ELFH@@" N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d No handle function in activated Substate[%s] 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Start HW failed try to prepare config packet......6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not notify SOF to CRM for ctx %u __cam_isp_ctx_release_dev_in_top_state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Dumping state information for preceding requests Enter: apply req in Substate[%s] request_id:%lld__cam_isp_ctx_dump_req_info6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d HW interface is not ready move request %lld to active list(cnt = %d) ctx %u__cam_isp_ctx_rdi_only_apply_req_top_stateenable_state_monitor_dump6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d failed to create enable_state_monitor_dump No handle function for Substate[%s]DONEsignal fence in active list. fence num %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to get_cmd_mem_addr, rc=%d 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d request %lld has been flushed, reject packet __cam_isp_ctx_update_event_record__cam_isp_ctx_acquire_hw_in_acquiredinclude/linux/uaccess.h6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Req %lld only active request, spurious buf_done rxd __cam_isp_ctx_sof_in_activated_state6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Ctx:%d Report Bubble flag %d req id:%lld __cam_isp_ctx_epoch_in_applied__cam_isp_ctx_fs2_reg_upd_in_applied_state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid token in page handler cb cam_isp_dev_iommu_fault_handlerStop device success next state %d on ctx %uMove pending req: %lld to active list(cnt: %d) ctx %u offline %dPacket request id %lldpacket op %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to put ref of fence %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid ctx_isp:%pK 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Sync with failure: req %lld res 0x%x fd 0x%x, ctx %u 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Ctx:%d No wait request 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d receive rup in unexpected state Move pending req: %lld to wait list(cnt: %d) ctx %u__cam_isp_ctx_config_dev_in_top_state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid buff length: %zu or offset 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No hw resources acquired for this ctx DS4STATS_BHISTBubble6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Active list is not empty get device handle form bridgeEnter: State %d, Substate[%s], evt id %dEOF6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Apply failed in active Substate[%s] rc %d Flush [%u] in progress for req_id %llupacket with length %zu, offset 0x%llx__cam_isp_ctx_schedule_apply_req_offlinesession_hdl 0x%x, hdl type %d, res %lld6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d BUF Done event handed for next request %lld __cam_isp_ctx_notify_sof_in_activated_state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Too much resources in the acquire 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid Context Flush request id:%lld is not found in the list6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Can not merge INIT pkt 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid handle %u rc %d Offline Session has PIX and RD resourcesBuf done with no active requestFULLDS4_DISPtechpack/camera/drivers/cam_isp/cam_isp_context.c6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Index[%d] time[%d] : Substate[%s] Frame[%lld] ReqId[%llu] evt_type[%s] 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not get packet address New substate state %d, applied req %lld6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid Args cam_isp_context_dump_active_requestEnter with bubble_state %d, req_bubble_detected %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not find matching lane handle 0x%x! in Req %lld 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Duplicate BUF_DONE for req %lld : i=%d, j=%d, res=%s Sync failed with rc = %dreq %lld, reset sync id 0x%x ctx %urequest id:%lld frame number:%lld boot time stamp:0x%llx, bf timestamp:%llu status:%uSTATS_HDR_BE6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Reject apply request (id %lld) due to congestion(cnt = %d) ctx %u 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d ctx:%d Report Bubble flag %d req id:%lld SOFBUBBLEcam_isp_context_info_dumpBUFDONE6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d req %llu, Sync fd 0x%x ctx %u current Substate[%s]6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No available request for Apply id %lld 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Resource_Handle: [%s][0x%x] Sync_ID: [0x%x] 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d invalid event data __cam_isp_ctx_epoch_in_bubble_appliedsignal fence in pending list. fence num %dINIT packet added req id= %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Add req failed: req id=%llu 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Found page fault in req %lld %d STATS_HDR_BHIST6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Reg upd ack with no waiting request move request %lld to active list(cnt = %d), ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Error with no active/wait request 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Prev Req[%lld] : num_out=%d, num_acked=%d, bubble : report=%d, detected=%d Notify CRM EOF frame %lld ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No wait request __cam_isp_ctx_reg_upd_in_sofoffline Session has PIX and RD resourcescam_ispFlush req 0x%llx, fence %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Wrong hw context pointer. 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Received Update pkt before INIT pkt. req_id= %lld 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d iommu fault handler for isp ctx %d state %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Reg dump on flush failed rc: %d start copy resources from user6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Sync failed with rc = %d STATS_RS6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Num Resources exceed mMAX %d >= %d __cam_isp_ctx_reg_upd_in_epoch_bubble_state__cam_isp_ctx_config_dev_in_flushednext state %d sub_state:%drequest list is empty6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid len exp %u remain_len %u packet address is 0x%zx6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Recevied INIT pkt in wrong state:%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Recevied update req %lld in wrong state:%d __cam_isp_ctx_enqueue_request_in_order6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to reset HW rc: %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Error in notifying the sof time for req id:%lld PDAFNotify CRM SOF frame %lld ctx %u__cam_isp_ctx_notify_eof_in_activated_state__cam_isp_ctx_fs2_sof_in_sof_state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d releasing hw EPOCH6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Received unlink in activated state. It's unexpected 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Start device with empty configuration Apply request %lld in substate %d ctx %u__cam_isp_ctx_dump_in_top_state6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Dump buffer overshoot len %zu offset %zu 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Error in notifying vsync QMI for req id:%lld __cam_isp_ctx_send_sof_boot_timestampWaiting on bufdone for bubble req: %lld, since frame_cnt = %lld6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Camera ISP probe complete 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d failed to create dentry INVALID__cam_isp_ctx_process_evt6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d HW command failed 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Invalid INIT pkt sequence DUMP id not valid %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to dump pf info 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid args %pK %zu %pK %pK __cam_isp_ctx_flush_req_in_top_stateoffline_ifebuf done with bubble state %d recovery %d__cam_isp_ctx_send_sof_timestamp_frame_header6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Release device failed rc=%d num_entry: %d, num fence out: %d, num fence in: %d6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d req_id : %lld 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Iterating over pending req list of isp ctx %d state %d next state %dRDI_1handling error with no active request__cam_isp_ctx_sof_in_epoch__cam_isp_ctx_fs2_reg_upd_in_sofmove active req %lld to free list(cnt=%d)__cam_isp_ctx_config_dev_in_acquired6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not initialized ISP HW manager! __cam_isp_ctx_dump_state_monitor_arraynext Substate[%s]6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Received update packet in flushed state, skip start 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Only user pointer is supported __cam_isp_ctx_handle_errorBuf_done Congestion6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d ctx:%d No pending request. 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Notify CRM about Bubble req_id %llu frame %lld, ctx %u No request, move to SOF6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Unexpected reg update in activated Substate[%s] for frame_id:%lld Packet size 0x%x6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid isp ctx ISP_CTX_DUMP:6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid parameters %pK %pK %pK %zu 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Active list is not empty 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Unsupported api version %d __cam_isp_ctx_acquire_hw_v2RDI only session Context2PD6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Notify CRM: req %lld, frame %lld ctx %u, error %d __cam_isp_ctx_apply_req_in_epoch6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not notify SOF to CRM __cam_isp_ctx_handle_irq_in_activated6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can't get ref for fence %d __cam_isp_ctx_apply_req_offline__cam_isp_ctx_handle_buf_done_in_activated_stateSTATS_CSRDI_RDExit__cam_isp_ctx_apply_req_in_bubblemove request %lld to active list(cnt = %d)Notify CRM SOF frame %lld__cam_isp_ctx_rdi_only_sof_in_bubble_applied6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Notify CRM about Bubble req %lld frame %lld ctx %u Acquire success on session_hdl 0x%x num_rsrces %d ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Camera Context Base init failed ERRORHALT__cam_isp_ctx_flush_req6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d signal fence %d failed __cam_isp_ctx_link_in_acquired6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid input pointer request id:%lld frame number:%lld SOF time stamp:0x%llx status:%uLCRApply failed in Substate[%s], rc %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d WARNING: should not happen (cnt = %d) but active_list empty 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Notify CRM about Bubble req %lld frame %lld, ctx %u 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not notify EOF to CRM for ctx %u camera_isp_ctxExit: State %d Substate[%s]__cam_isp_ctx_release_hw_in_activated__cam_isp_ctx_enqueue_init_request6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Trying to reapply the same request %llu again 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not create device handle techpack/camera/drivers/cam_utils/cam_trace.h6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d ISP cam_subdev_probe failed! cam_isp_dev_probeAPPLIED__cam_isp_ctx_stop_dev_in_activated_unlock6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d cb not present 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to resume HW rc: %d __cam_isp_ctx_flush_req_in_readyDS16_DISPmove active request %lld to free list(cnt = %d), ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Reg dump on error failed rc: %d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid Request Id asking %llu existing %llu Offline session has PIX and RD resourcesstart copy %d resources from usercam_isp_dev_remove6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Prepare config packet failed in HW layer RUPRelease device success[%u] next state %d[%lld] BF timestamp %llu4------------[ cut here ]------------ FDSTATS_TL_BG__cam_isp_ctx_reg_upd_in_applied_state__cam_isp_ctx_apply_req_in_activated_stateMove active req: %lld to pending list(cnt = %d) [bubble re-apply], ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Apply failed in Substate[%s], rc %d __cam_isp_ctx_acquire_hw_v1cam_isp_context_init6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid arg for event %d Acquire success on session_hdl 0x%xs ctx_type %d ctx_id %u6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d BUF_DONE for res 0x%x not found in Req %lld frame id: %lld time stamp:0x%llx, ctx %uEnter error_type = %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Error in notifying the error time for req id:%lld ctx %u __cam_isp_ctx_fs2_buf_doneSOF in epoch ctx:%d frame_id:%lld next substate:%sRcvd epoch in applied state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d ISP context init failed! REG_UPDATEHW_ERROR6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Unknown event from CRM Flush request in ready state. next state %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d no request to cancel 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid args 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Enqueue INIT pkt failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Dump event fail %lld SUBMITMove active request %lld to free list(cnt = %d) [flushed], ctx %uRAW_DUMPRDI_2RDI_3STATS_IHISTFULL_DISP6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Unregister failed 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d ISP node init failed! APPLY6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Last request id to flush is %lld Flush wait and active lists6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Acquire device failed STATS_BFApply request %lld in Substate[%s] ctx %u__cam_isp_ctx_rdi_only_sof_in_bubble_statecam_isp_context_debug_registerBUBBLE_APPLIEDtry to flush pending listMove pending req: %lld to free list(cnt: %d) offline ctx %upack_handle %llxPacket request id %lld packet opcode:%d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not apply the configuration 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Dump buffer exhaust remain %zu min %u 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Dump Req info fail %lld __cam_isp_ctx_handle_buf_done_for_requestDuplicate BufDoneDS16STATS_AWB_BGSOF frame %lld ctx %u6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Processing bubble cannot apply Request Id %llu 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Resource Handles that fail to generate buf_done in prev frame Reg update in Substate[%s] for early PCR__cam_isp_ctx_rdi_only_reg_upd_in_bubble_applied_state__cam_isp_ctx_rdi_only_sof_in_applied_state__cam_isp_ctx_rdi_only_sof_in_top_statesession_hdl 0x%x, num_resources %d, hdl type %d, res %lld6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d ISP context Substate[%s] is invalid cam_isp_context_deinitInvalid Event Type %d6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Received init after flush. Re-start HW complete. __cam_isp_ctx_release_dev_in_activatedcam_isp_ctx_dump_req6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Stop HW complete. Reset HW next. 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d WARNING: req_id %lld num_acked %d > map_out %d, ctx %u __cam_isp_ctx_send_sof_timestampStill need to wait for the buf done6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d First SOF in EPCR ctx:%d frame_id:%lld next substate %s __cam_isp_ctx_acquire_dev_in_availableISP subdev is already closed6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Node ptr is NULL 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No more request obj free ISP_OUT_FENCE:6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d data_size is not a valid value FS2 Session has PIX, RD and RDISession has PIX or PIX and RDI resourcesCAM_ISP_Invalid_Resource_TypeRDI_0__cam_isp_ctx_get_event_tsget free request object......Preprocessing Config req_id %lld successful on ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No task for worker 6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Unhandled buf done resources for req %lld, trying next request %lld in active_list Move active request %lld to free list(cnt = %d) [all fences done], ctx %u6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d in valid sof event data 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Can not notify ERRROR to CRM for ctx %u Delayed bufdone for req: %lldinvalid RUP__cam_isp_ctx_apply_req6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to re-start HW after flush rc: %d __cam_isp_ctx_start_dev_in_readystart device success ctx %u6CAM_WARN: %s: %s: %d Received duplicated request %lld 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d isp dump wait list req: %lld 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d req %lld found no error Enter.........6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to create workq for offline IFE rc:%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Error in notifying the boot time for req id:%lld new Substate[%s]__cam_isp_ctx_handle_buf_done_fail_log6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d No available active req in bubble Acquire dev handle&g_isp_dev.isp_mutexcam_isp_subdev_closeFLUSHISP_rs.lock6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d HW is not acquired, reject packet 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Invalid offset exp %u actual %u 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d Iterating over wait_list of isp ctx %d state %d 6CAM_INFO: %s: %s: %d isp dump active list req: %lld __cam_isp_ctx_dump_event_recordISP_EVT_%s:Flush pending list__cam_isp_ctx_release_hw_in_top_state6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d BUF Done not handled for next request %lld Sync with success: req %lld res 0x%x fd 0x%x, ctx %unew substate Substate[%s], applied req %lld__cam_isp_ctx_apply_req_in_sofCAM_ISP_EVENT_INVALID__cam_isp_ctx_unlink_in_activatedNotify CRM about device stop ctx %u link 0x%xsignal fence in wait list. fence num %d6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Release hw failed rc=%d 6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to schedule task rc:%d No pending requests to apply6CAM_ERR: %s: %s: %d Failed to stop HW in Flush rc: %d Move active request %lld to pending list(cnt = %d) [bubble recovery], ctx %u__cam_isp_ctx_offline_epoch_in_activated_stateframe id: %lld time stamp:0x%llx- Hqcom,cam-ispcam-ispC{ W O @sCRC B#rBh`5BvB@C35!R *5R!r $R@5R!(r DR 5R!r dR 5$R!Hr R 5ER!r R@ 5fR!hr R5R!r R5BCR5@!wRr`!BRBR*"*RB#RRB#R RBR* _)@?T*OLWK{JC_RBR{O@@h@(5suRruR*r`jt@h@5suRruR*r`jt@h@5suRruR*r`jt@h@H5suRruR*r`jt@h@ 5suRruR*r`jt@h@ 5suRruR*r`jt@h@h 5suRruR*r`jt@Rsrhjhh 5RruR`r* 5Rr*OA*{¨_Rhq T )$yhURhq T )$yhTRhq T )$yhSRhq T )$yhRRhqh T )$yhQRhqH T )$yhPRhq( T )$yhORRrhjq T )$yhLRBRBØRBØR"BØR(BØR.BØR4BØR:BØR@BØRI{_WO@d(R@(4R**TRrn@#"7@ix@v@?ֈ@kT4*TRn@*"7@kT _)@?ATOFWE_D@{B_RB#R{OwRr*Rrjh)j(OA*{¨_{Ot@wRr*RrjhqmT RQrj)h5* !cR RwRr*OA{¨_RB RC{og _ W O !a!qR $Rrr 9Rkr NR lr cR mrxR nrR orRPrRQr̍RRrR ? R@rR"r R3r R5RJR sRr#r$r%r_RtRBr*  )~?y{7S&@R 3&> R*B ,RG@ @*z"h7 Ri R R HvR R RR    z 2  ,ZJ@ R .RM@ RI@ R xR.@R:+@TR^/] ‡R0R(] b^!RR   5RS 7 7 7 8 #8 C8 c8 8 8 8 8 9 #9 C9 c9 9 9 9 9 : #: C: c: : : : : ; #; C; c; ; ; ; ; < #< C< c< <W[_cg` c4R`**OLWK_JgIoH{GC_RBÐR*RBRRBRRBR`@{g_WOC@ @@$@&A)'@Rr!cRR@2 kaT(R!cRBR.9eq"T @?q!TR} r @!cRbR@ @*}!RA8 @9 @)xӋ(7 @L6+#kꃊk1 뇟@)#?(!"h@#@Sh@ @@ ?֠5W@R#+ h@ -@@ ?`5@!qTqT qTcR"R )*R #.9+viRBR^cRRcR"R ) cRbR ) #W@)R .9.9h"@Cch@!cRROq`>T@IRih:  8)ii J q))}Ii(%Țh6 6@@f"@!cRR* _)@? 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