/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <AutoBackendTextureRelease.h> #include <DisplayList.h> #include <Matrix.h> #include <Properties.h> #include <Rect.h> #include <RenderNode.h> #include <hwui/Bitmap.h> #include <pipeline/skia/SkiaRecordingCanvas.h> #include <private/hwui/DrawGlInfo.h> #include <renderstate/RenderState.h> #include <renderthread/RenderThread.h> #include <SkBitmap.h> #include <SkColor.h> #include <SkFont.h> #include <SkImageInfo.h> #include <SkRefCnt.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <memory> #include <unordered_map> class SkCanvas; class SkMatrix; class SkPath; struct SkRect; namespace android { namespace uirenderer { #define EXPECT_MATRIX_APPROX_EQ(a, b) EXPECT_TRUE(TestUtils::matricesAreApproxEqual(a, b)) #define EXPECT_RECT_APPROX_EQ(a, b) \ EXPECT_TRUE(MathUtils::areEqual((a).left, (b).left) && \ MathUtils::areEqual((a).top, (b).top) && \ MathUtils::areEqual((a).right, (b).right) && \ MathUtils::areEqual((a).bottom, (b).bottom)); #define EXPECT_CLIP_RECT(expRect, clipStatePtr) \ EXPECT_NE(nullptr, (clipStatePtr)) << "Op is unclipped"; \ if ((clipStatePtr)->mode == ClipMode::Rectangle) { \ EXPECT_EQ((expRect), reinterpret_cast<const ClipRect*>(clipStatePtr)->rect); \ } else { \ ADD_FAILURE() << "ClipState not a rect"; \ } #define INNER_PIPELINE_RENDERTHREAD_TEST(test_case_name, test_name) \ TEST(test_case_name, test_name) { \ TestUtils::runOnRenderThread(test_case_name##_##test_name##_RenderThreadTest::doTheThing); \ } /** * Like gtest's TEST, but runs on the RenderThread, and 'renderThread' is passed, in top level scope * (for e.g. accessing its RenderState) */ #define RENDERTHREAD_TEST(test_case_name, test_name) \ class test_case_name##_##test_name##_RenderThreadTest { \ public: \ static void doTheThing(renderthread::RenderThread& renderThread); \ }; \ INNER_PIPELINE_RENDERTHREAD_TEST(test_case_name, test_name); \ /* Temporarily disabling Vulkan until we can figure out a way to stub out the driver */ \ /* INNER_PIPELINE_RENDERTHREAD_TEST(test_case_name, test_name, SkiaVulkan); */ \ void test_case_name##_##test_name##_RenderThreadTest::doTheThing( \ renderthread::RenderThread& renderThread) /** * Sets a property value temporarily, generally for the duration of a test, restoring the previous * value when going out of scope. * * Can be used e.g. to test behavior only active while Properties::debugOverdraw is enabled. */ template <typename T> class ScopedProperty { public: ScopedProperty(T& property, T newValue) : mPropertyPtr(&property), mOldValue(property) { property = newValue; } ~ScopedProperty() { *mPropertyPtr = mOldValue; } private: T* mPropertyPtr; T mOldValue; }; class TestUtils { public: class SignalingDtor { public: SignalingDtor() : mSignal(nullptr) {} explicit SignalingDtor(int* signal) : mSignal(signal) {} void setSignal(int* signal) { mSignal = signal; } ~SignalingDtor() { if (mSignal) { (*mSignal)++; } } private: int* mSignal; }; class MockTreeObserver : public TreeObserver { public: virtual void onMaybeRemovedFromTree(RenderNode* node) {} }; static bool matricesAreApproxEqual(const Matrix4& a, const Matrix4& b) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (!MathUtils::areEqual(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } static sk_sp<Bitmap> createBitmap(int width, int height, SkColorType colorType = kN32_SkColorType) { SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType); return Bitmap::allocateHeapBitmap(info); } static sk_sp<Bitmap> createBitmap(int width, int height, SkBitmap* outBitmap) { SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, kN32_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType); outBitmap->setInfo(info); return Bitmap::allocateHeapBitmap(outBitmap); } static sp<DeferredLayerUpdater> createTextureLayerUpdater( renderthread::RenderThread& renderThread); static sp<DeferredLayerUpdater> createTextureLayerUpdater( renderthread::RenderThread& renderThread, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const SkMatrix& transform); static sp<RenderNode> createNode( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, std::function<void(RenderProperties& props, Canvas& canvas)> setup) { sp<RenderNode> node = new RenderNode(); RenderProperties& props = node->mutateStagingProperties(); props.setLeftTopRightBottom(left, top, right, bottom); if (setup) { std::unique_ptr<Canvas> canvas( Canvas::create_recording_canvas(props.getWidth(), props.getHeight())); setup(props, *canvas.get()); canvas->finishRecording(node.get()); } node->setPropertyFieldsDirty(0xFFFFFFFF); return node; } template <class RecordingCanvasType> static sp<RenderNode> createNode( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, std::function<void(RenderProperties& props, RecordingCanvasType& canvas)> setup) { sp<RenderNode> node = new RenderNode(); RenderProperties& props = node->mutateStagingProperties(); props.setLeftTopRightBottom(left, top, right, bottom); if (setup) { RecordingCanvasType canvas(props.getWidth(), props.getHeight()); setup(props, canvas); node->setStagingDisplayList(canvas.finishRecording()); } node->setPropertyFieldsDirty(0xFFFFFFFF); return node; } static void recordNode(RenderNode& node, std::function<void(Canvas&)> contentCallback) { std::unique_ptr<Canvas> canvas(Canvas::create_recording_canvas( node.stagingProperties().getWidth(), node.stagingProperties().getHeight(), &node)); contentCallback(*canvas.get()); canvas->finishRecording(&node); } static sp<RenderNode> createSkiaNode( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, std::function<void(RenderProperties& props, skiapipeline::SkiaRecordingCanvas& canvas)> setup, const char* name = nullptr, std::unique_ptr<skiapipeline::SkiaDisplayList> displayList = nullptr) { sp<RenderNode> node = new RenderNode(); if (name) { node->setName(name); } RenderProperties& props = node->mutateStagingProperties(); props.setLeftTopRightBottom(left, top, right, bottom); if (displayList) { node->setStagingDisplayList(DisplayList(std::move(displayList))); } if (setup) { std::unique_ptr<skiapipeline::SkiaRecordingCanvas> canvas( new skiapipeline::SkiaRecordingCanvas(nullptr, props.getWidth(), props.getHeight())); setup(props, *canvas.get()); canvas->finishRecording(node.get()); } node->setPropertyFieldsDirty(0xFFFFFFFF); TestUtils::syncHierarchyPropertiesAndDisplayList(node); return node; } /** * Forces a sync of a tree of RenderNode, such that every descendant will have its staging * properties and DisplayList moved to the render copies. * * Note: does not check dirtiness bits, so any non-staging DisplayLists will be discarded. * For this reason, this should generally only be called once on a tree. */ static void syncHierarchyPropertiesAndDisplayList(sp<RenderNode>& node) { syncHierarchyPropertiesAndDisplayListImpl(node.get()); } static sp<RenderNode>& getSyncedNode(sp<RenderNode>& node) { syncHierarchyPropertiesAndDisplayList(node); return node; } typedef std::function<void(renderthread::RenderThread& thread)> RtCallback; class TestTask : public renderthread::RenderTask { public: explicit TestTask(RtCallback rtCallback) : rtCallback(rtCallback) {} virtual ~TestTask() {} virtual void run() override; RtCallback rtCallback; }; /** * NOTE: requires surfaceflinger to run, otherwise this method will wait indefinitely. */ static void runOnRenderThread(RtCallback rtCallback) { TestTask task(rtCallback); renderthread::RenderThread::getInstance().queue().runSync([&]() { task.run(); }); } static void runOnRenderThreadUnmanaged(RtCallback rtCallback) { auto& rt = renderthread::RenderThread::getInstance(); rt.queue().runSync([&]() { rtCallback(rt); }); } static bool isRenderThreadRunning() { return renderthread::RenderThread::hasInstance(); } static pid_t getRenderThreadTid() { return renderthread::RenderThread::getInstance().getTid(); } static SkColor interpolateColor(float fraction, SkColor start, SkColor end); static void drawUtf8ToCanvas(Canvas* canvas, const char* text, const Paint& paint, float x, float y); static void drawUtf8ToCanvas(Canvas* canvas, const char* text, const Paint& paint, const SkPath& path); static std::unique_ptr<uint16_t[]> asciiToUtf16(const char* str); static SkColor getColor(const sk_sp<SkSurface>& surface, int x, int y); static SkRect getClipBounds(const SkCanvas* canvas); static SkRect getLocalClipBounds(const SkCanvas* canvas); static int getUsageCount(const AutoBackendTextureRelease* textureRelease) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, textureRelease); return textureRelease->mUsageCount; } struct CallCounts { int sync = 0; int contextDestroyed = 0; int destroyed = 0; int removeOverlays = 0; int glesDraw = 0; int vkInitialize = 0; int vkDraw = 0; int vkPostDraw = 0; }; static void expectOnRenderThread(const std::string_view& function = "unknown") { EXPECT_EQ(gettid(), TestUtils::getRenderThreadTid()) << "Called on wrong thread: " << function; } static int createMockFunctor() { const auto renderMode = WebViewFunctor_queryPlatformRenderMode(); return WebViewFunctor_create(nullptr, createMockFunctorCallbacks(renderMode), renderMode); } static WebViewFunctorCallbacks createMockFunctorCallbacks(RenderMode mode) { auto callbacks = WebViewFunctorCallbacks{ .onSync = [](int functor, void* client_data, const WebViewSyncData& data) { expectOnRenderThread("onSync"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].sync++; }, .onContextDestroyed = [](int functor, void* client_data) { expectOnRenderThread("onContextDestroyed"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].contextDestroyed++; }, .onDestroyed = [](int functor, void* client_data) { expectOnRenderThread("onDestroyed"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].destroyed++; }, .removeOverlays = [](int functor, void* data, void (*mergeTransaction)(ASurfaceTransaction*)) { expectOnRenderThread("removeOverlays"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].removeOverlays++; }, }; switch (mode) { case RenderMode::OpenGL_ES: callbacks.gles.draw = [](int functor, void* client_data, const DrawGlInfo& params, const WebViewOverlayData& overlay_params) { expectOnRenderThread("draw"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].glesDraw++; }; break; case RenderMode::Vulkan: callbacks.vk.initialize = [](int functor, void* data, const VkFunctorInitParams& params) { expectOnRenderThread("initialize"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].vkInitialize++; }; callbacks.vk.draw = [](int functor, void* data, const VkFunctorDrawParams& params, const WebViewOverlayData& overlayParams) { expectOnRenderThread("draw"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].vkDraw++; }; callbacks.vk.postDraw = [](int functor, void* data) { expectOnRenderThread("postDraw"); sMockFunctorCounts[functor].vkPostDraw++; }; break; } return callbacks; } static CallCounts& countsForFunctor(int functor) { return sMockFunctorCounts[functor]; } static SkFont defaultFont(); private: static std::unordered_map<int, CallCounts> sMockFunctorCounts; static void syncHierarchyPropertiesAndDisplayListImpl(RenderNode* node) { MarkAndSweepRemoved observer(nullptr); node->syncProperties(); if (node->mNeedsDisplayListSync) { node->mNeedsDisplayListSync = false; node->syncDisplayList(observer, nullptr); } auto& displayList = node->getDisplayList(); if (displayList) { displayList.updateChildren([](RenderNode* child) { syncHierarchyPropertiesAndDisplayListImpl(child); }); } } }; // class TestUtils } /* namespace uirenderer */ } /* namespace android */