  ~ Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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        android:pathData="M 238 56 C 238 42.75 227.26 32 214 32 C 200.75 32 190 42.75 190 56 L 190 74 C 190 77.31 192.69 80 196 80 L 214 80 C 227.26 80 238 69.26 238 56 Z"
        android:pathData="M 199.42 51.71 C 199.34 51.65 199.29 51.56 199.27 51.44 C 199.26 51.31 199.27 51.21 199.33 51.13 C 201.08 48.8 203.23 46.98 205.79 45.67 C 208.35 44.36 211.07 43.71 213.96 43.71 C 216.85 43.71 219.64 44.34 222.25 45.61 C 224.86 46.88 227.03 48.69 228.75 51.05 C 228.86 51.19 228.9 51.32 228.85 51.45 C 228.81 51.57 228.72 51.68 228.58 51.76 C 228.5 51.82 228.38 51.84 228.23 51.84 C 228.08 51.84 227.96 51.76 227.88 51.59 C 226.27 49.34 224.23 47.63 221.78 46.47 C 219.32 45.3 216.72 44.72 213.97 44.72 C 211.22 44.72 208.68 45.32 206.26 46.51 C 203.84 47.7 201.83 49.4 200.22 51.59 C 200.08 51.76 199.94 51.84 199.8 51.84 C 199.66 51.84 199.54 51.8 199.42 51.72 Z M 218.75 72.42 C 216 71.7 213.72 70.28 211.9 68.17 C 210.08 66.06 209.17 63.49 209.17 60.46 C 209.17 59.13 209.65 58.02 210.61 57.15 C 211.57 56.27 212.71 55.84 214.05 55.84 C 215.39 55.84 216.48 56.28 217.43 57.15 C 218.37 58.02 218.85 59.13 218.85 60.46 C 218.85 61.49 219.23 62.34 220 63.02 C 220.76 63.7 221.66 64.04 222.69 64.04 C 223.72 64.04 224.64 63.69 225.38 63 C 226.12 62.31 226.48 61.46 226.48 60.46 C 226.48 57.13 225.25 54.32 222.79 52.04 C 220.33 49.76 217.39 48.62 213.98 48.62 C 210.57 48.62 207.63 49.76 205.19 52.04 C 202.75 54.32 201.52 57.12 201.52 60.46 C 201.52 61.13 201.61 61.97 201.79 63 C 201.97 64.03 202.28 65.22 202.73 66.58 C 202.79 66.72 202.79 66.84 202.75 66.93 C 202.71 67.03 202.6 67.12 202.44 67.2 C 202.3 67.28 202.17 67.3 202.04 67.24 C 201.91 67.18 201.82 67.09 201.77 66.95 C 201.35 65.78 201.04 64.68 200.83 63.64 C 200.62 62.6 200.52 61.54 200.52 60.45 C 200.52 56.81 201.85 53.76 204.5 51.3 C 207.15 48.84 210.31 47.61 213.98 47.61 C 217.65 47.61 220.86 48.84 223.52 51.3 C 226.19 53.76 227.52 56.81 227.52 60.45 C 227.52 61.73 227.05 62.81 226.1 63.7 C 225.16 64.59 224.02 65.03 222.68 65.03 C 221.34 65.03 220.24 64.59 219.28 63.7 C 218.32 62.81 217.84 61.73 217.84 60.45 C 217.84 59.42 217.46 58.56 216.72 57.87 C 215.98 57.18 215.08 56.83 214.05 56.83 C 213.02 56.83 212.08 57.18 211.32 57.87 C 210.56 58.56 210.17 59.43 210.17 60.45 C 210.17 63.26 211.01 65.6 212.69 67.47 C 214.37 69.35 216.49 70.66 219.04 71.41 C 219.21 71.47 219.32 71.55 219.39 71.66 C 219.46 71.77 219.47 71.9 219.41 72.04 C 219.35 72.15 219.28 72.25 219.18 72.35 C 219.08 72.45 218.94 72.47 218.74 72.41 Z M 204.42 43.04 C 204.36 43.04 204.27 43.03 204.15 43 C 204.02 42.97 203.95 42.9 203.92 42.79 C 203.86 42.71 203.84 42.6 203.86 42.46 C 203.87 42.32 203.92 42.22 204.01 42.17 C 205.54 41.31 207.16 40.66 208.86 40.23 C 210.57 39.8 212.3 39.58 214.05 39.58 C 215.8 39.58 217.51 39.79 219.17 40.2 C 220.84 40.62 222.45 41.24 224 42.08 C 224.17 42.16 224.27 42.27 224.31 42.41 C 224.35 42.55 224.35 42.67 224.29 42.79 C 224.23 42.9 224.14 42.98 224.02 43.04 C 223.89 43.1 223.78 43.1 223.67 43.04 C 222.2 42.18 220.65 41.55 219.02 41.16 C 217.39 40.77 215.74 40.58 214.04 40.58 C 212.34 40.58 210.7 40.8 209.1 41.23 C 207.5 41.66 205.94 42.26 204.41 43.04 Z M 209.92 71.96 C 208.36 70.29 207.14 68.55 206.25 66.73 C 205.36 64.91 204.92 62.82 204.92 60.46 C 204.92 58.1 205.82 55.91 207.61 54.23 C 209.4 52.55 211.55 51.71 214.05 51.71 C 216.55 51.71 218.7 52.55 220.49 54.23 C 222.28 55.91 223.18 57.99 223.18 60.46 C 223.18 60.6 223.14 60.72 223.06 60.81 C 222.98 60.91 222.85 60.96 222.68 60.96 C 222.6 60.96 222.49 60.91 222.37 60.81 C 222.25 60.71 222.18 60.6 222.18 60.46 C 222.18 58.27 221.38 56.43 219.78 54.94 C 218.18 53.45 216.27 52.71 214.05 52.71 C 211.83 52.71 209.92 53.45 208.32 54.94 C 206.72 56.43 205.92 58.27 205.92 60.46 C 205.92 62.77 206.32 64.72 207.13 66.34 C 207.94 67.95 209.1 69.58 210.63 71.22 C 210.77 71.39 210.82 71.53 210.78 71.66 C 210.74 71.78 210.69 71.89 210.63 71.97 C 210.55 72.05 210.44 72.1 210.3 72.12 C 210.16 72.13 210.04 72.09 209.92 71.97 Z M 222.34 68.96 C 219.95 68.96 217.88 68.15 216.11 66.54 C 214.35 64.93 213.46 62.9 213.46 60.46 C 213.46 60.32 213.5 60.2 213.58 60.11 C 213.66 60.01 213.79 59.96 213.96 59.96 C 214.1 59.96 214.22 60.01 214.31 60.11 C 214.41 60.21 214.46 60.33 214.46 60.46 C 214.46 62.65 215.24 64.45 216.81 65.86 C 218.38 67.26 220.22 67.96 222.33 67.96 C 222.64 67.96 222.95 67.95 223.27 67.92 C 223.59 67.89 223.9 67.85 224.21 67.8 C 224.32 67.8 224.42 67.83 224.5 67.88 C 224.58 67.93 224.64 68.03 224.67 68.17 C 224.73 68.31 224.71 68.43 224.63 68.52 C 224.55 68.62 224.42 68.68 224.25 68.71 C 224 68.79 223.7 68.86 223.35 68.9 C 223 68.94 222.66 68.96 222.33 68.96 Z"
        android:pathData="M 134 72 L 134 60 C 134 46.75 144.75 36 158 36 C 171.25 36 182 46.75 182 60 L 182 72 M 124 72 L 192 72 C 195.712 72 199.275 73.476 201.899 76.101 C 204.524 78.725 206 82.288 206 86 L 206 146 C 206 149.712 204.524 153.275 201.899 155.899 C 199.275 158.524 195.712 160 192 160 L 124 160 C 120.288 160 116.725 158.524 114.101 155.899 C 111.476 153.275 110 149.712 110 146 L 110 86 C 110 82.288 111.476 78.725 114.101 76.101 C 116.725 73.476 120.288 72 124 72"
        android:pathData="M 155.67 114.83 C 153.22 114.83 151.15 113.98 149.46 112.29 C 147.77 110.6 146.92 108.53 146.92 106.08 C 146.92 103.63 147.77 101.56 149.46 99.87 C 151.15 98.18 153.22 97.33 155.67 97.33 C 158.12 97.33 160.19 98.18 161.88 99.87 C 163.57 101.56 164.42 103.63 164.42 106.08 C 164.42 108.53 163.57 110.6 161.88 112.29 C 160.19 113.98 158.12 114.83 155.67 114.83 Z M 172.59 137 L 169.67 133.5 L 169.67 124.92 C 168.27 124.38 167.14 123.51 166.29 122.32 C 165.44 121.13 165.01 119.8 165.01 118.32 C 165.01 116.38 165.69 114.72 167.05 113.36 C 168.41 112 170.06 111.32 172.01 111.32 C 173.96 111.32 175.61 112 176.97 113.36 C 178.33 114.72 179.01 116.37 179.01 118.32 C 179.01 119.8 178.58 121.13 177.73 122.32 C 176.88 123.51 175.75 124.37 174.35 124.92 L 174.35 125.33 L 176.68 127.66 L 174.35 129.99 L 176.68 132.32 L 172.6 136.99 Z M 172.01 121.83 C 172.98 121.83 173.81 121.49 174.49 120.81 C 175.17 120.13 175.51 119.3 175.51 118.33 C 175.51 117.36 175.17 116.53 174.49 115.85 C 173.81 115.17 172.98 114.83 172.01 114.83 C 171.04 114.83 170.21 115.17 169.53 115.85 C 168.85 116.53 168.51 117.36 168.51 118.33 C 168.51 119.3 168.85 120.13 169.53 120.81 C 170.21 121.49 171.04 121.83 172.01 121.83 Z M 160.46 119.85 C 160.65 121.44 161.15 122.9 161.95 124.23 C 162.75 125.55 163.77 126.7 165.01 127.67 L 165.01 134.67 L 137.01 134.67 L 137.01 129.13 C 137.01 127.81 137.38 126.6 138.12 125.51 C 138.86 124.42 139.81 123.59 140.98 123 C 143.27 121.83 145.66 120.96 148.13 120.38 C 150.6 119.8 153.12 119.5 155.68 119.5 C 156.46 119.5 157.26 119.53 158.07 119.59 C 158.89 119.65 159.68 119.74 160.46 119.85 Z"
        android:pathData="M 63.481 27.427 L 102.118 17.075 C 102.457 16.984 102.815 16.984 103.154 17.075 C 103.493 17.166 103.802 17.344 104.05 17.592 C 104.298 17.841 104.477 18.15 104.568 18.489 L 110.779 41.671 C 110.87 42.01 110.87 42.367 110.779 42.706 C 110.689 43.045 110.51 43.355 110.262 43.603 C 110.014 43.851 109.704 44.03 109.365 44.121 L 70.728 54.473 C 70.216 54.611 69.67 54.539 69.211 54.274 C 68.751 54.008 68.416 53.571 68.279 53.059 L 62.067 29.877 C 61.976 29.538 61.976 29.181 62.067 28.842 C 62.158 28.503 62.336 28.193 62.585 27.945 C 62.833 27.697 63.142 27.518 63.481 27.427"
        android:pathData="M 86.189 50.327 L 93.917 48.256 L 94.952 52.12 L 87.225 54.191 Z"
        android:pathData="M 83.36 55.23 L 98.81 51.08"
        android:pathData="M 90.9 37.2 L 88.3 35.7 L 89.4 33.8 C 89.59 33.48 89.37 33.07 89 33.05 L 81.88 32.62 C 81.47 32.6 81.21 33.05 81.43 33.39 L 85.36 39.34 C 85.56 39.65 86.02 39.64 86.21 39.31 L 87.31 37.41 L 89.91 38.91 C 90.39 39.19 91 39.02 91.28 38.54 C 91.56 38.06 91.39 37.45 90.91 37.17 Z"
        android:pathData="M 86 160 L 222 160"
    <group android:name="group">
            android:pathData="M 98 80 C 92.088 80 86.325 81.872 81.542 85.348 C 76.759 88.823 73.197 93.725 71.37 99.348 C 69.543 104.97 69.543 111.03 71.37 116.652 C 73.197 122.275 76.759 127.177 81.542 130.652 C 86.325 134.128 92.088 136 98 136 C 103.912 136 109.675 134.128 114.458 130.652 C 119.241 127.177 122.803 122.275 124.63 116.652 C 126.457 111.03 126.457 104.97 124.63 99.348 C 122.803 93.725 119.241 88.823 114.458 85.348 C 109.675 81.872 103.912 80 98 80 Z"
            android:pathData="M 98 90.5 C 93.36 90.5 88.906 92.345 85.626 95.626 C 82.345 98.906 80.5 103.36 80.5 108 C 80.5 112.64 82.345 117.094 85.626 120.374 C 88.906 123.655 93.36 125.5 98 125.5 C 102.64 125.5 107.094 123.655 110.374 120.374 C 113.655 117.094 115.5 112.64 115.5 108 C 115.5 103.36 113.655 98.906 110.374 95.626 C 107.094 92.345 102.64 90.5 98 90.5 Z"
            android:pathData="M 92.31 104.5 C 92.31 105.22 91.72 105.81 91 105.81 C 90.28 105.81 89.69 105.22 89.69 104.5 C 89.69 103.78 90.28 103.19 91 103.19 C 91.72 103.19 92.31 103.78 92.31 104.5 Z M 106.31 104.5 C 106.31 105.22 105.72 105.81 105 105.81 C 104.28 105.81 103.69 105.22 103.69 104.5 C 103.69 103.78 104.28 103.19 105 103.19 C 105.72 103.19 106.31 103.78 106.31 104.5 Z"
            android:pathData="M 98.88 107.12 L 98.88 110.62 L 96.61 110.62 M 100.11 116.16 C 98.94 117.33 97.06 117.33 95.89 116.16 C 95.29 115.56 95 114.76 95.02 113.97"
    <group android:name="group_2">
            android:pathData="M 264.23 104 L 296.23 104"
            android:pathData="M 273.16 81.21 C 272.82 80.19 271.87 79.5 270.79 79.5 L 243.01 79.5 C 242.2 79.5 241.46 79.88 240.98 80.54 C 240.5 81.2 240.38 82.02 240.64 82.79 L 247.31 102.79 C 247.65 103.81 248.6 104.5 249.68 104.5 L 280.93 104.5 L 273.17 81.21 Z M 248.25 87.93 C 247.45 88.14 246.57 87.45 246.28 86.39 C 245.99 85.33 246.41 84.28 247.21 84.07 C 248.01 83.86 248.89 84.55 249.18 85.61 C 249.47 86.68 249.05 87.72 248.25 87.93 Z"
        <group android:name="group_1">
                android:pathData="M 279 83 L 285 83 M 277 77 L 285 69 M 271 75 L 271 69"
        android:pathData="M 58.16 105.86 C 57.83 105.28 57.29 104.87 56.64 104.69 L 45.05 101.58 C 43.72 101.22 42.34 102.02 41.99 103.35 L 35.78 126.53 C 35.61 127.17 35.7 127.85 36.03 128.43 C 36.36 129.01 36.9 129.42 37.55 129.6 L 49.14 132.71 C 49.36 132.77 49.57 132.79 49.79 132.79 C 50.89 132.79 51.91 132.05 52.21 130.94 L 58.42 107.76 C 58.59 107.11 58.5 106.44 58.17 105.86 Z M 50.65 107.75 C 50.51 108.28 49.96 108.6 49.43 108.46 C 48.9 108.32 48.58 107.77 48.72 107.24 C 48.86 106.71 49.41 106.39 49.94 106.53 C 50.47 106.67 50.79 107.22 50.65 107.75 Z"
        android:pathData="M 230 160 L 246 160"
        android:pathData="M 204.63 80 C 202.38 75.27 197.58 72 192 72 L 190 72 L 190 74 C 190 77.31 192.69 80 196 80 L 204.63 80 Z"
    <group android:name="group_4">
            android:pathData="M 211.37 102.29 C 210.53 102.82 209.46 102.82 208.63 102.29 C 202.93 98.67 195.29 99.35 190.31 104.32 C 185.34 109.29 184.67 116.93 188.28 122.63 C 188.81 123.46 188.81 124.54 188.28 125.38 C 184.66 131.08 185.34 138.72 190.31 143.69 C 195.29 148.66 202.93 149.34 208.63 145.72 C 209.46 145.19 210.54 145.19 211.37 145.72 C 217.07 149.34 224.71 148.66 229.68 143.69 C 234.66 138.72 235.33 131.08 231.71 125.38 C 231.18 124.55 231.18 123.47 231.71 122.63 C 235.33 116.93 234.65 109.29 229.68 104.32 C 224.71 99.35 217.07 98.67 211.37 102.29 Z"
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                android:pathData="M 198 110 C 197.47 110 196.961 110.211 196.586 110.586 C 196.211 110.961 196 111.47 196 112 C 196 112.53 196.211 113.039 196.586 113.414 C 196.961 113.789 197.47 114 198 114 C 198.53 114 199.039 113.789 199.414 113.414 C 199.789 113.039 200 112.53 200 112 C 200 111.47 199.789 110.961 199.414 110.586 C 199.039 110.211 198.53 110 198 110 Z M 210 110 C 209.47 110 208.961 110.211 208.586 110.586 C 208.211 110.961 208 111.47 208 112 C 208 112.53 208.211 113.039 208.586 113.414 C 208.961 113.789 209.47 114 210 114 C 210.53 114 211.039 113.789 211.414 113.414 C 211.789 113.039 212 112.53 212 112 C 212 111.47 211.789 110.961 211.414 110.586 C 211.039 110.211 210.53 110 210 110 Z M 222 110 C 221.47 110 220.961 110.211 220.586 110.586 C 220.211 110.961 220 111.47 220 112 C 220 112.53 220.211 113.039 220.586 113.414 C 220.961 113.789 221.47 114 222 114 C 222.53 114 223.039 113.789 223.414 113.414 C 223.789 113.039 224 112.53 224 112 C 224 111.47 223.789 110.961 223.414 110.586 C 223.039 110.211 222.53 110 222 110 Z M 198 122 C 197.47 122 196.961 122.211 196.586 122.586 C 196.211 122.961 196 123.47 196 124 C 196 124.53 196.211 125.039 196.586 125.414 C 196.961 125.789 197.47 126 198 126 C 198.53 126 199.039 125.789 199.414 125.414 C 199.789 125.039 200 124.53 200 124 C 200 123.47 199.789 122.961 199.414 122.586 C 199.039 122.211 198.53 122 198 122 Z M 210 122 C 209.47 122 208.961 122.211 208.586 122.586 C 208.211 122.961 208 123.47 208 124 C 208 124.53 208.211 125.039 208.586 125.414 C 208.961 125.789 209.47 126 210 126 C 210.53 126 211.039 125.789 211.414 125.414 C 211.789 125.039 212 124.53 212 124 C 212 123.47 211.789 122.961 211.414 122.586 C 211.039 122.211 210.53 122 210 122 Z M 222 122 C 221.47 122 220.961 122.211 220.586 122.586 C 220.211 122.961 220 123.47 220 124 C 220 124.53 220.211 125.039 220.586 125.414 C 220.961 125.789 221.47 126 222 126 C 222.53 126 223.039 125.789 223.414 125.414 C 223.789 125.039 224 124.53 224 124 C 224 123.47 223.789 122.961 223.414 122.586 C 223.039 122.211 222.53 122 222 122 Z M 198 134 C 197.47 134 196.961 134.211 196.586 134.586 C 196.211 134.961 196 135.47 196 136 C 196 136.53 196.211 137.039 196.586 137.414 C 196.961 137.789 197.47 138 198 138 C 198.53 138 199.039 137.789 199.414 137.414 C 199.789 137.039 200 136.53 200 136 C 200 135.47 199.789 134.961 199.414 134.586 C 199.039 134.211 198.53 134 198 134 Z M 210 134 C 209.47 134 208.961 134.211 208.586 134.586 C 208.211 134.961 208 135.47 208 136 C 208 136.53 208.211 137.039 208.586 137.414 C 208.961 137.789 209.47 138 210 138 C 210.53 138 211.039 137.789 211.414 137.414 C 211.789 137.039 212 136.53 212 136 C 212 135.47 211.789 134.961 211.414 134.586 C 211.039 134.211 210.53 134 210 134 Z M 222 134 C 221.47 134 220.961 134.211 220.586 134.586 C 220.211 134.961 220 135.47 220 136 C 220 136.53 220.211 137.039 220.586 137.414 C 220.961 137.789 221.47 138 222 138 C 222.53 138 223.039 137.789 223.414 137.414 C 223.789 137.039 224 136.53 224 136 C 224 135.47 223.789 134.961 223.414 134.586 C 223.039 134.211 222.53 134 222 134 Z"
            android:pathData="M 222 112 L 198 136 L 222 136"