WMDR-IC:\Users\yliu\Desktop\Google\P10\0511\0511_Google_P10_EVT1p1_top_tune.bin4At|@f0"   D/9*L|o     *\i X /E " 63yrIjF"܈n{j%T0gҫ15( fUSyM厼=>(>ۍ8"fb{6oFU>Ilbqd5u |fy]f{d0{,,1Q<[d%=QF+\:+B PY= mv(* 'B 7 Z{hdH 6 { M = ` /Z@ /j ?0 3^ ;0 13^  GG"5*3O+C=T w1,w1],R]R;B     Ql - 0 @ m 8 q  I w T+ 21 1  3 C33'  <rrr 2U i ,q, , 2 dyŃ, , ,   > !m >  hx  > |l > | l 42. U ,qi , , 2 Ńd ,y, , > !m  > hx > |l > |l  5 3 541 6< 2798&c@7D# [ A7&_aE]js Q j:W^/E  c i[k!o7` #   aql4 bms/%0! p7TNU  K3hX65]psS`b  'Id 11vd-7e 7 1 :e 8   1; e9  1 [6: 33C 2 /K}-~~ 2 /K}-~~< 3<= ffb 2 /K}-~~ 2 /K}-~~ . 2= .m\( {[P@   P  w&LBv  _BI  <{0-### 10 10 / 0L|L|330:!33;"3 z~zj~ W xڀ~~kC~ ր.~k~ &wLBv _IB 0-<#{##   0 # @\ z'- #Y |  t  `@ )  , (I 1$ 1%  ' ' 1& 2 R'm~}2m >j,m~w2m R'm~}2m >j,m~w2m R'2 >j2 R'2 >j   4(6  LE'LE'LE  @  1' ,> ( &!,?P@e1?Jc/6?!@(w&6@>!BAw CeC @@?B ) B@' ' 1P1 *  ? zDB+'@' 1,  F?0* `O~Z   B - B .={ "amplifier_gain": 17.5, "amplifier_model": "CS35L41B", "client_name": "LabSuite", "client_tuning_name": "0511_Google_P10_EVT1p1_top", "client_version": "6.63.0", "feature_blocks": "Convert Q Format to Sample Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Voltage, Convert Q Format to Sample Current, Mix, Protect Lite, FIR Filter, Convert Q Format to Sample Vpmon, Picl, Convert Sample to Q Format Left, Convert Sample to Q Format Right, Convert Sample to Q Format Left Cal, Convert Sample to Q Format Right Cal", "internal_buffer_size": 32, "platform": "halo", "platform_id": 1236, "project_id": "0x026630", "sample_rate": 48000, "signal_chain": "CS35L41B Mono Superset", "signal_chain_version": "10.0", "snapshot_id": "0x220511", "tuning_id": "0x150000", "deploy_group": "full", "checksum": "993444510" }