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ID Supportspkr_prot_put_vi_rch_portspkr_prot_get_vi_rch_portspkr_prot_put_vi_lch_portspkr_prot_get_vi_lch_port3Default lsm portLSM8 PortLSM7 PortLSM6 PortLSM5 PortLSM4 PortLSM3 PortLSM2 PortLSM1 Port%s: ioctl %s issued after startmsm_dai_q6_max_num_slotmsm_dai_q6_tdm_set_tdm_slotMultiMedia3 EQ Band CountMultiMedia2 EQ Band CountMultiMedia1 EQ Band Countmsm-dai-slim-cmpntmsm_ds2_dap_send_end_pointmsm_dai_q6_spdif_process_eventADSP Stream Callback EventEntertainmentmsm-lsm-client3%s: invalid rtd, prtd or audio clientmsm_pcm_routing_get_pp_ch_cntqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-quantmsm_dai_q6_mi2s_set_fmtmsm_dai_q6_cdc_set_fmtmsm_dai_q6_set_fmtDefaultpcm_afe_process_tx_pktpcm_afe_process_rx_pktvoip_process_ul_pktvoip_process_dl_pktmsm_pcm_afe_exitmsm_dai_stub_exitmsm_ds2_dap_deinitmsm_ds2_dap_initmsm_soc_routing_platform_initmsm_dai_slim_initmsm_pcm_afe_initmsm_dai_stub_initmsm_dai_q6_init3%s param length=%d exceeds limit&prtd->out_wait&voip_info.out_wait&prtd->event_wait&prtd->eos_wait&the_locks.eos_waitmsm_ds2_dap_check_and_update_ramp_wait&prtd->drain_wait&voip_info.in_wait&s->tx_tap_point.playback_dai_data.queue_wait&s->rx_tap_point.playback_dai_data.queue_wait&s->tx_tap_point.capture_dai_data.queue_wait&s->rx_tap_point.capture_dai_data.queue_wait&the_locks.write_wait&prtd->close_wait&the_locks.enable_wait&prtd->period_wait&prtd->read_wait&the_locks.read_waitRightEightLeftqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-header-start-offsetmsm_pcm_routing_route_is_setmsm_qti_pp_asphere_setmsm_pcm_fe_topology_getmsm_routing_slim_0_rx_aanc_mux_getmsm_routing_ec_ref_rx_getmsm_dai_q6_ext_disp_device_idx_getmsm_routing_be_dai_name_table_tlv_getmsm_pcm_channel_weight_getmsm_dai_q6_slim_rx_drift_getmsm_dai_q6_ext_disp_drift_getmsm_compr_query_audio_effect_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_output_bit_format_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_input_bit_format_getmsm_ec_ref_bit_format_getmsm_dai_q6_ext_disp_format_getmsm_dai_q6_tdm_data_format_getadsp_ssr_trigger_status_getmsm_audio_sound_focus_getmsm_voice_sound_focus_getmsm_compr_gapless_getmsm_ffecns_getmsm_pcm_channel_mixer_getmsm_routing_a2dp_switch_mixer_getmsm_routing_sco_switch_mixer_getmsm_dai_q6_tdm_header_getmsm_compr_channel_map_getmsm_pcm_channel_map_getmsm_voice_cvd_version_getmsm_pcm_path_latency_ctl_getmsm_pcm_compress_ctl_getmsm_pcm_chmap_ctl_getmsm_lsm_app_type_cfg_ctl_getmsm_pcm_playback_app_type_cfg_ctl_getmsm_pcm_capture_app_type_cfg_ctl_getmsm_pcm_volume_ctl_getmsm_ds2_dap_param_visualizer_control_getmsm_routing_stereo_channel_reverse_control_getmsm_aptx_dec_license_control_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_output_channel_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_input_channel_getmsm_dai_q6_usb_audio_svc_interval_getmsm_adsp_stream_callback_getmsm_asm_bit_width_getmsm_ec_ref_ch_getmsm_multichannel_ec_primary_mic_ch_getmsm_audio_source_tracking_getmsm_voice_source_tracking_getmsm_compr_audio_effects_config_getmsm_transcode_audio_effects_config_getmsm_routing_adm_channel_config_getmsm_voice_rec_config_getmsm_dai_q6_usb_audio_cfg_getmsm_dai_q6_usb_audio_endian_cfg_getmsm_compr_playback_app_type_cfg_getmsm_transcode_playback_app_type_cfg_getmsm_compr_capture_app_type_cfg_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_enc_cfg_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_dec_cfg_getmsm_dtmf_rx_generate_getmsm_ec_ref_rate_getmsm_qti_pp_asphere_getmsm_dai_q6_tdm_header_type_getmsm_compr_volume_getmsm_transcode_volume_getmsm_dai_q6_afe_scrambler_mode_getmsm_dai_q6_tws_channel_mode_getmsm_pcm_channel_input_be_getmsm_routing_lsm_func_getmsm_routing_ext_ec_getmsm_dai_q6_ext_disp_ca_getAudio EffectFFECNS Effectmsm_lsm_ioctl_compatmsm_dai_q6_spdif_sysfs_rda_audio_formatAFE Output Bit FormatAFE Input Bit FormatEC Reference Bit FormatTERT_TDM_TX_7 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_TX_7 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_TX_7 Data FormatPRI_TDM_TX_7 Data FormatSEC_TDM_TX_7 Data FormatTERT_TDM_RX_7 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_RX_7 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_RX_7 Data FormatPRI_TDM_RX_7 Data FormatSEC_TDM_RX_7 Data FormatTERT_TDM_TX_6 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_TX_6 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_TX_6 Data FormatPRI_TDM_TX_6 Data FormatSEC_TDM_TX_6 Data FormatTERT_TDM_RX_6 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_RX_6 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_RX_6 Data FormatPRI_TDM_RX_6 Data FormatSEC_TDM_RX_6 Data FormatTERT_TDM_TX_5 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_TX_5 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_TX_5 Data FormatPRI_TDM_TX_5 Data FormatSEC_TDM_TX_5 Data FormatTERT_TDM_RX_5 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_RX_5 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_RX_5 Data FormatPRI_TDM_RX_5 Data FormatSEC_TDM_RX_5 Data FormatTERT_TDM_TX_4 Data FormatQUAT_TDM_TX_4 Data FormatQUIN_TDM_TX_4 Data FormatPRI_TDM_TX_4 Data FormatSEC_TDM_TX_4 Data 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bypassmsm_ds2_dap_update_port_parametersmsm_compr_get_capsmsm_transcode_loopback_get_capsmsm_compr_get_codec_capsmsm_dai_q6_afe_rtproxy_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_pseudo_port_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_slim_bus_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_mi2s_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_i2s_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_usb_audio_hw_paramsmsm_lsm_hw_paramsmsm_dai_slim_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_bt_fm_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_tdm_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_auxpcm_hw_paramsmsm_pcm_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_hdmi_hw_paramsmsm_pcm_routing_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_spdif_hw_paramsmsm_afe_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_cdc_hw_paramsmsm_dai_q6_cdc_dma_hw_paramsmsm_ds2_dap_commit_paramsmsm_compr_set_paramsmsm_transcode_loopback_set_paramsmsm_lsm_process_paramsmsm_compr_init_pp_paramsmsm_routing_send_device_pp_paramsmsm_qti_pp_asphere_send_paramsmsm_ds2_dap_send_cached_paramsmsm_compr_send_dec_paramsset module paramsDec ParamsDevice PP Paramsmsm_dai_q6_add_island_mx_ctlsmsm_pcm_add_chmap_controlsmsm_lsm_add_app_type_controlsmsm_pcm_add_app_type_controlsmsm_pcm_add_volume_controlsmsm_lsm_add_controlsmsm_pcm_add_controlsmsm_lsm_check_and_set_lab_controlsmsm_lsm_get_conf_levelsAFE Output ChannelsAFE Input ChannelsEC Reference ChannelsSLIM7_RX ADM ChannelsMultiMedia6 ChannelsMultiMedia5 ChannelsMultiMedia4 ChannelsMultiMedia3 ChannelsMultiMedia2 ChannelsMultiMedia1 Channelsmsm_pcm_put_out_chsmsm_pcm_get_out_chsoh yes%s: interrupt eos wait queues%s:unblock eos wait queues%s: interrupt drain wait queuesqcom,apps-ch-pipesqcom,msm-mi2s-tx-linesqcom,msm-mi2s-rx-linesmsm_ds2_dap_update_num_devicesmsm_ds2_dap_map_device_to_dolby_cache_devicesmsm_ds2_dap_handle_commandsmsm-dai-mi2smsm-dai-q6-mi2s%s%d%s%s add route for widget %s%s: add route for widget %s%s %sRegistering new mixer ctl %s%s %d %s3%s: unsupported backend id: %sFourGen Comprmsm_routing_put_port_mixermsm_routing_get_port_mixermsm_routing_put_device_pp_params_mixer%s:msm_routing_get_device_pp_params_mixermsm_routing_put_port_chmap_mixermsm_qti_pp_put_eq_band_count_audio_mixermsm_qti_pp_get_eq_band_count_audio_mixermsm_routing_get_audio_mixermsm_qti_pp_get_eq_band_audio_mixermsm_routing_put_listen_mixermsm_routing_get_listen_mixermsm_qti_pp_get_pri_auxpcm_lb_vol_mixermsm_qti_pp_get_sec_auxpcm_lb_vol_mixermsm_qti_pp_set_slimbus_8_lb_vol_mixermsm_qti_pp_set_slimbus_7_lb_vol_mixermsm_pcm_routing_channel_mixermsm_routing_put_fm_pcmrx_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_fm_pcmrx_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_tert_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_tert_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_quat_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_quat_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_quin_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_quin_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_pri_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_pri_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_sec_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_sec_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_int4_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_int4_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_int0_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_int0_mi2s_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_hfp_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_hfp_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_tert_tdm_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_tert_tdm_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_sec_tdm_switch_mixermsm_routing_sec_tdm_switch_mixermsm_routing_put_usb_switch_mixermsm_routing_get_usb_switch_mixermsm_qti_pp_put_eq_enable_mixermsm_qti_pp_get_eq_enable_mixermsm_routing_get_voice_mixermsm_routing_put_voice_stub_mixermsm_routing_get_voice_stub_mixerVoip_Tx MixerQCHAT_Tx MixerVoiceMMode2_Tx MixerVoiceMMode1_Tx MixerVoice Stub Tx MixerVoLTE Stub Tx MixerVoice2 Stub Tx MixerDISPLAY_PORT_RX Port MixerSEC_I2S_RX Port MixerTERT_MI2S_RX Port MixerQUAT_MI2S_RX Port MixerQUIN_MI2S_RX Port MixerPRI_MI2S_RX Port MixerSEC_MI2S_RX Port MixerINT4_MI2S_RX Port MixerINT0_MI2S_RX Port MixerUSB_AUDIO_RX Port MixerINTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Port MixerAUX_PCM_RX Port MixerAFE_PCM_RX Port MixerTERT_AUXPCM_RX Port MixerQUAT_AUXPCM_RX Port MixerQUIN_AUXPCM_RX Port MixerSEC_AUXPCM_RX Port MixerHDMI_RX Port MixerSLIMBUS_6_RX Port MixerSLIMBUS_3_RX Port MixerSLIMBUS_1_RX Port MixerSLIMBUS_0_RX Port MixerSEC_TDM_RX_7 Port MixerTERT_TDM_RX_3 Port MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_3 Port MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_3 Port MixerPRI_TDM_RX_3 Port MixerSEC_TDM_RX_3 Port MixerTERT_TDM_RX_2 Port MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_2 Port MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_2 Port MixerPRI_TDM_RX_2 Port MixerSEC_TDM_RX_2 Port MixerTERT_TDM_RX_1 Port MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_1 Port MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_1 Port MixerPRI_TDM_RX_1 Port MixerSEC_TDM_RX_1 Port MixerDISPLAY_PORT_RX1 Port MixerTERT_TDM_RX_0 Port MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_0 Port MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_0 Port MixerPRI_TDM_RX_0 Port MixerSEC_TDM_RX_0 Port MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_0 Port MixerWSA_CDC_DMA_RX_0 Port MixerIncall_Music Audio MixerTERT_MI2S_RX Audio MixerQUAT_MI2S_RX Audio MixerQUIN_MI2S_RX Audio MixerPRI_MI2S_RX Audio MixerSEC_MI2S_RX Audio MixerINT4_MI2S_RX Audio MixerINT0_MI2S_RX Audio MixerINTERNAL_A2DP_RX Audio MixerUSB_AUDIO_RX Audio MixerINTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio MixerINTERNAL_FM_RX Audio MixerTERT_AUX_PCM_RX Audio MixerQUAT_AUX_PCM_RX Audio MixerQUIN_AUX_PCM_RX Audio MixerSEC_AUX_PCM_RX Audio MixerAFE_PCM_RX Audio MixerPRI_RX Audio MixerPRI_SPDIF_RX Audio MixerSEC_SPDIF_RX Audio MixerSEC_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_9_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_7_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_6_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_5_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_4_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_2_RX Audio MixerSLIMBUS_0_RX Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_7 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_6 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_5 Audio MixerTERT_TDM_RX_4 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_4 Audio MixerTERT_TDM_RX_3 Audio MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_3 Audio MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_3 Audio MixerPRI_TDM_RX_3 Audio MixerSEC_TDM_RX_3 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_3 Audio MixerIncall_Music_2 Audio MixerTERT_TDM_RX_2 Audio MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_2 Audio MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_2 Audio MixerPRI_TDM_RX_2 Audio MixerSEC_TDM_RX_2 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_2 Audio MixerTERT_TDM_RX_1 Audio MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_1 Audio MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_1 Audio MixerPRI_TDM_RX_1 Audio MixerSEC_TDM_RX_1 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_1 Audio MixerWSA_CDC_DMA_RX_1 Audio MixerSEC_MI2S_RX_SD1 Audio MixerTERT_TDM_TX_0 Audio MixerQUAT_TDM_TX_0 Audio MixerQUIN_TDM_TX_0 Audio MixerPRI_TDM_TX_0 Audio MixerSEC_TDM_TX_0 Audio MixerTERT_TDM_RX_0 Audio MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_0 Audio MixerQUIN_TDM_RX_0 Audio MixerPRI_TDM_RX_0 Audio MixerSEC_TDM_RX_0 Audio MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_0 Audio MixerWSA_CDC_DMA_RX_0 Audio MixerMultiMedia4 Channel MixerMultiMedia3 Channel MixerMultiMedia2 Channel MixerMultiMedia1 Channel MixerPROXY_RX_Voice MixerDISPLAY_PORT_RX_Voice MixerTERT_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerQUAT_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerQUIN_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerPRI_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerSEC_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerINT4_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerINT0_MI2S_RX_Voice MixerUSB_AUDIO_RX_Voice MixerINTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX_Voice MixerTERT_AUX_PCM_RX_Voice MixerQUAT_AUX_PCM_RX_Voice MixerQUIN_AUX_PCM_RX_Voice MixerSEC_AUX_PCM_RX_Voice MixerAFE_PCM_RX_Voice MixerPRI_RX_Voice MixerHDMI_RX_Voice MixerSEC_RX_Voice MixerSLIM_8_RX_Voice MixerSLIM_7_RX_Voice MixerSLIM_6_RX_Voice MixerSLIMBUS_3_RX_Voice MixerSLIM_0_RX_Voice MixerQUAT_TDM_RX_2_Voice MixerDISPLAY_PORT_RX1_Voice MixerTERT_TDM_RX_0_Voice MixerSEC_TDM_RX_0_Voice MixerRX_CDC_DMA_RX_0_Voice MixerWSA_CDC_DMA_RX_0_Voice MixerSTUB_RX MixerSLIMBUS_1_RX MixerDISPLAY_PORT MixerHDMI MixerMultiMedia9 MixerMultiMedia29 MixerMultiMedia19 MixerMultiMedia8 MixerLSM8 MixerMultiMedia28 MixerMultiMedia18 MixerLSM7 MixerMultiMedia27 MixerMultiMedia17 MixerMultiMedia6 MixerLSM6 MixerMultiMedia16 MixerMultiMedia5 MixerLSM5 MixerMultiMedia4 MixerLSM4 MixerMultiMedia3 MixerLSM3 MixerMultiMedia2 MixerLSM2 MixerMultiMedia1 MixerDISPLAY_PORT1 MixerLSM1 MixerMultiMedia21 MixerMultiMedia20 MixerMultiMedia10 Mixer3%s: fail to register auxpcm dev driver3%s: fail to register dai q6 dev driver3%s: fail to register dai q6 driverqcom,msm-cpudai-afe-clk-vermsm_compr_pointermsm_pcm_pointermsm_lsm_pcm_pointermsm_pcm_playback_pointermsm_afe_pointerHiFi FilterQTimermsm_audio_effects_bass_boost_handlercompr_event_handlerlsm_event_handlermsm_pcm_loopback_event_handlermsm_pcm_route_event_handlermsm_audio_effects_virtualizer_handlermsm_audio_effects_popless_eq_handler__msm_audio_effects_volume_handlermsm_audio_effects_pbe_handlermsm_audio_effects_reverb_handlermsm_compr_triggermsm_dai_q6_auxpcm_triggermsm_pcm_triggermsm_transcode_loopback_triggermsm_afe_triggermsm_compr_drain_buffermsm_compr_send_buffermsm_compr_read_buffermsm_lsm_start_lab_buffermsm_lsm_queue_lab_buffervoip_config_vocoderTERT_TDM_TX_7 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_7 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_7 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_7 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_7 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_7 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_7 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_7 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_7 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_7 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_6 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_6 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_6 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_6 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_6 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_6 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_6 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_6 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_6 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_6 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_5 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_5 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_5 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_5 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_5 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_5 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_5 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_5 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_5 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_5 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_4 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_4 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_4 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_4 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_4 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_4 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_4 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_4 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_4 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_4 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_3 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_3 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_3 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_3 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_3 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_3 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_3 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_3 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_3 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_3 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_2 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_2 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_2 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_2 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_2 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_2 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_2 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_2 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_2 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_2 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_1 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_1 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_1 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_1 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_1 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_1 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_1 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_1 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_1 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_1 HeaderTERT_TDM_TX_0 HeaderQUAT_TDM_TX_0 HeaderQUIN_TDM_TX_0 HeaderPRI_TDM_TX_0 HeaderSEC_TDM_TX_0 HeaderTERT_TDM_RX_0 HeaderQUAT_TDM_RX_0 HeaderQUIN_TDM_RX_0 HeaderPRI_TDM_RX_0 HeaderSEC_TDM_RX_0 Headermsm-pcm-dsp-noirqmsm-compress-dspmsm-voip-dspmsm-pcm-dspmsm_pcm_routing_deinit_ppmsm_pcm_routng_cfg_matrix_map_ppmsm_pcm_routing_cfg_ppull-ppTERT_MI2S_TX_VoipPRI_MI2S_TX_VoipINT3_MI2S_TX_VoipUSB_AUDIO_TX_VoipINTERNAL_BT_SCO_TX_VoipTERT_AUX_PCM_TX_VoipQUAT_AUX_PCM_TX_VoipQUIN_AUX_PCM_TX_VoipSEC_AUX_PCM_TX_VoipAFE_PCM_TX_VoipPRI_TX_VoipSLIM_8_TX_VoipSLIM_7_TX_VoipSLIM_1_TX_VoipSLIM_0_TX_VoipTX_CDC_DMA_TX_5_VoipTX_CDC_DMA_TX_4_VoipTX_CDC_DMA_TX_3_VoipTX_CDC_DMA_TX_2_VoipTX_CDC_DMA_TX_1_VoipVA_CDC_DMA_TX_1_VoipTX_CDC_DMA_TX_0_VoipVA_CDC_DMA_TX_0_Voip%s, unsupported format, skipmsm_pcm_mmapmsm_afe_mmapmsm_dai_slim_set_channel_mapmsm_dai_q6_tdm_set_channel_mapmsm_dai_stub_set_channel_mapmsm_dai_q6_cdc_dma_set_channel_mapmsm_dai_q6_set_channel_mapmsm_qti_pp_arrange_mch_mapPlayback Channel MapPlayback Device Channel MapBackend Device Channel MapTwoZeromsm_pcm_routing_process_audiomsm_voice_cvd_version_infomsm_dai_q6_mi2s_shutdownmsm_dai_slim_shutdownmsm_dai_q6_tdm_shutdownmsm_dai_q6_auxpcm_shutdownmsm_dai_q6_hdmi_shutdownmsm_dai_q6_spdif_shutdownmsm_dai_q6_cdc_dma_shutdownmsm_dai_q6_shutdownwrite_done received while not started, treat as xrunread_done received while not started, treat as xrunmsm_audio_effects_enable_extn%s session time in gapless transitionTERT_MI2S_TX LSM FunctionQUAT_MI2S_TX LSM FunctionINT3_MI2S_TX LSM FunctionSLIMBUS_5_TX LSM FunctionSLIMBUS_4_TX LSM FunctionSLIMBUS_3_TX LSM FunctionSLIMBUS_2_TX LSM FunctionSLIMBUS_1_TX LSM FunctionSLIMBUS_0_TX LSM FunctionTX_CDC_DMA_TX_3 LSM FunctionTERT_TDM_TX_0 LSM FunctionQUIN_TDM_TX_0 LSM Functionmsm_dai_q6_mi2s_platform_data_validation3%s Got RESET EVENTS notificationmsm_pcm_loopback_get_sessionVoice sessionQCHAT sessionVoIP sessionVoWLAN sessionVoLTE sessionVoice2 sessionqcom,adsp-versionCVD Versionqti_set_custom_stereo_onmsm_lsm_set_gainVoip Rx GainVoice Rx GainDTMF_Generate Rx Low High Duration GainApp Type Gainqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-data-alignvoip_ssr_cb_fnSevenmsm_pcm_routing_hwdep_openmsm_lsm_openmsm_pcm_openmsm_compr_playback_openmsm_transcode_loopback_openmsm_compr_capture_openmsm_afe_openUSB_AUDIO_TX dev_tokenUSB_AUDIO_RX dev_tokenUSB_AUDIO_TX endianUSB_AUDIO_RX endianmsm_lsm_set_customplatform_dlkmmsm-dai-slimhpcm_free_allocated_memmsm-dai-tdmmsm-dai-q6-tdmhpcm_start_vocpcmmsm-voice-host-pcmmsm_ds2_dap_set_parammsm_ds2_dap_get_parammsm_compr_set_next_track_paramMSM ASphere Set ParamQuery Audio Effect Paramsubstreammsm_pcm_routing_dereg_phy_streammsm_pcm_routing_reg_phy_streammsm_pcm_routing_reg_phy_compr_streammsm_pcm_routing_reg_psthr_streamAudio StreamListen StreamIEC958 SECPlayback PCM StreamIEC958 Playback PCM Streammsm_pcm_routing_hwdep_compat_ioctlmsm_ds2_dap_compat_ioctlmsm_pcm_hwdep_ioctlmsm_pcm_routing_hwdep_ioctlmsm_ds2_dap_ioctlmsm_lsm_ioctlmsm_pcm_ioctlmsm_adsp_inform_mixer_ctlmsm_dai_slim_ch_ctlmsm_ds2_dap_set_security_controlmsm_pcm_add_path_latency_controlmsm_compr_add_query_audio_effect_controlmsm_compr_add_audio_effects_controlmsm_transcode_add_audio_effects_controlmsm_pcm_add_compress_controlmsm_compr_add_dec_runtime_params_controlmsm_pcm_add_qtimer_controlmsm_compr_add_channel_map_controlmsm_pcm_add_channel_map_controlmsm_routing_put_stereo_to_custom_stereo_controlmsm_compr_add_audio_adsp_stream_callback_controlmsm_pcm_add_audio_adsp_stream_callback_controlmsm_transcode_stream_callback_controlmsm_routing_put_app_type_cfg_controlmsm_routing_put_lsm_app_type_cfg_controlmsm_compr_add_app_type_cfg_controlmsm_transcode_add_app_type_cfg_controlmsm_routing_put_module_cfg_controlmsm_qti_pp_get_rms_value_controlmsm_routing_get_rms_value_controlmsm_compr_add_volume_controlmsm_pcm_add_volume_controlmsm_transcode_add_volume_controlmsm_compr_add_audio_adsp_stream_cmd_controlmsm_pcm_add_audio_adsp_stream_cmd_controlmsm_transcode_stream_cmd_controlmsm_compr_add_event_ack_cmd_controlmsm_transcode_add_event_ack_cmd_controlmsm_compr_add_io_fd_cmd_controlmsm_transcode_add_ion_fd_cmd_controlmsm_lsm_set_lab_controlmsm_compr_wait_for_stream_avail&prtd->wait_for_stream_availfailqcom,latency-levelAANC Noise LevelSwap channelmsm_lsm_dereg_modelmsm_lsm_reg_modelUSB_AUDIO_RX service_intervalqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-clk-internalCoaxialOpticalmsm_routing_set_caltdm_param_set_slot_maskmsm_dai_q6_tdm_set_sysclkmsm_dai_q6_tdm_set_clkmsm_dai_q6_auxpcm_set_clkmsm_pcm_delay_blk&dai_data->rlock&(&prtd->event_lock)->rlock&(&prtd->dsp_lock)->rlock&(&voip_info.dsp_lock)->rlock&(&s->tx_tap_point.playback_dai_data.dsp_lock)->rlock&(&s->rx_tap_point.playback_dai_data.dsp_lock)->rlock&(&s->tx_tap_point.capture_dai_data.dsp_lock)->rlock&(&s->rx_tap_point.capture_dai_data.dsp_lock)->rlock&(&prtd->xrun_lock)->rlock&(&kctl_prtd->prtd_spin_lock)->rlock&(&voip_info.dsp_ul_lock)->rlock&(&prtd->lock)->rlockmsm_compr_adjust_session_clockmsm_compr_enable_adjust_session_clockmsm_compr_send_media_format_block&prtd->lsm_api_lock&routing_lock&session_map[index].loopback_priv->lock&prtd->lock&pdata->lock&hpcm_drv.lock&voip_info.lock&transcode_info.lock&voice_info[i].lockmsm_compr_configure_dsp_for_playbackProxy PlaybackDisplay Port PlaybackSlimbus PlaybackCompress PlaybackQuaternary MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackQuinary MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackPrimary MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackTertiary MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackSecondary MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackINT4 MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackINT0 MI2S_RX Hostless PlaybackINT_HFP_BT Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM7 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM7 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM7 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM7 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM7 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM6 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM6 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM6 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM6 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM6 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM5 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM5 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM5 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM5 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM5 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM4 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM4 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM4 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM4 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM4 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM3 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM3 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM3 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM3 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM3 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM2 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM2 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM2 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM2 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM2 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM1 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM1 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM1 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM1 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM1 Hostless PlaybackQuaternary TDM0 Hostless PlaybackQuinary TDM0 Hostless PlaybackPrimary TDM0 Hostless PlaybackTertiary TDM0 Hostless PlaybackSecondary TDM0 Hostless PlaybackCompress Gapless PlaybackUSB Audio PlaybackVoice Farend PlaybackVoice2 Farend PlaybackStub PlaybackQCHAT PlaybackSEC_I2S_RX_HOSTLESS PlaybackMI2S_RX_HOSTLESS PlaybackDTMF_RX_HOSTLESS PlaybackINT_HFP_BT_HOSTLESS PlaybackUSBAUDIO_HOSTLESS PlaybackINT_FM_HOSTLESS PlaybackSEC_AUXPCM_HOSTLESS PlaybackHDMI_HOSTLESS PlaybackCDC_DMA_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS8_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS7_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS6_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS4_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS3_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS1_HOSTLESS PlaybackSLIMBUS0_HOSTLESS PlaybackQuaternary MI2S PlaybackQuinary MI2S PlaybackPrimary MI2S PlaybackTertiary MI2S PlaybackSecondary MI2S PlaybackINT6 MI2S PlaybackINT5 MI2S PlaybackINT4 MI2S PlaybackINT3 MI2S PlaybackINT2 MI2S PlaybackINT1 MI2S PlaybackINT0 MI2S PlaybackPrimary I2S PlaybackSecondary I2S PlaybackVoIP PlaybackInternal BT-A2DP PlaybackInternal BT-SCO PlaybackInternal FM PlaybackTert AUX PCM PlaybackQuat AUX PCM PlaybackQuin AUX PCM PlaybackSec AUX PCM PlaybackHDMI PlaybackPrimary SPDIF PlaybackSecondary SPDIF PlaybackAFE PlaybackVOLTE_STUB PlaybackVOICE_STUB PlaybackVOICE2_STUB PlaybackSlimbus9 PlaybackMultiMedia9 PlaybackSlimbus8 PlaybackMultiMedia8 PlaybackSlimbus7 PlaybackMultiMedia7 PlaybackQuaternary TDM7 PlaybackQuinary TDM7 PlaybackPrimary TDM7 PlaybackTertiary TDM7 PlaybackSecondary TDM7 PlaybackRX CDC DMA7 PlaybackSlimbus6 PlaybackMultiMedia6 PlaybackQuaternary TDM6 PlaybackQuinary TDM6 PlaybackPrimary TDM6 PlaybackTertiary TDM6 PlaybackSecondary TDM6 PlaybackRX CDC DMA6 PlaybackMultiMedia26 PlaybackMultiMedia16 PlaybackSlimbus5 PlaybackMultiMedia5 PlaybackQuaternary TDM5 PlaybackQuinary TDM5 PlaybackPrimary TDM5 PlaybackTertiary TDM5 PlaybackSecondary TDM5 PlaybackRX CDC DMA5 PlaybackMultiMedia15 PlaybackSlimbus4 PlaybackMultiMedia4 PlaybackQuaternary TDM4 PlaybackQuinary TDM4 PlaybackPrimary TDM4 PlaybackTertiary TDM4 PlaybackSecondary TDM4 PlaybackRX CDC DMA4 PlaybackMultiMedia14 PlaybackSlimbus3 PlaybackMultiMedia3 PlaybackQuaternary TDM3 PlaybackQuinary TDM3 PlaybackPrimary TDM3 PlaybackTertiary TDM3 PlaybackSecondary TDM3 PlaybackRX CDC DMA3 PlaybackMultiMedia13 PlaybackSlimbus2 PlaybackVoiceMMode2 PlaybackMultiMedia2 PlaybackQuaternary TDM2 PlaybackQuinary TDM2 PlaybackPrimary TDM2 PlaybackTertiary TDM2 PlaybackSecondary TDM2 PlaybackRX CDC DMA2 PlaybackMultiMedia12 PlaybackDisplay Port1 PlaybackSlimbus1 PlaybackVoiceMMode1 PlaybackMultiMedia1 PlaybackQuaternary TDM1 PlaybackQuinary TDM1 PlaybackPrimary TDM1 PlaybackTertiary TDM1 PlaybackSecondary TDM1 PlaybackRX CDC DMA1 PlaybackWSA CDC DMA1 PlaybackMultiMedia31 PlaybackMultiMedia21 PlaybackMultiMedia11 PlaybackQuaternary TDM0 PlaybackQuinary TDM0 PlaybackPrimary TDM0 PlaybackTertiary TDM0 PlaybackSecondary TDM0 PlaybackRX CDC DMA0 PlaybackWSA CDC DMA0 PlaybackMultiMedia30 PlaybackMultiMedia20 PlaybackMultiMedia10 Playbackmsm-pcm-loopbackmsm-transcode-loopbackafe_hrtimer_callbackafe_hrtimer_rec_callbackPlayback Event Ackmsm-dai-q6-hdmi3%s Incorrect VCNB lengthqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-header-widthASM Bit Widthmsm_routing_find_topology_by_pathdefaulting to search by path%s : Don't send cal and PP params for compress pathSwitchMultichannel EC Primary Mic Chinclude/linux/uaccess.hinclude/linux/freezer.hinclude/linux/dma-mapping.hmsm-pcm-routinghpcm_notify_evt_processingqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-slot-mapping%s: err chg i2s mode while dai runningmsm_dai_q6_mi2s_get_lineconfigmsm_lsm_send_ch_mix_confighpcm_is_valid_configAudio Effects ConfigSLIM_7_RX Encoder ConfigSLIM_9_TX Decoder ConfigSLIM_7_TX Decoder ConfigVoip Evrc Min Max Rate ConfigVoip Rate ConfigListen App Type ConfigVoip Mode ConfigVoc Rec Configmsm_pcm_routing_send_chmix_cfgmsm_compr_send_ddp_cfgmsm_pcm_routing_get_stream_app_type_cfgmsm_pcm_routing_reg_stream_app_type_cfgAudio Stream %d App Type Cfgmsm_lsm_set_confmsm-pcm-dtmfmsm-dai-q6-spdifmsm_ds2_dap_set_custom_stereo_onoffSet Custom Stereo OnOffDS2 OnOfflast write %d cannot be > than fragment_sizemsm_compr_removemsm_dai_q6_dai_tdm_removemsm_dai_q6_dai_auxpcm_removemsm_pcm_removemsm_dai_stub_dai_removemsm_dai_q6_dai_removemsm_afe_removemsm_dai_stub_removemsm_dai_q6_dai_cdc_dma_removeFive%s called while xrun is truemsm_adsp_init_mixer_ctl_pp_event_queuemsm_adsp_clean_mixer_ctl_pp_event_queuemsm_dai_q6_dai_add_routemsm_dai_stub_add_routeqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-clk-attributeVoip Tx MuteVoice Tx MuteVoice Tx Device MuteVoice Rx Device MuteHFP TX Mutemsm_dai_q6_spdif_sysfs_rda_audio_state3%s: Received reset events CB, move to error stateHPCM_Voice tappoint direction samplerateHPCM_VoLTE tappoint direction samplerateHPCM_VMMode2 tappoint direction samplerateHPCM_VMMode1 tappoint direction sampleratemsm_dai_q6_spdif_sysfs_rda_audio_rateqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-clk-rateqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-pcm-clk-ratemsm_dai_q6_spdif_sysfs_createEC Reference SampleRatemsm_lsm_closemsm_pcm_closemsm_pcm_playback_closemsm_pcm_routing_closemsm_pcm_capture_closemsm_afe_closeAPTX Dec Licensefalsemsm_pcm_routing_hwdep_releasemsm_compr_configure_dsp_for_captureCPE Listen Audio captureCPE LSM captureProxy CaptureSlimbus CaptureQuaternary MI2S_TX Hostless CaptureQuinary MI2S_TX Hostless CapturePrimary MI2S_TX Hostless CaptureTertiary MI2S_TX Hostless CaptureSecondary MI2S_TX Hostless CaptureINT3 MI2S_TX Hostless CaptureINT_HFP_BT Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM7 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM7 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM7 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM7 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM7 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM6 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM6 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM6 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM6 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM6 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM5 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM5 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM5 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM5 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM5 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM4 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM4 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM4 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM4 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM4 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM3 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM3 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM3 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM3 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM3 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM2 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM2 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM2 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM2 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM2 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM1 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM1 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM1 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM1 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM1 Hostless CaptureQuaternary TDM0 Hostless CaptureQuinary TDM0 Hostless CapturePrimary TDM0 Hostless CaptureTertiary TDM0 Hostless CaptureSecondary TDM0 Hostless CaptureSenary_mi2s CaptureUSB Audio CaptureAudio Stream CaptureVoice Uplink CaptureVoice Downlink CaptureAFE Loopback CaptureListen 8 Audio Service CaptureListen 7 Audio Service CaptureListen 6 Audio Service CaptureListen 5 Audio Service CaptureListen 4 Audio Service CaptureListen 3 Audio Service CaptureListen 2 Audio Service CaptureListen 1 Audio Service CaptureStub CaptureQCHAT CaptureMI2S_TX_HOSTLESS CaptureINT_HFP_BT_HOSTLESS CaptureUSBAUDIO_HOSTLESS CaptureINT_FM_HOSTLESS CaptureSEC_AUXPCM_HOSTLESS CaptureTX3_CDC_DMA_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS8_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS7_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS6_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS4_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS3_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS1_HOSTLESS CaptureSLIMBUS0_HOSTLESS CaptureQuaternary MI2S CaptureQuinary MI2S CaptureSenary MI2S CapturePrimary MI2S CaptureTertiary MI2S CaptureSecondary MI2S CaptureINT6 MI2S CaptureINT5 MI2S CaptureINT4 MI2S CaptureINT3 MI2S CaptureINT2 MI2S CaptureINT1 MI2S CaptureINT0 MI2S CapturePrimary I2S CaptureVoIP CaptureInternal BT-SCO CaptureInternal FM CaptureTert AUX PCM CaptureQuat AUX PCM CaptureQuin AUX PCM CaptureSec AUX PCM CapturePrimary SPDIF CaptureSecondary SPDIF CaptureAFE CaptureVOLTE_STUB CaptureVOICE_STUB CaptureVOICE2_STUB CaptureSlimbus9 CaptureMultiMedia9 CaptureMultiMedia29 CaptureMultiMedia19 CaptureSlimbus8 CaptureMultiMedia8 CaptureMultiMedia28 CaptureMultiMedia18 CaptureSlimbus7 CaptureQuaternary TDM7 CaptureQuinary TDM7 CapturePrimary TDM7 CaptureTertiary TDM7 CaptureSecondary TDM7 CaptureMultiMedia27 CaptureMultiMedia17 CaptureSlimbus6 CaptureMultiMedia6 CaptureQuaternary TDM6 CaptureQuinary TDM6 CapturePrimary TDM6 CaptureTertiary TDM6 CaptureSecondary TDM6 CaptureMultiMedia16 CaptureSlimbus5 CaptureMultiMedia5 CaptureQuaternary TDM5 CaptureQuinary TDM5 CapturePrimary TDM5 CaptureTertiary TDM5 CaptureSecondary TDM5 CaptureTX CDC DMA5 CaptureSlimbus4 CaptureMultiMedia4 CaptureQuaternary TDM4 CaptureQuinary TDM4 CapturePrimary TDM4 CaptureTertiary TDM4 CaptureSecondary TDM4 CaptureTX CDC DMA4 CaptureSlimbus3 CaptureMultiMedia3 CaptureQuaternary TDM3 CaptureQuinary TDM3 CapturePrimary TDM3 CaptureTertiary TDM3 CaptureSecondary TDM3 CaptureTX CDC DMA3 CaptureSlimbus2 CaptureVoiceMMode2 CaptureMultiMedia2 CaptureQuaternary TDM2 CaptureQuinary TDM2 CapturePrimary TDM2 CaptureTertiary TDM2 CaptureSecondary TDM2 CaptureTX CDC DMA2 CaptureVA CDC DMA2 CaptureWSA CDC DMA2 CaptureSlimbus1 CaptureVoiceMMode1 CaptureStub1 CaptureMultiMedia1 CaptureQuaternary TDM1 CaptureQuinary TDM1 CapturePrimary TDM1 CaptureTertiary TDM1 CaptureSecondary TDM1 CaptureTX CDC DMA1 CaptureVA CDC DMA1 CaptureWSA CDC DMA1 CaptureMultiMedia21 CaptureQuaternary TDM0 CaptureQuinary TDM0 CapturePrimary TDM0 CaptureTertiary TDM0 CaptureSecondary TDM0 CaptureSLIM_DAI0 CaptureTX CDC DMA0 CaptureVA CDC DMA0 CaptureWSA CDC DMA0 CaptureMultiMedia20 CaptureMultiMedia10 Capturemsm_pcm_hostless_preparemsm_dai_q6_mi2s_preparemsm_lsm_preparemsm_dai_slim_preparemsm_dai_q6_tdm_preparemsm_dai_q6_auxpcm_preparemsm_pcm_preparemsm_pcm_playback_preparemsm_afe_playback_preparemsm_pcm_routing_preparemsm_pcm_capture_preparemsm_afe_capture_preparemsm_dai_q6_cdc_dma_preparemsm_dai_q6_preparemsm_lsm_set_det_event_typemsm_lsm_check_event_typevoip_get_rate_typevoip_get_media_typeTERT_TDM_TX_7 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_7 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_7 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_7 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_7 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_7 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_7 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_7 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_7 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_7 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_6 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_6 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_6 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_6 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_6 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_6 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_6 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_6 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_6 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_6 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_5 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_5 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_5 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_5 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_5 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_5 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_5 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_5 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_5 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_5 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_4 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_4 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_4 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_4 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_4 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_4 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_4 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_4 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_4 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_4 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_3 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_3 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_3 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_3 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_3 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_3 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_3 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_3 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_3 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_3 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_2 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_2 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_2 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_2 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_2 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_2 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_2 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_2 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_2 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_2 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_1 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_1 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_1 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_1 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_1 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_1 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_1 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_1 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_1 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_1 Header TypeTERT_TDM_TX_0 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_TX_0 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_TX_0 Header TypePRI_TDM_TX_0 Header TypeSEC_TDM_TX_0 Header TypeTERT_TDM_RX_0 Header TypeQUAT_TDM_RX_0 Header TypeQUIN_TDM_RX_0 Header TypePRI_TDM_RX_0 Header TypeSEC_TDM_RX_0 Header TypeNoneOnemsm_compr_set_volumemsm_pcm_set_volumepcm_loopback_set_volumemsm_transcode_set_volumeError %d setting volumeTranscode Loopback Rx VolumeInternal HFP RX VolumeInternal FM RX VolumeQuat MI2S FM RX VolumeTert MI2S LOOPBACK VolumePRI MI2S LOOPBACK VolumeSEC MI2S LOOPBACK VolumePRI AUXPCM LOOPBACK VolumeSEC AUXPCM LOOPBACK VolumeSLIMBUS_8 LOOPBACK VolumeSLIMBUS_7 LOOPBACK VolumeInternal ICC Volumeqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-framehpcm_get_sess_nameMultiMedia6 Channel RuleMultiMedia5 Channel RuleMultiMedia4 Channel RuleMultiMedia3 Channel RuleMultiMedia2 Channel RuleMultiMedia1 Channel RuleSLIM_0_RX XTLoggingDisableWSA_CDC_DMA_0 RX XTLoggingDisableVoice Topology Disablemsm_lsm_set_poll_enableDTMF_Detect Rx Voice enableDTMF_Detect Rx VoLTE enableSlowtalk EnableVoice Mic Break EnableVoice Sidetone EnableHD Voice EnableMultiMedia3 EQ EnableMultiMedia2 EQ EnableMultiMedia1 EQ EnableBackend DAI Name Tablemsm_ds2_dap_set_vspe_vdhemsm-pcm-afemsm-dai-feThreemsm_dai_q6_mi2s_hw_freemsm_pcm_routing_hwdep_freemsm_compr_playback_freemsm_transcode_loopback_freemsm_compr_capture_freeparent_of_nodemsm_lsm_set_modemsm_compr_set_render_modemsm_compr_set_clk_rec_modeqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-modeqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-sync-modeRT_PROXY_1_TX SetCalModeSLIM_2_RX SetCalModeRT_PROXY_1_RX SetCalModeVoip Dtx ModeAFE Scrambler ModeTWS Channel ModeTTY ModePRI SPDIF TX SourceSEC SPDIF TX Sourceslim_devicemsm_pcm_routing_process_voicemsm-pcm-voiceqcom,msm-auxpcm-interfacemsm_dai_q6_mi2s_dev_probemsm_compr_dev_probemsm_dai_slim_dev_probemsm_dai_q6_tdm_dev_probemsm_auxpcm_dev_probemsm_dai_q6_hdmi_dev_probemsm_fe_dai_dev_probemsm_dai_q6_spdif_dev_probemsm_transcode_dev_probemsm_dai_stub_dev_probemsm_dai_q6_cdc_dma_dev_probemsm_dai_q6_dev_probemsm_pcm_hostless_probemsm_dai_q6_dai_mi2s_probemsm_compr_probemsm_asoc_lsm_probemsm_dai_q6_dai_tdm_probemsm_dai_q6_aux_pcm_probemsm_pcm_probemsm_routing_pcm_probemsm_transcode_loopback_probemsm_dai_q6_hdmi_dai_probemsm_dai_q6_spdif_dai_probefe_dai_probemsm_dai_q6_dai_probemsm_afe_probemsm_afe_afe_probemsm_dai_stub_probemsm_dai_q6_dai_cdc_dma_probemsm_dai_mi2s_q6_probemsm_dai_tdm_q6_probemsm_dai_q6_probemsm_dai_cdc_dma_q6_probeqcom,destroy-cvdrtdmsm_lsm_set_epd%s: send %d partial bytes at the endTX islandmsm_qti_pp_send_stereo_to_custom_stereo_cmdmsm_qti_pp_send_chmix_cfg_cmdADSP Stream Cmd%s: FE_ID: %d, weight %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ldmsm_pcm_routing_get_voc_sessionidInvalidmsm_pcm_get_dev_acdb_id_by_port_idmsm_mi2s_get_port_idmsm_ds2_dap_get_port_idmsm_ds2_dap_update_dev_map_port_idmsm_audio_get_copp_idx_from_port_idmsm_audio_sound_focus_derive_port_idmsm_dai_q6_set_dai_idqcom,msm-dai-q6-mi2s-dev-idqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-dev-idqcom,msm-dai-stub-dev-idqcom,msm-dai-cdc-dma-dev-idqcom,msm-dai-q6-dev-idqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-group-port-idqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-group-idqcom,msm-pcm-dsp-idmsm_pcm_mmap_fdThis path is untestedqcom,msm-dai-is-island-supportedmsm_ds2_dap_ioctl_sharedmsm_lsm_ioctl_shared3copy_to_user failed%s: cmd cfg pcm was block faileddisabledDisabledmsm_routing_check_backend_enabledEnabledmsm_ds2_dap_check_is_param_modifiedmsm_is_resample_neededpayload%s%dNOIRQ_%d3%s: invalid event_type=%d3%s: Invalid stream index:%d3%s: Invalid stream index %d3%s: Failed to alloc and store cal data for idx %d, device %d, copp_idx %d6%s:bypass interrupted-ignore,port %d3%s:adm get topo list port %d%s: runtime state incorrect %d%s %d3%s: voc_start_voice_call() failed err %d%s:Err:custom stereo topo %d3failed to allocate mixer ctrl str of len %d close stream %d3Invalid length %d%s: bypass type %d%s: open_write stream_id %d bits_per_sample %d%s: gapless mode %d6%s :Set volume port_id %d%s:issue CMD_FLUSH ac->stream_id %d%s:issue CMD_PAUSE stream_id %d4%s: greater than stereo has not been validated %d%s: lsmevent failed %d%s: lsm_event_v3 failed %d%s: failed to copy payload %d3%s:qti_set_custom_stereo_on_copp failed C.S %d%s: msm_lsm_ioctl_shared() failed, err = %d%s: compr_passthr = %d%s: Failed to copy payload to user, size = %d3%s: failed to register with slimbus driver rc = %d%s : rc = %d%s: ec_ref_rx = %dprtd->poll_time: %d%s : Send cal failed : %d3%s : Set Volume failed : %dqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-sync-srcmsm_lsm_lab_buffer_allocqcom,msm-cpudai-tdm-invert-syncqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-sync%s: Trigger start at msw: %u, lsw: %u msectechpack/audio/asoc/msm-lsm-client.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-hostless.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-q6-noirq.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-routing-devdep.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-dai-slim.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-qti-pp-config.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-ds2-dap-config.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-dai-fe.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-voip-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-loopback-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-dai-q6-hdmi-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-routing-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-dtmf-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-afe-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-host-voice-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-voice-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-dai-stub-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-audio-effects-q6-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-compress-q6-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-pcm-q6-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-transcode-loopback-q6-v2.ctechpack/audio/asoc/msm-dai-q6-v2.cmsm-dai-stubVoice StubVoice2 Stubdtmf_rx_detected_cbmsm_compr_set_metadatamsm_transcode_loopback_set_metadatamsm_compr_get_metadatahpcm_get_tappoint_datap_datamsm_routing_init_cal_datamsm_routing_delete_cal_datamsm_ds2_dap_alloc_and_store_cal_datamsm_ds2_dap_free_cal_datamsm_ds2_dap_send_cal_datamsm_slim_get_dai_datahpcm_get_dai_datamsm_dai_slim_populate_dai_data3%s: Invalid private_datadma_dataqcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-dataultramsm-dai-cdc-dmamsm_qti_pp_send_eq_values_%s:fe_id[%d] perf_mode[%d] id[%d] stream_type[%d] passt[%d]%s:fe_id[%d] ip_ch[%d] op_ch[%d] sess_type [%d], stream_type[%d]AFE-PROXYREVERB_DENSITYNS_ONLYEC_ONLYLSM_DET_EVENT_TYPE_LEGACYREVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAYREVERB_DELAYINT4_MI2S_RX_VI_FB_MONO_CH_MUXINT4_MI2S_RX_VI_FB_STEREO_CH_MUXSLIM0_RX_VI_FB_RCH_MUXWSA_RX_0_VI_FB_RCH_MUXSLIM0_RX_VI_FB_LCH_MUXWSA_RX_0_VI_FB_LCH_MUXPRI_MI2S_RX_VI_FB_MUXAANC_SLIM_0_RX MUXVOC_EXT_EC MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL9 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL29 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL19 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL8 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL28 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL18 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL17 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL6 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL16 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL5 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL4 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL3 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL2 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL1 MUXAUDIO_REF_EC_UL10 MUXPROXY_TXSENARY_TXPRIMARY_I2S_TXPRI_I2S_TXSENARY_MI2S_TXTERT_MI2S_TXQUAT_MI2S_TXQUIN_MI2S_TXPRI_MI2S_TXSECOND_MI2S_TXSEC_MI2S_TXINT6_MI2S_TXINT5_MI2S_TXINT4_MI2S_TXINT3_MI2S_TXINT2_MI2S_TXINT1_MI2S_TXINT0_MI2S_TXUSB_AUDIO_TXINT_BT_SCO_TXINTERNAL_BT_SCO_TXADM_LSM_TXINT_FM_TXINTERNAL_FM_TXSEC_TDM_TXTERT_AUX_PCM_TXQUAT_AUX_PCM_TXQUIN_AUX_PCM_TXSEN_AUX_PCM_TXSEC_AUX_PCM_TXAFE_PCM_TXTERT_AUXPCM_TXQUAT_AUXPCM_TXQUIN_AUXPCM_TXSEC_AUXPCM_TXSEC_AUX_PCM_UL_TXTERT_AUXPCM_UL_TXQUAT_AUXPCM_UL_TXQUIN_AUXPCM_UL_TXVOICE_PLAYBACK_TXVOICE2_PLAYBACK_TXAFE_LOOPBACK_TXPRI_TXSTUB_DTMF_TXPRI_SPDIF_TXSEC_SPDIF_TXSTUB_HOST_TX_CAPTURE_TXSTUB_HOST_RX_CAPTURE_TXINCALL_RECORD_TXEXTPROC_TXEXPROC_EC_TXSTUB_TXUSB_TXSLIMBUS_9_TXSLIM_9_TX3%s: failed to set LB vol for SLIMBUS_8_TXSLIM_8_TXSLIMBUS_7_TXSLIM_7_TXSLIMBUS_6_TXSLIM_6_TXSLIMBUS_5_TXSLIM_5_TXSLIMBUS_4_TXSLIM_4_TXSLIM4_TXSLIMBUS_3_TXSLIM_3_TXSLIMBUS_2_TXSLIM_2_TXRT_PROXY_DAI_002_TXSLIMBUS_1_TXSLIM_1_TXSTUB_1_TXSLIMBUS_0_TXSLIM_0_TXAFE-PROXY TXDTMF TXPROXY_RXDISPLAY_PORT_RXPRIMARY_I2S_RXSECONDARY_I2S_RXAUDIO_I2S_RXPRI_I2S_RXSEC_I2S_RXSENARY_MI2S_RXTERT_MI2S_RXQUAT_MI2S_RXQUIN_MI2S_RXPRI_MI2S_RXSECOND_MI2S_RXSEC_MI2S_RXINT6_MI2S_RXINT5_MI2S_RXINT4_MI2S_RXINT3_MI2S_RXINT2_MI2S_RXINT1_MI2S_RXINT0_MI2S_RXINT_BT_A2DP_RXUSB_AUDIO_RXINT_BT_SCO_RXINTERNAL_BT_SCO_RXSLIM_RXINT_FM_RXTERT_AUX_PCM_RXQUAT_AUX_PCM_RXQUIN_AUX_PCM_RXSEN_AUX_PCM_RXSEC_AUX_PCM_RXAFE_PCM_RXTERT_AUXPCM_RXQUAT_AUXPCM_RXQUIN_AUXPCM_RXSEC_AUXPCM_RXSTUB_HOST_TX_PLAYBACK_RXSTUB_HOST_RX_PLAYBACK_RXHDMI_RXPRI_SPDIF_RXSEC_SPDIF_RXINCALL_RECORD_RXEXTPROC_RXSTUB_RXUSB_RXSLIMBUS_9_RXSLIMBUS_8_RXSLIM_8_RXSLIMBUS_7_RXSLIM_7_RXSLIM7_RXSLIMBUS_6_RXSLIM_6_RXSLIMBUS_5_RXSLIM_5_RXSLIMBUS_4_RXSLIM_4_RXSLIMBUS_3_RXSLIM_3_RXSLIMBUS_2_RXSLIM_2_RXSLIMBUS_1_RXSLIM_1_RXRT_PROXY_DAI_001_RXSLIMBUS_0_RXSLIM_0_RXAFE-PROXY RXREVERB_WET_MIXEQ_BAND_INDEXDisplay Port RX DEVICE IDXBE_OUTREVERB_GAIN_ADJUSTVIRT 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ASM_STREAM_CMD_REGISTER_PP_EVENTS:%s: ASM_STREAM_CMD_FLUSH:%s: ASM_DATA_CMD_CLOSE:%s: ASM_DATA_CMD_REMOVE_INITIAL_SILENCE:%s: ASM_DATA_CMD_REMOVE_TRAILING_SILENCE:%s: ASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_V2:MultiMedia3 EQ Band9MultiMedia2 EQ Band9MultiMedia1 EQ Band9MultiMedia9MM_UL9MM_DL9MultiMedia29MM_UL29MultiMedia19MM_UL19MultiMedia1 Output Channel8MultiMedia1 Channel8MultiMedia3 EQ Band8MultiMedia2 EQ Band8MultiMedia1 EQ Band8MultiMedia8LSM8MM_UL8MM_DL8Compr-60958LPCM-60958MultiMedia28MM_UL28MultiMedia18MM_UL18MultiMedia1 Output Channel7MultiMedia1 Channel7MultiMedia3 EQ Band7MultiMedia2 EQ Band7MultiMedia1 EQ Band7MultiMedia7TERT_TDM_TX_7QUAT_TDM_TX_7QUIN_TDM_TX_7PRI_TDM_TX_7SEC_TDM_TX_7TERT_TDM_RX_7QUAT_TDM_RX_7QUIN_TDM_RX_7PRI_TDM_RX_7SEC_TDM_RX_7RX_CDC_DMA_RX_7LSM7MM_DL7MultiMedia27MM_UL27MultiMedia17MM_UL17msm-dai-q6MultiMedia1 Output Channel6MultiMedia1 Channel6MultiMedia3 EQ Band6MultiMedia2 EQ Band6MultiMedia1 EQ 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Voice Tx SLIMBUS_0Source Tracking Voice Tx SLIMBUS_0MultiMedia30MM_DL30MultiMedia20MM_UL20MM_DL20MultiMedia3 EQ Band10MultiMedia2 EQ Band10MultiMedia1 EQ Band10MultiMedia10MM_UL10MM_DL104410048000960001600038400019200032000perform resampling (%s) for copp rate (%d)afe rate (%d)SET_MODULE_PARAMS(_V2)LSM_SET_SESSION_DATA(_V2)Sound Focus Audio Tx Source Tracking Audio Tx Playback %s: timeout for read retry %s: Couldn't allocate %d bytes of memory 6%s: Could not allocate memory 3%s: Could not allocate memory 3%s: param list out of boundary %s: %s: not supported if not using topology %s: %s: not supported if using topology %s: Check for compatible topology %s: Check for exact LSM topology %s: Unsupported latency mode %d, default to Legacy %s: cmd_pending 0x%lx 3%s: CMD_EOS failed, cmd_pending 0x%lx 3%s:, Invalid sess_index 3EQ_BAND_INDEX:invalid band index 3EQ_CONFIG:invalid band index 3EQ_SINGLE_BAND_FREQ:invalid index 3%s:BE id %d invalid index 3%s: Invalid copp_idx 3%s: invalid copp idx %s: token=0x%08x buf_index=0x%08x %s: Watermark level = 0x%08x Buffer Consumed = 0x%08x %s opcode =%08x %s: copp:%ld,idx bit fe:%d, type:%d,be:%d topology=0x%x %s: copp: %ld, reset idx bit fe:%d, type: %d, be:%d topology=0x%x %s: TDM: num_channels=%d sample_rate=%d bit_width=%d nslots_per_frame=%d slot_width=%d slot_mask=0x%x data_format=0x%x sync_mode=0x%x sync_src=0x%x data_out=0x%x invert_sync=0x%x data_delay=0x%x %s: SLOT MAPPING: num_channel=%d bitwidth=%d data_align=0x%x %s: TDM GROUP: num_channels=%d sample_rate=%d bit_width=%d nslots_per_frame=%d slot_width=%d slot_mask=0x%x %s: CUSTOM TDM HEADER: start_offset=0x%x header_width=%d num_frame_repeat=%d header_type=0x%x %s: SLOT MAPPING: offset[0]=0x%x offset[1]=0x%x offset[2]=0x%x offset[3]=0x%x offset[4]=0x%x offset[5]=0x%x offset[6]=0x%x offset[7]=0x%x %s: CUSTOM TDM HEADER: header[0]=0x%x header[1]=0x%x header[2]=0x%x header[3]=0x%x header[4]=0x%x header[5]=0x%x header[6]=0x%x header[7]=0x%x %s: TDM GROUP: port_id[0]=0x%x port_id[1]=0x%x port_id[2]=0x%x port_id[3]=0x%x port_id[4]=0x%x port_id[5]=0x%x port_id[6]=0x%x port_id[7]=0x%x %s:No Custom stereo for port:0x%x 3%s: Invalid passthrough topology 0x%x %s, ws_lsw 0x%x ws_msw 0x%x we_lsw 0x%x we_msw 0x%x %s, adjust_session_time_msw 0x%x adjust_session_time_lsw 0x%x fail to deregister event for port 0x%x fail to register event for port 0x%x 3%s: fail to open AFE port 0x%x %s: fail to close AFE port 0x%x 3%s: default event 0x%x %s: event 0x%x 3%s: fmt 0x%x %s: invalid param format 0x%x %s: Invalid Format 0x%x %s, ws_lsw 0x%x ws_msw 0x%x we_lsw 0x%x we_ms 0x%x %s: media_type is 0x%x %s: fail to disable AFE group 0x%x %s: fail to enable AFE group 0x%x %s: setting compress flag to 0x%x 3%s: called with invalid control 0x%x %s: fail to disable AFE clk 0x%x %s: fail to enable AFE clk 0x%x %s: aux_mode 0x%x sync_src 0x%x frame_setting 0x%x %s: dai id (%d) has invalid state 0x%x %s:port_id %d be_id %d, port_type 0x%x %s: playback sdline 0x%x capture sdline 0x%x dev name %s Rx line 0x%x , Tx ine 0x%x %s: Setting volume 0x%x %s: channels %d volume 0x%x %s: Data Delay from DT file 0x%x %s: Data Out from DT file 0x%x %s: Header Start Offset from DT file 0x%x %s: Header Num Frame Repeat from DT file 0x%x %s: Group Num Ports from DT file 0x%x %s: Data Align from DT file 0x%x %s: Header Width from DT file 0x%x %s: Sync Mode from DT file 0x%x %s: Sync Src from DT file 0x%x %s: Invert Sync from DT file 0x%x %s: Group ID from DT file 0x%x %s: mem_map_handle 0x%x 3%s: Invalid cache device %d for device 0x%x %s: Falling into default snd_lib_ioctl cmd 0x%x %s: FE DAI 0x%x session_id 0x%x %s: port_id %d, device_id 0x%x %s: dev name %s dev id 0x%x 3%s: playback err id 0x%x 3%s: capture err id 0x%x invalid cpu_dai id 0x%x %s: invalid dai id 0x%x %s: group id not supported 0x%x %s: found endp - idx %d 0x%x %s: qtype 0x%x dout 0x%x num_map[0] 0x%x num_map[1] 0x%x num_map[2] 0x%x num_map[3] 0x%x %s: FROM DSP value[0] 0x%x invalid AFE port ID 0x%x %s: Invalid Port ID 0x%x %s: dev_token = 0x%x %s: endian = 0x%x %s: port_id = 0x%x %s: closing afe port id = 0x%x %s: dai id = 0x%x %s: header #%d = 0x%x %s: cmd: 0x%x %s: dev_name: %s dev_id: 0x%x group_id: 0x%x %s: pp_id: 0x%x %s voice session_id: 0x%x %s: compress : 0x%x %s: volume : 0x%x %s: Handling stream event : 0X%x %s: dai->id =%x fail to open AFE port %x %s: reclaim flushed buf in_count %x %s: event %x %s: reg %x val %x set %x fail to set AFE ctl, stream ID params %x %s:cmd %x 3%s: Invalid session_id %x %s: port_id 0x%x, copp_idx %d, dev_map[i].device_id %x SND Model Magic no byte[0] %x, byte[1] %x, byte[2] %x byte[3] %x %s: ext_ec_ref_rx = %x %s: perf: %x %s: st enable=%d session_id=%#x %s: HD Voice enable=%d session_id=%#x 3%s: UL data dropped, read is slow msm_asoc_pcm_new 3%s: fail to register dai MI2S dev drv 3%s: fail to register dai TDM dev drv 3%s: Failed to allocate memory for lsm_priv 3%s: Invalid params dai dev 3%s: fail to register dai CDC DMA dev %s: Failed to allocate memory for %s, size = %zu 3%s Received out of bounds fe_id %llu 3%s: Received out of bounds fe_id %llu %s: reading %d bytes from DSP byte_offset = %llu %s: bytes_received = %llu copied_total = %llu %s: handle xrun, bytes_to_write = %llu %s : Buffer is Full bytes_available: %llu %s: fe_id- %llu %s: fbytes=%lu 3%s Received out of bound topology %lu %s: failed to copy bytes %lu %s: copy the pcm data size %lu 3%s Received out of bounds fe_id %lu 3%s Received out of bound fe_id %lu 3%s Received out of bounds invalid fe_id %lu 3%s Received invalid fe_id %lu %s: fe_id %lu %s: fbytes = %lu %s: msm_multichannel_ec_primary_mic_ch = %lu %s: fe_id: %lu %s: Error mismatch in HW params Tx sample_rate = %u bit_width = %hu Rx sample_rate = %u bit_width = %hu %s: tx_num=%u, rx_num=%u %s: voc_session_id=%u %s: enable prev:%u cur:%u, strength prev:%u cur:%u %s, enable %u, strength %u %s: PBE_PARAM length %u %s, got render mode %u 3%s, Invalid render mode %u 3%s, Invalid clk rec_mode mode %u %s, got clk rec mode %u ptr(%s): appl(0), hw = %lu read_index = %u %s: max channels = %u invalid Channels = %u %s: new service interval = %u %s: ch_cnt=%u rate=%u, bit_width = %u %s: msm_multichannel_ec_primary_mic_ch = %u %s: dai id %d, afe port id = 0x%x dai_data->channels = %u sample_rate = %u %s: enable = %s, rate = %u %s: dai id %d dai_data->channels = %d sample_rate = %u i2s_cfg_minor_version = 0x%x bit_width = %hu channel_mode = 0x%x mono_stereo = %#x ws_src = 0x%x sample_rate = %u data_format = 0x%x reserved = %u 3%s : no active copp to query multichannel ec copp_idx: %u %s, path delay(in us) %u 3%s: invalid input WRITE_DONE Insufficient data to send. break out CMD_RUN_V2 Insufficient data to send. break out 3%s: wait_for_stream_avail timed out 3%s: %s: Invalid event request 3%s: invalid port 3%s: Invalid port fail to close MI2S_TX port fail to close AUX PCM TX port fail to close MI2S_RX port %s: set LSM port not starting AFE port fail to close AFE port fail to close AUXPCM TX AFE port fail to close AUXPCM RX AFE port fail to close PCM_RX AFE port %s: lab control sent after start %s: %s Trigger start %s: Trigger start 3%s: Could not allocate memory for client %s:Invalid App id %d for Listen client %s: tx_num %u max out master port cnt 6%s: App type not available, fallback to default %s: Aborting event status wait 3%s: In SSR return ENETRESET after wait 3%s: In SSR return ENETRESET before wait %s: required pcm handles not opened yet %s: PCM ports already set DAI driver is not set DAI driver id is not set %s: no memory for ch_map, default will be set %s: TX conditions met %s: RX conditions met %s: Received encoder config for %d format %s: encoder config for %d format %s: Received decoder config for %d format 3%s: params length overflows %s: clear hwfree_status %s: Get event status 3%s: Invalid params event status %s: no memory for event status %s: dai->id:%d opening afe ports %s: cannot shutdown PCM ports %s: dai->id = %d closing PCM AFE ports 3%s: Invalid arguments 3%s: Could not allocate memory for effects 3%s: cannot set audio effects 3%s: Session out open failed for gapless %s: Moving to next stream in gapless %s:success %s: setting bt_fm parameters %s: Successfully opened ADM sessions 3%s: failed to set %s for ffecns %s: set %s for ffecns %s: set_params 3%s: cannot set dec_params %s: failed to set lsm media fmt params %s: did not send pp params 3REVERB_REFLECTION_DLYinvalid params 3REVERB_DECAY_HF_RATIOinvalid params 3REVERB_REFLECTION_LVLinvalid params 3REVERB_DENSITY:invalid params 3REVERB_DELAY:invalid params 3REVERB_WET_MIX:invalid params 3EQ_BAND_INDEX:invalid params 3REVERB_GAIN_ADJUST:invalid params 3REVERB_PRESET:invalid params 3EQ_SINGLE_BAND_FREQ:invalid params 3REVERB_DIFFUSION:invalid params 3REVERB_ROOM_LEVEL:invalid params 3REVERB_ROOM_HF_LEVEL:invalid params 3REVERB_LEVEL:invalid params 3BASS_BOOST_STRENGTH:invalid params 3VIRT STRENGTH:invalid params 3EQ_CONFIG:invalid params 3VIRT OUT_TYPE:invalid params 3REVERB_DECAY_TIME:invalid params 3BASS_BOOST_ENABLE:invalid params 3EQ_ENABLE:invalid params 3REVERB_ENABLE:invalid params 3VIRT ENABLE:invalid params 3BASS_BOOST_MODE:invalid params 3REVERB_MODE:invalid params 3%s invalid params 3%s: invalid params 3VIRT GAIN_ADJUST: invalid params 3VOLUME_GAIN_MASTER: invalid params 3VOLUME_GAIN_2CH: invalid params 3%s Invalid params 3no valid params 3%s: Could not allocate memory for dec params 6%s: reclaimed all bufs 3%s: No free DL buffs 3Invalid vpcm mixer control volte values 3Invalid vpcm mixer control voice values %s: interrupt next track wait queues %s: provided %d bytes isn't enough, needs %d bytes %s: flush strm %d diff BE rates %s: DAI ID %d, Failed to alloc channel handles 3EQ_CONFIG:invalid num of bands high =%d, low=%d session=%s %s: Open QCHAT Substream Id=%s %s: Open VoWLAN Substream Id=%s %s: Open VoLTE Substream Id=%s %s: Open VOICE Substream Id=%s %s: Open VoiceMMode2 Substream Id=%s %s: Open Voice2 Substream Id=%s %s: Open VoiceMMode1 Substream Id=%s %s: Enter, prefix:%s 3%s: Invalid kcontrol name:%s %s: substream->pcm->id:%s %s: %lu new topology %s %s: %lu topology %s %s: Polling for session %d already %s %s: Lab for session %d, stage %d already %s %s: msm_lsm_lab_buffer_alloc failed rc %d for %s enter %s In %s %s: stream %s %s: err copyuser ioctl %s %s: registering new mixer ctl %s %s: Registering new mixer ctl %s 3%s: failed to add ctl %s %s src %s sink %s %s: src %s sink %s 6%s: dev name %s 3%s Device not found stream name %s 3%s: Device not found stream name %s %s: num stream%d, stream name %s %s: invalid DT intf name %s 4%s: Invalid id name %s %s: Data Delay from DT file %s %s: Data Out from DT file %s %s: Header Start Offset from DT file %s %s: Header Num Frame Repeat from DT file %s %s: Group Num Ports from DT file %s %s: Data Align from DT file %s %s: Header Width from DT file %s %s: Clk Rate from DT file %s %s: Tx line from DT file %s %s: Rx line from DT file %s %s: Sync Mode from DT file %s %s: Clk id from DT file %s %s: Sync Src from DT file %s %s: Invert Sync from DT file %s %s: Group ID from DT file %s %s: copy user failed, size %zd %s %s: value for clk attribute not found %s 3%s: Invalid %s %s: stream freed %s %s: Can't find topology for path %d, app %d, acdb_id %d %s %s: FE %d %s %s: err add TX fmt ctl DAI = %s %s: err add RX fmt ctl DAI = %s %s: err add TX vi feed channel ctl DAI = %s %s: err add data format ctrl DAI = %s %s: err add header ctrl DAI = %s %s: err add header type ctrl DAI = %s 3%s: err add config ctl, DAI = %s %s: Instance = %d, Stream ID = %s %s: %s %s, Overwriting channel map control name to: %s %s: dev_name: %s %s, %s 3%s Got RESET EVENTS notification, return error %s: reset events received from ADSP, return error 3%s invalid stream dir 3%s: Invalid params dai driver Failed to register pull mode driver Pull mode driver register %s: enter 3Failed to copy buf to user %s: %s: Failed to copy from user 3%s: error copying mmap_fd from user %s: xrun: further lab to be queued after read from user 3%s :Failed to copy audio from user buffer %s: Invalid pcm buffer release all buffer %s: Release all buffer 3%s: No free Playback buffer 3No valid buffer ASM_DATA_CMDRSP_EOS wake up %s: multi-stage session not supported by adsp %s: Invalid lab buffer returned by dsp %s: wait till all the data is sent to dsp Sending next buffer to dsp %s:writing %d bytes of buffer to dsp %s: voip 3%s: hwdep intf failed to create %s - hwdep 3%s: Could not allocate memory for channel map 3Failed to allocate memory for msm_compr_audio 3%s: err setting custom stereo 4%s: Unknown %s: adsp is down %s: Overrun %s: Underrun 3%s: Got RESET EVENTS notification, return 3invalid direction %s(): set=%d port id=0x%x for dtmf generation %s: Starting LSM client session %s: Stopping LSM client session 3%s no audio client or not an mmap session %s: %s: not supported for multi stage session %s: mmap begin %s: set partial drain as drain %s: last buffer drain %s: zero length buffer drain %s: wake up on drain %s: RUN ack, wake up & continue pending drain 3%s item value is out of range item 3%s: error getting param 3%s: Invalid param 3%s: Invalid substream 3%s: failed to reg phy stream %s:CLOSE:wakeup wait for stream 3msm_transcode_open failed..invalid stream %s: dereg_snd_model successful %s: Invalid cmd for compat_ioctl %s , register new control 3%s: Could not add Compr Audio Effects Control 3%s: Could not add Compr Channel Map Control 3%s: Could not add pcm Channel Map Control 3%s: Could not add Compr ADSP Stream Callback Control 3%s: Could not add pcm ADSP Stream Callback Control 3%s: Could not add Compr event ack Control 3%s: Could not add transcode event ack Control 3%s: Could not add Compr App Type Cfg Control 3%s: Could not add transcode volume Control 3%s: Could not add Compr ADSP Stream Cmd Control 3%s: Could not add pcm ADSP Stream Cmd Control 3%s: Could not add Compr ion fd Control 3%s: Could not add transcode ion fd Control 3%s: audio_client is null 3%s: shared IO buffer is null 3%s runtime or soc_prtd or platform is null 3%s cstream is null 3%s prtd is null 3%s: prtd is null 3%s pdata or ac is null 3%s pdata is null 3%s, dai_data is null 3%s: tp = %pK or tmd = %pK is null %s: end pcm call end voice call %s: Deregistering sound model %s: invalid tx ch mask %s: invalid rx ch mask 3%s: failed to send media format block 3%s, failed to send media format block %s: Ignore sending CMD Format block %s: ignore trigger next track %s: Starting ADM open for loopback 6PARTIAL DRAIN, do not wait for EOS ack 3%s: Invalid params dai %s: DAI ID %d, Failed to alloc sh_ch 3%s: invalid slot map setting %s: Nothing to send, exiting %s: copp idx is invalid, exiting %s: Invalid FE, exiting %s: ASM client already opened, closing %s No mem for mode_8k slot mapping %s No mem for mode_16k slot mapping 3%s: invalid size %d requested, returning 3%s: Invalid command to set config 3%s: Invalid command id: %d to set config invalid MI2S TX sd line config invalid MI2S RX sd line config %s: Default decoder config for %d format: Expect abr_dec_cfg 3%s: cannot get stream app type cfg 3get_shared_pos error or zero period size Pull mode remove 3%s: stream or effects inactive 3%s: stream or dec_params inactive %s BE is not active 3%s: session not active 3%s: No LSM session active 3%s: no device active %s: Moving loopback session to start state 3%s: stream is not in started state next session is already in opened state next session is in opened state %s: out of additional wait for low sample rate %s: Port already started. Dynamic update %s: Notify ASoC to send next playback/Capture 3%s(): fail at getting rate_type write done %s :Read done %s, Only 10ms read, erase 2nd frame 3%s Invalid effects config module %s: Invalid TDM Device ID 0x%x in DT file %s: Device ID missing in DT file %s: RUN ack, continue write cycle 3%s: failed to copy be_dai_name_table %s:DS2 param enable 3IN data not available 3DL data not available 3DTMF detection pkt in Rx dropped, no free node available 3%s: No Caputre data available 3%s: No UL data available %s: dai->id %d closing afe %s, paddr = 0, nothing to unmap/free %s, paddr = 0, nothing to free %s: Invalid MI2S ID %u from Device Tree %s: missing 0x%x in dt node %s: missing %s in dt node 3%s: Could not add hw dep node %s: added child node %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-quant missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-num-slots missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-frame missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-mode missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-auxpcm-interface missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-pcm-dsp-id missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-sync missing in DT node %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-data missing in DT node 3%s: invalid cache device %s: Voice fail to msm_dai_q6_mi2s_dev_probe Pull mode driver probe %s Length is %d and expected is %zd %s array_length is %d, expected is %zd %s: Size mismatch call back size %d actual size %zd %s: %s: copy_from_user failed, size %zd %s: copy from user failed, size %zd 3%s: Copy from user failed, size %zd %s: count = %zd %s: in xrun, count = %zd %s: %s: copy_from_user failed, size = %zd 3%s: Invalid data size: %zd 3%s NULL rtd 3%s: NULL rtd island supported entry not found 3%s: tx slot not found 3%s: rx slot not found 3%s substream not found %s: clk attribute not found 3%s substream or runtime not found 3%s substream runtime not found 3%s: pdata not found %s private_data not found 3%s substream runtime or private_data not found 3EQ_CONFIG:invalid length per band %s Swap channel value:%ld %s: AANC Mux Port %ld %s: status %ld %s: shift %x rshift %x val %ld %s: get value %ld 3%s: invalid ffecns effect value %ld %s: TERT MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: QUAT MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: QUIN MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: PRI MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: SEC MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: INT4 MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: INT0 MI2S Switch enable %ld %s: HFP Switch enable %ld %s: A2DP Switch enable %ld %s: SCO Switch enable %ld %s: FM Switch enable %ld %s: TERT TDM Switch enable %ld %s: TDM Switch enable %ld %s: USB Switch enable %ld 3%s: Invalid arguments sidetone enable %ld %s: LSM enable %ld %s: %s: New event available %ld %s: ffecns effect = %ld %s: msm_ec_ref_bit_format = %ld %s: rec_config_channels = %ld %s: dai_data->status_mask = %ld %s: afe port not started. dai_data->status_mask = %ld 6%s: afe port not started. dai_data->status_mask = %ld %s: afe port not started. status_mask = %ld %s: msm_ec_ref_ch = %ld %s: value = %ld %s: msm_ec_ref_sampling_rate = %ld %s: Volume = %ld %s: Swap channel value: %ld %s: value: %ld %s: afe output bit format : %ld %s: afe input bit format : %ld %s: FE_ID: %d, channel weight %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld 3%s: modified param struct invalid 3%s: data_format invalid 3%s: modified param structure invalid %s slot_mapping_array is not valid %s port_id_array is not valid 3%s EC ref rx %ld not valid 3%s: invalid port id 3%s: Invalid port id 3%s: mixer ctl name=%s, could not derive valid port id 3%s: wrong dai id 3%s: Wrong dai id 3%s: failed to register ion fd 3%s: error copying fd 3%s: error getting fd %s : %s MMAP Data fd %s: Read abort received 3%s: number of app types exceed the max supported %s port id 0x%x not supported %s Port id 0x%x not supported %s: group id 0x%x not supported input mode is not supported %s: Custom tdm header not supported 6%s, device pp param %d not supported %s: AUXPCM id: %d not supported %s: %s: Wait aborted %s: set hwfree_status to started %s: LSM client session started 3%s: Read was interrupted 3%s: playback copy was interrupted %s: wait_for_stream_avail interrupted 3%s: platform data not populated %s: Max Sessions allocated %s: Host PCM memory block allocated %s: Host PCM memory table allocated 3%s: Null channel weightage coefficients passed %s: PCM_TX port already closed %s: PCM_RX port already closed %s(): dai->id %d PCM ports already closed channels %d sample rate %d entered channel %d sample rate %d entered 3OUTPUT data dropped 3UL data dropped %s: wait for buffer to be drained %s: no line is assigned %s: playback stream already opened 3%s: capture stream already opened %s, VHPCM memory allocation/mapping not performed %s %d unload topology failed %s %d load topology failed 3%s: wait_event_timeout failed 6snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list failed 3snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list failed 3%s: EOS wait failed 3AFE unregister for events failed 3afe-pcm:register for events failed %s: ioctl %s failed %s: %s: copy_frm_user failed 3%s: copy_from_user failed %s: %s: copy_from_user failed 3%s: copy to user failed 3%s: Copy to user failed 3%s: Copy from user failed %s: %s: Copy from user failed 6snd_pcm_hw_constraint_integer failed 3snd_pcm_hw_constraint_integer failed 3AFE memory unmap failed 3%s:MSM AFE physical memory allocation failed %s: pcm out open failed 3%s: adm open failed 3%s: ADSP Stream callback Control open failed 3%s: ADSP Stream Cmd Control open failed 3%s: Session transcode loopback open failed %s:afe_set_lpass_clock on TX pcm_src_clk failed %s:afe_set_lpass_clock on RX pcm_src_clk failed 6%s: CMD Format block failed 3%s: CMD Format block failed 3%s:q6asm_async_write failed 3%s: Set IO mode failed %s, kctl add failed 3%s, channel map cntrl add failed 3%s: q6asm_open_read failed 3q6asm read failed 3sending params_id: %d failed 3%s:MSM VOIP dma_alloc failed 3%s:MSM dma_alloc failed 3%s:MSM DTMF dma_alloc failed 3%s, EQ_CONFIG:memory alloc failed 3%s: params memory alloc failed 3%s, params memory alloc failed 3%s: param memory alloc failed 3%s, param memory alloc failed 3%s: client alloc failed 3%s: CMD_EOS failed 3%s: CMD_CLOSE failed 3%s(): mode:%d and format:%u are not matched 3%s: private data null or audio client freed %s: no confidence levels provided %s, Channel map cntrl add %s: Listen app type cntrl add %s: Playback app type cntrl add %s: Capture app type cntrl add %s, Volume cntrl add %s, volume control add %s, Volume control add %s: REVERB_DECAY_HF_RATIO val%d %s: REVERB_ROOM_HF_LEVEL val%d %s: copp_idx=%d %s: AFE Sidetone enable=%d session_id=0x%x ret=%d 3%s: Send SoftPause Param failed ret=%d 3%s: Send SoftVolume Param failed ret=%d 3%s:Failed to configure vocoder, ret=%d 3%s(): fail at configuring vocoder for voip, ret=%d 3%s(): fail at getting max rate, ret=%d 3%s(): fail at getting min rate, ret=%d 3%s:Failed to update AMR rate, ret=%d 3%s(): fail at getting rate_type, ret=%d 3%s(): fail at getting media_type, ret=%d 3%s: get_path_delay failed, ret=%d pcm_irq_pos=%d %s:perf_mode=%d periods=%d 3error creating shared memory err=%d 3error mapping shared memory err=%d 3%s: set param failed with err=%d 3%s: Setting param failed with err=%d %s: Failed to process param, type%d stage=%d err=%d 3%s: Error setting Sound Focus Params, err=%d 3%s: Error getting Sound Focus Params, err=%d 3%s: Error getting Source Tracking Params, err=%d 3%s: Error in deriving port id, err=%d 3%s:Swap_channel failed, err=%d 3%s: Error getting AFE Drift for port %d, err=%d %s:fbytes = %lu: xfer=%d %s:fbytes = %lu: size=%d: xfer=%d %s: pkt_len =%d, frame.pktlen=%d, timestamp=%d %s: mute=%d session_id=%#x ramp_duration=%d %s: mute=%d ramp_duration=%d %s: low_freq=%d high_freq=%d duration=%d gain=%d %s: frame.pktlen=%d 3%s: WRITE FAILED w/ err 0x%x !, paddr 0x%x, byte_offset=%d,copied_total=%llu,token=%d 3%s: Error notification. mask=%d %s:fbytes =%lu: xfer=%d size=%d %s: mute=%d %s(): evrc_min_rate=%d,evrc_max_rate=%d %s: mode=%d, samp_rate=%d %s: tap_point=%d direction=%d sample_rate=%d %s: sample_rate=%d %s: EC Ref media format info set to port_id=%d, num_channels=%d, bits_per_sample=%d, sample_rate=%d %s(): min rate=%d, max rate=%d %s(): mode=%d, playback rate=%d, capture rate=%d %s: rate=%d %s, mode=%d, rate=%u, rate_type=%d %s(): media_type=%d %s: mid=0x%x, pid=0x%x, iid=0x%x, stage_idx=%d, size=0x%x, type=%d %s: enable=%d %s: tty_mode=%d %s: mode=%d 3%s: Could not get copp idx for port_id=%d %s: mixer ctl name=%s, derived port_id=%d %s: Enter, port_id=%d %s: pause call session_id=%d %s:return rc=%d 3%s: send vdhe/vspe params failed with rc=%d 3%s: set custom stereo enable failed with rc=%d 3%s: get parameters failed rc=%d 3%s: send params failed rc=%d 3%s: Send vol gain command failed rc=%d 3%s: Send mute command failed rc=%d 3%s: Send SoftVolume command failed rc=%d 3%s: Send Volume command failed rc=%d %s: failed to add child nodes, rc=%d %s: TDM dai 0x%x register failed, rc=%d %s: auxpcm dai reg failed, rc=%d 3%s: failed, rc=%d node =%d 3%s codec not supported in passthrough,id =%d 3codec not supported, id =%d %s: Register snd Model v2 failed =%d 3%s, no active copp to query rms copp_idx:%d 3%s: adm open failed copp_idx:%d %s: fe_id: %d, fe_idx:%d 3%s, back not active to query rms be_idx:%d %s:REVERB_ENABLE prev:%d,new:%d %s: BASS_BOOST_ENABLE prev:%d new:%d %s: EQ_ENABLE prev:%d new:%d %s:VIRT ENABLE prev:%d, new:%d %s: stop pseudo port:%d %s: stop codec dma port:%d %s: stop AFE port:%d %s: playback_start:%d,capture_start:%d %s:Pause/Stop - playback_start:%d,capture_start:%d %s: EQ_CONFIG bands:%d, pgain:%d, pset:%d 3%s: stream reg failed ret:%d 3%s: afe lpass clock failed, err:%d 3%s: Error retrieving CVD version, error:%d %s:port:%d,be:%d,dev:0x%x,cdev:%d,param:0x%x,len:%d %s: ASM loopback stream:%d %s: end pcm call:%d %s: REVERB_DENSITY val:%d %s: REVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY val:%d %s:REVERB_DELAY val:%d %s: REVERB_WET_MIX val:%d %s: EQ_BAND_INDEX val:%d %s: REVERB_GAIN_ADJUST val:%d %s: VIRT GAIN_ADJUST val:%d %s: REVERB_PRESET val:%d %s: REVERB_DIFFUSION val:%d %s: REVERB_REFLECTIONS_LEVEL val:%d %s: REVERB_ROOM_LEVEL val:%d %s: REVERB_LEVEL val:%d %s: BASS_BOOST_STRENGTH val:%d %s: VIRT OUT_TYPE val:%d %s: REVERB_DECAY_TIME val:%d %s: BASS_BOOST_MODE val:%d %s: REVERB_MODE val:%d %s: EQ_SINGLE_BAND_FREQ idx:%d, val:%d %s app_type:%d mod_id:%d instance_id:%d param_id:%d value:%d %s:dev[0x%x,0x%x],i:%d,active:%d,bypass:%d,type:%d %s: %s lch_mode:%d %s:copp:%ld,idx bit fe:%d,type:%d,be:%d %s: set idx bit of fe:%d, type: %d, be:%d %s: setting idx bit of fe:%d, type: %d, be:%d %s:port:%d cmd:%d 3%s:adm open failed coppid:%d %s: swap channel control of portid:%d, coppid:%d %s: Invalid id:%d %s: dev name %s, id:%d 3%s: dma_buf_get failed, fd:%d 3%s: dma_buf_fd failed, fd:%d 3%s: get parameters failed:%d 3%s: pcm add qtimer controls failed:%d 3%s: pcm add app type controls failed:%d 3%s, add app type controls failed:%d 3%s: pcm add volume controls failed:%d 3%s: pcm add controls failed:%d 3%s: pcm add path latency control failed:%d 3%s: compr stream reg failed:%d 3%s: stream reg failed:%d 3%s, kctl add failed:%d 3%s: q6asm_open_read failed:%d %s: adm channel count %ld for BE:%d 3%s: invalid sess_indx :%d 3%s: invalid tappoint :%d 3%s: invalid direction :%d 3%s: invalid sample rate :%d %s: pcm out open: %d,%d %s: Before adm open topology %d %s: Using topology %d %s: dmid %d license key %d 3%s, unsupported key %d %s: frame_sz %d, sample_rate %d, partial drain delay %d %s: playback ch_max %d capture ch_mx %d 3%s: Invalid backend pp params index %d %s: stream %s index %d %s: devmap index %d 3%s: invalid dev map index %d 3%s: Could not get cal index %d %s: process read done index %d 3%s: Invalid pp params backend index %d 3%s: Invalid Backend index %d 6%s:send cal err %d index %d 6copp_idx %d 3%s:topo list port %d, err %d,copp_idx %d %s: port_id 0x%x copp_idx %d 6%s:bypass interrupted port_id %d copp_idx %d 3%s: Failed to init modules in topolofy for idx %d, device %d, copp_idx %d %s: port_id %d, copp_idx %d %s: port id %d, copp_idx %d %s: dev_map_idx %d %s: cache dev %d, dev_map_idx %d %s: path %d, perf_mode %d, dev_map_idx %d 3%s: invalid param id 0x%x at idx %d %s: not modified at idx %d %s: modified at idx %d 3%s: invalid length %d at idx %d 3%s: No valid calibration data stored for idx %d %s: dev id 0x%x, idx %d %s Group Num Ports %d greater than Max %d %s: pcm dev %d %s: active dev %d 3%s: invalid index for port %d 3%s: Custom stereo err %d on port %d %s: fe_id %d, lsm mux slim port %d 3%s: Device pp params on invalid port %d %s: port_id %d, copp_id %d, forced %d, param_count %d %s:idx %d, active %d, dev id 0x%x ref count %d %s: idx %d, active %d, dev id 0x%x, ref count %d %s: Lab buffer not setup %pK incorrect index %d period count %d %s: channels %d sample rate %d sample size %d buffer size %d period count %d %s: Invalid Params sample rate %d period count %d %s : prtd-> dma_addr 0x%lx dsp_cnt %d %s: invalid ch cnt, pp_ch_cnt %d in_ch_cnt %d %s: Skip ch mixing, pp_ch_cnt %d in_ch_cnt %d 3%s: invalid ch_cnt %d %s: Invalid index %d buf_index max cnt %d 3%s: fmt %d %s: FE_ID %d, output %d input %d weight %d %s: shift 0x%x rshift 0x%x val %ld idx %d reminder shift %d 3%s: port validation failed id 0x%x ret %d 6%s: P buffer bytes minmax constraint ret %d 6%s: C buffer bytes minmax constraint ret %d %s: commit params ret %d %s: out of buffer drain wait with ret %d 6%s: snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list failed ret %d 3%s: get parameters failed ret %d 3%s: send dolby params failed ret %d 6%s: snd_pcm_hw_constraint_integer failed ret %d 3%s: free lab buffer failed ret %d 3%s: alloc lab buffer failed ret %d 3%s volume control failed ret %d 3%s: CMD DSD Format block failed ret %d 3%s: CMD Format block failed ret %d 3%s: CMD IEC61937 Format block failed ret %d %s: stop lab failed ret %d 6%s: trigger SSR ret %d %s: ret %d 3%s: Failed to close pull mode, ret %d %s: invalid format %d 3%s: format %d %s: status %d %s: Invalid apps owned ports %d %s: invalid slots %d 3%s: called in bypass_type %d bypass %d %s: use_gapless_codec_options %d %s: %s: Invalid num_params %d %s: Transcode loopback end:%d, streams %d %s: invalid confidence levels %d 3%s: default err channels %d %s: invalid param channels %d %s: CMD_EOS timeout is %d %s item is %d 3%s: invalid SD lines %d %s: Session_ID = %d, APP ID = %d, Num stages %d %s: EQ #%d bands %d hw_ptr %d appl_ptr %d 3%s: default err %d %s: Failed to configure channel mixer err %d 3%s: error allocating shared mem err %d 3%s: ioctl cmd %d returned err %d 3%s: ioctl cmd %d, returned err %d %s REG_SND_MODEL failed err %d 3%s: store cal data err %d %s: LSM_SET_PARAMS failed, err %d 3copp_idx %d, err %d 3%s: failed to set LB vol for SLIMBUS_7_TX, err %d 3%s, start window can't be set error %d 3%s, end window can't be set error %d 3%s, adjust session clock can't be set error %d 3%s, Render mode can't be set error %d 3%s: Soft volume ret error %d 3%s, clk rec mode can't be set, error %d 3%s: Failed to pack params, error %d 3%s: Failed to pack params for audio sphere strength, error %d 3%s: Failed to pack params for dolby vspe, error %d 3%s: Failed to pack params for dolby vdhe, error %d 6copp_idx %d, error %d %s: stream_id %d bits_per_sample %d compr_passthr %d %s: volume_l %d volume_r %d %s: fe %d, be %d, channel %d, copp %d %s: wait_event_freezable %d event_wait_stop %d 3%s: Invalid channel map %d %s: mode for %d already set to %d %s: setting xt logging disable to %d %s: setting cal_mode to %d %s: added new compr FE ctl with name %s, id %d, cpu dai %s, device no %d %s: added new compr FE with name %s, id %d, cpu dai %s, device no %d %s: added new pcm FE with name %s, id %d, cpu dai %s, device no %d %s: bypass type %d bypass %d custom stereo %d %s: map index %d, custom stereo %d %s: SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_STOP transition %d SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE_PUSH transition %d SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE_RELEASE transition %d %s, enable adjust_session %d %s:is_custom_stereo_on %d %s: port 0x%x, copp_idx %d, is_custom_stereo_on %d avail_min %d %s: fe_id %lu master_gain %d %s: master_gain %d %s: open %d 3no valid params, len %d 3%s: invalid tx num %d 3%s: invalid rx num %d %s enforce ASM bitwidth to %d from %d %s values are out of range item %d 3%s: send cached param %d %s: fe_id %lu left_vol %d right_vol %d 3%s: Could not add pcm topology control %d 3%s: Could not add pcm Compress Control %d 3%s: Could not add pcm playback volume Control %d 3%s: Could not add pcm capture volume Control %d 3%s: Could not add pcm Volume Control %d 3%s: invalid output channel %d 3%s: invalid input channel %d %s: param 0x%x, param val %d %s: use legacy api %d %s: Invalid dai_data for dai %d 6%s: event deleted: type %d length %d %s: event fetched: type %d length %d %s: DAP_CMD_SET_ACTIVE_DEVICE length %d ASM_DATA_EVENT_WRITE_DONE_V2 offset %d, length %d ASM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE_V2 offset %d, length %d %s: off %d, length %d %s: invalid slot_width %d channel %d sample rate %d bit width %d %s: Can't find topology for path %d %s: No volume config for passthrough %d 3format:%u doesn't match %d %s: invalid tx_num_ch %d %s: invalid rx_num_ch %d %s: Failed to set lab out ch cfg %d %s E flag %d 3%s: is_custom_stereo_on %d, flag %d %s: session ID %d, perf %d %s: Invalid param_size %d %s: Allocation failed event status size %d %s: Allocation event user status size %d %s: allocate %d buffers each of size %d %s: %s: Invalid size %d %s: write verify failed size %d %s: copy from user data failed data %pK size %d %s: q6lsm buffer alloc failed V2, size %d 3%s: Invalid mux value %d %s: put value %d %s: trans->source.start %d trans->sink.start %d trans->source.cstream %pK trans->sink.cstream %pK trans->session_state %d %s: Moving loopback session to READY state %d %s: bit_wd[%hu] format[%hu] num_channel %hu sample_rate %d %s: bit_wd[%hu] num_channels [%hu] format[%hu] timing Mode %hu sample_rate %d %s: sample_rate %d %s: fedai_id %llu, session_type %d, be_id %d, app_type %d, acdb_dev_id %d, sample_rate %d %s: fedai_id %d, session_type %d, be_id %d, app_type %d, acdb_dev_id %d, sample_rate %d %s: dev_id[0x%x] bit_wd[%hu] format[%hu] num_channel %hu sample_rate %d %s:slimbus_dev_id[%hu] bit_wd[%hu] format[%hu] num_channel %hu shared_ch_mapping[0] %hu slave_port_mapping[1] %hu slave_port_mapping[2] %hu sample_rate %d %s: invalid param chan %d rate %d %s: Invalid AUX PCM rate %d %s: new state %d, fmt %d, rate %d %s: old state %d, fmt %d, rate %d %s: Invalid rate playback %d, capture %d 3%s: set_param fail for param_type %d %s: Invalid param_type %d %s: port_id 0x%x, mad_type %d 3%s: Invalid port type %d 3%s: Invalid session type %d 3%s: invalid stream type %d 3Invalid Stream type %d 3%s: Invalid cal type %d 3%s Invalid bits per frame %d %s: stream_id %d bits_per_sample %d %s: clk attribute from DT file %d %s: Clk Rate from DT file %d %s: Clk id from DT file %d %s: Buffer found %pK memmap handle %d %s: Do not enable/disable %d %s: param disable %d %s: param enable %d %s: EQ #%d enable %d %s Max slots %d greater than DT node %d %s Opening %d-ch PCM read stream, perf_mode %d %s:gapless mode %d %s: cached param - %pK %pK, cache_device %d %s: cache device %d 3%s: default cmd %d 3%s: cmd %d %s: device id 0x%x all_dev 0x%x port_id %d %s: be port_id %d %s: port_id %d %s: device_id 0x%x, be_id %d, port_id %d %s:CMD_EOS stream_id %d issue CMD_EOS stream_id %d issue CMD_FLUSH stream_id %d issue CMD_PAUSE stream_id %d %s: CMD_CLOSE stream_id %d %s: stream_id %d %s: no dai data found for dai_id %d %s: Invalid dai_data for dai_id %d 3%s: Received out of bounds be_id %d %s: fedai_id %d, session_type %d, be_id %d 3%s: invalid port id %d 3%s: invalid param id 0x%x at id %d %s: ASM_DATA_CMDRSP_EOS token 0x%x,stream id %d %s: DP ctl id %d stream id %d token 0x%x, stream id %d %s: invalid dai id %d %s: No ADM support for fe id %d 3%s: Invalid be id %d 3%s: Error getting backend id %d %s RX DAI ID %d TX DAI id %d %s BE id %d 3%s: unexpected BE id %d %s: BE id %d %s: BE Sample Rate (%d) format (%d) BE id %d msm_pcm_routing_reg_phy_stream w/ id %d 3%s: playback copy was interrupted %d %s: memory allocation for calibration deferred %d %s: LSM client session stopped %d 3%s: Copy to user returned %d 3%s: msm_transcode_playback_stream_app_type_cfg set failed returned %d 3%s: msm_transcode_playback_stream_app_type_cfg get failed returned %d 3%s: msm_pcm_routing_get_stream_app_type_cfg failed returned %d 3%s: msm_pcm_routing_reg_stream_app_type_cfg failed returned %d 3%s: cmd 0x%x failed %d 3%s: Could not add app type controls failed %d 3%s: copy from user failed %d 3%s: adm_send_calibration failed %d 3%s: memory allocation for calibration failed %d %s: register phy compr stream failed %d 3%s: AFE proxy port write failed %d %s: set event mode failed %d 3%s: afe send island mode failed %d 3%s: AFE proxy port read failed %d 3%s: DDP CMD CFG failed %d %s: invalid ch_cnt %d %d 6%s:D_CS i %d,rc %d 3%s: hwdep intf failed to create %s rc %d %s: error in queuing the lab buffer rc %d %s: config mgrport failed rc %d %s:alloc mgrport failed rc %d 3%s: get parameters failed rc %d 3%s: send dolby params failed rc %d %s:define chan failed rc %d %s:query chan handle failed rc %d 6copp_idx %d rc %d 3%s:prtd->stream_available %d, prtd->cmd_interrupt %d rc %d %s: Lab stop failed for session %d rc %d 3%s: DS2 topo_id 0x%x, port %d, CS %d rc %d 6copp idx %d, rc %d 3%s:DS2 topo_id 0x%x, port %d, rc %d 6%s: Set vol port %d copp %d, rc %d 3%s: Unsupported audio codec %d %s: Unsupported metadata %d %s: param_id %d,be_id %d,device_id 0x%x,length %d,data %d %s: bypass %d bypass type %d, data %d %s: DS2_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY %d %s: %s FE %d %s: channel mixer not enabled for FE %d 3%s: invalid FE %d 3%s: Invalid LCH MODE %d %s: DS2_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY_ID %d 3%s: Invalid machine driver ID %d %s: session ID %d invalid device ID %d 3%s: bad MM ID %d 3%s: Invalid FE ID %d 3%s: Invalid BE ID %d %s: center_freq_hz = %d %s: msm_route_ec_ref_rx = %d %s: band_idx = %d 3%s: Invalid idx = %d %s: dma post = %d %s: prtd->out_count = %d %s: sending %d bytes to DSP byte_offset = %d 3constraint for buffer bytes min max ret = %d 6%s: constraint for buffer bytes min max ret = %d 3constraint for buffer bytes step ret = %d 6%s: constraint for buffer bytes step ret = %d 3%s: Constraint for buffer bytes step ret = %d 3constraint for period bytes step ret = %d 6%s: constraint for period bytes step ret = %d 3%s: Constraint for period bytes step ret = %d %s: voc_rec_config_channels = %d, ret = %d %s: msm_ec_ref_bit_format = %d %s: data_format = %d %s: Ignore enc config for unknown format = %d %s: unknown format = %d %s: format = %d pcm_irq_pos = %d %s: fe_id is %d, output channels = %d 3%s: failed to add ctl %s. err = %d 3%s: failed add ctl %s. err = %d 3%s: failed to inform mixer ctl. err = %d 3%s: failed to inform mixer ctrl. err = %d %s: Failed to set params, err = %d %s: Failed to set min_conf_levels, err = %d %s: Failed to get conf_levels, err = %d %s: Failed to set detection event type %s, err = %d %s: Failed to lookup property %s in node %s, err = %d %s: Failed to set custom param, err = %d %s: Failed to set lab_control param, err = %d %s: Failed to set det_mode param, err = %d %s: Failed to set epd param, err = %d %s: Failed to set sound_model, err = %d 3%s: failed to send rtic event ack, err = %d %s: Failed to set poll enable, err = %d 3%s: failed to send stream event cmd, err = %d %s: dealloc mgrport failed, err = %d %s: get_conf_levels failed, err = %d %s: Sound model de-register failed, err = %d %s: session stop failed, err = %d %s: dereg_snd_model failed, err = %d %s: dealloc_ch failed, err = %d %s: slim activate ch failed, err = %d %s: slim_connect_sink failed, ch = %d, err = %d %s: failed to setup dai_data, err = %d %s: failed to register DAI, err = %d %s: q_factor = %d 3%s: No memory for confidence levels num of level from user = %d %s: dai id = 0x%x, group clk_freq = %d %s: filter_gain = %d %s:afe output channel = %d %s:afe input channel = %d %s: service interval = %d %s get ASM bitwidth = %d %s: msm_ec_ref_ch = %d %s: sample_rate = %d channels = %d bps = %d sample_word_size = %d %s: Samp_rate = %d Channel = %d bit width = %d, word size = %d %s: Failed to copy memory with invalid size = %d %s: Generic det event status = %d payload size = %d %s: event detect status = %d payload size = %d %s: ts_msw = %u, ts_lsw = %u, event detect status = %d payload size = %d %s: copy_from_user failed for custom params, size = %d %s: copy_from_user failed for lab_control params, size = %d %s: Failed to copy payload to user, size = %d %s: Failed to verify write, size = %d %s: %s: copy_from_user failed, size = %d 3%s: copy from user failed, size = %d %s: copy_from_user for snd_model failed, size = %d %s: snd_model buf alloc failed, size = %d Size = %d Offset value = %d %s: value = %d %s: val = %d ext_ec_ref_port_id = 0x%0x state = %d %s: msm_ec_ref_sampling_rate = %d %s: tap_point = %d direction = %d sample_rate = %d %s() minor version: %u samplerate: %u bitwidth: %u num_ch = %u channel_allocation = %u datatype = %d %s: filter_type = %d %s: header_type = %d %s: value = %d, channel = %d, line = %d %s: ioctl %s, enable = %d 3%s: dai_data->channels = %d channel_mode = %d %s: Event mode = %d %s:tws channel mode = %d %s: island mode = %d %s: cmd = %d %s: resume call session_id = %d %s: disable = %d, session_id = %d token 0x%x, stream id = %d token = 0x%x, stream id = %d %s: id = %d 3%s: payload_size %d is invalid, max allowed = %d %s: Invalid conf_levels = %d, maximum allowed = %d 3%s: Call to ASM equalizer failed, returned = %d 3Audio Start: Buffer Allocation failed rc = %d 3%s: Send Volume command failed rc = %d 3%s: Queue buffer failed for lab rc = %d 3%s: msm_audio_ion_alloc error, rc = %d %s: ca = %d params_buffer_bytes(params) = %d params_periods(params) = %d params_periodsize(params) = %d %s: dtx: %d %s: port: 0x%x, copp %ld, be active: %d, passt: %d 3%s: platform data not populated ret: %d 3%s: q6asm_open_write_shared_io failed ret: %d %s: calling AFE_PORT_START_V2 with enc_format: %d %s: calling AFE_PORT_START_V2 with dec format: %d 3 %s Invalid arguments: %d 3%s: AFE port read fails: %d %s:updating BE :%d adm channels: %d 3%s: %s is already in use, err: %d 3%s: playback app type cntrl add failed, err: %d 3%s: capture app type cntrl add failed, err: %d 3%s: afe_port_start_v2 failed error: %d %s, additional sleep: %d %s: volume: %d session_id: %#x ramp_duration: %d %s: volume: %d ramp_duration: %d 3%s: Could not get audio client for session: %d %s: VIRT STRENGTH val: %d %s: total packed param length: %d %s: packed data size: %d channel %d entered,dai_id: %d,rate: %d %s: app_type: %d sending frame to DSP: poll_time: %d sending frame rec to DSP: poll_time: %d %s: afe_clk_ver: %d, port_id: %d, enable: %d %s: instance: %d %s: device: %d 3%s: Listen app type cntrl add failed: %d 3%s: playback app type cntrl add failed: %d 3%s: capture app type cntrl add failed: %d %s: no runtime parameters for codec: %d 3%s: invalid num of params:: %d 3%s: Invalid opcode during reset : %d %s: updating afe output bit format : %d %s: updating afe input bit format : %d %s: updating afe output channel : %d %s: updating afe input channel : %d prtd->poll_time : %d %s: afe scrambler mode : %d %s: updating tws channel mode : %d 3%s : init PP params failed : %d 3%s : Set Volume failed : %d Returning from capture_copy... %d %s: fe_id %llu session_type %d be_id %d app_type %d acdb_dev_id %d sample_rate- %d %s: fe_id- %llu session_type- %d be_id- %d app_type- %d acdb_dev_id- %d sample_rate- %d %s: port_id - %d, session id - %d 3%s: q6asm_async_read failed - %d %s: lsm open failed, %d 3%s(): Invalid EVRC min max rates: %d, %d %s: device_id 0x%x, cache_dev %d act %d %s: return %d %s: timestamp = %lld usec %s: unknown sink codec %s: unknown source codec 3%s: NULL pdata %s Failed to allocate memory for tdm dai_data 3%s: NULL pointer sent for cfg_data 3%s: Received NULL pointer for cfg_data 3%s: copy to user failed for data %s: read abort set skip data %s: set session data Failed to allocate memory for platform data DAI-%d: fail to allocate dai data 3%s: Invalid dai data %s:error getting data %s error getting data 3%s: invalid data 3%s: set audio effects failed, no valid data %s:Payload = [0x%x]stat[0x%x] %s: Payload = [0x%x]stat[0x%x] %s: CDC_DMA_%d_ch cnt[%d] ch mask[0x%x] 3%s: Not Supported Event opcode[0x%x] %s:index %d, dev[0x%x,0x%x] %s:index %d, dev [0x%x, 0x%x] %s: params_value [0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x] %s: id = %d fmt[%d] %s: find number of channels[%d] ch[%d] %s: client_size has invalid size[%d] %s: No trailing silence for compress_type[%d] 3%s: No effects for compr_type[%d] %s: No DDP param for compr_type[%d] %s: Reset gapless mode playback for compr_type[%d] %s: Effects supported for compr_type[%d] 3%s:ASM open write err[%d] for compr_type[%d] 3%s:ASM open read err[%d] for compr_type[%d] 3%s:ASM open write err[%d] for compr type[%d] %s:SLIMBUS_%d_TX cnt[%d] ch[%d %d] %s: SLIMBUS_%d_RX cnt[%d] ch[%d %d] 3%s:max modules exp/ret [%d: %d] %s:off %d,val[i/p:o/p]-[%d / %d] %s: DS2_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY ASM_DATA_EVENT_SR_CM_CHANGE_NOTIFY %s: ADM_PP_PARAM_LATENCY %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_APTX 3%s called with invalid control 0x%X %s: SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_START %s: SNDRV_LSM_GENERIC_DET_EVENT %s: %s SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL1_RESET %s: qcom,msm-cpudai-auxpcm-pcm-clk-rate missing in DT 3%s: channel mode setting failed for TWS %s RESET_EVENTS %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_DTS ASM_DATA_EVENT_RENDERED_EOS %s: SNDRV_COMPRESS_DRAIN out of wait for EOS %s: SNDRV_LSM_SET_PARAMS %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_VORBIS 3%s: fail to register dai MI2S fail to open AFE APR 3fail to map memory to DSP %s: SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_STOP %s: Issue Loopback session %d STOP %s: RESET event happened during VoIP %s, VoIP SND_AUDIOCODEC_WMA_PRO %s: reset events received from ADSP, return XRUN %s: Issue Loopback session %d RUN %s: PCM_TX port already ON %s: PCM_RX port already ON %s: SNDRV_COMPRESS_DRAIN %s: SND_COMPR_TRIGGER_PARTIAL_DRAIN 3%s: fail to register dai TDM Source SND_AUDIOCODEC_PCM 3%s: prtd or audio client is NULL %s: %s: prtd->event_status is NULL 3%s: codec_options is NULL 3%s: %s is NULL %s: LSM client data ptr is NULL 3%s: dai or dai->driver is NULL 3%s tp is NULL 3%s: vol->pcm is NULL 3%s: cstream is NULL p_substream is NULL c_substream is NULL 3substream is NULL 3%s: substream is NULL 3%s: vol is NULL %s 8khz slot mapping is NULL %s 16khz slot mapping is NULL p_dma_buf is NULL %s: dma_buf is NULL 3%s:mem_map_handle is NULL 3%s: mem_map_handle is NULL 3%s: soc_prtd is NULL 3%s: prtd is NULL 3%s rtd is NULL 3%s: rtd is NULL 3%s: rtd or payload is NULL 3%s pdata is NULL 3%s: dai_data is NULL 3%s, dai_data is NULL 3%s: platform data is NULL 3%s: hwdep intf failed to create %s- hwdep NULL 3%s: modified_param NULL 3%s: rtd is NULL %s : appl_ptr 0x%lx hw_ptr 0x%lx dest_to_copy 0x%pK %s:appl_ptr 0x%lx hw_ptr 0x%lx src_to_copy 0x%pK Checking if valid buffer is available...%pK 3%s: Invalid params prtd %pK read_done %pK index %pK 3%s: Invalid params prtd %pK lsm client %pK %s: data %pK phys %pK %s: Lab not enabled %d invalid lab buffer %pK 3%s: Invalid param lsm %pK %s: Invalid param %pK %s: ASM client allocated, callback %pK prtd %pK %s: dev %pK, dai_data %pK, auxpcm_pdata %pK %s: endp - %pK %pK %s: add control success plt = %pK %s:buf = %pK %s: SND_COMPR_TRIGGER_NEXT_TRACK %s: rate mismatch of running DAI %s: DTMF %s() DTMF 3%s: fail to register dai SPDIF 3%s: Read count %lu > DTMF_PKT_SIZE 3%s: Read fbytes %lu > VOIP_MAX_VOC_PKT_SIZE 3%s: Write cnt %lu is > VOIP_MAX_VOC_PKT_SIZE 3%s: Read count %lu > HPCM_MAX_VOC_PKT_SIZE 3%s: Write cnt %lu is > HPCM_MAX_VOC_PKT_SIZE %s: ADM_PP_PARAM_MUTE %s: SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE %s: TOPOLOGY_ID_AUDIOSPHERE %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_APE %s: BASS_BOOST_MODULE %s: VIRTUALIZER_MODULE %s: EQ_MODULE %s: SOFT_VOLUME_MODULE %s: PBE_MODULE %s: REVERB_MODULE %s: SOFT_VOLUME2_MODULE %s: PBE_ENABLE %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_BESPOKE %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_DSD %s: DOLBY_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY_ID %s: DS2_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY_ID %s: SRS_TRUMEDIA_TOPOLOGY_ID 3%s: Received NULL pointer for backend ID 3%s: bad MM ID %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_TRUEHD %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_FLAC %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_ALAC SND_AUDIOCODEC_AAC %s: stopping LAB SND_AUDIOCODEC_WMA 3%s: fail to register dai CDC DMA %s: %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_IEC61937 %s: Invalid params event_status_v3 %s: err copyuser event_status_v3 %s: SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS_V3 %s: ASM_SESSION_CMDRSP_GET_SESSIONTIME_V3 SND_AUDIOCODEC_MP3 Source SND_AUDIOCODEC_AC3 Source SND_AUDIOCODEC_EAC3 %s: set session data_v2 ASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_V2 ASM_DATA_EVENT_WRITE_DONE_V2 ASM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE_V2 %s: Registering sound model V2 %s: SND_AUDIOCODEC_MP2 offset %x not multiple of 32 %s:writing %d bytes of buffer to dsp 2 %s: event!=0 3%s: pcm stopped out_count 0 %s: pcm stopped in_count 0 3%s: num devices 0 %s: EINTR reset rc to 0 %s: visualizer called in bypass, return 0 %s: use bypass cache 0 3%s: ASM Stream PP event queue is empty. 3%s: payload length exceeds limit of %u bytes. 6%s: failed to get mixer ctl for %s. 3%s: failed to get kctl %s. Start & Stop Voice call not handled in Trigger. 3%s: kctl_prtd is not NULL at initialization. 3%s: failed to get kctl. 3%s: audio_client is null. 3%s cstream is null. 3%s prtd is null. 3%s: prtd is null. 3%s: snd_card is null. %s: %d remaining events after del. %s: %d events in queue. 3wrong mode type. 6%s: queue of size %d is full. delete oldest one. 3%s: buffer index %u is out of range. %s: ASM Stream PP event queue is not initialized. 3%s: event queue is not initialized. 3%s: event_data size of %x is less than expected. %s: dai id (%d) has already prepared. 3wrong rate for 4GV_NW. 3%s: substream is NULL. c_dma_buf is NULL. 3wrong rate for AMR_WB. 3wrong rate for IS127/4GV_NB/WB. 3wrong rate for AMR NB. %s: ASM_STREAM_EVENT(0x%x) %s: ASM_STREAM_EVENT (0x%x) %s: additional wait interrupted by flush) %s: buffer drain interrupted by flush) %s: %s: Invalid data_size(%u) against expected(%zd) %s: Unsupported number of stages req(%d)/max(%d) %s: invalid stage_idx(%d) for client(%p) having num_stages(%d) %s: FE[%d] session[%d] BE[%d] acdb_id(%d) 3%s: Invalid channel config (%d) %s: leave (%d) 3%s: q6asm_open_write failed (%d) 3%s: q6asm_open_write_compressed failed (%d) 3%s: arg (0x%pK), prtd (0x%pK) %s: voice module not initialized yet, deferring probe() ALSA: too long item name '%s' %s: '%d' 3%s: could not create cal type! %s: Compressed enabled! 3%s: cal_utils_set_cal failed, ret = %d, cal type = %d! 3%s: could not init cal data! 3%s: dai not found!! msm_audio_effects_is_effmodule_supp_in_topmsm_audio_effects_virtualizer_handlermsm_audio_effects_reverb_handlermsm_audio_effects_bass_boost_handlermsm_audio_effects_pbe_handlermsm_audio_effects_popless_eq_handlermsm_audio_effects_volume_handler_v2msm_pcm_routing_send_chmix_cfgmsm_pcm_routing_reg_stream_app_type_cfgmsm_pcm_routing_get_stream_app_type_cfgmsm_pcm_routing_get_pp_ch_cntmsm_qti_pp_send_chmix_cfg_cmdN9C]t/Hax(?d,BLuj(  euIU  uu   BdE$YzQZN]f 2;DFKMQSVX_mv @J !'4:@FLRX^d!1Vk|"&9<?Pcf{5 <L 2 M b   # , A D K S U Y f   - 6 : [ i v   D I ] <@GK,P>tbE.wbjp ~ S } D `   v  2 ? }   < , `  " ( H N + /  D l %EWz9<zBW}&hlrv _c''''''' ((#(L@fYu\   , 8 I M ++{( (()q)w)>),A Pwi@GN<@FJW% n < ]  ,;MM W f d+ 5<Tx %5EQbg  -4}  re]nq  xz,@EHRDHi Qy&phzIZ]d+>bbsx (;.6bp <$YzgVVqrq~GWZ0 ?Stz~6L5rZm&GZmU^(.:'+1=}[f}Rk~U!P[^9\/G_dRyAV#3 - \_j____ab2b__ ( a3 ? 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96.compoundliteral.1297.compoundliteral.1298.compoundliteral.1299.compoundliteral.1300.compoundliteral.1301.compoundliteral.1302.compoundliteral.1303.compoundliteral.1304.compoundliteral.1305.compoundliteral.1306.compoundliteral.1307.compoundliteral.1308.compoundliteral.1309.compoundliteral.1310.compoundliteral.1311.compoundliteral.1312.compoundliteral.1313.compoundliteral.1314.compoundliteral.1315.compoundliteral.1316.compoundliteral.1317.compoundliteral.1318.compoundliteral.1319.compoundliteral.1320.compoundliteral.1321.compoundliteral.1322.compoundliteral.1323.compoundliteral.1324.compoundliteral.1325.compoundliteral.1326.compoundliteral.1327.compoundliteral.1328.compoundliteral.1329.compoundliteral.1330.compoundliteral.1331.compoundliteral.1332.compoundliteral.1333.compoundliteral.1334.compoundliteral.1335.compoundliteral.1336.compoundliteral.1337.compoundliteral.1338.compoundliteral.1339.compoundliteral.1340.compoundliteral.1341.compoundliteral.1342mmul5_mixer_controls.compoundliteral.1343.compoundliteral.1344.compoundliteral.1345.compoundliteral.1346.compoundliteral.1347.compoundliteral.1348.compoundliteral.1349.compoundliteral.1350.compoundliteral.1351.compoundliteral.1352.compoundliteral.1353.compoundliteral.1354.compoundliteral.1355.compoundliteral.1356.compoundliteral.1357.compoundliteral.1358.compoundliteral.1359.compoundliteral.1360.compoundliteral.1361.compoundliteral.1362.compoundliteral.1363.compoundliteral.1364.compoundliteral.1365.compoundliteral.1366.compoundliteral.1367.compoundliteral.1368.compoundliteral.1369.compoundliteral.1370.compoundliteral.1371.compoundliteral.1372.compoundliteral.1373.compoundliteral.1374.compoundliteral.1375.compoundliteral.1376.compoundliteral.1377.compoundliteral.1378.compoundliteral.1379.compoundliteral.1380.compoundliteral.1381.compoundliteral.1382.compoundliteral.1383.compoundliteral.1384.compoundliteral.1385.compoundliteral.1386.compoundliteral.1387.compoundliteral.1388.compoundliteral.1389.compoundliteral.1390.compoundliteral.1391.compoundliteral.1392.compoundliteral.1393.compoundliteral.1394.compoundliteral.1395.compoundliteral.1396mmul6_mixer_controls.compoundliteral.1397.compoundliteral.1398.compoundliteral.1399.compoundliteral.1400.compoundliteral.1401.compoundliteral.1402.compoundliteral.1403.compoundliteral.1404.compoundliteral.1405.compoundliteral.1406.compoundliteral.1407.compoundliteral.1408.compoundliteral.1409.compoundliteral.1410.compoundliteral.1411.compoundliteral.1412.compoundliteral.1413.compoundliteral.1414.compoundliteral.1415.compoundliteral.1416.compoundliteral.1417.compoundliteral.1418.compoundliteral.1419.compoundliteral.1420.compoundliteral.1421.compoundliteral.1422.compoundliteral.1423.compoundliteral.1424.compoundliteral.1425.compoundliteral.1426.compoundliteral.1427.compoundliteral.1428.compoundliteral.1429.compoundliteral.1430.compoundliteral.1431.compoundliteral.1432.compoundliteral.1433.compoundliteral.1434.compoundliteral.1435.compoundliteral.1436.compoundliteral.1437.compoundliteral.1438.compoundliteral.1439.compoundliteral.1440.compoundliteral.1441.compoundliteral.1442.compoundliteral.1443.compoundliteral.1444mmul8_mixer_controls.compoundliteral.1445.compoundliteral.1446.compoundliteral.1447.compoundliteral.1448.compoundliteral.1449.compoundliteral.1450.compoundliteral.1451.compoundliteral.1452.compoundliteral.1453.compoundliteral.1454.compoundliteral.1455.compoundliteral.1456.compoundliteral.1457.compoundliteral.1458.compoundliteral.1459.compoundliteral.1460.compoundliteral.1461.compoundliteral.1462.compoundliteral.1463.compoundliteral.1464.compoundliteral.1465.compoundliteral.1466.compoundliteral.1467.compoundliteral.1468.compoundliteral.1469.compoundliteral.1470.compoundliteral.1471.compoundliteral.1472.compoundliteral.1473.compoundliteral.1474.compoundliteral.1475.compoundliteral.1476.compoundliteral.1477.compoundliteral.1478.compoundliteral.1479.compoundliteral.1480.compoundliteral.1481.compoundliteral.1482.compoundliteral.1483.compoundliteral.1484.compoundliteral.1485.compoundliteral.1486.compoundliteral.1487.compoundliteral.1488.compoundliteral.1489.compoundliteral.1490.compoundliteral.1491.compoundliteral.1492.compoundliteral.1493.compoundliteral.1494mmul9_mixer_controls.compoundliteral.1495.compoundliteral.1496.compoundliteral.1497.compoundliteral.1498.compoundliteral.1499.compoundliteral.1500.compoundliteral.1501.compoundliteral.1502.compoundliteral.1503.compoundliteral.1504.compoundliteral.1505.compoundliteral.1506.compoundliteral.1507.compoundliteral.1508.compoundliteral.1509.compoundliteral.1510.compoundliteral.1511.compoundliteral.1512.compoundliteral.1513.compoundliteral.1514.compoundliteral.1515.compoundliteral.1516.compoundliteral.1517.compoundliteral.1518.compoundliteral.1519.compoundliteral.1520.compoundliteral.1521.compoundliteral.1522.compoundliteral.1523.compoundliteral.1524.compoundliteral.1525.compoundliteral.1526.compoundliteral.1527.compoundliteral.1528mmul10_mixer_controls.compoundliteral.1529.com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