Package installer
Installing %1$s\u2026
App installed.
Do you want to install this app?
Do you want to update this app?
<p>Update this app from <b>%1$s</b>\?</p><p>This app normally receives updates from <b>%2$s</b>. By updating from a different source, you may receive future updates from any source on your tablet. App functionality may change.</p>
<p>Update this app from <b>%1$s</b>\?</p><p>This app normally receives updates from <b>%2$s</b>. By updating from a different source, you may receive future updates from any source on your TV. App functionality may change.</p>
<p>Update this app from <b>%1$s</b>\?</p><p>This app normally receives updates from <b>%2$s</b>. By updating from a different source, you may receive future updates from any source on your phone. App functionality may change.</p>
App not installed.
The package was blocked from being installed.
App not installed as package conflicts with an existing package.
App not installed as app isn\'t
compatible with your tablet.
This app isn\'t
compatible with your TV.
App not installed as app isn\'t
compatible with your phone.
App not installed as package appears to be invalid.
%1$s couldn\'t be installed on your tablet.
%1$s couldn\'t be installed on your TV.
%1$s couldn\'t be installed on your phone.
Your admin doesn\'t allow installation of apps
obtained from unknown sources
Unknown apps can\'t be installed by this
This user is not allowed to install apps
Update anyway
Manage apps
Out of space
%1$s couldn\'t be installed. Free up some space and try again.
App not found
The app wasn\'t found in the list of installed apps.
Not allowed
The current user is not allowed to perform this uninstallation.
App could not be uninstalled.
Uninstall app
Uninstall update
%1$s is part of the following app:
Do you want to uninstall this app?
Your personal data will be saved
Archive this app for all users? Your personal data will be saved
Archive this app on your work profile? Your personal data will be saved
Archive this app for %1$s? Your personal data will be saved
Do you want to archive this app from your private space? Your personal data will be saved
Do you want to uninstall this app for all
users? The application and its data will be removed from all users on the device.
Do you want to uninstall this app for the user %1$s?
Do you want to uninstall this app from your work profile?
Replace this app with the factory version? All data will be removed.
Replace this app with the factory version? All data will be removed. This affects all users of this device, including those with work profiles.
Keep %1$s of app data.
Do you want to delete this app?
Do you want to uninstall this app? %1$s clone will also be deleted.
Do you want to uninstall this app from your private space?
Running uninstalls
Failed uninstalls
Uninstalling %1$s\u2026
Uninstall finished.
Uninstalled %1$s
Deleted %1$s clone
Uninstall unsuccessful.
Uninstalling %1$s unsuccessful.
Deleting %1$s clone\u2026
Can\'t uninstall active device admin
Can\'t uninstall active device
admin app for %1$s
This app is required for some users or
profiles and was uninstalled for others
This app is needed for
your profile and can\'t be uninstalled.
This app is required
by your device administrator and can\'t be uninstalled.
Manage device admin apps
Manage users
%1$s couldn\'t be uninstalled.
There was a problem parsing the package.
Staging app…
For your security, your tablet currently isn’t allowed to install unknown apps from this source. You can change this in Settings.
For your security, your TV currently isn’t allowed to install unknown apps from this source. You can change this in Settings.
For your security, your watch currently isn’t allowed to install unknown apps from this source. You can change this in Settings.
For your security, your phone currently isn’t allowed to install unknown apps from this source. You can change this in Settings.
Your phone and personal data are more vulnerable
to attack by unknown apps. By installing this app, you
agree that you are responsible for any damage to your
phone or loss of data that may result from its use.
Your tablet and personal data are more vulnerable
to attack by unknown apps. By installing this app, you
agree that you are responsible for any damage to your
tablet or loss of data that may result from its use.
Your TV and personal data are more vulnerable
to attack by unknown apps. By installing this app, you
agree that you are responsible for any damage to your
TV or loss of data that may result from its use.
%1$s Clone
Archive %1$s?
Installing/uninstalling wear apps
App installed notification
Successfully installed
Successfully installed \u201c%1$s\u201d
Restore %1$s from %2$s?
This app will begin to download in the background
You\'re offline
To restore this app, check your internet connection and try again
Something went wrong
There was a problem trying to restore this app
Not enough storage
To restore this app, you can free up space on this device. Storage
required: %1$s
Action required
Follow the next steps to restore this app
%1$s is disabled
To restore this app, enable
%1$s in Settings
%1$s is uninstalled
To restore this app, you\'ll need to install
Clear storage