package import android.content.Context import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter import android.util.MathUtils import import import import import import import dagger.assisted.Assisted import dagger.assisted.AssistedFactory import dagger.assisted.AssistedInject /** Controls the lockscreen to shade transition for the keyguard elements. */ class LockscreenShadeKeyguardTransitionController @AssistedInject constructor( private val mediaHierarchyManager: MediaHierarchyManager, @Assisted private val shadeLockscreenInteractor: ShadeLockscreenInteractor, context: Context, configurationController: ConfigurationController, dumpManager: DumpManager, splitShadeStateController: SplitShadeStateController ) : AbstractLockscreenShadeTransitionController(context, configurationController, dumpManager, splitShadeStateController) { /** * Distance that the full shade transition takes in order for the keyguard content on * NotificationPanelViewController to fully fade (e.g. Clock & Smartspace). */ private var alphaTransitionDistance = 0 /** * Distance that the full shade transition takes in order for the keyguard elements to fully * translate into their final position */ private var keyguardTransitionDistance = 0 /** The amount of vertical offset for the keyguard during the full shade transition. */ private var keyguardTransitionOffset = 0 /** The amount of alpha that was last set on the keyguard elements. */ private var alpha = 0f /** The latest progress [0,1] of the alpha transition. */ private var alphaProgress = 0f /** The amount of alpha that was last set on the keyguard status bar. */ private var statusBarAlpha = 0f /** The amount of translationY that was last set on the keyguard elements. */ private var translationY = 0 /** The latest progress [0,1] of the translationY progress. */ private var translationYProgress = 0f override fun updateResources() { alphaTransitionDistance = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.lockscreen_shade_npvc_keyguard_content_alpha_transition_distance) keyguardTransitionDistance = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.lockscreen_shade_keyguard_transition_distance) keyguardTransitionOffset = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.lockscreen_shade_keyguard_transition_vertical_offset) } override fun onDragDownAmountChanged(dragDownAmount: Float) { alphaProgress = MathUtils.saturate(dragDownAmount / alphaTransitionDistance) alpha = 1f - alphaProgress translationY = calculateKeyguardTranslationY(dragDownAmount) shadeLockscreenInteractor.setKeyguardTransitionProgress(alpha, translationY) statusBarAlpha = if (useSplitShade) alpha else -1f shadeLockscreenInteractor.setKeyguardStatusBarAlpha(statusBarAlpha) } private fun calculateKeyguardTranslationY(dragDownAmount: Float): Int { if (!useSplitShade) { return 0 } // On split-shade, the translationY of the keyguard should stay in sync with the // translation of media. if (mediaHierarchyManager.isCurrentlyInGuidedTransformation()) { return mediaHierarchyManager.getGuidedTransformationTranslationY() } // When media is not showing, apply the default distance translationYProgress = MathUtils.saturate(dragDownAmount / keyguardTransitionDistance) val translationY = translationYProgress * keyguardTransitionOffset return translationY.toInt() } override fun dump(indentingPrintWriter: IndentingPrintWriter) { indentingPrintWriter.let { it.println("LockscreenShadeKeyguardTransitionController:") it.increaseIndent() it.println("Resources:") it.increaseIndent() it.println("alphaTransitionDistance: $alphaTransitionDistance") it.println("keyguardTransitionDistance: $keyguardTransitionDistance") it.println("keyguardTransitionOffset: $keyguardTransitionOffset") it.decreaseIndent() it.println("State:") it.increaseIndent() it.println("dragDownAmount: $dragDownAmount") it.println("alpha: $alpha") it.println("alphaProgress: $alphaProgress") it.println("statusBarAlpha: $statusBarAlpha") it.println("translationProgress: $translationYProgress") it.println("translationY: $translationY") } } @AssistedFactory fun interface Factory { fun create( shadeLockscreenInteractor: ShadeLockscreenInteractor ): LockscreenShadeKeyguardTransitionController } }