/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "DistortionMapperTest" #include #include #include #include #include "../device3/DistortionMapper.h" using namespace android; using namespace android::camera3; using DistortionMapperInfo = android::camera3::DistortionMapper::DistortionMapperInfo; int32_t testActiveArray[] = {100, 100, 1000, 750}; int32_t testPreCorrActiveArray[] = {90, 90, 1020, 770}; float testICal[] = { 1000.f, 1000.f, 500.f, 500.f, 0.f }; float identityDistortion[] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; std::array basicCoords = { 0, 0, testActiveArray[2] - 1, 0, testActiveArray[2] - 1, testActiveArray[3] - 1, 0, testActiveArray[3] - 1, testActiveArray[2] / 2, testActiveArray[3] / 2, 251, 403 // A particularly bad coordinate for current grid count/array size }; void setupTestMapper(DistortionMapper *m, float distortion[5], float intrinsics[5], int32_t activeArray[4], int32_t preCorrectionActiveArray[4]) { CameraMetadata deviceInfo; deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, preCorrectionActiveArray, 4); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, activeArray, 4); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_LENS_INTRINSIC_CALIBRATION, intrinsics, 5); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_LENS_DISTORTION, distortion, 5); m->setupStaticInfo(deviceInfo); } TEST(DistortionMapperTest, Initialization) { CameraMetadata deviceInfo; ASSERT_FALSE(DistortionMapper::isDistortionSupported(deviceInfo)); uint8_t distortionModes[] = {ANDROID_DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE_OFF, ANDROID_DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE_FAST, ANDROID_DISTORTION_CORRECTION_MODE_HIGH_QUALITY}; deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_DISTORTION_CORRECTION_AVAILABLE_MODES, distortionModes, 1); ASSERT_FALSE(DistortionMapper::isDistortionSupported(deviceInfo)); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_DISTORTION_CORRECTION_AVAILABLE_MODES, distortionModes, 3); ASSERT_TRUE(DistortionMapper::isDistortionSupported(deviceInfo)); DistortionMapper m; ASSERT_FALSE(m.calibrationValid()); ASSERT_NE(m.setupStaticInfo(deviceInfo), OK); ASSERT_FALSE(m.calibrationValid()); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, testPreCorrActiveArray, 4); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, testActiveArray, 4); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_LENS_INTRINSIC_CALIBRATION, testICal, 5); deviceInfo.update(ANDROID_LENS_DISTORTION, identityDistortion, 5); ASSERT_EQ(m.setupStaticInfo(deviceInfo), OK); ASSERT_TRUE(m.calibrationValid()); CameraMetadata captureResult; ASSERT_NE(m.updateCalibration(captureResult), OK); captureResult.update(ANDROID_LENS_INTRINSIC_CALIBRATION, testICal, 5); captureResult.update(ANDROID_LENS_DISTORTION, identityDistortion, 5); ASSERT_EQ(m.updateCalibration(captureResult), OK); } TEST(DistortionMapperTest, IdentityTransform) { status_t res; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, identityDistortion, testICal, /*activeArray*/ testActiveArray, /*preCorrectionActiveArray*/ testActiveArray); auto coords = basicCoords; DistortionMapperInfo *mapperInfo = m.getMapperInfo(); res = m.mapCorrectedToRaw(coords.data(), 5, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(coords[i], basicCoords[i]); } res = m.mapRawToCorrected(coords.data(), 5, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(coords[i], basicCoords[i]); } std::array rects = { 0, 0, 100, 100, testActiveArray[2] - 101, testActiveArray[3] - 101, 100, 100 }; auto rectsOrig = rects; res = m.mapCorrectedRectToRaw(rects.data(), 2, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(rects[i], rectsOrig[i]); } res = m.mapRawRectToCorrected(rects.data(), 2, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(rects[i], rectsOrig[i]); } } TEST(DistortionMapperTest, ClampConsistency) { status_t res; std::array activeArray = {0, 0, 4032, 3024}; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, identityDistortion, testICal, /*activeArray*/ activeArray.data(), /*preCorrectionActiveArray*/ activeArray.data()); auto rectsOrig = activeArray; DistortionMapperInfo *mapperInfo = m.getMapperInfo(); res = m.mapCorrectedRectToRaw(activeArray.data(), 1, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true, /*simple*/ true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < activeArray.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(activeArray[i], rectsOrig[i]); } res = m.mapRawRectToCorrected(activeArray.data(), 1, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true, /*simple*/ true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < activeArray.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(activeArray[i], rectsOrig[i]); } } TEST(DistortionMapperTest, SimpleTransform) { status_t res; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, identityDistortion, testICal, /*activeArray*/ testActiveArray, /*preCorrectionActiveArray*/ testPreCorrActiveArray); auto coords = basicCoords; DistortionMapperInfo *mapperInfo = m.getMapperInfo(); res = m.mapCorrectedToRaw(coords.data(), 5, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/true, /*simple*/true); ASSERT_EQ(res, OK); ASSERT_EQ(coords[0], 0); ASSERT_EQ(coords[1], 0); ASSERT_EQ(coords[2], testPreCorrActiveArray[2] - 1); ASSERT_EQ(coords[3], 0); ASSERT_EQ(coords[4], testPreCorrActiveArray[2] - 1); ASSERT_EQ(coords[5], testPreCorrActiveArray[3] - 1); ASSERT_EQ(coords[6], 0); ASSERT_EQ(coords[7], testPreCorrActiveArray[3] - 1); ASSERT_EQ(coords[8], testPreCorrActiveArray[2] / 2); ASSERT_EQ(coords[9], testPreCorrActiveArray[3] / 2); } void RandomTransformTest(::testing::Test *test, int32_t* activeArray, DistortionMapper &m, bool clamp, bool simple) { status_t res; constexpr int maxAllowedPixelError = 2; // Maximum per-pixel error allowed constexpr int bucketsPerPixel = 3; // Histogram granularity unsigned int seed = 1234; // Ensure repeatability for debugging const size_t coordCount = 1e5; // Number of random test points std::default_random_engine gen(seed); std::uniform_int_distribution x_dist(0, activeArray[2] - 1); std::uniform_int_distribution y_dist(0, activeArray[3] - 1); std::vector randCoords(coordCount * 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < randCoords.size(); i += 2) { randCoords[i] = x_dist(gen); randCoords[i + 1] = y_dist(gen); } randCoords.insert(randCoords.end(), basicCoords.begin(), basicCoords.end()); auto origCoords = randCoords; base::Timer correctedToRawTimer; DistortionMapperInfo *mapperInfo = m.getMapperInfo(); res = m.mapCorrectedToRaw(randCoords.data(), randCoords.size() / 2, mapperInfo, clamp, simple); auto correctedToRawDurationMs = correctedToRawTimer.duration(); EXPECT_EQ(res, OK); base::Timer rawToCorrectedTimer; res = m.mapRawToCorrected(randCoords.data(), randCoords.size() / 2, mapperInfo, clamp, simple); auto rawToCorrectedDurationMs = rawToCorrectedTimer.duration(); EXPECT_EQ(res, OK); float correctedToRawDurationPerCoordUs = (std::chrono::duration_cast>( correctedToRawDurationMs) / (randCoords.size() / 2) ).count(); float rawToCorrectedDurationPerCoordUs = (std::chrono::duration_cast>( rawToCorrectedDurationMs) / (randCoords.size() / 2) ).count(); test->RecordProperty("CorrectedToRawDurationPerCoordUs", fmt::sprintf("%f", correctedToRawDurationPerCoordUs)); test->RecordProperty("RawToCorrectedDurationPerCoordUs", fmt::sprintf("%f", rawToCorrectedDurationPerCoordUs)); // Calculate mapping errors after round trip float totalErrorSq = 0; // Basic histogram; buckets go from [N to N+1) std::array histogram = {0}; int outOfHistogram = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < randCoords.size(); i += 2) { int xOrig = origCoords[i]; int yOrig = origCoords[i + 1]; int xMapped = randCoords[i]; int yMapped = randCoords[i + 1]; float errorSq = (xMapped - xOrig) * (xMapped - xOrig) + (yMapped - yOrig) * (yMapped - yOrig); EXPECT_LE(errorSq, maxAllowedPixelError * maxAllowedPixelError) << "( " << xOrig << "," << yOrig << ") -> (" << xMapped << "," << yMapped << ")"; // Note: Integer coordinates, so histogram will be clumpy; error distances can only be of // form sqrt(X^2+Y^2) where X, Y are integers, so: // 0, 1, sqrt(2), 2, sqrt(5), sqrt(8), 3, sqrt(10), sqrt(13), 4 ... totalErrorSq += errorSq; float errorDist = std::sqrt(errorSq); if (errorDist < maxAllowedPixelError) { int histBucket = static_cast(errorDist * bucketsPerPixel); // rounds down histogram[histBucket]++; } else { outOfHistogram++; } } float rmsError = std::sqrt(totalErrorSq / randCoords.size()); test->RecordProperty("RmsError", fmt::sprintf("%f", rmsError)); for (size_t i = 0; i < histogram.size(); i++) { std::string label = fmt::sprintf("HistogramBin[%f,%f)", (float)i/bucketsPerPixel, (float)(i + 1)/bucketsPerPixel); test->RecordProperty(label, histogram[i]); } test->RecordProperty("HistogramOutOfRange", outOfHistogram); } // Test a realistic distortion function with matching calibration values, enforcing // clamping. TEST(DistortionMapperTest, DISABLED_SmallTransform) { int32_t activeArray[] = {0, 8, 3278, 2450}; int32_t preCorrectionActiveArray[] = {0, 0, 3280, 2464}; float distortion[] = {0.06875723, -0.13922249, 0.02818312, -0.00032781, -0.00025431}; float intrinsics[] = {1812.50000000, 1812.50000000, 1645.59533691, 1229.23229980, 0.00000000}; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, distortion, intrinsics, activeArray, preCorrectionActiveArray); RandomTransformTest(this, activeArray, m, /*clamp*/true, /*simple*/false); } // Test a realistic distortion function with matching calibration values, enforcing // clamping, but using the simple linear transform TEST(DistortionMapperTest, SmallSimpleTransform) { int32_t activeArray[] = {0, 8, 3278, 2450}; int32_t preCorrectionActiveArray[] = {0, 0, 3280, 2464}; float distortion[] = {0.06875723, -0.13922249, 0.02818312, -0.00032781, -0.00025431}; float intrinsics[] = {1812.50000000, 1812.50000000, 1645.59533691, 1229.23229980, 0.00000000}; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, distortion, intrinsics, activeArray, preCorrectionActiveArray); RandomTransformTest(this, activeArray, m, /*clamp*/true, /*simple*/true); } // Test a very large distortion function; the regions aren't valid for such a big transform, // so disable clamping. This test is just to verify round-trip math accuracy for big transforms TEST(DistortionMapperTest, LargeTransform) { float bigDistortion[] = {0.1, -0.003, 0.004, 0.02, 0.01}; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, bigDistortion, testICal, /*activeArray*/testActiveArray, /*preCorrectionActiveArray*/testPreCorrActiveArray); RandomTransformTest(this, testActiveArray, m, /*clamp*/false, /*simple*/false); } // Compare against values calculated by OpenCV // undistortPoints() method, which is the same as mapRawToCorrected // Ignore clamping // See script DistortionMapperComp.py #include "DistortionMapperTest_OpenCvData.h" TEST(DistortionMapperTest, CompareToOpenCV) { float bigDistortion[] = {0.1, -0.003, 0.004, 0.02, 0.01}; // Expect to match within sqrt(2) radius pixels const int32_t maxSqError = 2; DistortionMapper m; setupTestMapper(&m, bigDistortion, testICal, /*activeArray*/testActiveArray, /*preCorrectionActiveArray*/testActiveArray); using namespace openCvData; DistortionMapperInfo *mapperInfo = m.getMapperInfo(); m.mapRawToCorrected(rawCoords.data(), rawCoords.size() / 2, mapperInfo, /*clamp*/false, /*simple*/false); for (size_t i = 0; i < rawCoords.size(); i+=2) { int32_t dist = (rawCoords[i] - expCoords[i]) * (rawCoords[i] - expCoords[i]) + (rawCoords[i + 1] - expCoords[i + 1]) * (rawCoords[i + 1] - expCoords[i + 1]); EXPECT_LE(dist, maxSqError) << "(" << rawCoords[i] << ", " << rawCoords[i + 1] << ") != (" << expCoords[i] << ", " << expCoords[i + 1] << ")"; } }