/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "idmap2/FabricatedOverlay.h" #include // umask #include // umask #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android::idmap2 { constexpr auto kBufferSize = 1024; namespace { bool Read32(std::istream& stream, uint32_t* out) { uint32_t value; if (stream.read(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(uint32_t))) { *out = dtohl(value); return true; } return false; } void Write32(std::ostream& stream, uint32_t value) { uint32_t x = htodl(value); stream.write(reinterpret_cast(&x), sizeof(uint32_t)); } } // namespace FabricatedOverlay::FabricatedOverlay(pb::FabricatedOverlay&& overlay, std::string&& string_pool_data, std::vector binary_files, off_t total_binary_bytes, std::optional crc_from_disk) : overlay_pb_(std::forward(overlay)), string_pool_data_(std::move(string_pool_data)), binary_files_(std::move(binary_files)), total_binary_bytes_(total_binary_bytes), crc_from_disk_(crc_from_disk) { } FabricatedOverlay::Builder::Builder(const std::string& package_name, const std::string& name, const std::string& target_package_name) { package_name_ = package_name; name_ = name; target_package_name_ = target_package_name; } FabricatedOverlay::Builder& FabricatedOverlay::Builder::SetOverlayable(const std::string& name) { target_overlayable_ = name; return *this; } FabricatedOverlay::Builder& FabricatedOverlay::Builder::SetResourceValue( const std::string& resource_name, uint8_t data_type, uint32_t data_value, const std::string& configuration) { entries_.emplace_back( Entry{resource_name, data_type, data_value, "", std::nullopt, 0, 0, configuration, false}); return *this; } FabricatedOverlay::Builder& FabricatedOverlay::Builder::SetResourceValue( const std::string& resource_name, uint8_t data_type, const std::string& data_string_value, const std::string& configuration) { entries_.emplace_back( Entry{resource_name, data_type, 0, data_string_value, std::nullopt, 0, 0, configuration, false}); return *this; } FabricatedOverlay::Builder& FabricatedOverlay::Builder::SetResourceValue( const std::string& resource_name, std::optional&& binary_value, off64_t data_binary_offset, size_t data_binary_size, const std::string& configuration, bool nine_patch) { entries_.emplace_back(Entry{resource_name, 0, 0, "", binary_value, data_binary_offset, data_binary_size, configuration, nine_patch}); return *this; } static Result buildBinaryData( pb::ResourceValue* pb_value, const TargetValue &value) { pb_value->set_data_type(Res_value::TYPE_STRING); size_t binary_size; off64_t binary_offset; std::unique_ptr binary_stream; if (value.nine_patch) { std::string file_contents; file_contents.resize(value.data_binary_size); if (!base::ReadFullyAtOffset(value.data_binary_value->get(), file_contents.data(), value.data_binary_size, value.data_binary_offset)) { return Error("Failed to read binary file data."); } const StringPiece content(file_contents.c_str(), file_contents.size()); android::PngChunkFilter png_chunk_filter(content); android::AndroidLogDiagnostics diag; auto png = android::ReadPng(&png_chunk_filter, &diag); if (!png) { return Error("Error opening file as png"); } std::string err; std::unique_ptr nine_patch = NinePatch::Create(png->rows.get(), png->width, png->height, &err); if (!nine_patch) { return Error("%s", err.c_str()); } png->width -= 2; png->height -= 2; memmove(png->rows.get(), png->rows.get() + 1, png->height * sizeof(uint8_t**)); for (int32_t h = 0; h < png->height; h++) { memmove(png->rows[h], png->rows[h] + 4, png->width * 4); } android::BigBuffer buffer(value.data_binary_size); android::BigBufferOutputStream buffer_output_stream(&buffer); if (!android::WritePng(png.get(), nine_patch.get(), &buffer_output_stream, {}, &diag, false)) { return Error("Error writing frro png"); } binary_size = buffer.size(); binary_offset = 0; android::BigBufferInputStream *buffer_input_stream = new android::BigBufferInputStream(std::move(buffer)); binary_stream.reset(buffer_input_stream); } else { binary_size = value.data_binary_size; binary_offset = value.data_binary_offset; android::FileInputStream *fis = new android::FileInputStream(value.data_binary_value.value()); binary_stream.reset(fis); } return FabricatedOverlay::BinaryData{ std::move(binary_stream), binary_offset, binary_size}; } Result FabricatedOverlay::Builder::Build() { using ConfigMap = std::map>; using EntryMap = std::map>; using TypeMap = std::map>; using PackageMap = std::map>; PackageMap package_map; android::StringPool string_pool; for (const auto& res_entry : entries_) { StringPiece package_substr; StringPiece type_name; StringPiece entry_name; if (!android::ExtractResourceName(StringPiece(res_entry.resource_name), &package_substr, &type_name, &entry_name)) { return Error("failed to parse resource name '%s'", res_entry.resource_name.c_str()); } std::string_view package_name = package_substr.empty() ? target_package_name_ : package_substr; if (type_name.empty()) { return Error("resource name '%s' missing type name", res_entry.resource_name.c_str()); } if (entry_name.empty()) { return Error("resource name '%s' missing entry name", res_entry.resource_name.c_str()); } auto package = package_map.find(package_name); if (package == package_map.end()) { package = package_map .insert(std::make_pair(package_name, TypeMap())) .first; } auto type = package->second.find(type_name); if (type == package->second.end()) { type = package->second.insert(std::make_pair(type_name, EntryMap())).first; } auto entry = type->second.find(entry_name); if (entry == type->second.end()) { entry = type->second.insert(std::make_pair(entry_name, ConfigMap())).first; } auto value = entry->second.find(res_entry.configuration); if (value == entry->second.end()) { value = entry->second.insert(std::make_pair(res_entry.configuration, TargetValue())).first; } value->second = TargetValue{res_entry.data_type, res_entry.data_value, res_entry.data_string_value, res_entry.data_binary_value, res_entry.data_binary_offset, res_entry.data_binary_size, res_entry.nine_patch}; } pb::FabricatedOverlay overlay_pb; overlay_pb.set_package_name(package_name_); overlay_pb.set_name(name_); overlay_pb.set_target_package_name(target_package_name_); overlay_pb.set_target_overlayable(target_overlayable_); std::vector binary_files; size_t total_binary_bytes = 0; // 16 for the number of bytes in the frro file before the binary data const size_t FRRO_HEADER_SIZE = 16; for (auto& package : package_map) { auto package_pb = overlay_pb.add_packages(); package_pb->set_name(package.first); for (auto& type : package.second) { auto type_pb = package_pb->add_types(); type_pb->set_name(type.first); for (auto& entry : type.second) { for (const auto& value: entry.second) { auto entry_pb = type_pb->add_entries(); entry_pb->set_name(entry.first); entry_pb->set_configuration(value.first); pb::ResourceValue* pb_value = entry_pb->mutable_res_value(); pb_value->set_data_type(value.second.data_type); if (value.second.data_type == Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { auto ref = string_pool.MakeRef(value.second.data_string_value); pb_value->set_data_value(ref.index()); } else if (value.second.data_binary_value.has_value()) { auto binary_data = buildBinaryData(pb_value, value.second); if (!binary_data) { return binary_data.GetError(); } pb_value->set_data_type(Res_value::TYPE_STRING); std::string uri = StringPrintf("frro:/%s?offset=%d&size=%d", frro_path_.c_str(), static_cast (FRRO_HEADER_SIZE + total_binary_bytes), static_cast (binary_data->size)); total_binary_bytes += binary_data->size; binary_files.emplace_back(std::move(*binary_data)); auto ref = string_pool.MakeRef(std::move(uri)); pb_value->set_data_value(ref.index()); } else { pb_value->set_data_value(value.second.data_value); } } } } } android::BigBuffer string_buffer(kBufferSize); android::StringPool::FlattenUtf8(&string_buffer, string_pool, nullptr); return FabricatedOverlay(std::move(overlay_pb), string_buffer.to_string(), std::move(binary_files), total_binary_bytes); } Result FabricatedOverlay::FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream) { uint32_t magic; if (!Read32(stream, &magic)) { return Error("Failed to read fabricated overlay magic."); } if (magic != kFabricatedOverlayMagic) { return Error("Not a fabricated overlay file."); } uint32_t version; if (!Read32(stream, &version)) { return Error("Failed to read fabricated overlay version."); } if (version < 1 || version > 3) { return Error("Invalid fabricated overlay version '%u'.", version); } uint32_t crc; if (!Read32(stream, &crc)) { return Error("Failed to read fabricated overlay crc."); } pb::FabricatedOverlay overlay{}; std::string sp_data; uint32_t total_binary_bytes; if (version == 3) { if (!Read32(stream, &total_binary_bytes)) { return Error("Failed read total binary bytes."); } stream.seekg(total_binary_bytes, std::istream::cur); } if (version >= 2) { uint32_t sp_size; if (!Read32(stream, &sp_size)) { return Error("Failed read string pool size."); } std::string buf(sp_size, '\0'); if (!stream.read(buf.data(), sp_size)) { return Error("Failed to read string pool."); } sp_data = buf; } if (!overlay.ParseFromIstream(&stream)) { return Error("Failed read fabricated overlay proto."); } // If the proto version is the latest version, then the contents of the proto must be the same // when the proto is re-serialized; otherwise, the crc must be calculated because migrating the // proto to the latest version will likely change the contents of the fabricated overlay. return FabricatedOverlay(std::move(overlay), std::move(sp_data), {}, total_binary_bytes, version == kFabricatedOverlayCurrentVersion ? std::optional(crc) : std::nullopt); } Result FabricatedOverlay::InitializeData() const { if (!data_.has_value()) { auto pb_size = overlay_pb_.ByteSizeLong(); auto pb_data = std::unique_ptr(new uint8_t[pb_size]); // Ensure serialization is deterministic google::protobuf::io::ArrayOutputStream array_stream(pb_data.get(), pb_size); google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream output_stream(&array_stream); output_stream.SetSerializationDeterministic(true); overlay_pb_.SerializeWithCachedSizes(&output_stream); if (output_stream.HadError() || pb_size != output_stream.ByteCount()) { return Error("Failed to serialize fabricated overlay."); } // Calculate the crc using the proto data and the version. uint32_t pb_crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); pb_crc = crc32(pb_crc, reinterpret_cast(&kFabricatedOverlayCurrentVersion), sizeof(uint32_t)); pb_crc = crc32(pb_crc, pb_data.get(), pb_size); data_ = SerializedData{std::move(pb_data), pb_size, pb_crc, string_pool_data_}; } return &(*data_); } Result FabricatedOverlay::GetCrc() const { if (crc_from_disk_.has_value()) { return *crc_from_disk_; } auto data = InitializeData(); if (!data) { return data.GetError(); } return (*data)->pb_crc; } Result FabricatedOverlay::ToBinaryStream(std::ostream& stream) const { auto data = InitializeData(); if (!data) { return data.GetError(); } Write32(stream, kFabricatedOverlayMagic); Write32(stream, kFabricatedOverlayCurrentVersion); Write32(stream, (*data)->pb_crc); Write32(stream, total_binary_bytes_); std::string file_contents; for (const FabricatedOverlay::BinaryData& bd : binary_files_) { file_contents.resize(bd.size); if (!bd.input_stream->ReadFullyAtOffset(file_contents.data(), bd.size, bd.offset)) { return Error("Failed to read binary file data."); } stream.write(file_contents.data(), file_contents.length()); } Write32(stream, (*data)->sp_data.length()); stream.write((*data)->sp_data.data(), (*data)->sp_data.length()); if (stream.bad()) { return Error("Failed to write string pool data."); } stream.write(reinterpret_cast((*data)->pb_data.get()), (*data)->pb_data_size); if (stream.bad()) { return Error("Failed to write serialized fabricated overlay."); } return Unit{}; } using FabContainer = FabricatedOverlayContainer; FabContainer::FabricatedOverlayContainer(FabricatedOverlay&& overlay, std::string&& path) : overlay_(std::forward(overlay)), path_(std::forward(path)) { } FabContainer::~FabricatedOverlayContainer() = default; Result> FabContainer::FromPath(std::string path) { std::fstream fin(path); auto overlay = FabricatedOverlay::FromBinaryStream(fin); if (!overlay) { return overlay.GetError(); } return std::unique_ptr( new FabricatedOverlayContainer(std::move(*overlay), std::move(path))); } std::unique_ptr FabContainer::FromOverlay(FabricatedOverlay&& overlay) { return std::unique_ptr( new FabricatedOverlayContainer(std::move(overlay), {} /* path */)); } OverlayManifestInfo FabContainer::GetManifestInfo() const { const pb::FabricatedOverlay& overlay_pb = overlay_.overlay_pb_; return OverlayManifestInfo{ .package_name = overlay_pb.package_name(), .name = overlay_pb.name(), .target_package = overlay_pb.target_package_name(), .target_name = overlay_pb.target_overlayable(), }; } Result FabContainer::FindOverlayInfo(const std::string& name) const { const OverlayManifestInfo info = GetManifestInfo(); if (name != info.name) { return Error("Failed to find name '%s' in fabricated overlay", name.c_str()); } return info; } Result FabContainer::GetOverlayData(const OverlayManifestInfo& info) const { const pb::FabricatedOverlay& overlay_pb = overlay_.overlay_pb_; if (info.name != overlay_pb.name()) { return Error("Failed to find name '%s' in fabricated overlay", info.name.c_str()); } OverlayData result{}; for (const auto& package : overlay_pb.packages()) { for (const auto& type : package.types()) { for (const auto& entry : type.entries()) { auto name = base::StringPrintf("%s:%s/%s", package.name().c_str(), type.name().c_str(), entry.name().c_str()); const auto& res_value = entry.res_value(); result.pairs.emplace_back(OverlayData::Value{ name, TargetValueWithConfig{.value = TargetValue{ .data_type = static_cast(res_value.data_type()), .data_value = res_value.data_value()}, .config = entry.configuration()}}); } } } const uint32_t string_pool_data_length = overlay_.string_pool_data_.length(); result.string_pool_data = OverlayData::InlineStringPoolData{ .data = std::unique_ptr(new uint8_t[string_pool_data_length]), .data_length = string_pool_data_length, .string_pool_offset = 0, }; memcpy(result.string_pool_data->data.get(), overlay_.string_pool_data_.data(), string_pool_data_length); return result; } Result FabContainer::GetCrc() const { return overlay_.GetCrc(); } const std::string& FabContainer::GetPath() const { return path_; } Result FabContainer::GetResourceName(ResourceId /* id */) const { return Error("Fabricated overlay does not contain resources."); } } // namespace android::idmap2