/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "CameraOfflineClient" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include "CameraOfflineSessionClient.h" #include #include namespace android { using binder::Status; status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::initialize(sp, const std::string&) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (mFrameProcessor.get() != nullptr) { // Already initialized return OK; } // Verify ops permissions auto res = startCameraOps(); if (res != OK) { return res; } if (mOfflineSession.get() == nullptr) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: No valid offline session", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str()); return NO_INIT; } mFrameProcessor = new camera2::FrameProcessorBase(mOfflineSession); std::string threadName = fmt::sprintf("Offline-%s-FrameProc", mCameraIdStr.c_str()); res = mFrameProcessor->run(threadName.c_str()); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to start frame processor thread: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-res), res); return res; } mFrameProcessor->registerListener(camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MIN_ID, camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MAX_ID, /*listener*/this, /*sendPartials*/true); wp weakThis(this); res = mOfflineSession->initialize(weakThis); if (res != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %s: unable to initialize device: %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), strerror(-res), res); return res; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->switchToOffline(); } return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::setCameraServiceWatchdog(bool) { return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::setRotateAndCropOverride(uint8_t /*rotateAndCrop*/, bool /*fromHal*/) { // Since we're not submitting more capture requests, changes to rotateAndCrop override // make no difference. return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::setAutoframingOverride(uint8_t) { return OK; } bool CameraOfflineSessionClient::supportsCameraMute() { // Offline mode doesn't support muting return false; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::setCameraMute(bool) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::setStreamUseCaseOverrides( const std::vector& /*useCaseOverrides*/) { } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::clearStreamUseCaseOverrides() { } bool CameraOfflineSessionClient::supportsZoomOverride() { return false; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::setZoomOverride(int32_t /*zoomOverride*/) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::dump(int fd, const Vector& args) { return BasicClient::dump(fd, args); } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::dumpClient(int fd, const Vector& args) { std::string result; result = " Offline session dump:\n"; write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size()); if (mOfflineSession.get() == nullptr) { result = " *** Offline session is detached\n"; write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size()); return NO_ERROR; } mFrameProcessor->dump(fd, args); auto res = mOfflineSession->dump(fd); if (res != OK) { result = fmt::sprintf(" Error dumping offline session: %s (%d)", strerror(-res), res); write(fd, result.c_str(), result.size()); } return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::startWatchingTags(const std::string &tags, int outFd) { return BasicClient::startWatchingTags(tags, outFd); } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::stopWatchingTags(int outFd) { return BasicClient::stopWatchingTags(outFd); } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::dumpWatchedEventsToVector(std::vector &out) { return BasicClient::dumpWatchedEventsToVector(out); } binder::Status CameraOfflineSessionClient::disconnect() { Mutex::Autolock icl(mBinderSerializationLock); binder::Status res = Status::ok(); if (mDisconnected) { return res; } // Allow both client and the media server to disconnect at all times int callingPid = getCallingPid(); if (callingPid != mClientPid && callingPid != mServicePid) { return res; } mDisconnected = true; sCameraService->removeByClient(this); sCameraService->logDisconnectedOffline(mCameraIdStr, mClientPid, mClientPackageName); sp remote = getRemote(); if (remote != nullptr) { remote->unlinkToDeath(sCameraService); } mFrameProcessor->removeListener(camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MIN_ID, camera2::FrameProcessorBase::FRAME_PROCESSOR_LISTENER_MAX_ID, /*listener*/this); mFrameProcessor->requestExit(); mFrameProcessor->join(); finishCameraOps(); ALOGI("%s: Disconnected client for offline camera %s for PID %d", __FUNCTION__, mCameraIdStr.c_str(), mClientPid); // client shouldn't be able to call into us anymore mClientPid = 0; if (mOfflineSession.get() != nullptr) { auto ret = mOfflineSession->disconnect(); if (ret != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Failed disconnecting from offline session %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-ret), ret); } mOfflineSession = nullptr; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { auto ret = mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->deleteInternalStreams(); if (ret != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Failed removing composite stream %s (%d)", __FUNCTION__, strerror(-ret), ret); } } mCompositeStreamMap.clear(); return res; } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyError(int32_t errorCode, const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras) { // Thread safe. Don't bother locking. // Composites can have multiple internal streams. Error notifications coming from such internal // streams may need to remain within camera service. bool skipClientNotification = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { skipClientNotification |= mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->onError(errorCode, resultExtras); } if ((mRemoteCallback.get() != nullptr) && (!skipClientNotification)) { mRemoteCallback->onDeviceError(errorCode, resultExtras); } } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::startCameraOps() { ATRACE_CALL(); { ALOGV("%s: Start camera ops, package name = %s, client UID = %d", __FUNCTION__, mClientPackageName.c_str(), mClientUid); } if (mAppOpsManager != nullptr) { // Notify app ops that the camera is not available mOpsCallback = new OpsCallback(this); int32_t res; // TODO : possibly change this to OP_OFFLINE_CAMERA_SESSION mAppOpsManager->startWatchingMode(AppOpsManager::OP_CAMERA, toString16(mClientPackageName), mOpsCallback); // TODO : possibly change this to OP_OFFLINE_CAMERA_SESSION res = mAppOpsManager->startOpNoThrow(AppOpsManager::OP_CAMERA, mClientUid, toString16(mClientPackageName), /*startIfModeDefault*/ false); if (res == AppOpsManager::MODE_ERRORED) { ALOGI("Offline Camera %s: Access for \"%s\" has been revoked", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), mClientPackageName.c_str()); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } // If the calling Uid is trusted (a native service), the AppOpsManager could // return MODE_IGNORED. Do not treat such case as error. if (!mUidIsTrusted && res == AppOpsManager::MODE_IGNORED) { ALOGI("Offline Camera %s: Access for \"%s\" has been restricted", mCameraIdStr.c_str(), mClientPackageName.c_str()); // Return the same error as for device policy manager rejection return -EACCES; } } mOpsActive = true; // Transition device state to OPEN sCameraService->mUidPolicy->registerMonitorUid(mClientUid, /*openCamera*/true); return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::finishCameraOps() { ATRACE_CALL(); // Check if startCameraOps succeeded, and if so, finish the camera op if (mOpsActive) { // Notify app ops that the camera is available again if (mAppOpsManager != nullptr) { // TODO : possibly change this to OP_OFFLINE_CAMERA_SESSION mAppOpsManager->finishOp(AppOpsManager::OP_CAMERA, mClientUid, toString16(mClientPackageName)); mOpsActive = false; } } // Always stop watching, even if no camera op is active if (mOpsCallback != nullptr && mAppOpsManager != nullptr) { mAppOpsManager->stopWatchingMode(mOpsCallback); } mOpsCallback.clear(); sCameraService->mUidPolicy->unregisterMonitorUid(mClientUid, /*closeCamera*/true); return OK; } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::onResultAvailable(const CaptureResult& result) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); if (mRemoteCallback.get() != NULL) { mRemoteCallback->onResultReceived(result.mMetadata, result.mResultExtras, result.mPhysicalMetadatas); } for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->onResultAvailable(result); } } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyShutter(const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras, nsecs_t timestamp) { if (mRemoteCallback.get() != nullptr) { mRemoteCallback->onCaptureStarted(resultExtras, timestamp); } for (size_t i = 0; i < mCompositeStreamMap.size(); i++) { mCompositeStreamMap.valueAt(i)->onShutter(resultExtras, timestamp); } } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyActive(float maxPreviewFps __unused) { return startCameraStreamingOps(); } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyIdle( int64_t /*requestCount*/, int64_t /*resultErrorCount*/, bool /*deviceError*/, std::pair /*mostRequestedFpsRange*/, const std::vector& /*streamStats*/) { if (mRemoteCallback.get() != nullptr) { mRemoteCallback->onDeviceIdle(); } finishCameraStreamingOps(); } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyAutoFocus([[maybe_unused]] uint8_t newState, [[maybe_unused]] int triggerId) { ALOGV("%s: Autofocus state now %d, last trigger %d", __FUNCTION__, newState, triggerId); } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyAutoExposure([[maybe_unused]] uint8_t newState, [[maybe_unused]] int triggerId) { ALOGV("%s: Autoexposure state now %d, last trigger %d", __FUNCTION__, newState, triggerId); } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyAutoWhitebalance([[maybe_unused]] uint8_t newState, [[maybe_unused]] int triggerId) { ALOGV("%s: Auto-whitebalance state now %d, last trigger %d", __FUNCTION__, newState, triggerId); } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyPrepared(int /*streamId*/) { ALOGE("%s: Unexpected stream prepare notification in offline mode!", __FUNCTION__); notifyError(hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks::ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE, CaptureResultExtras()); } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyRequestQueueEmpty() { if (mRemoteCallback.get() != nullptr) { mRemoteCallback->onRequestQueueEmpty(); } } void CameraOfflineSessionClient::notifyRepeatingRequestError(long /*lastFrameNumber*/) { ALOGE("%s: Unexpected repeating request error in offline mode!", __FUNCTION__); notifyError(hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks::ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE, CaptureResultExtras()); } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::injectCamera(const std::string& injectedCamId, sp manager) { ALOGV("%s: This client doesn't support the injection camera. injectedCamId: %s providerPtr: %p", __FUNCTION__, injectedCamId.c_str(), manager.get()); return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::stopInjection() { ALOGV("%s: This client doesn't support the injection camera.", __FUNCTION__); return OK; } status_t CameraOfflineSessionClient::injectSessionParams( const hardware::camera2::impl::CameraMetadataNative& sessionParams) { ALOGV("%s: This client doesn't support the injecting session parameters camera.", __FUNCTION__); (void)sessionParams; return OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android