/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_EFFECTBUNDLE_H_ #define ANDROID_EFFECTBUNDLE_H_ #include <audio_effects/effect_bassboost.h> #include <audio_effects/effect_equalizer.h> #include <audio_effects/effect_virtualizer.h> #include <LVM.h> #include <limits.h> #define FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS 5 #define MAX_NUM_BANDS 5 #define MAX_CALL_SIZE 256 #define LVM_MAX_SESSIONS 32 #define LVM_UNUSED_SESSION INT_MAX #define BASS_BOOST_CUP_LOAD_ARM9E 150 // Expressed in 0.1 MIPS #define VIRTUALIZER_CUP_LOAD_ARM9E 120 // Expressed in 0.1 MIPS #define EQUALIZER_CUP_LOAD_ARM9E 220 // Expressed in 0.1 MIPS #define VOLUME_CUP_LOAD_ARM9E 0 // Expressed in 0.1 MIPS #define BUNDLE_MEM_USAGE 25 // Expressed in kB #ifndef OPENSL_ES_H_ static const effect_uuid_t SL_IID_VOLUME_ = { 0x09e8ede0, 0xddde, 0x11db, 0xb4f6, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}}; const effect_uuid_t* const SL_IID_VOLUME = &SL_IID_VOLUME_; #endif // OPENSL_ES_H_ typedef enum { LVM_BASS_BOOST, LVM_VIRTUALIZER, LVM_EQUALIZER, LVM_VOLUME } lvm_effect_en; // Preset configuration. struct PresetConfig { // Human-readable name. const char* name; // An array of size nBands where each element is a configuration for the // corresponding band. // const BandConfig * bandConfigs; }; /* BundledEffectContext : One per session */ struct BundledEffectContext { LVM_Handle_t hInstance; /* Instance handle */ int SessionNo; /* Current session number */ int SessionId; /* Current session id */ bool bVolumeEnabled; /* Flag for Volume */ bool bEqualizerEnabled; /* Flag for EQ */ bool bBassEnabled; /* Flag for Bass */ bool bBassTempDisabled; /* Flag for Bass to be re-enabled */ bool bVirtualizerEnabled; /* Flag for Virtualizer */ bool bVirtualizerTempDisabled; /* Flag for effect to be re-enabled */ audio_devices_t nOutputDevice; /* Output device for the effect */ audio_devices_t nVirtualizerForcedDevice; /* Forced device virtualization mode*/ int NumberEffectsEnabled; /* Effects in this session */ int NumberEffectsCalled; /* Effects called so far */ bool firstVolume; /* No smoothing on first Vol change */ // Saved parameters for each effect */ // Bass Boost int BassStrengthSaved; /* Conversion between Get/Set */ // Equalizer int CurPreset; /* Current preset being used */ // Virtualzer int VirtStrengthSaved; /* Conversion between Get/Set */ // Volume int levelSaved; /* for when mute is set, level must be saved */ int positionSaved; bool bMuteEnabled; /* Must store as mute = -96dB level */ bool bStereoPositionEnabled; LVM_Fs_en SampleRate; int SamplesPerSecond; int SamplesToExitCountEq; int SamplesToExitCountBb; int SamplesToExitCountVirt; effect_buffer_t* workBuffer; int frameCount; int32_t bandGaindB[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS]; int volume; LVM_INT32 ChMask; /* Bitmask whether drain is in progress due to disabling the effect. The corresponding bit to an effect is set by 1 << lvm_effect_en. */ int effectInDrain; /* Bitmask whether process() was called for a particular effect. The corresponding bit to an effect is set by 1 << lvm_effect_en. */ int effectProcessCalled; }; /* SessionContext : One session */ struct SessionContext { bool bBundledEffectsEnabled; bool bVolumeInstantiated; bool bEqualizerInstantiated; bool bBassInstantiated; bool bVirtualizerInstantiated; BundledEffectContext* pBundledContext; }; struct EffectContext { const struct effect_interface_s* itfe; effect_config_t config; lvm_effect_en EffectType; BundledEffectContext* pBundledContext; }; /* enumerated parameter settings for Volume effect */ typedef enum { VOLUME_PARAM_LEVEL, // type SLmillibel = typedef SLuint16 (set & get) VOLUME_PARAM_MAXLEVEL, // type SLmillibel = typedef SLuint16 (get) VOLUME_PARAM_MUTE, // type SLboolean = typedef SLuint32 (set & get) VOLUME_PARAM_ENABLESTEREOPOSITION, // type SLboolean = typedef SLuint32 (set & get) VOLUME_PARAM_STEREOPOSITION, // type SLpermille = typedef SLuint16 (set & get) } t_volume_params; static const int PRESET_CUSTOM = -1; static const uint32_t bandFreqRange[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS][2] = {{30000, 120000}, {120001, 460000}, {460001, 1800000}, {1800001, 7000000}, {7000001, 20000000}}; // Note: If these frequencies change, please update LimitLevel values accordingly. static const LVM_UINT16 EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[] = {60, /* Frequencies in Hz */ 230, 910, 3600, 14000}; static const LVM_UINT16 EQNB_5BandPresetsQFactors[] = {96, /* Q factor multiplied by 100 */ 96, 96, 96, 96}; static const LVM_INT16 EQNB_5BandNormalPresets[] = {3, 0, 0, 0, 3, /* Normal Preset */ 8, 5, -3, 5, 6, /* Classical Preset */ 15, -6, 7, 13, 10, /* Dance Preset */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* Flat Preset */ 6, -2, -2, 6, -3, /* Folk Preset */ 8, -8, 13, -1, -4, /* Heavy Metal Preset */ 10, 6, -4, 5, 8, /* Hip Hop Preset */ 8, 5, -4, 5, 9, /* Jazz Preset */ -6, 4, 9, 4, -5, /* Pop Preset */ 10, 6, -1, 8, 10}; /* Rock Preset */ static const LVM_INT16 EQNB_5BandSoftPresets[] = {3, 0, 0, 0, 3, /* Normal Preset */ 5, 3, -2, 4, 4, /* Classical Preset */ 6, 0, 2, 4, 1, /* Dance Preset */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* Flat Preset */ 3, 0, 0, 2, -1, /* Folk Preset */ 4, 1, 9, 3, 0, /* Heavy Metal Preset */ 5, 3, 0, 1, 3, /* Hip Hop Preset */ 4, 2, -2, 2, 5, /* Jazz Preset */ -1, 2, 5, 1, -2, /* Pop Preset */ 5, 3, -1, 3, 5}; /* Rock Preset */ static const PresetConfig gEqualizerPresets[] = {{"Normal"}, {"Classical"}, {"Dance"}, {"Flat"}, {"Folk"}, {"Heavy Metal"}, {"Hip Hop"}, {"Jazz"}, {"Pop"}, {"Rock"}}; /* The following tables have been computed using the actual levels measured by the output of * white noise or pink noise (IEC268-1) for the EQ and BassBoost Effects. These are estimates of * the actual energy that 'could' be present in the given band. * If the frequency values in EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies change, these values might need to be * updated. */ static const float LimitLevel_bandEnergyCoefficient[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS] = {7.56, 9.69, 9.59, 7.37, 2.88}; static const float LimitLevel_bandEnergyCrossCoefficient[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS - 1] = {126.0, 115.0, 125.0, 104.0}; static const float LimitLevel_bassBoostEnergyCrossCoefficient[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS] = { 221.21, 208.10, 28.16, 0.0, 0.0}; static const float LimitLevel_bassBoostEnergyCoefficient = 9.00; static const float LimitLevel_virtualizerContribution = 1.9; #endif /*ANDROID_EFFECTBUNDLE_H_*/