/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Camera2-CaptureSequencer" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include <inttypes.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/Trace.h> #include <utils/Vector.h> #include <camera/StringUtils.h> #include "api1/Camera2Client.h" #include "api1/client2/CaptureSequencer.h" #include "api1/client2/Parameters.h" #include "api1/client2/ZslProcessor.h" namespace android { namespace camera2 { /** Public members */ CaptureSequencer::CaptureSequencer(wp<Camera2Client> client): Thread(false), mStartCapture(false), mBusy(false), mNewAEState(false), mNewFrameReceived(false), mNewCaptureReceived(false), mNewCaptureErrorCnt(0), mShutterNotified(false), mHalNotifiedShutter(false), mShutterCaptureId(-1), mClient(client), mCaptureState(IDLE), mStateTransitionCount(0), mTriggerId(0), mTimeoutCount(0), mCaptureId(Camera2Client::kCaptureRequestIdStart) { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); } CaptureSequencer::~CaptureSequencer() { ALOGV("%s: Exit", __FUNCTION__); } void CaptureSequencer::setZslProcessor(const wp<ZslProcessor>& processor) { Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); mZslProcessor = processor; } status_t CaptureSequencer::startCapture() { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); ATRACE_CALL(); Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); if (mBusy) { ALOGE("%s: Already busy capturing!", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (!mStartCapture) { mStartCapture = true; mStartCaptureSignal.signal(); } return OK; } status_t CaptureSequencer::waitUntilIdle(nsecs_t timeout) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s: Waiting for idle", __FUNCTION__); Mutex::Autolock l(mStateMutex); status_t res = -1; while (mCaptureState != IDLE) { nsecs_t startTime = systemTime(); res = mStateChanged.waitRelative(mStateMutex, timeout); if (res != OK) return res; timeout -= (systemTime() - startTime); } ALOGV("%s: Now idle", __FUNCTION__); return OK; } void CaptureSequencer::notifyAutoExposure(uint8_t newState, int triggerId) { ATRACE_CALL(); Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); mAEState = newState; mAETriggerId = triggerId; if (!mNewAEState) { mNewAEState = true; mNewNotifySignal.signal(); } } void CaptureSequencer::notifyShutter(const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras, nsecs_t timestamp) { ATRACE_CALL(); (void) timestamp; Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); if (!mHalNotifiedShutter && resultExtras.requestId == mShutterCaptureId) { mHalNotifiedShutter = true; mShutterNotifySignal.signal(); } } void CaptureSequencer::notifyError(int32_t errorCode, const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras) { ATRACE_CALL(); bool jpegBufferLost = false; if (errorCode == hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks::ERROR_CAMERA_BUFFER) { sp<Camera2Client> client = mClient.promote(); if (client == nullptr) { return; } int captureStreamId = client->getCaptureStreamId(); if (captureStreamId == resultExtras.errorStreamId) { jpegBufferLost = true; } } else if (errorCode == hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks::ERROR_CAMERA_REQUEST) { if (resultExtras.requestId == mShutterCaptureId) { jpegBufferLost = true; } } if (jpegBufferLost) { sp<MemoryBase> emptyBuffer; onCaptureAvailable(/*timestamp*/0, emptyBuffer, /*captureError*/true); } } void CaptureSequencer::onResultAvailable(const CaptureResult &result) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s: New result available.", __FUNCTION__); Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); mNewFrameId = result.mResultExtras.requestId; mNewFrame = result.mMetadata; if (!mNewFrameReceived) { mNewFrameReceived = true; mNewFrameSignal.signal(); } } void CaptureSequencer::onCaptureAvailable(nsecs_t timestamp, const sp<MemoryBase>& captureBuffer, bool captureError) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); mCaptureTimestamp = timestamp; mCaptureBuffer = captureBuffer; if (!mNewCaptureReceived) { mNewCaptureReceived = true; if (captureError) { mNewCaptureErrorCnt++; } else { mNewCaptureErrorCnt = 0; } mNewCaptureSignal.signal(); } } void CaptureSequencer::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& /*args*/) { std::string result; if (mCaptureRequest.entryCount() != 0) { result = " Capture request:\n"; write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size()); mCaptureRequest.dump(fd, 2, 6); } else { result = " Capture request: undefined\n"; write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size()); } result = fmt::sprintf(" Current capture state: %s\n", kStateNames[mCaptureState]); result += " Latest captured frame:\n"; write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size()); mNewFrame.dump(fd, 2, 6); } /** Private members */ const char* CaptureSequencer::kStateNames[CaptureSequencer::NUM_CAPTURE_STATES+1] = { "IDLE", "START", "ZSL_START", "ZSL_WAITING", "ZSL_REPROCESSING", "STANDARD_START", "STANDARD_PRECAPTURE_WAIT", "STANDARD_CAPTURE", "STANDARD_CAPTURE_WAIT", "DONE", "ERROR", "UNKNOWN" }; const CaptureSequencer::StateManager CaptureSequencer::kStateManagers[CaptureSequencer::NUM_CAPTURE_STATES-1] = { &CaptureSequencer::manageIdle, &CaptureSequencer::manageStart, &CaptureSequencer::manageZslStart, &CaptureSequencer::manageZslWaiting, &CaptureSequencer::manageZslReprocessing, &CaptureSequencer::manageStandardStart, &CaptureSequencer::manageStandardPrecaptureWait, &CaptureSequencer::manageStandardCapture, &CaptureSequencer::manageStandardCaptureWait, &CaptureSequencer::manageDone, }; bool CaptureSequencer::threadLoop() { sp<Camera2Client> client = mClient.promote(); if (client == 0) return false; CaptureState currentState; { Mutex::Autolock l(mStateMutex); currentState = mCaptureState; } currentState = (this->*kStateManagers[currentState])(client); Mutex::Autolock l(mStateMutex); if (currentState != mCaptureState) { if (mCaptureState != IDLE) { ATRACE_ASYNC_END(kStateNames[mCaptureState], mStateTransitionCount); } mCaptureState = currentState; mStateTransitionCount++; if (mCaptureState != IDLE) { ATRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN(kStateNames[mCaptureState], mStateTransitionCount); } ALOGV("Camera %d: New capture state %s", client->getCameraId(), kStateNames[mCaptureState]); mStateChanged.signal(); } if (mCaptureState == ERROR) { ALOGE("Camera %d: Stopping capture sequencer due to error", client->getCameraId()); return false; } return true; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageIdle( sp<Camera2Client> &/*client*/) { status_t res; Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); while (!mStartCapture) { res = mStartCaptureSignal.waitRelative(mInputMutex, kIdleWaitDuration); if (res == TIMED_OUT) break; } if (mStartCapture) { mStartCapture = false; mBusy = true; return START; } return IDLE; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageDone(sp<Camera2Client> &client) { status_t res = OK; ATRACE_CALL(); mCaptureId++; if (mCaptureId >= Camera2Client::kCaptureRequestIdEnd) { mCaptureId = Camera2Client::kCaptureRequestIdStart; } { Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); mBusy = false; } int takePictureCounter = 0; { SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); switch (l.mParameters.state) { case Parameters::DISCONNECTED: ALOGW("%s: Camera %d: Discarding image data during shutdown ", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId()); res = INVALID_OPERATION; break; case Parameters::STILL_CAPTURE: res = client->getCameraDevice()->waitUntilDrained(); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Can't idle after still capture: " "%s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); } l.mParameters.state = Parameters::STOPPED; break; case Parameters::VIDEO_SNAPSHOT: l.mParameters.state = Parameters::RECORD; break; default: ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Still image produced unexpectedly " "in state %s!", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), Parameters::getStateName(l.mParameters.state)); res = INVALID_OPERATION; } takePictureCounter = l.mParameters.takePictureCounter; } sp<ZslProcessor> processor = mZslProcessor.promote(); if (processor != 0) { ALOGV("%s: Memory optimization, clearing ZSL queue", __FUNCTION__); processor->clearZslQueue(); } /** * Fire the jpegCallback in Camera#takePicture(..., jpegCallback) */ if (mCaptureBuffer != 0 && res == OK) { ATRACE_ASYNC_END(Camera2Client::kTakepictureLabel, takePictureCounter); Camera2Client::SharedCameraCallbacks::Lock l(client->mSharedCameraCallbacks); ALOGV("%s: Sending still image to client", __FUNCTION__); if (l.mRemoteCallback != 0) { l.mRemoteCallback->dataCallback(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE, mCaptureBuffer, NULL); } else { ALOGV("%s: No client!", __FUNCTION__); } } mCaptureBuffer.clear(); return IDLE; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageStart( sp<Camera2Client> &client) { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t res; ATRACE_CALL(); SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); CaptureState nextState = DONE; res = updateCaptureRequest(l.mParameters, client); if (res != OK ) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Can't update still image capture request: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return DONE; } else if (l.mParameters.useZeroShutterLag() && l.mParameters.state == Parameters::STILL_CAPTURE && l.mParameters.flashMode != Parameters::FLASH_MODE_ON) { nextState = ZSL_START; } else { nextState = STANDARD_START; } { Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); mShutterCaptureId = mCaptureId; mHalNotifiedShutter = false; } mShutterNotified = false; return nextState; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageZslStart( sp<Camera2Client> &client) { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t res; sp<ZslProcessor> processor = mZslProcessor.promote(); if (processor == 0) { ALOGE("%s: No ZSL queue to use!", __FUNCTION__); return DONE; } // We don't want to get partial results for ZSL capture. client->registerFrameListener(mCaptureId, mCaptureId + 1, this, /*sendPartials*/false); // TODO: Actually select the right thing here. res = processor->pushToReprocess(mCaptureId); if (res != OK) { if (res == NOT_ENOUGH_DATA) { ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: ZSL queue doesn't have good frame, " "falling back to normal capture", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId()); } else { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Error in ZSL queue: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); } return STANDARD_START; } SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); /* warning: this also locks a SharedCameraCallbacks */ shutterNotifyLocked(l.mParameters, client); mShutterNotified = true; mTimeoutCount = kMaxTimeoutsForCaptureEnd; return STANDARD_CAPTURE_WAIT; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageZslWaiting( sp<Camera2Client> &/*client*/) { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); return DONE; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageZslReprocessing( sp<Camera2Client> &/*client*/) { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); return START; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageStandardStart( sp<Camera2Client> &client) { ATRACE_CALL(); bool isAeConverged = false; // Get the onFrameAvailable callback when the requestID == mCaptureId // We don't want to get partial results for normal capture, as we need // Get ANDROID_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP from the capture result, but partial // result doesn't have to have this metadata available. // TODO: Update to use the HALv3 shutter notification for remove the // need for this listener and make it faster. see bug 12530628. client->registerFrameListener(mCaptureId, mCaptureId + 1, this, /*sendPartials*/false); { Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); isAeConverged = (mAEState == ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_CONVERGED); } { SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); // Skip AE precapture when it is already converged and not in force flash mode. if (l.mParameters.flashMode != Parameters::FLASH_MODE_ON && isAeConverged) { return STANDARD_CAPTURE; } mTriggerId = l.mParameters.precaptureTriggerCounter++; } client->getCameraDevice()->triggerPrecaptureMetering(mTriggerId); mAeInPrecapture = false; mTimeoutCount = kMaxTimeoutsForPrecaptureStart; return STANDARD_PRECAPTURE_WAIT; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageStandardPrecaptureWait( sp<Camera2Client> &/*client*/) { status_t res; ATRACE_CALL(); Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); while (!mNewAEState) { res = mNewNotifySignal.waitRelative(mInputMutex, kWaitDuration); if (res == TIMED_OUT) { mTimeoutCount--; break; } } if (mTimeoutCount <= 0) { ALOGW("Timed out waiting for precapture %s", mAeInPrecapture ? "end" : "start"); return STANDARD_CAPTURE; } if (mNewAEState) { if (!mAeInPrecapture) { // Waiting to see PRECAPTURE state if (mAETriggerId == mTriggerId) { if (mAEState == ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_PRECAPTURE) { ALOGV("%s: Got precapture start", __FUNCTION__); mAeInPrecapture = true; mTimeoutCount = kMaxTimeoutsForPrecaptureEnd; } else if (mAEState == ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_CONVERGED || mAEState == ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_FLASH_REQUIRED) { // It is legal to transit to CONVERGED or FLASH_REQUIRED // directly after a trigger. ALOGV("%s: AE is already in good state, start capture", __FUNCTION__); return STANDARD_CAPTURE; } } } else { // Waiting to see PRECAPTURE state end if (mAETriggerId == mTriggerId && mAEState != ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_PRECAPTURE) { ALOGV("%s: Got precapture end", __FUNCTION__); return STANDARD_CAPTURE; } } mNewAEState = false; } return STANDARD_PRECAPTURE_WAIT; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageStandardCapture( sp<Camera2Client> &client) { status_t res; ATRACE_CALL(); SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); Vector<int32_t> outputStreams; /** * Set up output streams in the request * - preview * - capture/jpeg * - callback (if preview callbacks enabled) * - recording (if recording enabled) */ outputStreams.push(client->getPreviewStreamId()); int captureStreamId = client->getCaptureStreamId(); if (captureStreamId == Camera2Client::NO_STREAM) { res = client->createJpegStreamL(l.mParameters); if (res != OK || client->getCaptureStreamId() == Camera2Client::NO_STREAM) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: cannot create jpeg stream for slowJpeg mode: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return DONE; } } outputStreams.push(client->getCaptureStreamId()); if (l.mParameters.previewCallbackFlags & CAMERA_FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_ENABLE_MASK) { outputStreams.push(client->getCallbackStreamId()); } if (l.mParameters.state == Parameters::VIDEO_SNAPSHOT) { outputStreams.push(client->getRecordingStreamId()); } res = mCaptureRequest.update(ANDROID_REQUEST_OUTPUT_STREAMS, outputStreams); if (res == OK) { res = mCaptureRequest.update(ANDROID_REQUEST_ID, &mCaptureId, 1); } if (res == OK) { res = mCaptureRequest.sort(); } if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to set up still capture request: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return DONE; } // Create a capture copy since CameraDeviceBase#capture takes ownership CameraMetadata captureCopy = mCaptureRequest; if (captureCopy.entryCount() == 0) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to copy capture request for HAL device", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId()); return DONE; } if ((l.mParameters.isDeviceZslSupported) && (l.mParameters.state != Parameters::RECORD) && (l.mParameters.state != Parameters::VIDEO_SNAPSHOT)) { // If device ZSL is supported, drop all pending preview buffers to reduce the chance of // rendering preview frames newer than the still frame. // Additionally, preview must not get interrupted during video recording. client->getCameraDevice()->dropStreamBuffers(true, client->getPreviewStreamId()); } /** * Clear the streaming request for still-capture pictures * (as opposed to i.e. video snapshots) */ if (l.mParameters.state == Parameters::STILL_CAPTURE) { // API definition of takePicture() - stop preview before taking pic res = client->stopStream(); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to stop preview for still capture: " "%s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return DONE; } } // TODO: Capture should be atomic with setStreamingRequest here res = client->getCameraDevice()->capture(captureCopy); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to submit still image capture request: " "%s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return DONE; } mTimeoutCount = kMaxTimeoutsForCaptureEnd; return STANDARD_CAPTURE_WAIT; } CaptureSequencer::CaptureState CaptureSequencer::manageStandardCaptureWait( sp<Camera2Client> &client) { status_t res; ATRACE_CALL(); Mutex::Autolock l(mInputMutex); // Wait for shutter callback while (!mHalNotifiedShutter) { if (mTimeoutCount <= 0) { break; } res = mShutterNotifySignal.waitRelative(mInputMutex, kWaitDuration); if (res == TIMED_OUT) { mTimeoutCount--; return STANDARD_CAPTURE_WAIT; } } if (mHalNotifiedShutter) { if (!mShutterNotified) { SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); /* warning: this also locks a SharedCameraCallbacks */ shutterNotifyLocked(l.mParameters, client); mShutterNotified = true; } } else if (mTimeoutCount <= 0) { ALOGW("Timed out waiting for shutter notification"); return DONE; } // Wait for new metadata result (mNewFrame) while (!mNewFrameReceived) { res = mNewFrameSignal.waitRelative(mInputMutex, kWaitDuration); if (res == TIMED_OUT) { mTimeoutCount--; break; } } // Wait until jpeg was captured by JpegProcessor while (mNewFrameReceived && !mNewCaptureReceived) { res = mNewCaptureSignal.waitRelative(mInputMutex, kWaitDuration); if (res == TIMED_OUT) { mTimeoutCount--; break; } } if (mNewCaptureReceived) { if (mNewCaptureErrorCnt > kMaxRetryCount) { ALOGW("Exceeding multiple retry limit of %d due to buffer drop", kMaxRetryCount); return DONE; } else if (mNewCaptureErrorCnt > 0) { ALOGW("Capture error happened, retry %d...", mNewCaptureErrorCnt); mNewCaptureReceived = false; return STANDARD_CAPTURE; } } if (mTimeoutCount <= 0) { ALOGW("Timed out waiting for capture to complete"); return DONE; } if (mNewFrameReceived && mNewCaptureReceived) { if (mNewFrameId != mCaptureId) { ALOGW("Mismatched capture frame IDs: Expected %d, got %d", mCaptureId, mNewFrameId); } camera_metadata_entry_t entry; entry = mNewFrame.find(ANDROID_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP); if (entry.count == 0) { ALOGE("No timestamp field in capture frame!"); } else if (entry.count == 1) { if (entry.data.i64[0] != mCaptureTimestamp) { ALOGW("Mismatched capture timestamps: Metadata frame %" PRId64 "," " captured buffer %" PRId64, entry.data.i64[0], mCaptureTimestamp); } } else { ALOGE("Timestamp metadata is malformed!"); } client->removeFrameListener(mCaptureId, mCaptureId + 1, this); mNewFrameReceived = false; mNewCaptureReceived = false; return DONE; } return STANDARD_CAPTURE_WAIT; } status_t CaptureSequencer::updateCaptureRequest(const Parameters ¶ms, sp<Camera2Client> &client) { ATRACE_CALL(); status_t res; uint8_t captureIntent = static_cast<uint8_t>(ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_STILL_CAPTURE); if (mCaptureRequest.entryCount() == 0) { res = client->getCameraDevice()->createDefaultRequest( camera_request_template_t::CAMERA_TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE, &mCaptureRequest); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to create default still image request:" " %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return res; } } if (params.state == Parameters::VIDEO_SNAPSHOT) { captureIntent = static_cast<uint8_t>(ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT); } res = mCaptureRequest.update(ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT, &captureIntent, 1); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to update capture intent: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return res; } res = params.updateRequest(&mCaptureRequest); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to update common entries of capture " "request: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return res; } res = params.updateRequestJpeg(&mCaptureRequest); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to update JPEG entries of capture " "request: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), strerror(-res), res); return res; } return OK; } /*static*/ void CaptureSequencer::shutterNotifyLocked(const Parameters ¶ms, const sp<Camera2Client>& client) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (params.state == Parameters::STILL_CAPTURE && params.playShutterSound) { client->getCameraService()->playSound(CameraService::SOUND_SHUTTER); } { Camera2Client::SharedCameraCallbacks::Lock l(client->mSharedCameraCallbacks); ALOGV("%s: Notifying of shutter close to client", __FUNCTION__); if (l.mRemoteCallback != 0) { // ShutterCallback l.mRemoteCallback->notifyCallback(CAMERA_MSG_SHUTTER, /*ext1*/0, /*ext2*/0); // RawCallback with null buffer l.mRemoteCallback->notifyCallback(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY, /*ext1*/0, /*ext2*/0); } else { ALOGV("%s: No client!", __FUNCTION__); } } } }; // namespace camera2 }; // namespace android