package: ""
container: "system"

# Note: When adding a new flag here, consider including the word "notification(s)" in the flag name
# when appropriate, as it's not currently part of the namespace so it may not be obvious what the
# flag relates to.

flag {
  name: "modes_api"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "This flag controls new and updated DND apis"
  bug: "300477976"

flag {
  name: "modes_ui"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "This flag controls new and updated DND UIs; dependent on flag modes_api"
  bug: "270703654"

flag {
  name: "api_tvextender"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Guards new api"
  bug: "308164892"
  is_fixed_read_only: true

flag {
  name: "lifetime_extension_refactor"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Enables moving notification lifetime extension management from SystemUI to "
      "Notification Manager Service"
  bug: "299448097"

flag {
  name: "check_autogroup_before_post"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Does a check to see if notification should be autogrouped before posting, and if so groups before post."
  bug: "330214226"

flag {
  name: "visit_person_uri"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Guards the security fix that ensures all URIs are valid"
  bug: "281044385"
  metadata {
    purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX

# vvv Prototypes for using app icons in notifications vvv

flag {
  name: "notifications_use_app_icon"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Experiment to replace the small icon in a notification with the app icon. This includes the status bar, AOD, shelf and notification row itself."
  bug: "335211019"

flag {
  name: "notifications_use_app_icon_in_row"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Experiment to replace the small icon in a notification row with the app icon."
  bug: "335211019"

flag {
  name: "notifications_use_monochrome_app_icon"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Experiment to replace the notification icon in the status bar and shelf with the monochrome app icon, if available."
  bug: "335211019"

# ^^^ Prototypes for using app icons in notifications ^^^

flag {
  name: "notification_expansion_optional"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Experiment to restore the pre-S behavior where standard notifications are not expandable unless they have actions."
  bug: "339523906"

flag {
  name: "keyguard_private_notifications"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Fixes the behavior of KeyguardManager#setPrivateNotificationsAllowed()"
  bug: "309920145"

flag {
  name: "category_voicemail"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "wear_sysui"
  description: "Adds a new voicemail category for notifications"
  bug: "322806700"

flag {
  name: "notification_channel_vibration_effect_api"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "This flag enables the API to allow setting VibrationEffect for NotificationChannels"
  bug: "241732519"

flag {
  name: "evenly_divided_call_style_action_layout"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Evenly divides horizontal space for action buttons in CallStyle notifications."
  bug: "268733030"
  metadata {
    purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX

flag {
  name: "secure_allowlist_token"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Prevents allowlist_token from leaking out and foreign tokens from being accepted"
  bug: "328254922"
  metadata {
    purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX

flag {
  name: "update_ranking_time"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Updates notification sorting criteria to highlight new content while maintaining stability"
  bug: "326016985"
  metadata {
    purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX

flag {
  name: "sort_section_by_time"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Changes notification sort order to be by time within a section"
  bug: "330193582"

flag {
  name: "restrict_audio_attributes_call"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Only CallStyle notifs can use USAGE_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE"
  bug: "331793339"

flag {
  name: "restrict_audio_attributes_alarm"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Only alarm category notifs can use USAGE_ALARM"
  bug: "331793339"

flag {
  name: "restrict_audio_attributes_media"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "No notifs can use USAGE_UNKNOWN or USAGE_MEDIA"
  bug: "331793339"

flag {
  name: "clean_up_spans_and_new_lines"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Cleans up spans and unnecessary new lines from standard notification templates"
  bug: "313439845"

flag {
  name: "compact_heads_up_notification"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "[Minimal HUN] Enables the compact heads up notification feature"
  bug: "270709257"

flag {
  name: "compact_heads_up_notification_reply"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "[Minimal HUN] Enables the compact heads up notification reply capability for Conversation Notifications"
  bug: "336229954"

flag {
  name: "remove_remote_views"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Removes all custom views"
  bug: "342602960"

flag {
  name: "redact_sensitive_content_notifications_on_lockscreen"
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "redacts notifications on the lockscreen if they have the 'sensitiveContent' flag"
  bug: "343631648"

flag {
  name: "api_rich_ongoing"
  is_exported: true
  namespace: "systemui"
  description: "Guards new api"
  bug: "337261753"