* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.keyguard;
import static com.android.keyguard.logging.CarrierTextManagerLogger.REASON_ACTIVE_DATA_SUB_CHANGED;
import static com.android.keyguard.logging.CarrierTextManagerLogger.REASON_ON_TELEPHONY_CAPABLE;
import static com.android.keyguard.logging.CarrierTextManagerLogger.REASON_REFRESH_CARRIER_INFO;
import static com.android.keyguard.logging.CarrierTextManagerLogger.REASON_SATELLITE_CHANGED;
import static com.android.keyguard.logging.CarrierTextManagerLogger.REASON_SIM_ERROR_STATE_CHANGED;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.telephony.ServiceState;
import android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo;
import android.telephony.TelephonyCallback.ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.keyguard.logging.CarrierTextManagerLogger;
import com.android.settingslib.WirelessUtils;
import com.android.systemui.dagger.qualifiers.Background;
import com.android.systemui.dagger.qualifiers.Main;
import com.android.systemui.keyguard.WakefulnessLifecycle;
import com.android.systemui.res.R;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.satellite.ui.viewmodel.DeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.wifi.data.repository.WifiRepository;
import com.android.systemui.telephony.TelephonyListenerManager;
import com.android.systemui.util.kotlin.JavaAdapter;
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.inject.Inject;
* Controller that generates text including the carrier names and/or the status of all the SIM
* interfaces in the device. Through a callback, the updates can be retrieved either as a list or
* separated by a given separator {@link CharSequence}.
* @deprecated use {@link com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.wifi} instead
public class CarrierTextManager {
private static final boolean DEBUG = KeyguardConstants.DEBUG;
private static final String TAG = "CarrierTextController";
private final boolean mIsEmergencyCallCapable;
private final Executor mMainExecutor;
private final Executor mBgExecutor;
private boolean mTelephonyCapable;
private final boolean mShowMissingSim;
private final boolean mShowAirplaneMode;
private final AtomicBoolean mNetworkSupported = new AtomicBoolean();
protected KeyguardUpdateMonitor mKeyguardUpdateMonitor;
private final CarrierTextManagerLogger mLogger;
private final WifiRepository mWifiRepository;
private final DeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel mDeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel;
private final JavaAdapter mJavaAdapter;
private final boolean[] mSimErrorState;
private final int mSimSlotsNumber;
@Nullable // Check for nullability before dispatching
private CarrierTextCallback mCarrierTextCallback;
private Job mSatelliteConnectionJob;
@Nullable private String mSatelliteCarrierText;
private final Context mContext;
private final TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager;
private final CharSequence mSeparator;
private final TelephonyListenerManager mTelephonyListenerManager;
private final WakefulnessLifecycle mWakefulnessLifecycle;
private final WakefulnessLifecycle.Observer mWakefulnessObserver =
new WakefulnessLifecycle.Observer() {
public void onFinishedWakingUp() {
final CarrierTextCallback callback = mCarrierTextCallback;
if (callback != null) callback.finishedWakingUp();
public void onStartedGoingToSleep() {
final CarrierTextCallback callback = mCarrierTextCallback;
if (callback != null) callback.startedGoingToSleep();
protected final KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback mCallback = new KeyguardUpdateMonitorCallback() {
public void onRefreshCarrierInfo() {
public void onTelephonyCapable(boolean capable) {
mTelephonyCapable = capable;
public void onSimStateChanged(int subId, int slotId, int simState) {
if (slotId < 0 || slotId >= mSimSlotsNumber) {
Log.d(TAG, "onSimStateChanged() - slotId invalid: " + slotId
+ " mTelephonyCapable: " + Boolean.toString(mTelephonyCapable));
mLogger.logSimStateChangedCallback(subId, slotId, simState);
if (getStatusForIccState(simState) == CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimIoError) {
mSimErrorState[slotId] = true;
} else if (mSimErrorState[slotId]) {
mSimErrorState[slotId] = false;
private final ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener mPhoneStateListener =
new ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener() {
public void onActiveDataSubscriptionIdChanged(int subId) {
if (mNetworkSupported.get() && mCarrierTextCallback != null) {
* The status of this lock screen. Primarily used for widgets on LockScreen.
protected enum StatusMode {
Normal, // Normal case (sim card present, it's not locked)
NetworkLocked, // SIM card is 'network locked'.
SimMissing, // SIM card is missing.
SimMissingLocked, // SIM card is missing, and device isn't provisioned; don't allow access
SimPukLocked, // SIM card is PUK locked because SIM entered wrong too many times
SimLocked, // SIM card is currently locked
SimPermDisabled, // SIM card is permanently disabled due to PUK unlock failure
SimNotReady, // SIM is not ready yet. May never be on devices w/o a SIM.
SimIoError, // SIM card is faulty
SimRestricted, // SIM Card restricted, present but not usable due to carrier restrictions.
SimUnknown // SIM card is unknown
* Controller that provides updates on text with carriers names or SIM status.
* Used by {@link CarrierText}.
* @param separator Separator between different parts of the text
private CarrierTextManager(
Context context,
CharSequence separator,
boolean showAirplaneMode,
boolean showMissingSim,
WifiRepository wifiRepository,
DeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel deviceBasedSatelliteViewModel,
JavaAdapter javaAdapter,
TelephonyManager telephonyManager,
TelephonyListenerManager telephonyListenerManager,
WakefulnessLifecycle wakefulnessLifecycle,
@Main Executor mainExecutor,
@Background Executor bgExecutor,
KeyguardUpdateMonitor keyguardUpdateMonitor,
CarrierTextManagerLogger logger) {
mContext = context;
mIsEmergencyCallCapable = telephonyManager.isVoiceCapable();
mShowAirplaneMode = showAirplaneMode;
mShowMissingSim = showMissingSim;
mWifiRepository = wifiRepository;
mDeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel = deviceBasedSatelliteViewModel;
mJavaAdapter = javaAdapter;
mTelephonyManager = telephonyManager;
mSeparator = separator;
mTelephonyListenerManager = telephonyListenerManager;
mWakefulnessLifecycle = wakefulnessLifecycle;
mSimSlotsNumber = getTelephonyManager().getSupportedModemCount();
mSimErrorState = new boolean[mSimSlotsNumber];
mMainExecutor = mainExecutor;
mBgExecutor = bgExecutor;
mKeyguardUpdateMonitor = keyguardUpdateMonitor;
mLogger = logger;
mBgExecutor.execute(() -> {
boolean supported = mContext.getPackageManager()
if (supported && mNetworkSupported.compareAndSet(false, supported)) {
// This will set/remove the listeners appropriately. Note that it will never double
// add the listeners.
mainExecutor.execute(() -> {
private TelephonyManager getTelephonyManager() {
return mTelephonyManager;
* Checks if there are faulty cards. Adds the text depending on the slot of the card
* @param text: current carrier text based on the sim state
* @param carrierNames names order by subscription order
* @param subOrderBySlot array containing the sub index for each slot ID
* @param noSims: whether a valid sim card is inserted
* @return text
private CharSequence updateCarrierTextWithSimIoError(CharSequence text,
CharSequence[] carrierNames, int[] subOrderBySlot, boolean noSims) {
final CharSequence carrier = "";
CharSequence carrierTextForSimIOError = getCarrierTextForSimState(
TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_CARD_IO_ERROR, carrier);
// mSimErrorState has the state of each sim indexed by slotID.
for (int index = 0; index < getTelephonyManager().getActiveModemCount(); index++) {
if (!mSimErrorState[index]) {
// In the case when no sim cards are detected but a faulty card is inserted
// overwrite the text and only show "Invalid card"
if (noSims) {
return concatenate(carrierTextForSimIOError,
} else if (subOrderBySlot[index] != -1) {
int subIndex = subOrderBySlot[index];
// prepend "Invalid card" when faulty card is inserted in slot 0 or 1
carrierNames[subIndex] = concatenate(carrierTextForSimIOError,
} else {
// concatenate "Invalid card" when faulty card is inserted in other slot
text = concatenate(text, carrierTextForSimIOError, mSeparator);
return text;
* This may be called internally after retrieving the correct value of {@code mNetworkSupported}
* (assumed false to start). In that case, the following happens:
* - If there was a registered callback, and the network is supported, it will register
* listeners.
- If there was not a registered callback, it will try to remove unregistered listeners
* which is a no-op
* This call will always be processed in a background thread.
private void handleSetListening(CarrierTextCallback callback) {
if (callback != null) {
mCarrierTextCallback = callback;
if (mNetworkSupported.get()) {
// Keyguard update monitor expects callbacks from main thread
mMainExecutor.execute(() -> {
cancelSatelliteCollectionJob(/* reason= */ "Starting new job");
mSatelliteConnectionJob =
} else {
// Don't listen and clear out the text when the device isn't a phone.
mMainExecutor.execute(() -> callback.updateCarrierInfo(
new CarrierTextCallbackInfo(
/* carrierText= */ "",
/* listOfCarriers= */ null,
/* anySimReady= */ false,
/* isInSatelliteMode= */ false,
/* subscriptionIds= */ null,
/* airplaneMode= */ false)
} else {
mCarrierTextCallback = null;
mMainExecutor.execute(() -> {
cancelSatelliteCollectionJob(/* reason= */ "#handleSetListening has null callback");
* Sets the listening status of this controller. If the callback is null, it is set to
* not listening.
* @param callback Callback to provide text updates
public void setListening(CarrierTextCallback callback) {
mBgExecutor.execute(() -> handleSetListening(callback));
protected List getSubscriptionInfo() {
return mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.getFilteredSubscriptionInfo();
private void onSatelliteCarrierTextChanged(@Nullable String text) {
mSatelliteCarrierText = text;
protected void updateCarrierText() {
boolean allSimsMissing = true;
boolean anySimReadyAndInService = false;
CharSequence displayText = null;
List subs = getSubscriptionInfo();
final int numSubs = subs.size();
final int[] subsIds = new int[numSubs];
// This array will contain in position i, the index of subscription in slot ID i.
// -1 if no subscription in that slot
final int[] subOrderBySlot = new int[mSimSlotsNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < mSimSlotsNumber; i++) {
subOrderBySlot[i] = -1;
final CharSequence[] carrierNames = new CharSequence[numSubs];
for (int i = 0; i < numSubs; i++) {
int subId = subs.get(i).getSubscriptionId();
carrierNames[i] = "";
subsIds[i] = subId;
subOrderBySlot[subs.get(i).getSimSlotIndex()] = i;
int simState = mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.getSimState(subId);
CharSequence carrierName = subs.get(i).getCarrierName();
CharSequence carrierTextForSimState = getCarrierTextForSimState(simState, carrierName);
mLogger.logUpdateLoopStart(subId, simState, String.valueOf(carrierName));
if (carrierTextForSimState != null) {
allSimsMissing = false;
carrierNames[i] = carrierTextForSimState;
if (simState == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY) {
Trace.beginSection("WFC check");
ServiceState ss = mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.mServiceStates.get(subId);
if (ss != null && ss.getDataRegistrationState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE) {
// hack for WFC (IWLAN) not turning off immediately once
// Wi-Fi is disassociated or disabled
if (ss.getRilDataRadioTechnology() != ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN
|| mWifiRepository.isWifiConnectedWithValidSsid()) {
anySimReadyAndInService = true;
// Only create "No SIM card" if no cards with CarrierName && no wifi when some sim is READY
// This condition will also be true always when numSubs == 0
if (allSimsMissing && !anySimReadyAndInService) {
if (numSubs != 0) {
// Shows "No SIM card | Emergency calls only" on devices that are voice-capable.
// This depends on mPlmn containing the text "Emergency calls only" when the radio
// has some connectivity. Otherwise, it should be null or empty and just show
// "No SIM card"
// Grab the first subscripton, because they all should contain the emergency text,
// described above.
displayText = makeCarrierStringOnEmergencyCapable(
getMissingSimMessage(), subs.get(0).getCarrierName());
} else {
// We don't have a SubscriptionInfo to get the emergency calls only from.
// Grab it from the old sticky broadcast if possible instead. We can use it
// here because no subscriptions are active, so we don't have
// to worry about MSIM clashing.
CharSequence text =
Intent i = getContext().registerReceiver(null,
new IntentFilter(TelephonyManager.ACTION_SERVICE_PROVIDERS_UPDATED));
if (i != null) {
String spn = "";
String plmn = "";
if (i.getBooleanExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_SHOW_SPN, false)) {
spn = i.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_SPN);
if (i.getBooleanExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN, false)) {
plmn = i.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_PLMN);
mLogger.logUpdateFromStickyBroadcast(plmn, spn);
if (Objects.equals(plmn, spn)) {
text = plmn;
} else {
text = concatenate(plmn, spn, mSeparator);
displayText = makeCarrierStringOnEmergencyCapable(getMissingSimMessage(), text);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(displayText)) displayText = joinNotEmpty(mSeparator, carrierNames);
displayText = updateCarrierTextWithSimIoError(displayText, carrierNames, subOrderBySlot,
boolean airplaneMode = false;
// APM (airplane mode) != no carrier state. There are carrier services
// (e.g. WFC = Wi-Fi calling) which may operate in APM.
if (!anySimReadyAndInService && WirelessUtils.isAirplaneModeOn(mContext)) {
displayText = getAirplaneModeMessage();
airplaneMode = true;
String currentSatelliteText = mSatelliteCarrierText;
if (currentSatelliteText != null) {
displayText = currentSatelliteText;
boolean isInSatelliteMode = mSatelliteCarrierText != null;
final CarrierTextCallbackInfo info = new CarrierTextCallbackInfo(
protected void postToCallback(CarrierTextCallbackInfo info) {
final CarrierTextCallback callback = mCarrierTextCallback;
if (callback != null) {
mMainExecutor.execute(() -> callback.updateCarrierInfo(info));
private Context getContext() {
return mContext;
private String getMissingSimMessage() {
return mShowMissingSim && mTelephonyCapable
? getContext().getString(R.string.keyguard_missing_sim_message_short) : "";
private String getAirplaneModeMessage() {
return mShowAirplaneMode
? getContext().getString(R.string.airplane_mode) : "";
* Top-level function for creating carrier text. Makes text based on simState, PLMN
* and SPN as well as device capabilities, such as being emergency call capable.
* @return Carrier text if not in missing state, null otherwise.
private CharSequence getCarrierTextForSimState(int simState, CharSequence text) {
CharSequence carrierText = null;
CarrierTextManager.StatusMode status = getStatusForIccState(simState);
switch (status) {
case Normal:
carrierText = text;
case SimNotReady:
// Null is reserved for denoting missing, in this case we have nothing to display.
carrierText = ""; // nothing to display yet.
case NetworkLocked:
carrierText = makeCarrierStringOnEmergencyCapable(
mContext.getText(R.string.keyguard_network_locked_message), text);
case SimMissing:
carrierText = null;
case SimPermDisabled:
carrierText = makeCarrierStringOnEmergencyCapable(
case SimMissingLocked:
carrierText = null;
case SimLocked:
carrierText = makeCarrierStringOnLocked(
case SimPukLocked:
carrierText = makeCarrierStringOnLocked(
case SimIoError:
carrierText = makeCarrierStringOnEmergencyCapable(
case SimRestricted: // fall through
case SimUnknown:
carrierText = null;
return carrierText;
* Add emergencyCallMessage to carrier string only if phone supports emergency calls.
private CharSequence makeCarrierStringOnEmergencyCapable(
CharSequence simMessage, CharSequence emergencyCallMessage) {
if (mIsEmergencyCallCapable) {
return concatenate(simMessage, emergencyCallMessage, mSeparator);
return simMessage;
* Add "SIM card is locked" in parenthesis after carrier name, so it is easily associated in
private CharSequence makeCarrierStringOnLocked(CharSequence simMessage,
CharSequence carrierName) {
final boolean simMessageValid = !TextUtils.isEmpty(simMessage);
final boolean carrierNameValid = !TextUtils.isEmpty(carrierName);
if (simMessageValid && carrierNameValid) {
return mContext.getString(R.string.keyguard_carrier_name_with_sim_locked_template,
carrierName, simMessage);
} else if (simMessageValid) {
return simMessage;
} else if (carrierNameValid) {
return carrierName;
} else {
return "";
* Determine the current status of the lock screen given the SIM state and other stuff.
protected CarrierTextManager.StatusMode getStatusForIccState(int simState) {
if (!mKeyguardUpdateMonitor.isDeviceProvisioned()
&& (simState == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT
|| simState == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_PERM_DISABLED)) {
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimMissingLocked;
switch (simState) {
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimMissing;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_NETWORK_LOCKED:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.NetworkLocked;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_NOT_READY:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimNotReady;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_PIN_REQUIRED:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimLocked;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_PUK_REQUIRED:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimPukLocked;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.Normal;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_PERM_DISABLED:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimPermDisabled;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimUnknown;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_CARD_IO_ERROR:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimIoError;
case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_CARD_RESTRICTED:
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimRestricted;
return CarrierTextManager.StatusMode.SimUnknown;
private static CharSequence concatenate(CharSequence plmn, CharSequence spn,
CharSequence separator) {
final boolean plmnValid = !TextUtils.isEmpty(plmn);
final boolean spnValid = !TextUtils.isEmpty(spn);
if (plmnValid && spnValid) {
return new StringBuilder().append(plmn).append(separator).append(spn).toString();
} else if (plmnValid) {
return plmn;
} else if (spnValid) {
return spn;
} else {
return "";
* Joins the strings in a sequence using a separator. Empty strings are discarded with no extra
* separator added so there are no extra separators that are not needed.
private static CharSequence joinNotEmpty(CharSequence separator, CharSequence[] sequences) {
int length = sequences.length;
if (length == 0) return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sequences[i])) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sb)) {
return sb.toString();
private static List append(List list, CharSequence string) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
return list;
private void cancelSatelliteCollectionJob(String reason) {
Job job = mSatelliteConnectionJob;
if (job != null) {
job.cancel(new CancellationException(reason));
/** Injectable Buildeer for {@#link CarrierTextManager}. */
public static class Builder {
private final Context mContext;
private final String mSeparator;
private final WifiRepository mWifiRepository;
private final DeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel mDeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel;
private final JavaAdapter mJavaAdapter;
private final TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager;
private final TelephonyListenerManager mTelephonyListenerManager;
private final WakefulnessLifecycle mWakefulnessLifecycle;
private final Executor mMainExecutor;
private final Executor mBgExecutor;
private final KeyguardUpdateMonitor mKeyguardUpdateMonitor;
private final CarrierTextManagerLogger mLogger;
private boolean mShowAirplaneMode;
private boolean mShowMissingSim;
private String mDebugLocation;
public Builder(
Context context,
@Main Resources resources,
@Nullable WifiRepository wifiRepository,
DeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel deviceBasedSatelliteViewModel,
JavaAdapter javaAdapter,
TelephonyManager telephonyManager,
TelephonyListenerManager telephonyListenerManager,
WakefulnessLifecycle wakefulnessLifecycle,
@Main Executor mainExecutor,
@Background Executor bgExecutor,
KeyguardUpdateMonitor keyguardUpdateMonitor,
CarrierTextManagerLogger logger) {
mContext = context;
mSeparator = resources.getString(
mWifiRepository = wifiRepository;
mDeviceBasedSatelliteViewModel = deviceBasedSatelliteViewModel;
mJavaAdapter = javaAdapter;
mTelephonyManager = telephonyManager;
mTelephonyListenerManager = telephonyListenerManager;
mWakefulnessLifecycle = wakefulnessLifecycle;
mMainExecutor = mainExecutor;
mBgExecutor = bgExecutor;
mKeyguardUpdateMonitor = keyguardUpdateMonitor;
mLogger = logger;
/** */
public Builder setShowAirplaneMode(boolean showAirplaneMode) {
mShowAirplaneMode = showAirplaneMode;
return this;
/** */
public Builder setShowMissingSim(boolean showMissingSim) {
mShowMissingSim = showMissingSim;
return this;
* To help disambiguate logs, set a location to be used in the LogBuffer calls, e.g.:
* "keyguard" or "keyguard emergency status bar"
public Builder setDebugLocationString(String debugLocationString) {
mDebugLocation = debugLocationString;
return this;
/** Create a CarrierTextManager. */
public CarrierTextManager build() {
return new CarrierTextManager(
* Data structure for passing information to CarrierTextController subscribers
public static final class CarrierTextCallbackInfo {
public final CharSequence carrierText;
public final CharSequence[] listOfCarriers;
public final boolean anySimReady;
public final boolean isInSatelliteMode;
public final int[] subscriptionIds;
public boolean airplaneMode;
public CarrierTextCallbackInfo(
CharSequence carrierText,
CharSequence[] listOfCarriers,
boolean anySimReady,
int[] subscriptionIds) {
/* isInSatelliteMode= */ false,
/* airplaneMode= */ false);
public CarrierTextCallbackInfo(
CharSequence carrierText,
CharSequence[] listOfCarriers,
boolean anySimReady,
boolean isInSatelliteMode,
int[] subscriptionIds,
boolean airplaneMode) {
this.carrierText = carrierText;
this.listOfCarriers = listOfCarriers;
this.anySimReady = anySimReady;
this.isInSatelliteMode = isInSatelliteMode;
this.subscriptionIds = subscriptionIds;
this.airplaneMode = airplaneMode;
public String toString() {
return "CarrierTextCallbackInfo{"
+ "carrierText=" + carrierText
+ ", listOfCarriers=" + Arrays.toString(listOfCarriers)
+ ", anySimReady=" + anySimReady
+ ", isInSatelliteMode=" + isInSatelliteMode
+ ", subscriptionIds=" + Arrays.toString(subscriptionIds)
+ ", airplaneMode=" + airplaneMode
+ '}';
* Callback to communicate to Views
public interface CarrierTextCallback {
* Provides updated carrier information.
default void updateCarrierInfo(CarrierTextCallbackInfo info) {};
* Notifies the View that the device is going to sleep
default void startedGoingToSleep() {};
* Notifies the View that the device finished waking up
default void finishedWakingUp() {};