/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_SERVERS_CAMERA3_OUTPUT_UTILS_H #define ANDROID_SERVERS_CAMERA3_OUTPUT_UTILS_H #include <memory> #include <mutex> #include <cutils/native_handle.h> #include <fmq/MessageQueue.h> #include <common/CameraDeviceBase.h> #include "device3/BufferUtils.h" #include "device3/DistortionMapper.h" #include "device3/ZoomRatioMapper.h" #include "device3/RotateAndCropMapper.h" #include "device3/InFlightRequest.h" #include "device3/Camera3Stream.h" #include "device3/Camera3OutputStreamInterface.h" #include "utils/SessionStatsBuilder.h" #include "utils/TagMonitor.h" namespace android { namespace camera3 { /** * Helper methods shared between Camera3Device/Camera3OfflineSession for HAL callbacks */ struct BufferToReturn { Camera3StreamInterface *stream; camera_stream_buffer_t buffer; nsecs_t timestamp; nsecs_t readoutTimestamp; bool timestampIncreasing; std::vector<size_t> surfaceIds; const CaptureResultExtras resultExtras; int32_t transform; nsecs_t requestTimeNs; BufferToReturn(Camera3StreamInterface *stream, camera_stream_buffer_t buffer, nsecs_t timestamp, nsecs_t readoutTimestamp, bool timestampIncreasing, std::vector<size_t> surfaceIds, const CaptureResultExtras &resultExtras, int32_t transform, nsecs_t requestTimeNs): stream(stream), buffer(buffer), timestamp(timestamp), readoutTimestamp(readoutTimestamp), timestampIncreasing(timestampIncreasing), surfaceIds(surfaceIds), resultExtras(resultExtras), transform(transform), requestTimeNs(requestTimeNs) {} }; // helper function to return the output buffers to output // streams. The function also optionally calls // notify(ERROR_BUFFER). Returns the list of buffers to hand back // to streams in returnableBuffers. Does not make any two-way // binder calls, so suitable for use when critical locks are being // held void collectReturnableOutputBuffers( bool useHalBufManager, const std::set<int32_t> &halBufferManagedStreams, sp<NotificationListener> listener, // Only needed when outputSurfaces is not empty const camera_stream_buffer_t *outputBuffers, size_t numBuffers, nsecs_t timestamp, nsecs_t readoutTimestamp, bool requested, nsecs_t requestTimeNs, SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder, /*out*/ std::vector<BufferToReturn> *returnableBuffers, bool timestampIncreasing = true, // The following arguments are only meant for surface sharing use case const SurfaceMap& outputSurfaces = SurfaceMap{}, // Used to send buffer error callback when failing to return buffer const CaptureResultExtras &resultExtras = CaptureResultExtras{}, ERROR_BUF_STRATEGY errorBufStrategy = ERROR_BUF_RETURN, int32_t transform = -1); // helper function to collect the output buffers ready to be // returned to output streams, and to remove these buffers from // the inflight request's pending buffers vector. Does not make // any two-way binder calls, so suitable for use when critical // locks are being held void collectAndRemovePendingOutputBuffers( bool useHalBufManager, const std::set<int32_t> &halBufferManagedStreams, sp<NotificationListener> listener, // Only needed when outputSurfaces is not empty InFlightRequest& request, SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder, /*out*/ std::vector<BufferToReturn> *returnableBuffers); // Actually return filled output buffers to the consumer to use, using the list // provided by collectReturnableOutputBuffers / collectAndRemovePendingOutputBuffers // Makes two-way binder calls to applications, so do not hold any critical locks when // calling. void finishReturningOutputBuffers(const std::vector<BufferToReturn> &returnableBuffers, sp<NotificationListener> listener, SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder); // Camera3Device/Camera3OfflineSession internal states used in notify/processCaptureResult // callbacks struct CaptureOutputStates { const std::string& cameraId; std::mutex& inflightLock; int64_t& lastCompletedRegularFrameNumber; int64_t& lastCompletedReprocessFrameNumber; int64_t& lastCompletedZslFrameNumber; InFlightRequestMap& inflightMap; // end of inflightLock scope std::mutex& outputLock; std::list<CaptureResult>& resultQueue; std::condition_variable& resultSignal; uint32_t& nextShutterFrameNum; uint32_t& nextReprocShutterFrameNum; uint32_t& nextZslShutterFrameNum; uint32_t& nextResultFrameNum; uint32_t& nextReprocResultFrameNum; uint32_t& nextZslResultFrameNum; // end of outputLock scope const bool useHalBufManager; const std::set<int32_t > &halBufManagedStreamIds; const bool usePartialResult; const bool needFixupMonoChrome; const uint32_t numPartialResults; const metadata_vendor_id_t vendorTagId; const CameraMetadata& deviceInfo; const std::unordered_map<std::string, CameraMetadata>& physicalDeviceInfoMap; std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::DistortionMapper>& distortionMappers; std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::ZoomRatioMapper>& zoomRatioMappers; std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::RotateAndCropMapper>& rotateAndCropMappers; TagMonitor& tagMonitor; sp<Camera3Stream> inputStream; StreamSet& outputStreams; SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder; sp<NotificationListener> listener; SetErrorInterface& setErrIntf; InflightRequestUpdateInterface& inflightIntf; BufferRecordsInterface& bufferRecordsIntf; bool legacyClient; nsecs_t& minFrameDuration; bool& isFixedFps; int rotationOverride; std::string &activePhysicalId; }; void processCaptureResult(CaptureOutputStates& states, const camera_capture_result *result); void notify(CaptureOutputStates& states, const camera_notify_msg *msg); struct RequestBufferStates { const std::string& cameraId; std::mutex& reqBufferLock; // lock to serialize request buffer calls const bool useHalBufManager; const std::set<int32_t > &halBufManagedStreamIds; StreamSet& outputStreams; SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder; SetErrorInterface& setErrIntf; BufferRecordsInterface& bufferRecordsIntf; RequestBufferInterface& reqBufferIntf; }; struct ReturnBufferStates { const std::string& cameraId; const bool useHalBufManager; const std::set<int32_t > &halBufManagedStreamIds; StreamSet& outputStreams; SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder; BufferRecordsInterface& bufferRecordsIntf; }; struct FlushInflightReqStates { const std::string& cameraId; std::mutex& inflightLock; InFlightRequestMap& inflightMap; // end of inflightLock scope const bool useHalBufManager; const std::set<int32_t > &halBufManagedStreamIds; sp<NotificationListener> listener; InflightRequestUpdateInterface& inflightIntf; BufferRecordsInterface& bufferRecordsIntf; FlushBufferInterface& flushBufferIntf; SessionStatsBuilder& sessionStatsBuilder; }; void flushInflightRequests(FlushInflightReqStates& states); } // namespace camera3 } // namespace android #endif