRTCTimeIncrementNs; } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT if (mSensor->idx == MAG) { parseMagData(&magTask, &buf[0], &x, &y, &z); BMM150_TO_ANDROID_COORDINATE(x, y, z); float xi, yi, zi; magCalRemoveSoftiron(&mTask.moc, x, y, z, &xi, &yi, &zi); newMagBias |= magCalUpdate(&mTask.moc, sensorTime * kSensorTimerIntervalUs, xi, yi, zi); magCalRemoveBias(&mTask.moc, xi, yi, zi, &x, &y, &z); #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED // Gyro Cal -- Add magnetometer sample. gyroCalUpdateMag(&mTask.gyro_cal, rtc_time, // nsec x, y, z); #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED } else #endif // MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT { raw_x = (buf[0] | buf[1] << 8); raw_y = (buf[2] | buf[3] << 8); raw_z = (buf[4] | buf[5] << 8); x = (float)raw_x * kScale; y = (float)raw_y * kScale; z = (float)raw_z * kScale; BMI160_TO_ANDROID_COORDINATE(x, y, z); if (mSensor->idx == ACC) { #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED accelCalRun(&mTask.acc, rtc_time, x, y, z, mTask.tempCelsius); accelCalBiasRemove(&mTask.acc, &x, &y, &z); #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_DBG_ENABLED // Prints debug data report. accelCalDebPrint(&mTask.acc, mTask.tempCelsius); #endif // ACCEL_CAL_DBG_ENABLED #endif // ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED // Gyro Cal -- Add accelerometer sample. gyroCalUpdateAccel(&mTask.gyro_cal, rtc_time, // nsec x, y, z); #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED } else if (mSensor->idx == GYR) { #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED // Gyro Cal -- Add gyroscope and temperature sample. gyroCalUpdateGyro(&mTask.gyro_cal, rtc_time, // nsec x, y, z, mTask.tempCelsius); #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // Over-Temp Gyro Cal -- Update measured temperature. overTempCalSetTemperature(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, rtc_time, mTask.tempCelsius); // Over-Temp Gyro Cal -- Apply over-temp calibration correction. overTempCalRemoveOffset(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, rtc_time, x, y, z, /* input values */ &x, &y, &z /* calibrated output */); #else // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // Gyro Cal -- Apply calibration correction. gyroCalRemoveBias(&mTask.gyro_cal, x, y, z, /* input values */ &x, &y, &z /* calibrated output */); #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED #if defined(GYRO_CAL_DBG_ENABLED) || defined(OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED) // This flag keeps GyroCal and OverTempCal from printing back-to-back. // If they do, then sometimes important print log data gets dropped. static size_t print_flag = 0; if (print_flag > 0) { #ifdef GYRO_CAL_DBG_ENABLED // Gyro Cal -- Read out Debug data. gyroCalDebugPrint(&mTask.gyro_cal, rtc_time); #endif // GYRO_CAL_DBG_ENABLED print_flag = 0; } else { #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED // Over-Temp Gyro Cal -- Read out Debug data. overTempCalDebugPrint(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, rtc_time); #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED print_flag = 1; } #endif // GYRO_CAL_DBG_ENABLED || OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED } } if (mSensor->data_evt == NULL) { if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } if (mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples >= MAX_NUM_COMMS_EVENT_SAMPLES) { ERROR_PRINT("BAD INDEX\n"); return; } #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED // https://source.android.com/devices/sensors/sensor-types.html // "The bias and scale calibration must only be updated while the sensor is deactivated, // so as to avoid causing jumps in values during streaming." Note, this is now regulated // by the SensorHAL. if (mSensor->idx == ACC) { float accel_offset[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; bool accelCalNewBiasAvailable = accelCalUpdateBias( &mTask.acc, &accel_offset[0], &accel_offset[1], &accel_offset[2]); if (accelCalNewBiasAvailable) { if (mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples > 0) { // Flushes existing samples so the bias appears after them. flushData(mSensor, EVENT_TYPE_BIT_DISCARDABLE | sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[ACC].sensorType)); // Tries to allocate another data event and breaks if unsuccessful. if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasCurrent = true; mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasPresent = 1; mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasSample = mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples; sample = &mSensor->data_evt-> samples[mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples++]; // Updates the accel offset in HAL. sample->x = accel_offset[0]; sample->y = accel_offset[1]; sample->z = accel_offset[2]; flushData(mSensor, sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[ACC].biasType)); if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } } #endif // ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT if (mSensor->idx == MAG && (newMagBias || !mTask.magBiasPosted)) { if (mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples > 0) { // flush existing samples so the bias appears after them flushData(mSensor, EVENT_TYPE_BIT_DISCARDABLE | sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[MAG].sensorType)); if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } if (newMagBias) { mTask.magBiasCurrent = true; } mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasCurrent = mTask.magBiasCurrent; mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasPresent = 1; mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasSample = mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples; sample = &mSensor->data_evt-> samples[mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples++]; // Updates the mag offset in HAL. magCalGetBias(&mTask.moc, &sample->x, &sample->y, &sample->z); // Bias is non-discardable, if we fail to enqueue, don't clear magBiasPosted. if (flushData(mSensor, sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[MAG].biasType))) { mTask.magBiasPosted = true; } if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } #endif // MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED if (mSensor->idx == GYR) { // GyroCal -- Checks for a new offset estimate update. float gyro_offset[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float gyro_offset_temperature_celsius = 0.0f; uint64_t calibration_time_nanos = 0; bool new_gyrocal_offset_update = gyroCalNewBiasAvailable(&mTask.gyro_cal); if (new_gyrocal_offset_update) { // GyroCal -- Gets the GyroCal offset estimate. gyroCalGetBias(&mTask.gyro_cal, &gyro_offset[0], &gyro_offset[1], &gyro_offset[2], &gyro_offset_temperature_celsius, &calibration_time_nanos); #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // OTC-Gyro Cal -- Sends a new GyroCal estimate to the OTC-Gyro. overTempCalUpdateSensorEstimate(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, rtc_time, gyro_offset, gyro_offset_temperature_celsius); #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED } #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // OTC-Gyro Cal -- Gets the latest OTC-Gyro temperature compensated // offset estimate. bool new_otc_offset_update = overTempCalNewOffsetAvailable(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal); overTempCalGetOffset(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, &gyro_offset_temperature_celsius, gyro_offset); // OTC-Gyro Cal -- Checks for a model update. bool new_otc_model_update = overTempCalNewModelUpdateAvailable(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal); if (new_otc_offset_update) { #else // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED if (new_gyrocal_offset_update) { #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED if (mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples > 0) { // flush existing samples so the bias appears after them. flushData(mSensor, EVENT_TYPE_BIT_DISCARDABLE | sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[GYR].sensorType)); if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasCurrent = true; mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasPresent = 1; mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.biasSample = mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples; sample = &mSensor->data_evt->samples[mSensor->data_evt->samples[0] .firstSample.numSamples++]; // Updates the gyro offset in HAL. sample->x = gyro_offset[0]; sample->y = gyro_offset[1]; sample->z = gyro_offset[2]; flushData(mSensor, sensorGetMyEventType(mSensorInfo[GYR].biasType)); if (!allocateDataEvt(mSensor, rtc_time)) { return; } } #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED if (new_otc_model_update || new_otc_offset_update) { // Notify HAL to store new gyro OTC-Gyro data. T(otcGyroUpdateBuffer).sendToHostRequest = true; } #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED } #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED sample = &mSensor->data_evt->samples[mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples++]; // the first deltatime is for sample size if (mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples > 1) { delta_time = rtc_time - mSensor->prev_rtc_time; delta_time = delta_time < 0 ? 0 : delta_time; sample->deltaTime = delta_time; mSensor->prev_rtc_time = rtc_time; } sample->x = x; sample->y = y; sample->z = z; //DEBUG_PRINT("bmi160: x: %d, y: %d, z: %d\n", (int)(1000*x), (int)(1000*y), (int)(1000*z)); //TODO: This was added to prevent too much data of the same type accumulate in internal buffer. // It might no longer be necessary and can be removed. if (mSensor->data_evt->samples[0].firstSample.numSamples == MAX_NUM_COMMS_EVENT_SAMPLES) { flushAllData(); } } static void dispatchData(void) { size_t i = 1, j; size_t size = mTask.xferCnt; int fh_mode, fh_param; uint8_t *buf = mTask.dataBuffer; uint64_t min_delta = ULONG_LONG_MAX; uint32_t sensor_time24; uint64_t full_sensor_time; uint64_t frame_sensor_time = mTask.frame_sensortime; bool observed[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; uint64_t tmp_frame_time, tmp_time[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; bool frame_sensor_time_valid = mTask.frame_sensortime_valid; bool saved_pending_delta[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; uint64_t saved_time_delta[NUM_CONT_SENSOR]; #if TIMESTAMP_DBG int frame_num = -1; #endif for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) observed[j] = false; if (!mTask.frame_sensortime_valid) { // This is the first FIFO delivery after any sensor is enabled in // bmi160. Sensor time reference is not establised until end of this // FIFO frame. Assume time start from zero and do a dry run to estimate // the time and then go through this FIFO again. frame_sensor_time = 0ull; // Save these states for future recovery by the end of dry run. for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) { saved_pending_delta[j] = mTask.pending_delta[j]; saved_time_delta[j] = mTask.time_delta[j]; } } while (size > 0) { if (buf[i] == BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_INVALID) { // reaching invalid header means no more data break; } else if (buf[i] == BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_SKIP) { // manually injected skip header DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_CHUNKED, "skip nop header"); i++; size--; continue; } fh_mode = buf[i] >> 6; fh_param = (buf[i] >> 2) & 0xf; i++; size--; #if TIMESTAMP_DBG ++frame_num; #endif if (fh_mode == 1) { // control frame. if (fh_param == 0) { // skip frame, we skip it if (size >= 1) { i++; size--; } else { size = 0; } } else if (fh_param == 1) { // sensortime frame if (size >= 3) { // The active sensor with the highest odr/lowest delta is the one that // determines the sensor time increments. for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) { if (mTask.sensors[j].configed && mTask.sensors[j].latency != SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) { min_delta = min_delta < mTask.time_delta[j] ? min_delta : mTask.time_delta[j]; } } sensor_time24 = buf[i + 2] << 16 | buf[i + 1] << 8 | buf[i]; // clear lower bits that measure time from taking the sample to reading the // FIFO, something we're not interested in. sensor_time24 &= ~(min_delta - 1); full_sensor_time = parseSensortime(sensor_time24); #if TIMESTAMP_DBG if (frame_sensor_time == full_sensor_time) { //DEBUG_PRINT("frame %d FrameTime 0x%08x\n", // frame_num - 1, // (unsigned int)frame_sensor_time); } else if (frame_sensor_time_valid) { DEBUG_PRINT("frame %d FrameTime 0x%08x != SensorTime 0x%08x, jumped %d msec\n", frame_num - 1, (unsigned int)frame_sensor_time, (unsigned int)full_sensor_time, (int)(5 * ((int64_t)(full_sensor_time - frame_sensor_time) >> 7))); } #endif if (frame_sensor_time_valid) { mTask.frame_sensortime = full_sensor_time; } else { // Dry run if frame_sensortime_valid == false, // no sample is added this round. // So let's time travel back to beginning of frame. mTask.frame_sensortime_valid = true; mTask.frame_sensortime = full_sensor_time - frame_sensor_time; // recover states for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) { // reset all prev_frame_time to invalid values // they should be so anyway at the first FIFO mTask.prev_frame_time[j] = ULONG_LONG_MAX; // recover saved time_delta and pending_delta values mTask.pending_delta[j] = saved_pending_delta[j]; mTask.time_delta[j] = saved_time_delta[j]; } DEBUG_PRINT_IF(TIMESTAMP_DBG, "sensortime invalid: full, frame, task = %llu, %llu, %llu\n", full_sensor_time, frame_sensor_time, mTask.frame_sensortime); // Parse again with known valid timing. // This time the sensor events will be committed into event buffer. return dispatchData(); } // Invalidate sensor timestamp that didn't get corrected by full_sensor_time, // so it can't be used as a reference at next FIFO read. // Use (ULONG_LONG_MAX - 1) to indicate this. for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) { mTask.prev_frame_time[j] = observed[j] ? full_sensor_time : (ULONG_LONG_MAX - 1); // sensor can be disabled in the middle of the FIFO, but wait till the FIFO // end to invalidate prev_frame_time since it's still needed for parsing. // Also invalidate pending delta just to be safe. if (!mTask.sensors[j].configed || mTask.sensors[j].latency == SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) { mTask.prev_frame_time[j] = ULONG_LONG_MAX; mTask.pending_delta[j] = false; } } i += 3; size -= 3; } else { size = 0; } } else if (fh_param == 2) { // fifo_input config frame #if TIMESTAMP_DBG DEBUG_PRINT("frame %d config change 0x%02x\n", frame_num, buf[i]); #endif if (size >= 1) { for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) { if (buf[i] & (0x01 << (j << 1)) && mTask.pending_delta[j]) { mTask.pending_delta[j] = false; mTask.time_delta[j] = mTask.next_delta[j]; #if TIMESTAMP_DBG DEBUG_PRINT("%s new delta %u\n", mSensorInfo[j].sensorName, (unsigned int)mTask.time_delta[j]); #endif } } i++; size--; } else { size = 0; } } else { size = 0; // drop this batch ERROR_PRINT("Invalid fh_param in control frame\n"); } } else if (fh_mode == 2) { // Calcutate candidate frame time (tmp_frame_time): // 1) When sensor is first enabled, reference from other sensors if possible. // Otherwise, add the smallest increment to the previous data frame time. // 2) The newly enabled sensor could only underestimate its // frame time without reference from other sensors. // 3) The underestimated frame time of a newly enabled sensor will be corrected // as soon as it shows up in the same frame with another sensor. // 4) (prev_frame_time == ULONG_LONG_MAX) means the sensor wasn't enabled. // 5) (prev_frame_time == ULONG_LONG_MAX -1) means the sensor didn't appear in the last // data frame of the previous fifo read. So it won't be used as a frame time reference. tmp_frame_time = 0; for (j = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; j < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; j++) { observed[j] = false; // reset at each data frame tmp_time[j] = 0; if ((mTask.prev_frame_time[j] < ULONG_LONG_MAX - 1) && (fh_param & (1 << j))) { tmp_time[j] = mTask.prev_frame_time[j] + mTask.time_delta[j]; tmp_frame_time = (tmp_time[j] > tmp_frame_time) ? tmp_time[j] : tmp_frame_time; } } tmp_frame_time = (frame_sensor_time + kMinSensorTimeIncrement > tmp_frame_time) ? (frame_sensor_time + kMinSensorTimeIncrement) : tmp_frame_time; // regular frame, dispatch data to each sensor's own fifo #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT if (fh_param & 4) { // have mag data if (size >= 8) { if (frame_sensor_time_valid) { // scale not used parseRawData(&mTask.sensors[MAG], &buf[i], 0, tmp_frame_time); #if TIMESTAMP_DBG if (mTask.prev_frame_time[MAG] == ULONG_LONG_MAX) { DEBUG_PRINT("mag enabled: frame %d time 0x%08x\n", frame_num, (unsigned int)tmp_frame_time); } else if ((tmp_frame_time != tmp_time[MAG]) && (tmp_time[MAG] != 0)) { DEBUG_PRINT("frame %d mag time: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x, jumped %d msec\n", frame_num, (unsigned int)tmp_time[MAG], (unsigned int)tmp_frame_time, (int)(5 * ((int64_t)(tmp_frame_time - tmp_time[MAG]) >> 7))); } #endif } mTask.prev_frame_time[MAG] = tmp_frame_time; i += 8; size -= 8; observed[MAG] = true; } else { size = 0; } } #endif if (fh_param & 2) { // have gyro data if (size >= 6) { if (frame_sensor_time_valid) { parseRawData(&mTask.sensors[GYR], &buf[i], kScale_gyr, tmp_frame_time); #if TIMESTAMP_DBG if (mTask.prev_frame_time[GYR] == ULONG_LONG_MAX) { DEBUG_PRINT("gyr enabled: frame %d time 0x%08x\n", frame_num, (unsigned int)tmp_frame_time); } else if ((tmp_frame_time != tmp_time[GYR]) && (tmp_time[GYR] != 0)) { DEBUG_PRINT("frame %d gyr time: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x, jumped %d msec\n", frame_num, (unsigned int)tmp_time[GYR], (unsigned int)tmp_frame_time, (int)(5 * ((int64_t)(tmp_frame_time - tmp_time[GYR]) >> 7))); } #endif } mTask.prev_frame_time[GYR] = tmp_frame_time; i += 6; size -= 6; observed[GYR] = true; } else { size = 0; } } if (fh_param & 1) { // have accel data if (size >= 6) { if (frame_sensor_time_valid) { parseRawData(&mTask.sensors[ACC], &buf[i], kScale_acc, tmp_frame_time); #if TIMESTAMP_DBG if (mTask.prev_frame_time[ACC] == ULONG_LONG_MAX) { DEBUG_PRINT("acc enabled: frame %d time 0x%08x\n", frame_num, (unsigned int)tmp_frame_time); } else if ((tmp_frame_time != tmp_time[ACC]) && (tmp_time[ACC] != 0)) { DEBUG_PRINT("frame %d gyr time: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x, jumped %d msec\n", frame_num, (unsigned int)tmp_time[ACC], (unsigned int)tmp_frame_time, (int)(5 * ((int64_t)(tmp_frame_time - tmp_time[ACC]) >> 7))); } #endif } mTask.prev_frame_time[ACC] = tmp_frame_time; i += 6; size -= 6; observed[ACC] = true; } else { size = 0; } } if (observed[ACC] || observed[GYR]) frame_sensor_time = tmp_frame_time; #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT else if (observed[MAG]) frame_sensor_time = tmp_frame_time; #endif } else { size = 0; // drop this batch ERROR_PRINT("Invalid fh_mode %d at 0x%x, data dump:\n", fh_mode, i); // dump (a) bytes back and (b) bytes forward. int a = i < 0x80 ? 0 : (i - 0x80) & ~0x0F; int b = ((i + 0x80 > mTask.xferCnt ? mTask.xferCnt : i + 0x80) + 0x0F) & ~0x0F; dumpBinary(mTask.dataBuffer, a, b - a); } } //flush data events. flushAllData(); } /* * Read the interrupt type and send corresponding event * If it's anymo or double tap, also send a single uint32 to indicate which axies * is this interrupt triggered. * If it's flat, also send a bit to indicate flat/non-flat position. * If it's step detector, check if we need to send the total step count. */ static void int2Handling(void) { TDECL(); union EmbeddedDataPoint trigger_axies; uint8_t int_status_0 = mTask.statusBuffer[1]; uint8_t int_status_1 = mTask.statusBuffer[2]; if (int_status_0 & INT_STEP) { if (mTask.sensors[STEP].powered) { DEBUG_PRINT("Detected step\n"); osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_STEP, NULL, NULL); } if (mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].powered) { T(pending_step_cnt) = true; } } if ((int_status_0 & INT_ANY_MOTION) && mTask.sensors[ANYMO].powered) { // bit [0:2] of INT_STATUS[2] is set when anymo is triggered by x, y or // z axies respectively. bit [3] indicates the slope. trigger_axies.idata = (mTask.statusBuffer[3] & 0x0f); DEBUG_PRINT("Detected any motion\n"); osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_ANY_MOTION, trigger_axies.vptr, NULL); } if ((int_status_0 & INT_DOUBLE_TAP) && mTask.sensors[DTAP].powered) { // bit [4:6] of INT_STATUS[2] is set when double tap is triggered by // x, y or z axies respectively. bit [7] indicates the slope. trigger_axies.idata = ((mTask.statusBuffer[3] & 0xf0) >> 4); DEBUG_PRINT("Detected double tap\n"); osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_DOUBLE_TAP, trigger_axies.vptr, NULL); } if ((int_status_0 & INT_FLAT) && mTask.sensors[FLAT].powered) { // bit [7] of INT_STATUS[3] indicates flat/non-flat position trigger_axies.idata = ((mTask.statusBuffer[4] & 0x80) >> 7); DEBUG_PRINT("Detected flat\n"); osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_FLAT, trigger_axies.vptr, NULL); } if ((int_status_1 & INT_NO_MOTION) && mTask.sensors[NOMO].powered) { DEBUG_PRINT("Detected no motion\n"); osEnqueueEvt(EVT_SENSOR_NO_MOTION, NULL, NULL); } return; } static void int2Evt(void) { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_INT_2_HANDLING)) { // Read the interrupt reg value to determine what interrupts SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_INT_STATUS_0, 4, &mTask.statusBuffer); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, __FUNCTION__); } else { // even if we are still in SENSOR_INT_2_HANDLING, the SPI may already finished and we need // to issue another SPI read to get the latest status mTask.pending_int[1] = true; } } // bits[6:7] in OFFSET[6] to enable/disable gyro/accel offset. // bits[0:5] in OFFSET[6] stores the most significant 2 bits of gyro offset at // its x, y, z axies. // Calculate the stored gyro offset and compose it with the intended // enable/disable mode for gyro/accel offset to determine the value for // OFFSET[6]. static uint8_t offset6Mode(void) { uint8_t mode = 0; if (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset_enable) mode |= 0x01 << 7; if (mTask.sensors[ACC].offset_enable) mode |= 0x01 << 6; mode |= (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2] & 0x0300) >> 4; mode |= (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1] & 0x0300) >> 6; mode |= (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0] & 0x0300) >> 8; DEBUG_PRINT("OFFSET_6_MODE is: %02x\n", mode); return mode; } static bool saveCalibration() { TDECL(); if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_SAVE_CALIBRATION)) { if (mTask.sensors[ACC].offset_enable) { SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_0, mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0] & 0xFF, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_0 + 1, mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1] & 0xFF, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_0 + 2, mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2] & 0xFF, 450); } if (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset_enable) { SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_3, mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0] & 0xFF, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_3 + 1, mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1] & 0xFF, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_3 + 2, mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2] & 0xFF, 450); } SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_6, offset6Mode(), 450); SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_0, 7, &mTask.dataBuffer); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, NULL, __FUNCTION__); return true; } else { DEBUG_PRINT("%s, state != IDLE", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } static void sendCalibrationResult(uint8_t status, uint8_t sensorType, int32_t xBias, int32_t yBias, int32_t zBias) { struct CalibrationData *data = heapAlloc(sizeof(struct CalibrationData)); if (!data) { osLog(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't alloc cal result pkt"); return; } data->header.appId = BMI160_APP_ID; data->header.dataLen = (sizeof(struct CalibrationData) - sizeof(struct HostHubRawPacket)); data->data_header.msgId = SENSOR_APP_MSG_ID_CAL_RESULT; data->data_header.sensorType = sensorType; data->data_header.status = status; data->xBias = xBias; data->yBias = yBias; data->zBias = zBias; if (!osEnqueueEvtOrFree(EVT_APP_TO_HOST, data, heapFree)) osLog(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't send cal result evt"); } static void accCalibrationHandling(void) { TDECL(); switch (mTask.calibration_state) { case CALIBRATION_START: T(mRetryLeft) = RETRY_CNT_CALIBRATION; // turn ACC to NORMAL mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x11, 50000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_FOC; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; case CALIBRATION_FOC: // set accel range SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_ACC_RANGE, ACC_RANGE_SETTING); // enable accel fast offset compensation, // x: 0g, y: 0g, z: 1g SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FOC_CONF, ACC_FOC_CONFIG); // start calibration SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x03, 100000); // poll the status reg until the calibration finishes. SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 50000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; case CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE: // if the STATUS REG has bit 3 set, it means calbration is done. // otherwise, check back in 50ms later. if (mTask.statusBuffer[1] & 0x08) { //disable FOC SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FOC_CONF, 0x00); //read the offset value for accel SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_0, 3, &mTask.dataBuffer); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_SET_OFFSET; DEBUG_PRINT("FOC set FINISHED!\n"); } else { // calibration hasn't finished yet, go back to wait for 50ms. SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 50000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE; T(mRetryLeft)--; } spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); // if calbration hasn't finished after 10 polling on the STATUS reg, // declare timeout. if (T(mRetryLeft) == 0) { mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT; } break; case CALIBRATION_SET_OFFSET: mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0] = mTask.dataBuffer[1]; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1] = mTask.dataBuffer[2]; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2] = mTask.dataBuffer[3]; // sign extend values if (mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0] & 0x80) mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0] |= 0xFFFFFF00; if (mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1] & 0x80) mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1] |= 0xFFFFFF00; if (mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2] & 0x80) mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2] |= 0xFFFFFF00; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset_enable = true; DEBUG_PRINT("ACCELERATION OFFSET is %02x %02x %02x\n", (unsigned int)mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0], (unsigned int)mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1], (unsigned int)mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2]); sendCalibrationResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_SUCCESS, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL, mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0], mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1], mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2]); // Enable offset compensation for accel uint8_t mode = offset6Mode(); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_6, mode); // turn ACC to SUSPEND mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x10, 5000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; default: ERROR_PRINT("Invalid calibration state\n"); break; } } static bool accCalibration(void *cookie) { TDECL(); if (!mTask.sensors[ACC].powered && trySwitchState(SENSOR_CALIBRATING)) { mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_START; accCalibrationHandling(); return true; } else { ERROR_PRINT("cannot calibrate accel because sensor is busy\n"); sendCalibrationResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_BUSY, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL, 0, 0, 0); return false; } } static bool accCfgData(void *data, void *cookie) { struct CfgData { int32_t hw[3]; float sw[3]; }; struct CfgData *values = data; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[0] = values->hw[0]; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[1] = values->hw[1]; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset[2] = values->hw[2]; mTask.sensors[ACC].offset_enable = true; #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED accelCalBiasSet(&mTask.acc, values->sw[0], values->sw[1], values->sw[2]); #endif INFO_PRINT("accCfgData: data=%02lx, %02lx, %02lx\n", values->hw[0] & 0xFF, values->hw[1] & 0xFF, values->hw[2] & 0xFF); if (!saveCalibration()) { mTask.pending_calibration_save = true; } return true; } static void sendTestResult(uint8_t status, uint8_t sensorType) { struct TestResultData *data = heapAlloc(sizeof(struct TestResultData)); if (!data) { osLog(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't alloc test result packet"); return; } data->header.appId = BMI160_APP_ID; data->header.dataLen = (sizeof(struct TestResultData) - sizeof(struct HostHubRawPacket)); data->data_header.msgId = SENSOR_APP_MSG_ID_TEST_RESULT; data->data_header.sensorType = sensorType; data->data_header.status = status; if (!osEnqueueEvtOrFree(EVT_APP_TO_HOST, data, heapFree)) osLog(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't send test result packet"); } static void accTestHandling(void) { // the minimum absolute differences, according to BMI160 datasheet section // 2.8.1, are 800 mg for the x and y axes and 400 mg for the z axis static const int32_t kMinDifferenceXY = (800 * 32767) / 8000; static const int32_t kMinDifferenceZ = (400 * 32767) / 8000; int32_t tempTestX, tempTestY, tempTestZ; int32_t absDiffX, absDiffY, absDiffZ; TDECL(); switch (mTask.acc_test_state) { case ACC_TEST_START: // turn ACC to NORMAL mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x11, 50000); mTask.acc_test_state = ACC_TEST_CONFIG; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; case ACC_TEST_CONFIG: // set accel conf SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_ACC_CONF, 0x2c); // set accel range SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_ACC_RANGE, ACC_RANGE_SETTING); // read stale accel data SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_DATA_14, 6, &mTask.dataBuffer); mTask.acc_test_state = ACC_TEST_RUN_0; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; case ACC_TEST_RUN_0: // configure acc_self_test_amp=1, acc_self_test_sign=0, acc_self_test_enable=b01 // wait 50ms for data to be available SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_SELF_TEST, 0x09, 50000); // read accel data SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_DATA_14, 6, &mTask.dataBuffer); mTask.acc_test_state = ACC_TEST_RUN_1; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; case ACC_TEST_RUN_1: // save accel data mTask.accTestX = *(int16_t*)(mTask.dataBuffer+1); mTask.accTestY = *(int16_t*)(mTask.dataBuffer+3); mTask.accTestZ = *(int16_t*)(mTask.dataBuffer+5); // configure acc_self_test_amp=1, acc_self_test_sign=1, acc_self_test_enable=b01 // wait 50ms for data to be available SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_SELF_TEST, 0x0d, 50000); // read accel data SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_DATA_14, 6, &mTask.dataBuffer); mTask.acc_test_state = ACC_TEST_VERIFY; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; case ACC_TEST_VERIFY: // save accel data tempTestX = *(int16_t*)(mTask.dataBuffer+1); tempTestY = *(int16_t*)(mTask.dataBuffer+3); tempTestZ = *(int16_t*)(mTask.dataBuffer+5); // calculate the differences between run 0 and run 1 absDiffX = ABS((int32_t)mTask.accTestX - tempTestX); absDiffY = ABS((int32_t)mTask.accTestY - tempTestY); absDiffZ = ABS((int32_t)mTask.accTestZ - tempTestZ); DEBUG_PRINT("accSelfTest diffs: X %d, Y %d, Z %d\n", (int)absDiffX, (int)absDiffY, (int)absDiffZ); // verify that the differences between run 0 and run 1 are within spec if (absDiffX >= kMinDifferenceXY && absDiffY >= kMinDifferenceXY && absDiffZ >= kMinDifferenceZ) { sendTestResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_SUCCESS, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL); } else { sendTestResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_ERROR, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL); } // turn ACC to SUSPEND mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x10, 5000); mTask.acc_test_state = ACC_TEST_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[ACC], __FUNCTION__); break; default: ERROR_PRINT("Invalid accel test state\n"); break; } } static bool accSelfTest(void *cookie) { TDECL(); INFO_PRINT("accSelfTest\n"); if (!mTask.sensors[ACC].powered && trySwitchState(SENSOR_TESTING)) { mTask.acc_test_state = ACC_TEST_START; accTestHandling(); return true; } else { ERROR_PRINT("cannot test accel because sensor is busy\n"); sendTestResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_BUSY, SENS_TYPE_ACCEL); return false; } } static void gyrCalibrationHandling(void) { TDECL(); switch (mTask.calibration_state) { case CALIBRATION_START: T(mRetryLeft) = RETRY_CNT_CALIBRATION; // turn GYR to NORMAL mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x15, 50000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_FOC; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); break; case CALIBRATION_FOC: // set gyro range to +-1000 deg/sec SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_GYR_RANGE, 0x01); // enable gyro fast offset compensation SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FOC_CONF, 0x40); // start FOC SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x03, 100000); // poll the status reg until the calibration finishes. SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 50000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); break; case CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE: // if the STATUS REG has bit 3 set, it means calbration is done. // otherwise, check back in 50ms later. if (mTask.statusBuffer[1] & 0x08) { // disable gyro fast offset compensation SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FOC_CONF, 0x00); //read the offset value for gyro SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_3, 4, &mTask.dataBuffer); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_SET_OFFSET; DEBUG_PRINT("FOC set FINISHED!\n"); } else { // calibration hasn't finished yet, go back to wait for 50ms. SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 50000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_WAIT_FOC_DONE; T(mRetryLeft)--; } spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); // if calbration hasn't finished after 10 polling on the STATUS reg, // declare timeout. if (T(mRetryLeft) == 0) { mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT; } break; case CALIBRATION_SET_OFFSET: mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0] = ((mTask.dataBuffer[4] & 0x03) << 8) | mTask.dataBuffer[1]; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1] = ((mTask.dataBuffer[4] & 0x0C) << 6) | mTask.dataBuffer[2]; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2] = ((mTask.dataBuffer[4] & 0x30) << 4) | mTask.dataBuffer[3]; // sign extend values if (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0] & 0x200) mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0] |= 0xFFFFFC00; if (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1] & 0x200) mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1] |= 0xFFFFFC00; if (mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2] & 0x200) mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2] |= 0xFFFFFC00; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset_enable = true; DEBUG_PRINT("GYRO OFFSET is %02x %02x %02x\n", (unsigned int)mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0], (unsigned int)mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1], (unsigned int)mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2]); sendCalibrationResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_SUCCESS, SENS_TYPE_GYRO, mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0], mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1], mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2]); // Enable offset compensation for gyro uint8_t mode = offset6Mode(); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_6, mode); // turn GYR to SUSPEND mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x14, 1000); mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); break; default: ERROR_PRINT("Invalid calibration state\n"); break; } } static bool gyrCalibration(void *cookie) { TDECL(); if (!mTask.sensors[GYR].powered && trySwitchState(SENSOR_CALIBRATING)) { mTask.calibration_state = CALIBRATION_START; gyrCalibrationHandling(); return true; } else { ERROR_PRINT("cannot calibrate gyro because sensor is busy\n"); sendCalibrationResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_BUSY, SENS_TYPE_GYRO, 0, 0, 0); return false; } } static bool gyrCfgData(void *data, void *cookie) { TDECL(); const struct AppToSensorHalDataPayload *p = data; if (p->type == HALINTF_TYPE_GYRO_CAL_BIAS && p->size == sizeof(struct GyroCalBias)) { const struct GyroCalBias *bias = p->gyroCalBias; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[0] = bias->hardwareBias[0]; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[1] = bias->hardwareBias[1]; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset[2] = bias->hardwareBias[2]; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset_enable = true; INFO_PRINT("gyrCfgData hw bias: data=%02lx, %02lx, %02lx\n", bias->hardwareBias[0] & 0xFF, bias->hardwareBias[1] & 0xFF, bias->hardwareBias[2] & 0xFF); #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED const float dummy_temperature_celsius = 25.0f; gyroCalSetBias(&T(gyro_cal), bias->softwareBias[0], bias->softwareBias[1], bias->softwareBias[2], dummy_temperature_celsius, sensorGetTime()); #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED if (!saveCalibration()) { T(pending_calibration_save) = true; } #if OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED } else if (p->type == HALINTF_TYPE_GYRO_OTC_DATA && p->size == sizeof(struct GyroOtcData)) { handleOtcGyroConfig(data); #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED } else { ERROR_PRINT("Unknown gyro config data type 0x%04x, size %d\n", p->type, p->size); } return true; } static void gyroTestHandling(void) { TDECL(); switch (mTask.gyro_test_state) { case GYRO_TEST_START: // turn GYR to NORMAL mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x15, 50000); mTask.gyro_test_state = GYRO_TEST_RUN; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); break; case GYRO_TEST_RUN: // set gyr_self_test_enable // wait 50ms to check test status SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_SELF_TEST, 0x10, 50000); // check gyro self-test result in status register SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer); mTask.gyro_test_state = GYRO_TEST_VERIFY; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); break; case GYRO_TEST_VERIFY: // gyr_self_test_ok is bit 1 if (mTask.statusBuffer[1] & 0x2) { sendTestResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_SUCCESS, SENS_TYPE_GYRO); } else { sendTestResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_ERROR, SENS_TYPE_GYRO); } // turn GYR to SUSPEND mode SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0x14, 1000); mTask.gyro_test_state = GYRO_TEST_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask.sensors[GYR], __FUNCTION__); break; default: ERROR_PRINT("Invalid gyro test state\n"); break; } } static bool gyrSelfTest(void *cookie) { TDECL(); INFO_PRINT("gyrSelfTest\n"); if (!mTask.sensors[GYR].powered && trySwitchState(SENSOR_TESTING)) { mTask.gyro_test_state = GYRO_TEST_START; gyroTestHandling(); return true; } else { ERROR_PRINT("cannot test gyro because sensor is busy\n"); sendTestResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_BUSY, SENS_TYPE_GYRO); return false; } } #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT static bool magCfgData(void *data, void *cookie) { const struct AppToSensorHalDataPayload *p = data; if (p->type == HALINTF_TYPE_MAG_CAL_BIAS && p->size == sizeof(struct MagCalBias)) { const struct MagCalBias *d = p->magCalBias; INFO_PRINT("magCfgData: calibration %ldnT, %ldnT, %ldnT\n", (int32_t)(d->bias[0] * 1000), (int32_t)(d->bias[1] * 1000), (int32_t)(d->bias[2] * 1000)); mTask.moc.x_bias = d->bias[0]; mTask.moc.y_bias = d->bias[1]; mTask.moc.z_bias = d->bias[2]; mTask.magBiasPosted = false; } else if (p->type == HALINTF_TYPE_MAG_LOCAL_FIELD && p->size == sizeof(struct MagLocalField)) { const struct MagLocalField *d = p->magLocalField; INFO_PRINT("magCfgData: local field strength %dnT, dec %ddeg, inc %ddeg\n", (int)(d->strength * 1000), (int)(d->declination * 180 / M_PI + 0.5f), (int)(d->inclination * 180 / M_PI + 0.5f)); // Passing local field information to mag calibration routine diversityCheckerLocalFieldUpdate(&mTask.moc.diversity_checker, d->strength); // TODO: pass local field information to rotation vector sensor. } else { ERROR_PRINT("magCfgData: unknown type 0x%04x, size %d", p->type, p->size); } return true; } #endif #define DEC_OPS(power, firmware, rate, flush) \ .sensorPower = power, \ .sensorFirmwareUpload = firmware, \ .sensorSetRate = rate, \ .sensorFlush = flush #define DEC_OPS_SEND(power, firmware, rate, flush, send) \ DEC_OPS(power, firmware, rate, flush), \ .sensorSendOneDirectEvt = send #define DEC_OPS_CAL_CFG_TEST(power, firmware, rate, flush, cal, cfg, test) \ DEC_OPS(power, firmware, rate, flush), \ .sensorCalibrate = cal, \ .sensorCfgData = cfg, \ .sensorSelfTest = test, #define DEC_OPS_CFG(power, firmware, rate, flush, cfg) \ DEC_OPS(power, firmware, rate, flush), \ .sensorCfgData = cfg static const struct SensorOps mSensorOps[NUM_OF_SENSOR] = { { DEC_OPS_CAL_CFG_TEST(accPower, accFirmwareUpload, accSetRate, accFlush, accCalibration, accCfgData, accSelfTest) }, { DEC_OPS_CAL_CFG_TEST(gyrPower, gyrFirmwareUpload, gyrSetRate, gyrFlush, gyrCalibration, gyrCfgData, gyrSelfTest) }, #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT { DEC_OPS_CFG(magPower, magFirmwareUpload, magSetRate, magFlush, magCfgData) }, #endif { DEC_OPS(stepPower, stepFirmwareUpload, stepSetRate, stepFlush) }, { DEC_OPS(doubleTapPower, doubleTapFirmwareUpload, doubleTapSetRate, doubleTapFlush) }, { DEC_OPS(flatPower, flatFirmwareUpload, flatSetRate, flatFlush) }, { DEC_OPS(anyMotionPower, anyMotionFirmwareUpload, anyMotionSetRate, anyMotionFlush) }, { DEC_OPS(noMotionPower, noMotionFirmwareUpload, noMotionSetRate, noMotionFlush) }, { DEC_OPS_SEND(stepCntPower, stepCntFirmwareUpload, stepCntSetRate, stepCntFlush, stepCntSendLastData) }, }; static void configEvent(struct BMI160Sensor *mSensor, struct ConfigStat *ConfigData) { int i; for (i = 0; &mTask.sensors[i] != mSensor; i++) ; if (ConfigData->enable == 0 && mSensor->powered) mSensorOps[i].sensorPower(false, (void *)i); else if (ConfigData->enable == 1 && !mSensor->powered) mSensorOps[i].sensorPower(true, (void *)i); else mSensorOps[i].sensorSetRate(ConfigData->rate, ConfigData->latency, (void *)i); } static void timeSyncEvt(uint32_t evtGeneration, bool evtDataValid) { TDECL(); // not processing pending events if (evtDataValid) { // stale event if (evtGeneration != mTask.poll_generation) return; mTask.active_poll_generation = mTask.poll_generation; } if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_TIME_SYNC)) { SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_SENSORTIME_0, 3, &mTask.sensorTimeBuffer); SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_TEMPERATURE_0, 2, &mTask.temperatureBuffer); // sensorSpiCallback schedules a private event, which can be delayed // by other long-running tasks. // Take the rtc time now so it matches the current sensorTime register // reading. mTask.timesync_rtc_time = sensorGetTime(); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, __FUNCTION__); } else { mTask.pending_time_sync = true; } } static void processPendingEvt(void) { TDECL(); enum SensorIndex i; if (mTask.pending_int[0]) { mTask.pending_int[0] = false; initiateFifoRead(false /*isInterruptContext*/); return; } if (mTask.pending_int[1]) { mTask.pending_int[1] = false; int2Evt(); return; } if (mTask.pending_time_sync) { mTask.pending_time_sync = false; timeSyncEvt(0, false); return; } for (i = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; i < NUM_OF_SENSOR; i++) { if (mTask.pending_config[i]) { mTask.pending_config[i] = false; configEvent(&mTask.sensors[i], &mTask.sensors[i].pConfig); return; } } if (mTask.sensors[STEPCNT].flush > 0 || T(pending_step_cnt)) { T(pending_step_cnt) = !stepCntFlushGetData() && T(pending_step_cnt); return; } if (mTask.pending_calibration_save) { mTask.pending_calibration_save = !saveCalibration(); return; } #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // tasks that do not initiate SPI transaction if (T(otcGyroUpdateBuffer).sendToHostRequest) { sendOtcGyroUpdate(); } #endif } static void sensorInit(void) { TDECL(); switch (mTask.init_state) { case RESET_BMI160: DEBUG_PRINT("Performing soft reset\n"); // perform soft reset and wait for 100ms SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0xb6, 100000); // dummy reads after soft reset, wait 100us SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_MAGIC, 1, &mTask.dataBuffer, 100); mTask.init_state = INIT_BMI160; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, "sensorInit RESET" ); break; case INIT_BMI160: // Read any pending interrupts to reset them SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_INT_STATUS_0, 4, &mTask.statusBuffer); // disable accel, gyro and mag data in FIFO, enable header, enable time. SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FIFO_CONFIG_1, 0x12, 450); // set the watermark to 24 byte SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_FIFO_CONFIG_0, 0x06, 450); // FIFO watermark and fifo_full interrupt enabled SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_0, 0x00, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_1, 0x60, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_EN_2, 0x00, 450); // INT1, INT2 enabled, high-edge (push-pull) triggered. SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_OUT_CTRL, 0xbb, 450); // INT1, INT2 input disabled, interrupt mode: non-latched SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_LATCH, 0x00, 450); // Map data interrupts (e.g., FIFO) to INT1 and physical // interrupts (e.g., any motion) to INT2 SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MAP_0, 0x00, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MAP_1, 0xE1, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MAP_2, 0xFF, 450); // Use pre-filtered data for tap interrupt SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_DATA_0, 0x08); // Disable PMU_TRIGGER SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_PMU_TRIGGER, 0x00, 450); // tell gyro and accel to NOT use the FOC offset. mTask.sensors[ACC].offset_enable = false; mTask.sensors[GYR].offset_enable = false; SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_OFFSET_6, offset6Mode(), 450); // initial range for accel and gyro (+-1000 degree). SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_ACC_RANGE, ACC_RANGE_SETTING, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_GYR_RANGE, 0x01, 450); // Reset step counter SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0xB2, 10000); // Reset interrupt SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0xB1, 10000); // Reset fifo SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_CMD, 0xB0, 10000); #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT mTask.init_state = INIT_MAG; mTask.mag_state = MAG_SET_START; #else // no mag connected to secondary interface mTask.init_state = INIT_ON_CHANGE_SENSORS; #endif spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, "sensorInit INIT"); break; case INIT_MAG: // Don't check statusBuffer if we are just starting mag config if (mTask.mag_state == MAG_SET_START) { T(mRetryLeft) = RETRY_CNT_MAG; magConfig(); } else if (mTask.mag_state < MAG_SET_DATA && mTask.statusBuffer[1] & 0x04) { // fixme: poll_until to reduce states // fixme: check should be done before SPI_READ in MAG_READ SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_STATUS, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 1000); if (--T(mRetryLeft) == 0) { ERROR_PRINT("INIT_MAG failed\n"); // fixme: duplicate suspend mag here mTask.mag_state = MAG_INIT_FAILED; mTask.init_state = INIT_ON_CHANGE_SENSORS; } } else { T(mRetryLeft) = RETRY_CNT_MAG; magConfig(); } spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, "sensorInit INIT_MAG"); break; case INIT_ON_CHANGE_SENSORS: // configure any_motion and no_motion for 50Hz accel samples configMotion(MOTION_ODR); // select no_motion over slow_motion // select any_motion over significant motion SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_MOTION_3, 0x15, 450); // int_tap_quiet=30ms, int_tap_shock=75ms, int_tap_dur=150ms SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_TAP_0, 0x42, 450); // int_tap_th = 7 * 250 mg (8-g range) SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_TAP_1, TAP_THRESHOLD, 450); // config step detector #ifdef BMI160_STEP_COUNT_MODE_SENSITIVE SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_0, 0x2D, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_1, 0x02, 450); #else SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_0, 0x15, 450); SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_STEP_CONF_1, 0x03, 450); #endif // int_flat_theta = 44.8 deg * (16/64) = 11.2 deg SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_FLAT_0, 0x10, 450); // int_flat_hold_time = (640 msec) // int_flat_hy = 44.8 * 4 / 64 = 2.8 deg SPI_WRITE(BMI160_REG_INT_FLAT_1, 0x14, 450); mTask.init_state = INIT_DONE; spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, "sensorInit INIT_ONC"); break; default: INFO_PRINT("Invalid init_state.\n"); } } static void handleSpiDoneEvt(const void* evtData) { TDECL(); struct BMI160Sensor *mSensor; uint64_t SensorTime; int16_t temperature16; int i; bool returnIdle = false; switch (GET_STATE()) { case SENSOR_BOOT: SET_STATE(SENSOR_VERIFY_ID); // dummy reads after boot, wait 100us SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_MAGIC, 1, &mTask.statusBuffer, 100); // read the device ID for bmi160 SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_ID, 1, &mTask.dataBuffer); spiBatchTxRx(&mTask.mode, sensorSpiCallback, &mTask, "spiDone SENSOR_BOOT"); break; case SENSOR_VERIFY_ID: if (mTask.dataBuffer[1] != BMI160_ID) { T(mRetryLeft) --; ERROR_PRINT("failed id match: %02x\n", mTask.dataBuffer[1]); if (T(mRetryLeft) == 0) break; // For some reason the first ID read will fail to get the // correct value. need to retry a few times. SET_STATE(SENSOR_BOOT); if (timTimerSet(100000000, 100, 100, sensorTimerCallback, NULL, true) == 0) ERROR_PRINT("Couldn't get a timer to verify ID\n"); break; } else { INFO_PRINT("detected\n"); SET_STATE(SENSOR_INITIALIZING); mTask.init_state = RESET_BMI160; sensorInit(); break; } case SENSOR_INITIALIZING: if (mTask.init_state == INIT_DONE) { DEBUG_PRINT("Done initialzing, system IDLE\n"); for (i=0; i<NUM_OF_SENSOR; i++) sensorRegisterInitComplete(mTask.sensors[i].handle); // In case other tasks have already requested us before we finish booting up. returnIdle = true; } else { sensorInit(); } break; case SENSOR_POWERING_UP: mSensor = (struct BMI160Sensor *)evtData; if (mSensor->idx >= FIRST_ONESHOT_SENSOR && ++mTask.active_oneshot_sensor_cnt == 1) { // if this is the first one-shot sensor to enable, we need // to request the accel at 50Hz. sensorRequest(mTask.tid, mTask.sensors[ACC].handle, SENSOR_HZ(50), SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA); //DEBUG_PRINT("oneshot on\n"); } sensorSignalInternalEvt(mSensor->handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_POWER_STATE_CHG, 1, 0); returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_POWERING_DOWN: mSensor = (struct BMI160Sensor *)evtData; if (mSensor->idx >= FIRST_ONESHOT_SENSOR && --mTask.active_oneshot_sensor_cnt == 0) { // if this is the last one-shot sensor to disable, we need to // release the accel. sensorRelease(mTask.tid, mTask.sensors[ACC].handle); //DEBUG_PRINT("oneshot off\n"); } sensorSignalInternalEvt(mSensor->handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_POWER_STATE_CHG, 0, 0); if (mTask.pending_dispatch) { mTask.pending_dispatch = false; dispatchData(); } returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_INT_1_HANDLING: dispatchData(); sendFlushEvt(); returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_INT_2_HANDLING: int2Handling(); returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_CONFIG_CHANGING: mSensor = (struct BMI160Sensor *)evtData; sensorSignalInternalEvt(mSensor->handle, SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG, mSensor->rate, mSensor->latency); if (mTask.pending_dispatch) { mTask.pending_dispatch = false; dispatchData(); } returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_CALIBRATING: mSensor = (struct BMI160Sensor *)evtData; if (mTask.calibration_state == CALIBRATION_DONE) { DEBUG_PRINT("DONE calibration\n"); returnIdle = true; } else if (mTask.calibration_state == CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT) { DEBUG_PRINT("Calibration TIMED OUT\n"); sendCalibrationResult(SENSOR_APP_EVT_STATUS_ERROR, (mSensor->idx == ACC) ? SENS_TYPE_ACCEL : SENS_TYPE_GYRO, 0, 0, 0); returnIdle = true; } else if (mSensor->idx == ACC) { accCalibrationHandling(); } else if (mSensor->idx == GYR) { gyrCalibrationHandling(); } break; case SENSOR_TESTING: mSensor = (struct BMI160Sensor *)evtData; if (mSensor->idx == ACC) { if (mTask.acc_test_state == ACC_TEST_DONE) { returnIdle = true; } else { accTestHandling(); } } else if (mSensor->idx == GYR) { if (mTask.gyro_test_state == GYRO_TEST_DONE) { returnIdle = true; } else { gyroTestHandling(); } } break; case SENSOR_STEP_CNT: sendStepCnt(); returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_TIME_SYNC: SensorTime = parseSensortime(mTask.sensorTimeBuffer[1] | (mTask.sensorTimeBuffer[2] << 8) | (mTask.sensorTimeBuffer[3] << 16)); map_sensortime_to_rtc_time(SensorTime, mTask.timesync_rtc_time); temperature16 = (mTask.temperatureBuffer[1] | (mTask.temperatureBuffer[2] << 8)); if (temperature16 == 0x8000) { mTask.tempCelsius = kTempInvalid; } else { mTask.tempCelsius = 23.0f + temperature16 * kScale_temp; mTask.tempTime = sensorGetTime(); } if (mTask.active_poll_generation == mTask.poll_generation) { // attach the generation number to event if (timTimerSet(kTimeSyncPeriodNs, 100, 100, timeSyncCallback, (void *)mTask.poll_generation, true) == 0) ERROR_PRINT("Couldn't get a timer for time sync\n"); } returnIdle = true; break; case SENSOR_SAVE_CALIBRATION: DEBUG_PRINT("SENSOR_SAVE_CALIBRATION: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", mTask.dataBuffer[1], mTask.dataBuffer[2], mTask.dataBuffer[3], mTask.dataBuffer[4], mTask.dataBuffer[5], mTask.dataBuffer[6], mTask.dataBuffer[7]); returnIdle = true; break; default: break; } if (returnIdle) { SET_STATE(SENSOR_IDLE); processPendingEvt(); } } #ifdef BMI160_USE_I2C static void i2cCallback(void *cookie, size_t tx, size_t rx, int err); /* delayed callback */ static void i2cDelayCallback(uint32_t timerId, void *data) { i2cCallback(data, 0, 0, 0); } static void i2cCallback(void *cookie, size_t tx, size_t rx, int err) { TDECL(); uint8_t reg = T(cReg) - 1; uint32_t delay; if (err != 0) { ERROR_PRINT("i2c error (tx: %d, rx: %d, err: %d)\n", tx, rx, err); } else { /* delay callback if it is the case */ delay = T(packets[reg]).delay; T(packets[reg]).delay = 0; if (delay > 0) { if (timTimerSet(delay, 0, 50, i2cDelayCallback, cookie, true)) return; ERROR_PRINT("Cannot do delayed i2cCallback\n"); err = -ENOMEM; } } i2cBatchTxRx(cookie, err); } static void i2cBatchTxRx(void *evtData, int err) { TDECL(); uint8_t *txBuf; uint8_t *rxBuf; uint16_t size; uint8_t reg; reg = T(cReg)++; if (err || (reg >= T(mRegCnt))) // No more packets goto i2c_batch_end; // Setup i2c op for next packet txBuf = (uint8_t *)T(packets[reg]).txBuf; size = T(packets[reg]).size; if (txBuf[0] & BMI160_SPI_READ) { // Read op rxBuf = (uint8_t *)T(packets[reg]).rxBuf + 1; size--; err = i2cMasterTxRx(BMI160_I2C_BUS_ID, BMI160_I2C_ADDR, txBuf, 1, rxBuf, size, i2cCallback, evtData); } else { // Write op err = i2cMasterTx(BMI160_I2C_BUS_ID, BMI160_I2C_ADDR, txBuf, size, i2cCallback, evtData); } if (!err) return; ERROR_PRINT("%s: [0x%x] (err: %d)\n", __func__, txBuf[0], err); i2c_batch_end: T(mRegCnt) = 0; if (T(sCallback)) T(sCallback)((void *)evtData, err); } #endif static void handleEvent(uint32_t evtType, const void* evtData) { TDECL(); uint64_t currTime; uint8_t *packet; float newMagBias; switch (evtType) { case EVT_APP_START: SET_STATE(SENSOR_BOOT); T(mRetryLeft) = RETRY_CNT_ID; osEventUnsubscribe(mTask.tid, EVT_APP_START); // wait 100ms for sensor to boot currTime = timGetTime(); if (currTime < 100000000ULL) { if (timTimerSet(100000000 - currTime, 100, 100, sensorTimerCallback, NULL, true) == 0) ERROR_PRINT("Couldn't get a timer for boot delay\n"); break; } /* We have already been powered on long enough - fall through */ case EVT_SPI_DONE: handleSpiDoneEvt(evtData); break; case EVT_APP_FROM_HOST: packet = (uint8_t*)evtData; if (packet[0] == sizeof(float)) { memcpy(&newMagBias, packet+1, sizeof(float)); #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT magCalAddBias(&mTask.moc, (mTask.last_charging_bias_x - newMagBias), 0.0, 0.0); #endif mTask.last_charging_bias_x = newMagBias; mTask.magBiasPosted = false; } break; case EVT_SENSOR_INTERRUPT_1: initiateFifoRead(false /*isInterruptContext*/); break; case EVT_SENSOR_INTERRUPT_2: int2Evt(); break; case EVT_TIME_SYNC: timeSyncEvt((uint32_t)evtData, true); default: break; } } static void initSensorStruct(struct BMI160Sensor *sensor, enum SensorIndex idx) { sensor->idx = idx; sensor->powered = false; sensor->configed = false; sensor->rate = 0; sensor->offset[0] = 0; sensor->offset[1] = 0; sensor->offset[2] = 0; sensor->latency = 0; sensor->data_evt = NULL; sensor->flush = 0; sensor->prev_rtc_time = 0; } static bool startTask(uint32_t task_id) { TDECL(); enum SensorIndex i; size_t slabSize; time_init(); T(tid) = task_id; T(Int1) = gpioRequest(BMI160_INT1_PIN); T(Irq1) = BMI160_INT1_IRQ; T(Isr1).func = bmi160Isr1; T(Int2) = gpioRequest(BMI160_INT2_PIN); T(Irq2) = BMI160_INT2_IRQ; T(Isr2).func = bmi160Isr2; T(pending_int[0]) = false; T(pending_int[1]) = false; T(pending_step_cnt) = false; T(pending_dispatch) = false; T(frame_sensortime_valid) = false; T(poll_generation) = 0; T(tempCelsius) = kTempInvalid; T(tempTime) = 0; T(mode).speed = BMI160_SPI_SPEED_HZ; T(mode).bitsPerWord = 8; T(mode).cpol = SPI_CPOL_IDLE_HI; T(mode).cpha = SPI_CPHA_TRAILING_EDGE; T(mode).nssChange = true; T(mode).format = SPI_FORMAT_MSB_FIRST; T(cs) = BMI160_SPI_CS_PIN; T(watermark) = 0; #ifdef BMI160_USE_I2C i2cMasterRequest(BMI160_I2C_BUS_ID, BMI160_I2C_SPEED); #else spiMasterRequest(BMI160_SPI_BUS_ID, &T(spiDev)); #endif for (i = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; i < NUM_OF_SENSOR; i++) { initSensorStruct(&T(sensors[i]), i); T(sensors[i]).handle = sensorRegister(&mSensorInfo[i], &mSensorOps[i], NULL, false); T(pending_config[i]) = false; } osEventSubscribe(mTask.tid, EVT_APP_START); #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED // Initializes the accelerometer offset calibration algorithm. const struct AccelCalParameters accel_cal_parameters = { MSEC_TO_NANOS(800), // t0 5, // n_s 15, // fx 15, // fxb 15, // fy 15, // fyb 15, // fz 15, // fzb 15, // fle 0.00025f // th }; accelCalInit(&mTask.acc, &accel_cal_parameters); #endif // ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED #ifdef GYRO_CAL_ENABLED // Initializes the gyroscope offset calibration algorithm. const struct GyroCalParameters gyro_cal_parameters = { SEC_TO_NANOS(5), // min_still_duration_nanos SEC_TO_NANOS(5.9f), // max_still_duration_nanos [see, NOTE 1] 0, // calibration_time_nanos SEC_TO_NANOS(1.5f), // window_time_duration_nanos 0, // bias_x 0, // bias_y 0, // bias_z 0.95f, // stillness_threshold MDEG_TO_RAD * 40.0f, // stillness_mean_delta_limit [rad/sec] 7.5e-5f, // gyro_var_threshold [rad/sec]^2 1.5e-5f, // gyro_confidence_delta [rad/sec]^2 4.5e-3f, // accel_var_threshold [m/sec^2]^2 9.0e-4f, // accel_confidence_delta [m/sec^2]^2 5.0f, // mag_var_threshold [uTesla]^2 1.0f, // mag_confidence_delta [uTesla]^2 1.5f, // temperature_delta_limit_celsius true // gyro_calibration_enable }; // [NOTE 1]: 'max_still_duration_nanos' is set to 5.9 seconds to achieve a // max stillness period of 6.0 seconds and avoid buffer boundary conditions // that could push the max stillness to the next multiple of the analysis // window length (i.e., 7.5 seconds). gyroCalInit(&mTask.gyro_cal, &gyro_cal_parameters); #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED // Initializes the gyroscope over-temperature offset compensation algorithm. const struct OverTempCalParameters gyro_otc_parameters = { MSEC_TO_NANOS(500), // min_temp_update_period_nanos DAYS_TO_NANOS(2), // age_limit_nanos 0.75f, // delta_temp_per_bin 40.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD, // jump_tolerance 50.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD, // outlier_limit 80.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD, // temp_sensitivity_limit 3.0e3f * MDEG_TO_RAD, // sensor_intercept_limit 0.1f * MDEG_TO_RAD, // significant_offset_change 5, // min_num_model_pts true // over_temp_enable }; overTempCalInit(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, &gyro_otc_parameters); #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED #endif // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT const struct MagCalParameters mag_cal_parameters = { 3000000, // min_batch_window_in_micros 0.0f, // x_bias 0.0f, // y_bias 0.0f, // z_bias 1.0f, // c00 0.0f, // c01 0.0f, // c02 0.0f, // c10 1.0f, // c11 0.0f, // c12 0.0f, // c20 0.0f, // c21 1.0f // c22 }; // Initializes the magnetometer offset calibration algorithm with diversity // checker. const struct DiversityCheckerParameters mag_diversity_parameters = { 6.0f, // var_threshold 10.0f, // max_min_threshold 48.0f, // local_field 0.5f, // threshold_tuning_param 2.552f, // max_distance_tuning_param 8, // min_num_diverse_vectors 1 // max_num_max_distance }; initMagCal(&mTask.moc, &mag_cal_parameters, &mag_diversity_parameters); #endif // MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT slabSize = sizeof(struct TripleAxisDataEvent) + MAX_NUM_COMMS_EVENT_SAMPLES * sizeof(struct TripleAxisDataPoint); // each event has 15 samples, with 7 bytes per sample from the fifo. // the fifo size is 1K. // 20 slabs because some slabs may only hold 1-2 samples. // XXX: this consumes too much memeory, need to optimize T(mDataSlab) = slabAllocatorNew(slabSize, 4, 20); if (!T(mDataSlab)) { ERROR_PRINT("slabAllocatorNew() failed\n"); return false; } T(mWbufCnt) = 0; T(mRegCnt) = 0; #ifdef BMI160_USE_I2C T(cReg) = 0; #endif T(spiInUse) = false; T(interrupt_enable_0) = 0x00; T(interrupt_enable_2) = 0x00; // initialize the last bmi160 time to be ULONG_MAX, so that we know it's // not valid yet. T(last_sensortime) = 0; T(frame_sensortime) = ULONG_LONG_MAX; // it's ok to leave interrupt open all the time. enableInterrupt(T(Int1), T(Irq1), &T(Isr1)); enableInterrupt(T(Int2), T(Irq2), &T(Isr2)); return true; } static void endTask(void) { TDECL(); #ifdef MAG_SLAVE_PRESENT magCalDestroy(&mTask.moc); #endif #ifdef ACCEL_CAL_ENABLED accelCalDestroy(&mTask.acc); #endif slabAllocatorDestroy(T(mDataSlab)); #ifndef BMI160_USE_I2C spiMasterRelease(mTask.spiDev); #endif // disable and release interrupt. disableInterrupt(mTask.Int1, mTask.Irq1, &mTask.Isr1); disableInterrupt(mTask.Int2, mTask.Irq2, &mTask.Isr2); gpioRelease(mTask.Int1); gpioRelease(mTask.Int2); } /** * Parse BMI160 FIFO frame without side effect. * * The major purpose of this function is to determine if FIFO content is received completely (start * to see invalid headers). If not, return the pointer to the beginning last incomplete frame so * additional read can use this pointer as start of read buffer. * * @param buf buffer location * @param size size of data to be parsed * * @return NULL if the FIFO is received completely; or pointer to the beginning of last incomplete * frame for additional read. */ static uint8_t* shallowParseFrame(uint8_t * buf, int size) { int i = 0; int iLastFrame = 0; // last valid frame header index DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "spf start %p: %x %x %x\n", buf, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]); while (size > 0) { int fh_mode, fh_param; iLastFrame = i; if (buf[i] == BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_INVALID) { // no more data DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "spf:at%d=0x80\n", iLastFrame); return NULL; } else if (buf[i] == BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_SKIP) { // artifically added nop frame header, skip DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "at %d, skip header\n", i); i++; size--; continue; } //++frame_num; fh_mode = buf[i] >> 6; fh_param = (buf[i] >> 2) & 0xf; i++; size--; if (fh_mode == 1) { // control frame. if (fh_param == 0) { // skip frame, we skip it (1 byte) i++; size--; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "at %d, a skip frame\n", iLastFrame); } else if (fh_param == 1) { // sensortime frame (3 bytes) i += 3; size -= 3; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "at %d, a sensor_time frame\n", iLastFrame); } else if (fh_param == 2) { // fifo_input config frame (1byte) i++; size--; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "at %d, a fifo cfg frame\n", iLastFrame); } else { size = 0; // drop this batch DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "Invalid fh_param in control frame!!\n"); // mark invalid buf[iLastFrame] = BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_INVALID; return NULL; } } else if (fh_mode == 2) { // regular frame, dispatch data to each sensor's own fifo if (fh_param & 4) { // have mag data i += 8; size -= 8; } if (fh_param & 2) { // have gyro data i += 6; size -= 6; } if (fh_param & 1) { // have accel data i += 6; size -= 6; } DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "at %d, a reg frame acc %d, gyro %d, mag %d\n", iLastFrame, fh_param &1 ? 1:0, fh_param&2?1:0, fh_param&4?1:0); } else { size = 0; // drop the rest of batch DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "spf: Invalid fh_mode %d!!\n", fh_mode); //mark invalid buf[iLastFrame] = BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_INVALID; return NULL; } } // there is a partial frame, return where to write next chunck of data DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_SHALLOW_PARSE, "partial frame ends %p\n", buf + iLastFrame); return buf + iLastFrame; } /** * Intialize the first read of chunked SPI read sequence. * * @param index starting index of the txrxBuffer in which the data will be write into. */ static void chunkedReadInit_(TASK, int index, int size) { if (GET_STATE() != SENSOR_INT_1_HANDLING) { ERROR_PRINT("chunkedReadInit in wrong mode"); return; } if (T(mRegCnt)) { //chunked read are always executed as a single command. This should never happen. ERROR_PRINT("SPI queue not empty at chunkedReadInit, regcnt = %d", T(mRegCnt)); // In case it did happen, we do not want to write crap to BMI160. T(mRegCnt) = 0; } T(mWbufCnt) = index; if (T(mWbufCnt) > FIFO_READ_SIZE) { // drop data to prevent bigger issue T(mWbufCnt) = 0; } T(chunkReadSize) = size > CHUNKED_READ_SIZE ? size : CHUNKED_READ_SIZE; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_CHUNKED, "crd %d>>%d\n", T(chunkReadSize), index); SPI_READ(BMI160_REG_FIFO_DATA, T(chunkReadSize), &T(dataBuffer)); spiBatchTxRx(&T(mode), chunkedReadSpiCallback, _task, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Chunked SPI read callback. * * Handles the chunked read logic: issue additional read if necessary, or calls sensorSpiCallback() * if the entire FIFO is read. * * @param cookie extra data * @param err error * * @see sensorSpiCallback() */ static void chunkedReadSpiCallback(void *cookie, int err) { TASK = (_Task*) cookie; T(spiInUse) = false; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(err !=0 || GET_STATE() != SENSOR_INT_1_HANDLING, "crcb,e:%d,s:%d", err, (int)GET_STATE()); bool int1 = gpioGet(T(Int1)); if (err != 0) { DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_CHUNKED, "spi err, crd retry"); // read full fifo length to be safe chunkedReadInit(0, FIFO_READ_SIZE); return; } *T(dataBuffer) = BMI160_FRAME_HEADER_SKIP; // fill the 0x00/0xff hole at the first byte uint8_t* end = shallowParseFrame(T(dataBuffer), T(chunkReadSize)); if (end == NULL) { // if interrupt is still set after read for some reason, set the pending interrupt // to handle it immediately after data is handled. T(pending_int[0]) = T(pending_int[0]) || int1; // recover the buffer and valid data size to make it looks like a single read so that // real frame parse works properly T(dataBuffer) = T(txrxBuffer); T(xferCnt) = FIFO_READ_SIZE; sensorSpiCallback(cookie, err); } else { DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_CHUNKED, "crd cont"); chunkedReadInit(end - T(txrxBuffer), CHUNKED_READ_SIZE); } } /** * Initiate read of sensor fifo. * * If task is in idle state, init chunked FIFO read; otherwise, submit an interrupt message or mark * the read pending depending if it is called in interrupt context. * * @param isInterruptContext true if called from interrupt context; false otherwise. * */ static void initiateFifoRead_(TASK, bool isInterruptContext) { if (trySwitchState(SENSOR_INT_1_HANDLING)) { // estimate first read size to be watermark + 1 more sample + some extra int firstReadSize = T(watermark) * 4 + 32; // 1+6+6+8+1+3 + extra = 25 + extra = 32 if (firstReadSize < CHUNKED_READ_SIZE) { firstReadSize = CHUNKED_READ_SIZE; } chunkedReadInit(0, firstReadSize); } else { if (isInterruptContext) { // called from interrupt context, queue event if (!osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_SENSOR_INTERRUPT_1, _task, NULL, T(tid))) ERROR_PRINT("initiateFifoRead_: osEnqueuePrivateEvt() failed\n"); } else { // non-interrupt context, set pending flag, so next time it will be picked up after // switching back to idle. // Note: even if we are still in SENSOR_INT_1_HANDLING, the SPI may already finished and // we need to issue another SPI read to get the latest status. T(pending_int[0]) = true; } } } /** * Calculate fifo size using normalized input. * * @param iPeriod normalized period vector * @param iLatency normalized latency vector * @param factor vector that contains size factor for each sensor * @param n size of the vectors * * @return max size of FIFO to guarantee latency requirements of all sensors or SIZE_MAX if no * sensor is active. */ static size_t calcFifoSize(const int* iPeriod, const int* iLatency, const int* factor, int n) { int i; int minLatency = INT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (iLatency[i] > 0) { minLatency = iLatency[i] < minLatency ? iLatency[i] : minLatency; } } DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_WM_CALC, "cfifo: min latency %d unit", minLatency); bool anyActive = false; size_t s = 0; size_t head = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (iPeriod[i] > 0) { anyActive = true; size_t t = minLatency / iPeriod[i]; head = t > head ? t : head; s += t * factor[i]; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_WM_CALC, "cfifo %d: s += %d * %d, head = %d", i, t, factor[i], head); } } return anyActive ? head + s : SIZE_MAX; } /** * Calculate the watermark setting from sensor registration information * * It is assumed that all sensor periods share a common denominator (true for BMI160) and the * latency of sensor will be lower bounded by its sampling period. * * @return watermark register setting */ static uint8_t calcWatermark2_(TASK) { int period[] = {-1, -1, -1}; int latency[] = {-1, -1, -1}; const int factor[] = {6, 6, 8}; int i; for (i = FIRST_CONT_SENSOR; i < NUM_CONT_SENSOR; ++i) { if (T(sensors[i]).configed && T(sensors[i]).latency != SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) { period[i - ACC] = SENSOR_HZ((float)WATERMARK_MAX_SENSOR_RATE) / T(sensors[i]).rate; latency[i - ACC] = U64_DIV_BY_U64_CONSTANT( T(sensors[i]).latency + WATERMARK_TIME_UNIT_NS/2, WATERMARK_TIME_UNIT_NS); DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_WM_CALC, "cwm2 %d: f %dHz, l %dus => T %d unit, L %d unit", i, (int) T(sensors[i]).rate/1024, (int) U64_DIV_BY_U64_CONSTANT(T(sensors[i]).latency, 1000), period[i-ACC], latency[i-ACC]); } } size_t watermark = calcFifoSize(period, latency, factor, NUM_CONT_SENSOR) / 4; DEBUG_PRINT_IF(DBG_WM_CALC, "cwm2: wm = %d", watermark); watermark = watermark < WATERMARK_MIN ? WATERMARK_MIN : watermark; watermark = watermark > WATERMARK_MAX ? WATERMARK_MAX : watermark; return watermark; } static bool dumpBinaryPutC(void* p, char c) { *(*(char**)p)++ = c; return true; } static uint32_t cvprintf_ellipsis(printf_write_c writeF, void* writeD, const char* fmtStr, ...) { va_list vl; uint32_t ret; va_start(vl, fmtStr); ret = cvprintf(writeF, 0, writeD, fmtStr, vl); va_end(vl); return ret; } static void dumpBinary(void* buf, unsigned int address, size_t size) { size_t i, j; char buffer[5+16*3+1+2]; //5: address, 3:each byte+space, 1: middle space, 1: \n and \0 char* p; for (i = 0; i < size; ) { p = buffer; cvprintf_ellipsis(dumpBinaryPutC, &p, "%08x:", address); for (j = 0; j < 0x10 && i < size; ++i, ++j) { if (j == 0x8) { *p++ = ' '; } cvprintf_ellipsis(dumpBinaryPutC, &p, " %02x", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]); } *p = '\0'; osLog(LOG_INFO, "%s\n", buffer); address += 0x10; } } #ifdef OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED static void handleOtcGyroConfig_(TASK, const struct AppToSensorHalDataPayload *data) { const struct GyroOtcData *d = data->gyroOtcData; INFO_PRINT("gyrCfgData otc-data: off %d %d %d, t %d, s %d %d %d, i %d %d %d", (int)(d->lastOffset[0]), (int)(d->lastOffset[1]), (int)(d->lastOffset[2]), (int)(d->lastTemperature), (int)(d->sensitivity[0]), (int)(d->sensitivity[1]), (int)(d->sensitivity[2]), (int)(d->intercept[0]), (int)(d->intercept[1]), (int)(d->intercept[2])); overTempCalSetModel(&T(over_temp_gyro_cal), d->lastOffset, d->lastTemperature, sensorGetTime(), d->sensitivity, d->intercept, true /*jumpstart*/); } static bool sendOtcGyroUpdate_(TASK) { int step = 0; if (atomicCmpXchgByte(&T(otcGyroUpdateBuffer).lock, false, true)) { ++step; //fill HostIntfDataBuffer header struct HostIntfDataBuffer *p = (struct HostIntfDataBuffer *)(&T(otcGyroUpdateBuffer)); p->sensType = SENS_TYPE_INVALID; p->length = sizeof(struct AppToSensorHalDataPayload) + sizeof(struct GyroOtcData); p->dataType = HOSTINTF_DATA_TYPE_APP_TO_SENSOR_HAL; p->interrupt = NANOHUB_INT_NONWAKEUP; //fill AppToSensorHalDataPayload header struct AppToSensorHalDataBuffer *q = (struct AppToSensorHalDataBuffer *)p; q->payload.size = sizeof(struct GyroOtcData); q->payload.type = HALINTF_TYPE_GYRO_OTC_DATA; // bit-or EVENT_TYPE_BIT_DISCARDABLE // to make it discardable // fill payload data struct GyroOtcData *data = q->payload.gyroOtcData; uint64_t timestamp; overTempCalGetModel(&T(over_temp_gyro_cal), data->lastOffset, &data->lastTemperature, ×tamp, data->sensitivity, data->intercept); if (osEnqueueEvtOrFree(EVT_APP_TO_SENSOR_HAL_DATA, // bit-or EVENT_TYPE_BIT_DISCARDABLE // to make event discardable p, unlockOtcGyroUpdateBuffer)) { T(otcGyroUpdateBuffer).sendToHostRequest = false; ++step; } } DEBUG_PRINT("otc gyro update, finished at step %d", step); return step == 2; } static void unlockOtcGyroUpdateBuffer(void *event) { atomicXchgByte(&(((struct OtcGyroUpdateBuffer*)(event))->lock), false); } #endif // OVERTEMPCAL_ENABLED INTERNAL_APP_INIT(BMI160_APP_ID, BMI160_APP_VERSION, startTask, endTask, handleEvent);