allow init modem_img_file:dir mounton; allow init mnt_vendor_file:dir mounton; allow init modem_img_file:filesystem { getattr mount relabelfrom }; allow init custom_ab_block_device:lnk_file relabelto; # This is needed for chaining a boot partition vbmeta # descriptor, where init will probe the boot partition # to read the chained vbmeta in the first-stage, then # relabel /dev/block/by-name/boot_[a|b] to block_device # after loading sepolicy in the second stage. allow init boot_block_device:lnk_file relabelto; allow init persist_file:dir mounton; allow init modem_efs_file:dir mounton; allow init modem_userdata_file:dir mounton; allow init ram_device:blk_file w_file_perms; allow init sysfs_scsi_devices_0000:file w_file_perms; # Workaround for b/193113005 that modem_img unlabeled after disable-verity dontaudit init overlayfs_file:file rename; dontaudit init overlayfs_file:chr_file unlink;