ELF@@;google,pixel-em%d3pixel-em: Invalid CPU specified on line '%s'! profiles3pixel-em: Could not find cpufreq policy for CPU %d! idle_power3pixel-em: Failed to create profiles sysfs folder! 3pixel-em: Invalid character '%c' in profile name! 3pixel-em: Cannot update incompatible profiles (different CPU freqs)! 3pixel-em: Cannot update incompatible profiles (different num_clusters)! 3pixel-em: Cannot update incompatible profiles (different num_opps)! 6pixel-em: Registered! :D 3pixel-em: Empty profile name! 6pixel-em: Pixel idle em not generated! 3pixel-em: Error: no CPU id specified before parsing '%s'! 6pixel-em: Successfully parsed idle em! pixel_em3pixel-em: Non-ascending frequency in profile (freq: %u KHz)! cpu%d { &sysfs_lock3pixel-em: Sysfs nodes already initialized! 3pixel-em: Non-ascending power in profile (power: %u mW)! 3pixel-em: Illegal freq/power combination specified: %u, %u. 6pixel-em: Switching to profile %s... 6pixel-em: Successfully created/updated profile '%s'! 3pixel-em: Error when parsing '%s'! } 3pixel-em: Could not find OPP for CPU %d, freq %u in idle em! 3pixel-em: Error when registering driver! 3pixel-em: Error parsing profile #%d. 6pixel-em: Publishing EM profile to vh_sched! %u %d %d %u %u %u6pixel-em: Publishing EM profile to exynos_cpu_cooling! cpu 3pixel-em: Failed to create profile file for '%s'! 3pixel-em: Non-ascending capacity in profile (capacity: %u)! pixel-em6pixel-em: Loading %d profile(s). 6pixel-em: Updating profile %s... 3pixel-em: Illegal freq/cap/power combination specified: %u, %u, %u. default3pixel-em: Error retrieving profile #%d. %u %u3pixel-em: Could not find OPP for CPU %d, freq %u in profile '%s'! 6pixel-em: Publishing EM profile to exynos acme! 3pixel-em: Failed to create primary sysfs folder! 6pixel-em: Unregistered! :( &profile_list_lockactive_profile6pixel-em: Pixel idle em not parsed! %s write_profile3pixel-em: Failed to create write_profile file! 3pixel-em: Failed to create active_profile file! 3pixel-em: Cannot update incompatible profiles (different CPU masks)! ?#Ո҈$ȇhVT҈$ȇhVTH蹮ȉmT[hT葐UTÇ('T ?T#( ȓ T#__$?#@9#qCT_@*?#C{og_WOA8B!B!B@4CR _ @(ʨ5w2kT* 7 RR@ R }ɛ !.TR}@RR @h4*R_@(ʨ(4CR@#9@6@BH@kT@h#( `B!#46@}@U6u@|@R9R{  }R } H @ ~ ) š C @9H4qTbR4^)1 TcSq TB)B 4( 4^@*?qK?qkT,Rk}F!@J_ @TQ52 @OQ}: Aip1zk1 ?HAzKTRR}iqk@T1b_aTS!qT^!qT.qT(R@#6 @q? ET @@@5  **@(@ @!5@!`54*  A8B_ T*OHWG_FgEoD{CC#_`B!* 7**w4*9Z`BC#R*`7_qTkTs****Y?#{*{#_?#{ WO`@!`@!@@T@aT@`@@h@qTRw@jvj6hb T`@` @ @OCWB{Ĩ#_?#{WO@*6i"@(  IR  h&a @@` @ `@h"@qTRv@juj5h"b T`@`@OBWA{è#_?#{ O***`~@ @OB{è#_?#C{og_WO*A8B~@RC!1@904(RRhh8a4* JQ_iqCT*Q_)qT?|qT?q`Tutt.*@@T@ 4@AT.(RR}RZ )(h|@}) š# @)( C` @9H4qTbR 4^ 1)TcSC q'TB)@(4(4c(4^"@*?qK?qkT,Rk}F!@J_ @TP5 @ AOQ}9/jozk HAzKTRR} jpkTb_aTS!qA!T^!q#T@"@?qKT@7R RJ_ '`TH-  @ q+TM- ѭ @B*_?kT_A^k T@^kITaAT *]7 *W7*7"@qK T@qT* y**-R ^_^CQ1QJ.1.@1@_kJk !T_ kJT Rm%  ˭A_AQ=,@_kJkT Ri% -@qKT-!R@inVSi.@in i.a/T"@k(jT@@)4 4**R"@?k TqT *)Jlk*T@}@@l,}  @@kTp }ipipQJq 5qkTAA@@jh!jh_kT11@@@1 @0 @@1a @0 T"@ @aT7@ A8B_ T*OHWG_FgEoD{CC#_@ ** ?#C{C_WOA8BRR@ R`  R }ɛh" TR}`@RR`@h4*R@@((4Rh@"66~@B@kThB#( ssRh@"4 @q ET`@u@t@A8B@ aTODWC_B{AC#_?#{ ORR@` i@6R   y`@(5*@6uR*`OB @{è#_a@` @ ?#C{og_WOA8B @h"@q+ T{Zh@ RR5! @iAQ%*  >@@kTqTh[`i4@ RCQ})i@#ih@kT|qTh[`_ i: @R@@@h")? T*A8B_ aTOHWG_FgEoD{CC#_@*?#{og_WO8@*@B*#@|@qKT *# 9?*T@):}R*@ ) @?qT)<}* @@) @@ {Zc )  TOEWD_CgBoA{ƨ#_?#{WO @Rh{T @ R) @Qk)Y`}*@5ikihl }ʛh  TR}` ` @qT)R@Jih h(@k @JkJ@j @k @JkJ @j j @JK@k}k ֚K ? T` @)a ROBWA{è#_* @*?#{ * @!|@ @{¨#_?#{WOR` @9I4?)qT @95t'9**@T@ 4@ATu~@OBWA{è#__$?#{WO@qTRv@juj5hb T`@` @OBWA{è#__$_$_$_$_$_$_$_$?#{!4*{#_?#{{#_license=GPL v2author=Vincent Palomaresdescription=Pixel Energy Model Driververmagic=5.10.209-android13-4-g92e94fca2f15-ab12318583 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64name=pixel_emintree=Ydepends=exynos-acme,gs_thermal,vh_schedalias=of:N*T*Cgoogle,pixel-emalias=of:N*T*Cgoogle,pixel-emC*scmversion=g92e94fca2f15Linuxpixel_emmodule_layout ѩ__stack_chk_failӅ3-system_wqfreq_scaleQzkernel_kobj(__per_cpu_offsetNcpu_scaleD'kmalloc_caches}nr_cpu_ids0~__cpu_possible_mask($pexynos_acme_pixel_em_profile"exynos_cpu_cooling_pixel_em_profilen-vendor_sched_pixel_em_profilew=vendor_sched_pixel_idle_emSwqueue_work_ont_raw_spin_unlock_raw_spin_lockfcpufreq_cpu_putH<vh_arch_set_freq_scale_pixel_mod|A|cpufreq_cpu_getxof_property_read_string_helperh__list_add_valid sysfs_emit_atޓsysfs_create_file_ns%kobject_create_and_addnsscanfTstrncasecmpskip_spacesl߅strsepe5of_property_read_stringE:#__kmallocOxkkmem_cache_alloc_tracecpumask_next9-kstrdupUrS__list_del_entry_validZ%strcmp zkfreekstrndup/]mutex_unlockasysfs_emita=mutex_lock_nestedZsysfs_remove_file_nsC\kobject_putѣfind_next_bit,em_cpu_get`Ϙstrlen__mutex_initprintkb__platform_driver_registerGNUu ~P$> m:mq(}P2