# # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################# ### ### DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE ### This is a copy of androidx's benchmark/lockClocks.sh ### Make changes there instead then copy here! ### ################################################################# # This script can be used to lock device clocks to stable levels for comparing # different versions of software. Since the clock levels are not necessarily # indicative of real world behavior, this should **never** be used to compare # performance between different device models. # Fun notes for maintaining this file: # $((arithmetic expressions)) can deal with ints > INT32_MAX, but if compares cannot. This is # why we use MHz. # $((arithmetic expressions)) can sometimes evaluate right-to-left. This is why we use parens. # Everything below the initial host-check isn't bash - Android uses mksh # mksh allows `\n` in an echo, bash doesn't # can't use `awk` # can't use `sed` # can't use `cut` on < L # can't use `expr` on < L ARG_CORES=${1:-big} CPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT=50 GPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT=50 if [ "`command -v getprop`" == "" ]; then if [ -n "`command -v adb`" ]; then echo "" echo "Pushing $0 and running it on device..." dest=/data/local/tmp/`basename $0` adb push $0 ${dest} adb shell ${dest} $@ adb shell rm ${dest} exit else echo "Could not find adb. Options are:" echo " 1. Ensure adb is on your \$PATH" echo " 2. Use './gradlew lockClocks'" echo " 3. Manually adb push this script to your device, and run it there" exit -1 fi fi # require root if [[ `id` != "uid=0"* ]]; then echo "Not running as root, cannot lock clocks, aborting" exit -1 fi DEVICE=`getprop ro.product.device` MODEL=`getprop ro.product.model` if [ "$ARG_CORES" == "big" ]; then CPU_IDEAL_START_FREQ_KHZ=0 elif [ "$ARG_CORES" == "little" ]; then CPU_IDEAL_START_FREQ_KHZ=100000000 ## finding min of max freqs, so start at 100M KHz (100 GHz) else echo "Invalid argument \$1 for ARG_CORES, should be 'big' or 'little', but was $ARG_CORES" exit -1 fi function_core_check() { if [ "$ARG_CORES" == "big" ]; then [ $1 -gt $2 ] elif [ "$ARG_CORES" == "little" ]; then [ $1 -lt $2 ] else echo "Invalid argument \$1 for ARG_CORES, should be 'big' or 'little', but was $ARG_CORES" exit -1 fi } function_setup_go() { if [ -f /d/fpsgo/common/force_onoff ]; then # Disable fpsgo echo 0 > /d/fpsgo/common/force_onoff fpsgoState=`cat /d/fpsgo/common/force_onoff` if [ "$fpsgoState" != "0" ] && [ "$fpsgoState" != "force off" ]; then echo "Failed to disable fpsgo" exit -1 fi fi } # Find the min or max (little vs big) of CPU max frequency, and lock cores of the selected type to # an available frequency that's >= $CPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT% of max. Disable other cores. function_lock_cpu() { CPU_BASE=/sys/devices/system/cpu GOV=cpufreq/scaling_governor # Options to make clock locking on go devices more sticky. function_setup_go # Find max CPU freq, and associated list of available freqs cpuIdealFreq=$CPU_IDEAL_START_FREQ_KHZ cpuAvailFreqCmpr=0 cpuAvailFreq=0 enableIndices='' disableIndices='' cpu=0 while [ -d ${CPU_BASE}/cpu${cpu}/cpufreq ]; do # Try to enable core, so we can find its frequencies. # Note: In cases where the online file is inaccessible, it represents a # core which cannot be turned off, so we simply assume it is enabled if # this command fails. if [ -f "$CPU_BASE/cpu$cpu/online" ]; then echo 1 > ${CPU_BASE}/cpu${cpu}/online || true fi # set userspace governor on all CPUs to ensure freq scaling is disabled echo userspace > ${CPU_BASE}/cpu${cpu}/${GOV} maxFreq=`cat ${CPU_BASE}/cpu$cpu/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq` availFreq=`cat ${CPU_BASE}/cpu$cpu/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies` availFreqCmpr=${availFreq// /-} if (function_core_check $maxFreq $cpuIdealFreq); then # new min/max of max freq, look for cpus with same max freq and same avail freq list cpuIdealFreq=${maxFreq} cpuAvailFreq=${availFreq} cpuAvailFreqCmpr=${availFreqCmpr} if [ -z "$disableIndices" ]; then disableIndices="$enableIndices" else disableIndices="$disableIndices $enableIndices" fi enableIndices=${cpu} elif [ ${maxFreq} == ${cpuIdealFreq} ] && [ ${availFreqCmpr} == ${cpuAvailFreqCmpr} ]; then enableIndices="$enableIndices $cpu" else if [ -z "$disableIndices" ]; then disableIndices="$cpu" else disableIndices="$disableIndices $cpu" fi fi cpu=$(($cpu + 1)) done # check that some CPUs will be enabled if [ -z "$enableIndices" ]; then echo "Failed to find any $ARG_CORES cores to enable, aborting." exit -1 fi # Chose a frequency to lock to that's >= $CPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT% of max # (below, 100M = 1K for KHz->MHz * 100 for %) TARGET_FREQ_MHZ=$(( ($cpuIdealFreq * $CPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT) / 100000 )) chosenFreq=0 chosenFreqDiff=100000000 for freq in ${cpuAvailFreq}; do freqMhz=$(( ${freq} / 1000 )) if [ ${freqMhz} -ge ${TARGET_FREQ_MHZ} ]; then newChosenFreqDiff=$(( $freq - $TARGET_FREQ_MHZ )) if [ $newChosenFreqDiff -lt $chosenFreqDiff ]; then chosenFreq=${freq} chosenFreqDiff=$(( $chosenFreq - $TARGET_FREQ_MHZ )) fi fi done # Lock wembley clocks using high-priority op code method. # This block depends on the shell utility awk, which is only available on API 27+ if [ "$DEVICE" == "wembley" ]; then # Get list of available frequencies to lock to by parsing the op-code list. AVAIL_OP_FREQS=`cat /proc/cpufreq/MT_CPU_DVFS_LL/cpufreq_oppidx \ | awk '{print $2}' \ | tail -n +3 \ | while read line; do echo "${line:1:${#line}-2}" done` # Compute the closest available frequency to the desired frequency, $chosenFreq. # This assumes the op codes listen in /proc/cpufreq/MT_CPU_DVFS_LL/cpufreq_oppidx are listed # in order and 0-indexed. opCode=-1 opFreq=0 currOpCode=-1 for currOpFreq in $AVAIL_OP_FREQS; do currOpCode=$((currOpCode + 1)) prevDiff=$((chosenFreq-opFreq)) prevDiff=`function_abs $prevDiff` currDiff=$((chosenFreq-currOpFreq)) currDiff=`function_abs $currDiff` if [ $currDiff -lt $prevDiff ]; then opCode="$currOpCode" opFreq="$currOpFreq" fi done echo "$opCode" > /proc/ppm/policy/ut_fix_freq_idx fi # enable 'big' CPUs for cpu in ${enableIndices}; do freq=${CPU_BASE}/cpu$cpu/cpufreq # Try to enable core, so we can find its frequencies. # Note: In cases where the online file is inaccessible, it represents a # core which cannot be turned off, so we simply assume it is enabled if # this command fails. if [ -f "$CPU_BASE/cpu$cpu/online" ]; then echo 1 > ${CPU_BASE}/cpu${cpu}/online || true fi # scaling_max_freq must be set before scaling_min_freq echo ${chosenFreq} > ${freq}/scaling_max_freq echo ${chosenFreq} > ${freq}/scaling_min_freq echo ${chosenFreq} > ${freq}/scaling_setspeed # Give system a bit of time to propagate the change to scaling_setspeed. sleep 0.1 # validate setting the freq worked obsCur=`cat ${freq}/scaling_cur_freq` obsMin=`cat ${freq}/scaling_min_freq` obsMax=`cat ${freq}/scaling_max_freq` if [ "$obsCur" -ne "$chosenFreq" ] || [ "$obsMin" -ne "$chosenFreq" ] || [ "$obsMax" -ne "$chosenFreq" ]; then echo "Failed to set CPU$cpu to $chosenFreq Hz! Aborting..." echo "scaling_cur_freq = $obsCur" echo "scaling_min_freq = $obsMin" echo "scaling_max_freq = $obsMax" exit -1 fi done # disable other CPUs (Note: important to enable big cores first!) for cpu in ${disableIndices}; do echo 0 > ${CPU_BASE}/cpu${cpu}/online done echo "==================================" echo "Locked CPUs ${enableIndices// /,} to $chosenFreq / $cpuIdealFreq KHz" echo "Disabled CPUs ${disableIndices// /,}" echo "==================================" } # Returns the absolute value of the first arg passed to this helper. function_abs() { n=$1 if [ $n -lt 0 ]; then echo "$((n * -1 ))" else echo "$n" fi } # If we have a Qualcomm GPU, find its max frequency, and lock to # an available frequency that's >= GPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT% of max. function_lock_gpu_kgsl() { if [ ! -d /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/ ]; then # not kgsl, abort echo "Currently don't support locking GPU clocks of $MODEL ($DEVICE)" return -1 fi if [ ${DEVICE} == "walleye" ] || [ ${DEVICE} == "taimen" ]; then # Workaround crash echo "Unable to lock GPU clocks of $MODEL ($DEVICE)" return -1 fi GPU_BASE=/sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0 gpuMaxFreq=0 gpuAvailFreq=`cat $GPU_BASE/devfreq/available_frequencies` for freq in ${gpuAvailFreq}; do if [ ${freq} -gt ${gpuMaxFreq} ]; then gpuMaxFreq=${freq} fi done # (below, 100M = 1M for MHz * 100 for %) TARGET_FREQ_MHZ=$(( (${gpuMaxFreq} * ${GPU_TARGET_FREQ_PERCENT}) / 100000000 )) chosenFreq=${gpuMaxFreq} index=0 chosenIndex=0 for freq in ${gpuAvailFreq}; do freqMhz=$(( ${freq} / 1000000 )) if [ ${freqMhz} -ge ${TARGET_FREQ_MHZ} ] && [ ${chosenFreq} -ge ${freq} ]; then # note avail freq are generally in reverse order, so we don't break out of this loop chosenFreq=${freq} chosenIndex=${index} fi index=$(($index + 1)) done lastIndex=$(($index - 1)) firstFreq=`function_cut_first_from_space_seperated_list $gpuAvailFreq` if [ ${gpuMaxFreq} != ${firstFreq} ]; then # pwrlevel is index of desired freq among available frequencies, from highest to lowest. # If gpuAvailFreq appears to be in-order, reverse the index chosenIndex=$(($lastIndex - $chosenIndex)) fi echo 0 > ${GPU_BASE}/bus_split echo 1 > ${GPU_BASE}/force_clk_on echo 10000 > ${GPU_BASE}/idle_timer echo performance > ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/governor # NOTE: we store in min/max twice, because we don't know if we're increasing # or decreasing, and it's invalid to try and set min > max, or max < min echo ${chosenFreq} > ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/min_freq echo ${chosenFreq} > ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/max_freq echo ${chosenFreq} > ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/min_freq echo ${chosenFreq} > ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/max_freq echo ${chosenIndex} > ${GPU_BASE}/min_pwrlevel echo ${chosenIndex} > ${GPU_BASE}/max_pwrlevel echo ${chosenIndex} > ${GPU_BASE}/min_pwrlevel echo ${chosenIndex} > ${GPU_BASE}/max_pwrlevel obsCur=`cat ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/cur_freq` obsMin=`cat ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/min_freq` obsMax=`cat ${GPU_BASE}/devfreq/max_freq` if [ obsCur -ne ${chosenFreq} ] || [ obsMin -ne ${chosenFreq} ] || [ obsMax -ne ${chosenFreq} ]; then echo "Failed to set GPU to $chosenFreq Hz! Aborting..." echo "cur_freq = $obsCur" echo "min_freq = $obsMin" echo "max_freq = $obsMax" echo "index = $chosenIndex" exit -1 fi echo "Locked GPU to $chosenFreq / $gpuMaxFreq Hz" } # cut is not available on some devices (Nexus 5 running LRX22C). function_cut_first_from_space_seperated_list() { list=$1 for freq in $list; do echo $freq break done } # kill processes that manage thermals / scaling stop thermal-engine || true stop perfd || true stop vendor.thermal-engine || true stop vendor.perfd || true setprop vendor.powerhal.init 0 || true setprop ctl.interface_restart android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default || true function_lock_cpu if [ "$DEVICE" -ne "wembley" ]; then function_lock_gpu_kgsl else echo "Unable to lock gpu clocks of $MODEL ($DEVICE)." fi # Memory bus - hardcoded per-device for now if [ ${DEVICE} == "marlin" ] || [ ${DEVICE} == "sailfish" ]; then echo 13763 > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,gpubw/max_freq else echo "Unable to lock memory bus of $MODEL ($DEVICE)." fi echo "$DEVICE clocks have been locked - to reset, reboot the device"