/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "BufferPoolAccessor1.0" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include "AccessorImpl.h" #include "Connection.h" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace media { namespace bufferpool { namespace V1_0 { namespace implementation { namespace { static constexpr int64_t kCleanUpDurationUs = 500000; // TODO tune 0.5 sec static constexpr int64_t kLogDurationUs = 5000000; // 5 secs static constexpr size_t kMinAllocBytesForEviction = 1024*1024*15; static constexpr size_t kMinBufferCountForEviction = 40; } // Buffer structure in bufferpool process struct InternalBuffer { BufferId mId; size_t mOwnerCount; size_t mTransactionCount; const std::shared_ptr<BufferPoolAllocation> mAllocation; const size_t mAllocSize; const std::vector<uint8_t> mConfig; InternalBuffer( BufferId id, const std::shared_ptr<BufferPoolAllocation> &alloc, const size_t allocSize, const std::vector<uint8_t> &allocConfig) : mId(id), mOwnerCount(0), mTransactionCount(0), mAllocation(alloc), mAllocSize(allocSize), mConfig(allocConfig) {} const native_handle_t *handle() { return mAllocation->handle(); } }; struct TransactionStatus { TransactionId mId; BufferId mBufferId; ConnectionId mSender; ConnectionId mReceiver; BufferStatus mStatus; int64_t mTimestampUs; bool mSenderValidated; TransactionStatus(const BufferStatusMessage &message, int64_t timestampUs) { mId = message.transactionId; mBufferId = message.bufferId; mStatus = message.newStatus; mTimestampUs = timestampUs; if (mStatus == BufferStatus::TRANSFER_TO) { mSender = message.connectionId; mReceiver = message.targetConnectionId; mSenderValidated = true; } else { mSender = -1LL; mReceiver = message.connectionId; mSenderValidated = false; } } }; // Helper template methods for handling map of set. template<class T, class U> bool insert(std::map<T, std::set<U>> *mapOfSet, T key, U value) { auto iter = mapOfSet->find(key); if (iter == mapOfSet->end()) { std::set<U> valueSet{value}; mapOfSet->insert(std::make_pair(key, valueSet)); return true; } else if (iter->second.find(value) == iter->second.end()) { iter->second.insert(value); return true; } return false; } template<class T, class U> bool erase(std::map<T, std::set<U>> *mapOfSet, T key, U value) { bool ret = false; auto iter = mapOfSet->find(key); if (iter != mapOfSet->end()) { if (iter->second.erase(value) > 0) { ret = true; } if (iter->second.size() == 0) { mapOfSet->erase(iter); } } return ret; } template<class T, class U> bool contains(std::map<T, std::set<U>> *mapOfSet, T key, U value) { auto iter = mapOfSet->find(key); if (iter != mapOfSet->end()) { auto setIter = iter->second.find(value); return setIter != iter->second.end(); } return false; } uint32_t Accessor::Impl::sSeqId = time(nullptr); Accessor::Impl::Impl( const std::shared_ptr<BufferPoolAllocator> &allocator) : mAllocator(allocator) {} Accessor::Impl::~Impl() { } ResultStatus Accessor::Impl::connect( const sp<Accessor> &accessor, sp<Connection> *connection, ConnectionId *pConnectionId, const QueueDescriptor** fmqDescPtr) { sp<Connection> newConnection = new Connection(); ResultStatus status = ResultStatus::CRITICAL_ERROR; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mBufferPool.mMutex); if (newConnection) { int32_t pid = getpid(); ConnectionId id = (int64_t)pid << 32 | sSeqId; status = mBufferPool.mObserver.open(id, fmqDescPtr); if (status == ResultStatus::OK) { newConnection->initialize(accessor, id); *connection = newConnection; *pConnectionId = id; mBufferPool.mConnectionIds.insert(id); if (sSeqId == UINT32_MAX) { sSeqId = 0; } else { ++sSeqId; } } } mBufferPool.processStatusMessages(); mBufferPool.cleanUp(); } return status; } ResultStatus Accessor::Impl::close(ConnectionId connectionId) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mBufferPool.mMutex); mBufferPool.processStatusMessages(); mBufferPool.handleClose(connectionId); mBufferPool.mObserver.close(connectionId); // Since close# will be called after all works are finished, it is OK to // evict unused buffers. mBufferPool.cleanUp(true); return ResultStatus::OK; } ResultStatus Accessor::Impl::allocate( ConnectionId connectionId, const std::vector<uint8_t>& params, BufferId *bufferId, const native_handle_t** handle) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mBufferPool.mMutex); mBufferPool.processStatusMessages(); ResultStatus status = ResultStatus::OK; if (!mBufferPool.getFreeBuffer(mAllocator, params, bufferId, handle)) { lock.unlock(); std::shared_ptr<BufferPoolAllocation> alloc; size_t allocSize; status = mAllocator->allocate(params, &alloc, &allocSize); lock.lock(); if (status == ResultStatus::OK) { status = mBufferPool.addNewBuffer(alloc, allocSize, params, bufferId, handle); } ALOGV("create a buffer %d : %u %p", status == ResultStatus::OK, *bufferId, *handle); } if (status == ResultStatus::OK) { // TODO: handle ownBuffer failure mBufferPool.handleOwnBuffer(connectionId, *bufferId); } mBufferPool.cleanUp(); return status; } ResultStatus Accessor::Impl::fetch( ConnectionId connectionId, TransactionId transactionId, BufferId bufferId, const native_handle_t** handle) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mBufferPool.mMutex); mBufferPool.processStatusMessages(); auto found = mBufferPool.mTransactions.find(transactionId); if (found != mBufferPool.mTransactions.end() && contains(&mBufferPool.mPendingTransactions, connectionId, transactionId)) { if (found->second->mSenderValidated && found->second->mStatus == BufferStatus::TRANSFER_FROM && found->second->mBufferId == bufferId) { found->second->mStatus = BufferStatus::TRANSFER_FETCH; auto bufferIt = mBufferPool.mBuffers.find(bufferId); if (bufferIt != mBufferPool.mBuffers.end()) { mBufferPool.mStats.onBufferFetched(); *handle = bufferIt->second->handle(); return ResultStatus::OK; } } } mBufferPool.cleanUp(); return ResultStatus::CRITICAL_ERROR; } void Accessor::Impl::cleanUp(bool clearCache) { // transaction timeout, buffer cacheing TTL handling std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mBufferPool.mMutex); mBufferPool.processStatusMessages(); mBufferPool.cleanUp(clearCache); } Accessor::Impl::Impl::BufferPool::BufferPool() : mTimestampUs(getTimestampNow()), mLastCleanUpUs(mTimestampUs), mLastLogUs(mTimestampUs), mSeq(0) {} // Statistics helper template<typename T, typename S> int percentage(T base, S total) { return int(total ? 0.5 + 100. * static_cast<S>(base) / total : 0); } Accessor::Impl::Impl::BufferPool::~BufferPool() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex); ALOGD("Destruction - bufferpool %p " "cached: %zu/%zuM, %zu/%d%% in use; " "allocs: %zu, %d%% recycled; " "transfers: %zu, %d%% unfetched", this, mStats.mBuffersCached, mStats.mSizeCached >> 20, mStats.mBuffersInUse, percentage(mStats.mBuffersInUse, mStats.mBuffersCached), mStats.mTotalAllocations, percentage(mStats.mTotalRecycles, mStats.mTotalAllocations), mStats.mTotalTransfers, percentage(mStats.mTotalTransfers - mStats.mTotalFetches, mStats.mTotalTransfers)); } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::handleOwnBuffer( ConnectionId connectionId, BufferId bufferId) { bool added = insert(&mUsingBuffers, connectionId, bufferId); if (added) { auto iter = mBuffers.find(bufferId); iter->second->mOwnerCount++; } insert(&mUsingConnections, bufferId, connectionId); return added; } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::handleReleaseBuffer( ConnectionId connectionId, BufferId bufferId) { bool deleted = erase(&mUsingBuffers, connectionId, bufferId); if (deleted) { auto iter = mBuffers.find(bufferId); iter->second->mOwnerCount--; if (iter->second->mOwnerCount == 0 && iter->second->mTransactionCount == 0) { mStats.onBufferUnused(iter->second->mAllocSize); mFreeBuffers.insert(bufferId); } } erase(&mUsingConnections, bufferId, connectionId); ALOGV("release buffer %u : %d", bufferId, deleted); return deleted; } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::handleTransferTo(const BufferStatusMessage &message) { auto completed = mCompletedTransactions.find( message.transactionId); if (completed != mCompletedTransactions.end()) { // already completed mCompletedTransactions.erase(completed); return true; } // the buffer should exist and be owned. auto bufferIter = mBuffers.find(message.bufferId); if (bufferIter == mBuffers.end() || !contains(&mUsingBuffers, message.connectionId, message.bufferId)) { return false; } auto found = mTransactions.find(message.transactionId); if (found != mTransactions.end()) { // transfer_from was received earlier. found->second->mSender = message.connectionId; found->second->mSenderValidated = true; return true; } if (mConnectionIds.find(message.targetConnectionId) == mConnectionIds.end()) { // N.B: it could be fake or receive connection already closed. ALOGD("bufferpool %p receiver connection %lld is no longer valid", this, (long long)message.targetConnectionId); return false; } mStats.onBufferSent(); mTransactions.insert(std::make_pair( message.transactionId, std::make_unique<TransactionStatus>(message, mTimestampUs))); insert(&mPendingTransactions, message.targetConnectionId, message.transactionId); bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount++; return true; } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::handleTransferFrom(const BufferStatusMessage &message) { auto found = mTransactions.find(message.transactionId); if (found == mTransactions.end()) { // TODO: is it feasible to check ownership here? mStats.onBufferSent(); mTransactions.insert(std::make_pair( message.transactionId, std::make_unique<TransactionStatus>(message, mTimestampUs))); insert(&mPendingTransactions, message.connectionId, message.transactionId); auto bufferIter = mBuffers.find(message.bufferId); bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount++; } else { if (message.connectionId == found->second->mReceiver) { found->second->mStatus = BufferStatus::TRANSFER_FROM; } } return true; } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::handleTransferResult(const BufferStatusMessage &message) { auto found = mTransactions.find(message.transactionId); if (found != mTransactions.end()) { bool deleted = erase(&mPendingTransactions, message.connectionId, message.transactionId); if (deleted) { if (!found->second->mSenderValidated) { mCompletedTransactions.insert(message.transactionId); } auto bufferIter = mBuffers.find(message.bufferId); if (message.newStatus == BufferStatus::TRANSFER_OK) { handleOwnBuffer(message.connectionId, message.bufferId); } bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount--; if (bufferIter->second->mOwnerCount == 0 && bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount == 0) { mStats.onBufferUnused(bufferIter->second->mAllocSize); mFreeBuffers.insert(message.bufferId); } mTransactions.erase(found); } ALOGV("transfer finished %llu %u - %d", (unsigned long long)message.transactionId, message.bufferId, deleted); return deleted; } ALOGV("transfer not found %llu %u", (unsigned long long)message.transactionId, message.bufferId); return false; } void Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::processStatusMessages() { std::vector<BufferStatusMessage> messages; mObserver.getBufferStatusChanges(messages); mTimestampUs = getTimestampNow(); for (BufferStatusMessage& message: messages) { bool ret = false; switch (message.newStatus) { case BufferStatus::NOT_USED: ret = handleReleaseBuffer( message.connectionId, message.bufferId); break; case BufferStatus::USED: // not happening break; case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_TO: ret = handleTransferTo(message); break; case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_FROM: ret = handleTransferFrom(message); break; case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_TIMEOUT: // TODO break; case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_LOST: // TODO break; case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_FETCH: // not happening break; case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_OK: case BufferStatus::TRANSFER_ERROR: ret = handleTransferResult(message); break; } if (ret == false) { ALOGW("buffer status message processing failure - message : %d connection : %lld", message.newStatus, (long long)message.connectionId); } } messages.clear(); } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::handleClose(ConnectionId connectionId) { // Cleaning buffers auto buffers = mUsingBuffers.find(connectionId); if (buffers != mUsingBuffers.end()) { for (const BufferId& bufferId : buffers->second) { bool deleted = erase(&mUsingConnections, bufferId, connectionId); if (deleted) { auto bufferIter = mBuffers.find(bufferId); bufferIter->second->mOwnerCount--; if (bufferIter->second->mOwnerCount == 0 && bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount == 0) { // TODO: handle freebuffer insert fail mStats.onBufferUnused(bufferIter->second->mAllocSize); mFreeBuffers.insert(bufferId); } } } mUsingBuffers.erase(buffers); } // Cleaning transactions auto pending = mPendingTransactions.find(connectionId); if (pending != mPendingTransactions.end()) { for (const TransactionId& transactionId : pending->second) { auto iter = mTransactions.find(transactionId); if (iter != mTransactions.end()) { if (!iter->second->mSenderValidated) { mCompletedTransactions.insert(transactionId); } BufferId bufferId = iter->second->mBufferId; auto bufferIter = mBuffers.find(bufferId); bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount--; if (bufferIter->second->mOwnerCount == 0 && bufferIter->second->mTransactionCount == 0) { // TODO: handle freebuffer insert fail mStats.onBufferUnused(bufferIter->second->mAllocSize); mFreeBuffers.insert(bufferId); } mTransactions.erase(iter); } } } mConnectionIds.erase(connectionId); return true; } bool Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::getFreeBuffer( const std::shared_ptr<BufferPoolAllocator> &allocator, const std::vector<uint8_t> ¶ms, BufferId *pId, const native_handle_t** handle) { auto bufferIt = mFreeBuffers.begin(); for (;bufferIt != mFreeBuffers.end(); ++bufferIt) { BufferId bufferId = *bufferIt; if (allocator->compatible(params, mBuffers[bufferId]->mConfig)) { break; } } if (bufferIt != mFreeBuffers.end()) { BufferId id = *bufferIt; mFreeBuffers.erase(bufferIt); mStats.onBufferRecycled(mBuffers[id]->mAllocSize); *handle = mBuffers[id]->handle(); *pId = id; ALOGV("recycle a buffer %u %p", id, *handle); return true; } return false; } ResultStatus Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::addNewBuffer( const std::shared_ptr<BufferPoolAllocation> &alloc, const size_t allocSize, const std::vector<uint8_t> ¶ms, BufferId *pId, const native_handle_t** handle) { BufferId bufferId = mSeq++; if (mSeq == Connection::SYNC_BUFFERID) { mSeq = 0; } std::unique_ptr<InternalBuffer> buffer = std::make_unique<InternalBuffer>( bufferId, alloc, allocSize, params); if (buffer) { auto res = mBuffers.insert(std::make_pair( bufferId, std::move(buffer))); if (res.second) { mStats.onBufferAllocated(allocSize); *handle = alloc->handle(); *pId = bufferId; return ResultStatus::OK; } } return ResultStatus::NO_MEMORY; } void Accessor::Impl::BufferPool::cleanUp(bool clearCache) { if (clearCache || mTimestampUs > mLastCleanUpUs + kCleanUpDurationUs) { mLastCleanUpUs = mTimestampUs; if (mTimestampUs > mLastLogUs + kLogDurationUs) { mLastLogUs = mTimestampUs; ALOGD("bufferpool %p : %zu(%zu size) total buffers - " "%zu(%zu size) used buffers - %zu/%zu (recycle/alloc) - " "%zu/%zu (fetch/transfer)", this, mStats.mBuffersCached, mStats.mSizeCached, mStats.mBuffersInUse, mStats.mSizeInUse, mStats.mTotalRecycles, mStats.mTotalAllocations, mStats.mTotalFetches, mStats.mTotalTransfers); } for (auto freeIt = mFreeBuffers.begin(); freeIt != mFreeBuffers.end();) { if (!clearCache && mStats.mSizeCached < kMinAllocBytesForEviction && mBuffers.size() < kMinBufferCountForEviction) { break; } auto it = mBuffers.find(*freeIt); if (it != mBuffers.end() && it->second->mOwnerCount == 0 && it->second->mTransactionCount == 0) { mStats.onBufferEvicted(it->second->mAllocSize); mBuffers.erase(it); freeIt = mFreeBuffers.erase(freeIt); } else { ++freeIt; ALOGW("bufferpool inconsistent!"); } } } } } // namespace implementation } // namespace V1_0 } // namespace bufferpool } // namespace media } // namespace hardware } // namespace android