/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.app; import static android.app.ActivityTaskManager.INVALID_TASK_ID; import static android.window.DisplayAreaOrganizer.FEATURE_UNDEFINED; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.TestApi; import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.LocusId; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.os.Build; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Parcel; import android.view.DisplayCutout; import android.window.WindowContainerToken; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Objects; /** * Stores information about a particular Task. */ public class TaskInfo { private static final String TAG = "TaskInfo"; /** * The value to use when the property has not a specific value. * @hide */ public static final int PROPERTY_VALUE_UNSET = -1; /** * The id of the user the task was running as if this is a leaf task. The id of the current * running user of the system otherwise. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) public int userId; /** * The identifier for this task. */ public int taskId; /** * Whether or not this task has any running activities. */ public boolean isRunning; /** * The base intent of the task (generally the intent that launched the task). This intent can * be used to relaunch the task (if it is no longer running) or brought to the front if it is. */ @NonNull public Intent baseIntent; /** * The component of the first activity in the task, can be considered the "application" of this * task. */ @Nullable public ComponentName baseActivity; /** * The component of the top activity in the task, currently showing to the user. */ @Nullable public ComponentName topActivity; /** * The component of the target activity if this task was started from an activity alias. * Otherwise, this is null. */ @Nullable public ComponentName origActivity; /** * The component of the activity that started this task (may be the component of the activity * alias). * @hide */ @Nullable public ComponentName realActivity; /** * The number of activities in this task (including running). */ public int numActivities; /** * The last time this task was active since boot (including time spent in sleep). * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public long lastActiveTime; /** * The id of the display this task is associated with. * @hide */ public int displayId; /** * The feature id of {@link com.android.server.wm.TaskDisplayArea} this task is associated with. * @hide */ public int displayAreaFeatureId = FEATURE_UNDEFINED; /** * The recent activity values for the highest activity in the stack to have set the values. * {@link Activity#setTaskDescription(android.app.ActivityManager.TaskDescription)}. */ @Nullable public ActivityManager.TaskDescription taskDescription; /** * The locusId of the task. * @hide */ @Nullable public LocusId mTopActivityLocusId; /** * Whether this task supports multi windowing modes based on the device settings and the * root activity resizability and configuration. * @hide */ public boolean supportsMultiWindow; /** * The resize mode of the task. See {@link ActivityInfo#resizeMode}. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public int resizeMode; /** * The current configuration of the task. * @hide */ @NonNull @UnsupportedAppUsage public final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); /** * Used as an opaque identifier for this task. * @hide */ @NonNull public WindowContainerToken token; /** * The PictureInPictureParams for the Task, if set. * @hide */ @Nullable public PictureInPictureParams pictureInPictureParams; /** * @hide */ public boolean shouldDockBigOverlays; /** * The task id of the host Task of the launch-into-pip Activity, i.e., it points to the Task * the launch-into-pip Activity is originated from. * @hide */ public int launchIntoPipHostTaskId; /** * The task id of the parent Task of the launch-into-pip Activity, i.e., if task have more than * one activity it will create new task for this activity, this id is the origin task id and * the pip activity will be reparent to origin task when it exit pip mode. * @hide */ public int lastParentTaskIdBeforePip; /** * The {@link Rect} copied from {@link DisplayCutout#getSafeInsets()} if the cutout is not of * (LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES, LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS), * {@code null} otherwise. * @hide */ @Nullable public Rect displayCutoutInsets; /** * The activity type of the top activity in this task. * @hide */ public @WindowConfiguration.ActivityType int topActivityType; /** * The {@link ActivityInfo} of the top activity in this task. * @hide */ @Nullable public ActivityInfo topActivityInfo; /** * Whether this task is resizable. Unlike {@link #resizeMode} (which is what the top activity * supports), this is what the system actually uses for resizability based on other policy and * developer options. * @hide */ public boolean isResizeable; /** * Minimal width of the task when it's resizeable. * @hide */ public int minWidth; /** * Minimal height of the task when it's resizeable. * @hide */ public int minHeight; /** * The default minimal size of the task used when a minWidth or minHeight is not specified. * @hide */ public int defaultMinSize; /** * Relative position of the task's top left corner in the parent container. * @hide */ public Point positionInParent; /** * The launch cookies associated with activities in this task if any. * @see ActivityOptions#setLaunchCookie(IBinder) * @hide */ public ArrayList launchCookies = new ArrayList<>(); /** * The identifier of the parent task that is created by organizer, otherwise * {@link ActivityTaskManager#INVALID_TASK_ID}. * @hide */ public int parentTaskId; /** * Whether this task is focused. * @hide */ public boolean isFocused; /** * Whether this task is visible. * @hide */ public boolean isVisible; /** * Whether this task is request visible. * @hide */ public boolean isVisibleRequested; /** * Whether this task is sleeping due to sleeping display. * @hide */ public boolean isSleeping; /** * Whether the top activity fillsParent() is false * @hide */ public boolean isTopActivityTransparent; /** * Encapsulate specific App Compat information. * @hide */ public AppCompatTaskInfo appCompatTaskInfo = AppCompatTaskInfo.create(); TaskInfo() { // Do nothing } private TaskInfo(Parcel source) { readFromParcel(source); } /** * Whether this task is visible. */ public boolean isVisible() { return isVisible; } /** @hide */ @NonNull @TestApi public WindowContainerToken getToken() { return token; } /** @hide */ @NonNull @TestApi public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } /** @hide */ @Nullable @TestApi public PictureInPictureParams getPictureInPictureParams() { return pictureInPictureParams; } /** @hide */ @TestApi public boolean shouldDockBigOverlays() { return shouldDockBigOverlays; } /** @hide */ @WindowConfiguration.WindowingMode public int getWindowingMode() { return configuration.windowConfiguration.getWindowingMode(); } /** @hide */ public boolean isFreeform() { return configuration.windowConfiguration.getWindowingMode() == WindowConfiguration.WINDOWING_MODE_FREEFORM; } /** @hide */ @WindowConfiguration.ActivityType public int getActivityType() { return configuration.windowConfiguration.getActivityType(); } /** @hide */ public void addLaunchCookie(IBinder cookie) { if (cookie == null || launchCookies.contains(cookie)) return; launchCookies.add(cookie); } /** * @return {@code true} if this task contains the launch cookie. * @hide */ @TestApi public boolean containsLaunchCookie(@NonNull IBinder cookie) { return launchCookies.contains(cookie); } /** * @return The parent task id of this task. * @hide */ @TestApi public int getParentTaskId() { return parentTaskId; } /** @hide */ @TestApi public boolean hasParentTask() { return parentTaskId != INVALID_TASK_ID; } /** * @return The id of the display this task is associated with. * @hide */ @TestApi public int getDisplayId() { return displayId; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the parameters that are important for task organizers are equal * between this {@link TaskInfo} and {@param that}. * @hide */ public boolean equalsForTaskOrganizer(@Nullable TaskInfo that) { if (that == null) { return false; } return topActivityType == that.topActivityType && isResizeable == that.isResizeable && supportsMultiWindow == that.supportsMultiWindow && displayAreaFeatureId == that.displayAreaFeatureId && Objects.equals(positionInParent, that.positionInParent) && Objects.equals(pictureInPictureParams, that.pictureInPictureParams) && Objects.equals(shouldDockBigOverlays, that.shouldDockBigOverlays) && Objects.equals(displayCutoutInsets, that.displayCutoutInsets) && getWindowingMode() == that.getWindowingMode() && configuration.uiMode == that.configuration.uiMode && Objects.equals(taskDescription, that.taskDescription) && isFocused == that.isFocused && isVisible == that.isVisible && isVisibleRequested == that.isVisibleRequested && isSleeping == that.isSleeping && Objects.equals(mTopActivityLocusId, that.mTopActivityLocusId) && parentTaskId == that.parentTaskId && Objects.equals(topActivity, that.topActivity) && isTopActivityTransparent == that.isTopActivityTransparent && appCompatTaskInfo.equalsForTaskOrganizer(that.appCompatTaskInfo); } /** * @return {@code true} if parameters that are important for size compat have changed. * @hide */ public boolean equalsForCompatUi(@Nullable TaskInfo that) { if (that == null) { return false; } final boolean hasCompatUI = appCompatTaskInfo.hasCompatUI(); return displayId == that.displayId && taskId == that.taskId && isFocused == that.isFocused && isTopActivityTransparent == that.isTopActivityTransparent && appCompatTaskInfo.equalsForCompatUi(that.appCompatTaskInfo) // Bounds are important if top activity has compat controls. && (!hasCompatUI || configuration.windowConfiguration.getBounds() .equals(that.configuration.windowConfiguration.getBounds())) && (!hasCompatUI || configuration.getLayoutDirection() == that.configuration.getLayoutDirection()) && (!hasCompatUI || configuration.uiMode == that.configuration.uiMode) && (!hasCompatUI || isVisible == that.isVisible); } /** * Reads the TaskInfo from a parcel. */ void readFromParcel(Parcel source) { userId = source.readInt(); taskId = source.readInt(); displayId = source.readInt(); isRunning = source.readBoolean(); baseIntent = source.readTypedObject(Intent.CREATOR); baseActivity = ComponentName.readFromParcel(source); topActivity = ComponentName.readFromParcel(source); origActivity = ComponentName.readFromParcel(source); realActivity = ComponentName.readFromParcel(source); numActivities = source.readInt(); lastActiveTime = source.readLong(); taskDescription = source.readTypedObject(ActivityManager.TaskDescription.CREATOR); supportsMultiWindow = source.readBoolean(); resizeMode = source.readInt(); configuration.readFromParcel(source); token = WindowContainerToken.CREATOR.createFromParcel(source); topActivityType = source.readInt(); pictureInPictureParams = source.readTypedObject(PictureInPictureParams.CREATOR); shouldDockBigOverlays = source.readBoolean(); launchIntoPipHostTaskId = source.readInt(); lastParentTaskIdBeforePip = source.readInt(); displayCutoutInsets = source.readTypedObject(Rect.CREATOR); topActivityInfo = source.readTypedObject(ActivityInfo.CREATOR); isResizeable = source.readBoolean(); minWidth = source.readInt(); minHeight = source.readInt(); defaultMinSize = source.readInt(); source.readBinderList(launchCookies); positionInParent = source.readTypedObject(Point.CREATOR); parentTaskId = source.readInt(); isFocused = source.readBoolean(); isVisible = source.readBoolean(); isVisibleRequested = source.readBoolean(); isSleeping = source.readBoolean(); mTopActivityLocusId = source.readTypedObject(LocusId.CREATOR); displayAreaFeatureId = source.readInt(); isTopActivityTransparent = source.readBoolean(); appCompatTaskInfo = source.readTypedObject(AppCompatTaskInfo.CREATOR); } /** * Writes the TaskInfo to a parcel. */ void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(userId); dest.writeInt(taskId); dest.writeInt(displayId); dest.writeBoolean(isRunning); dest.writeTypedObject(baseIntent, 0); ComponentName.writeToParcel(baseActivity, dest); ComponentName.writeToParcel(topActivity, dest); ComponentName.writeToParcel(origActivity, dest); ComponentName.writeToParcel(realActivity, dest); dest.writeInt(numActivities); dest.writeLong(lastActiveTime); dest.writeTypedObject(taskDescription, flags); dest.writeBoolean(supportsMultiWindow); dest.writeInt(resizeMode); configuration.writeToParcel(dest, flags); token.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeInt(topActivityType); dest.writeTypedObject(pictureInPictureParams, flags); dest.writeBoolean(shouldDockBigOverlays); dest.writeInt(launchIntoPipHostTaskId); dest.writeInt(lastParentTaskIdBeforePip); dest.writeTypedObject(displayCutoutInsets, flags); dest.writeTypedObject(topActivityInfo, flags); dest.writeBoolean(isResizeable); dest.writeInt(minWidth); dest.writeInt(minHeight); dest.writeInt(defaultMinSize); dest.writeBinderList(launchCookies); dest.writeTypedObject(positionInParent, flags); dest.writeInt(parentTaskId); dest.writeBoolean(isFocused); dest.writeBoolean(isVisible); dest.writeBoolean(isVisibleRequested); dest.writeBoolean(isSleeping); dest.writeTypedObject(mTopActivityLocusId, flags); dest.writeInt(displayAreaFeatureId); dest.writeBoolean(isTopActivityTransparent); dest.writeTypedObject(appCompatTaskInfo, flags); } @Override public String toString() { return "TaskInfo{userId=" + userId + " taskId=" + taskId + " displayId=" + displayId + " isRunning=" + isRunning + " baseIntent=" + baseIntent + " baseActivity=" + baseActivity + " topActivity=" + topActivity + " origActivity=" + origActivity + " realActivity=" + realActivity + " numActivities=" + numActivities + " lastActiveTime=" + lastActiveTime + " supportsMultiWindow=" + supportsMultiWindow + " resizeMode=" + resizeMode + " isResizeable=" + isResizeable + " minWidth=" + minWidth + " minHeight=" + minHeight + " defaultMinSize=" + defaultMinSize + " token=" + token + " topActivityType=" + topActivityType + " pictureInPictureParams=" + pictureInPictureParams + " shouldDockBigOverlays=" + shouldDockBigOverlays + " launchIntoPipHostTaskId=" + launchIntoPipHostTaskId + " lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=" + lastParentTaskIdBeforePip + " displayCutoutSafeInsets=" + displayCutoutInsets + " topActivityInfo=" + topActivityInfo + " launchCookies=" + launchCookies + " positionInParent=" + positionInParent + " parentTaskId=" + parentTaskId + " isFocused=" + isFocused + " isVisible=" + isVisible + " isVisibleRequested=" + isVisibleRequested + " isSleeping=" + isSleeping + " locusId=" + mTopActivityLocusId + " displayAreaFeatureId=" + displayAreaFeatureId + " isTopActivityTransparent=" + isTopActivityTransparent + " appCompatTaskInfo=" + appCompatTaskInfo + "}"; } }