/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "text/Utf8Iterator.h" #include "test/Test.h" using ::android::StringPiece; using ::testing::Eq; namespace aapt { namespace text { TEST(Utf8IteratorTest, IteratesOverAscii) { Utf8Iterator iter("hello"); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'h')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'e')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'l')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'l')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'o')); EXPECT_FALSE(iter.HasNext()); } TEST(Utf8IteratorTest, IteratesOverUnicode) { Utf8Iterator iter("Hi there 華勵蓮🍩"); iter.Skip(9); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'華')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'勵')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'蓮')); ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Next(), Eq(U'🍩')); EXPECT_FALSE(iter.HasNext()); } TEST(Utf8IteratorTest, PositionPointsToTheCorrectPlace) { const StringPiece expected("Mm🍩"); Utf8Iterator iter(expected); // Before any character, the position should be 0. EXPECT_THAT(iter.Position(), Eq(0u)); // The 'M' character, one byte. ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); iter.Next(); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Position(), Eq(1u)); // The 'm' character, one byte. ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); iter.Next(); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Position(), Eq(2u)); // The doughnut character, 4 bytes. ASSERT_TRUE(iter.HasNext()); iter.Next(); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Position(), Eq(6u)); // There should be nothing left. EXPECT_FALSE(iter.HasNext()); EXPECT_THAT(iter.Position(), Eq(expected.size())); } } // namespace text } // namespace aapt