/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.systemui.doze; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.KeyValueListParser; import android.util.Log; import com.android.systemui.dagger.SysUISingleton; import com.android.systemui.res.R; import javax.inject.Inject; /** * Class to store the policy for AOD, which comes from * {@link android.provider.Settings.Global} */ @SysUISingleton public class AlwaysOnDisplayPolicy { public static final String TAG = "AlwaysOnDisplayPolicy"; private static final long DEFAULT_PROX_SCREEN_OFF_DELAY_MS = 10 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; private static final long DEFAULT_PROX_COOLDOWN_TRIGGER_MS = 2 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; private static final long DEFAULT_PROX_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_MS = 5 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; private static final long DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_VISIBILITY_MS = 60 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; private static final long DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_FADE_OUT_MS = 400; static final String KEY_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_ARRAY = "screen_brightness_array"; static final String KEY_DIMMING_SCRIM_ARRAY = "dimming_scrim_array"; static final String KEY_PROX_SCREEN_OFF_DELAY_MS = "prox_screen_off_delay"; static final String KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_TRIGGER_MS = "prox_cooldown_trigger"; static final String KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_MS = "prox_cooldown_period"; static final String KEY_WALLPAPER_VISIBILITY_MS = "wallpaper_visibility_timeout"; static final String KEY_WALLPAPER_FADE_OUT_MS = "wallpaper_fade_out_duration"; /** * Integer used to dim the screen while dozing. * * @see R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDoze */ public int defaultDozeBrightness; /** * Integer used to dim the screen just before the screen turns off. * * @see R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDim */ public int dimBrightness; /** * Integer array to map ambient brightness type to real screen brightness. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_ARRAY */ public int[] screenBrightnessArray; /** * Integer array to map ambient brightness type to dimming scrim. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_DIMMING_SCRIM_ARRAY */ public int[] dimmingScrimArray; /** * Delay time(ms) from covering the prox to turning off the screen. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_PROX_SCREEN_OFF_DELAY_MS */ public long proxScreenOffDelayMs; /** * The threshold time(ms) to trigger the cooldown timer, which will * turn off prox sensor for a period. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_TRIGGER_MS */ public long proxCooldownTriggerMs; /** * The period(ms) to turning off the prox sensor if * {@link #KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_TRIGGER_MS} is triggered. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_MS */ public long proxCooldownPeriodMs; /** * For how long(ms) the wallpaper should still be visible * after entering AoD. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_WALLPAPER_VISIBILITY_MS */ public long wallpaperVisibilityDuration; /** * Duration(ms) of the fade out animation after * {@link #KEY_WALLPAPER_VISIBILITY_MS} elapses. * * @see Settings.Global#ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS * @see #KEY_WALLPAPER_FADE_OUT_MS */ public long wallpaperFadeOutDuration; private final KeyValueListParser mParser; private final Context mContext; private SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver; @Inject public AlwaysOnDisplayPolicy(Context context) { context = context.getApplicationContext(); mContext = context; mParser = new KeyValueListParser(','); mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(context.getMainThreadHandler()); mSettingsObserver.observe(); } private final class SettingsObserver extends ContentObserver { private final Uri ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS_URI = Settings.Global.getUriFor(Settings.Global.ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS); SettingsObserver(Handler handler) { super(handler); } void observe() { ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); resolver.registerContentObserver(ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS_URI, false, this, UserHandle.USER_ALL); update(null); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) { update(uri); } public void update(Uri uri) { if (uri == null || ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS_URI.equals(uri)) { final Resources resources = mContext.getResources(); final String value = Settings.Global.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.ALWAYS_ON_DISPLAY_CONSTANTS); try { mParser.setString(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Bad AOD constants"); } proxScreenOffDelayMs = mParser.getLong(KEY_PROX_SCREEN_OFF_DELAY_MS, DEFAULT_PROX_SCREEN_OFF_DELAY_MS); proxCooldownTriggerMs = mParser.getLong(KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_TRIGGER_MS, DEFAULT_PROX_COOLDOWN_TRIGGER_MS); proxCooldownPeriodMs = mParser.getLong(KEY_PROX_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_MS, DEFAULT_PROX_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_MS); wallpaperFadeOutDuration = mParser.getLong(KEY_WALLPAPER_FADE_OUT_MS, DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_FADE_OUT_MS); wallpaperVisibilityDuration = mParser.getLong(KEY_WALLPAPER_VISIBILITY_MS, DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_VISIBILITY_MS); defaultDozeBrightness = resources.getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDoze); dimBrightness = resources.getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDim); screenBrightnessArray = mParser.getIntArray(KEY_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_ARRAY, resources.getIntArray( R.array.config_doze_brightness_sensor_to_brightness)); dimmingScrimArray = mParser.getIntArray(KEY_DIMMING_SCRIM_ARRAY, resources.getIntArray( R.array.config_doze_brightness_sensor_to_scrim_opacity)); } } } }