/* * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Copied from //external/perfetto/src/shared_lib/test/utils.h #ifndef UTILS_H #define UTILS_H #include <cassert> #include <condition_variable> #include <cstdint> #include <functional> #include <iterator> #include <memory> #include <mutex> #include <ostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h" #include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h" #include "gtest/gtest-matchers.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "perfetto/public/abi/pb_decoder_abi.h" #include "perfetto/public/pb_utils.h" #include "perfetto/public/tracing_session.h" // Pretty printer for gtest void PrintTo(const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field, std::ostream*); namespace perfetto { namespace shlib { namespace test_utils { class WaitableEvent { public: WaitableEvent() = default; void Notify() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_); notified_ = true; cv_.notify_one(); } bool WaitForNotification() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_); cv_.wait(lock, [this] { return notified_; }); return notified_; } bool IsNotified() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_); return notified_; } private: std::mutex m_; std::condition_variable cv_; bool notified_ = false; }; class TracingSession { public: class Builder { public: Builder() = default; Builder& set_data_source_name(std::string data_source_name) { data_source_name_ = std::move(data_source_name); return *this; } Builder& add_enabled_category(std::string category) { enabled_categories_.push_back(std::move(category)); return *this; } Builder& add_disabled_category(std::string category) { disabled_categories_.push_back(std::move(category)); return *this; } TracingSession Build(); private: std::string data_source_name_; std::vector<std::string> enabled_categories_; std::vector<std::string> disabled_categories_; }; static TracingSession Adopt(struct PerfettoTracingSessionImpl*); TracingSession(TracingSession&&) noexcept; ~TracingSession(); struct PerfettoTracingSessionImpl* session() const { return session_; } bool FlushBlocking(uint32_t timeout_ms); void WaitForStopped(); void StopBlocking(); std::vector<uint8_t> ReadBlocking(); private: TracingSession() = default; struct PerfettoTracingSessionImpl* session_; std::unique_ptr<WaitableEvent> stopped_; }; template <typename FieldSkipper> class FieldViewBase { public: class Iterator { public: using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; using value_type = const PerfettoPbDecoderField; using pointer = value_type; using reference = value_type; reference operator*() const { struct PerfettoPbDecoder decoder; decoder.read_ptr = read_ptr_; decoder.end_ptr = end_ptr_; struct PerfettoPbDecoderField field; do { field = PerfettoPbDecoderParseField(&decoder); } while (field.status == PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK && skipper_.ShouldSkip(field)); return field; } Iterator& operator++() { struct PerfettoPbDecoder decoder; decoder.read_ptr = read_ptr_; decoder.end_ptr = end_ptr_; PerfettoPbDecoderSkipField(&decoder); read_ptr_ = decoder.read_ptr; AdvanceToFirstInterestingField(); return *this; } Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } friend bool operator==(const Iterator& a, const Iterator& b) { return a.read_ptr_ == b.read_ptr_; } friend bool operator!=(const Iterator& a, const Iterator& b) { return a.read_ptr_ != b.read_ptr_; } private: Iterator(const uint8_t* read_ptr, const uint8_t* end_ptr, const FieldSkipper& skipper) : read_ptr_(read_ptr), end_ptr_(end_ptr), skipper_(skipper) { AdvanceToFirstInterestingField(); } void AdvanceToFirstInterestingField() { struct PerfettoPbDecoder decoder; decoder.read_ptr = read_ptr_; decoder.end_ptr = end_ptr_; struct PerfettoPbDecoderField field; const uint8_t* prev_read_ptr; do { prev_read_ptr = decoder.read_ptr; field = PerfettoPbDecoderParseField(&decoder); } while (field.status == PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK && skipper_.ShouldSkip(field)); if (field.status == PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK) { read_ptr_ = prev_read_ptr; } else { read_ptr_ = decoder.read_ptr; } } friend class FieldViewBase<FieldSkipper>; const uint8_t* read_ptr_; const uint8_t* end_ptr_; const FieldSkipper& skipper_; }; using value_type = const PerfettoPbDecoderField; using const_iterator = Iterator; template <typename... Args> explicit FieldViewBase(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end, Args... args) : begin_(begin), end_(end), s_(args...) { } template <typename... Args> explicit FieldViewBase(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, Args... args) : FieldViewBase(data.data(), data.data() + data.size(), args...) { } template <typename... Args> explicit FieldViewBase(const struct PerfettoPbDecoderField& field, Args... args) : s_(args...) { if (field.wire_type != PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) { abort(); } begin_ = field.value.delimited.start; end_ = begin_ + field.value.delimited.len; } Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(begin_, end_, s_); } Iterator end() const { return Iterator(end_, end_, s_); } PerfettoPbDecoderField front() const { return *begin(); } size_t size() const { size_t count = 0; for (auto field : *this) { (void)field; count++; } return count; } bool ok() const { for (auto field : *this) { if (field.status != PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK) { return false; } } return true; } private: const uint8_t* begin_; const uint8_t* end_; FieldSkipper s_; }; // Pretty printer for gtest template <typename FieldSkipper> void PrintTo(const FieldViewBase<FieldSkipper>& field_view, std::ostream* pos) { std::ostream& os = *pos; os << "{"; for (PerfettoPbDecoderField f : field_view) { PrintTo(f, pos); os << ", "; } os << "}"; } class IdFieldSkipper { public: explicit IdFieldSkipper(uint32_t id) : id_(id) { } explicit IdFieldSkipper(int32_t id) : id_(static_cast<uint32_t>(id)) { } bool ShouldSkip(const struct PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) const { return field.id != id_; } private: uint32_t id_; }; class NoFieldSkipper { public: NoFieldSkipper() = default; bool ShouldSkip(const struct PerfettoPbDecoderField&) const { return false; } }; // View over all the fields of a contiguous serialized protobuf message. // // Examples: // // for (struct PerfettoPbDecoderField field : FieldView(msg_begin, msg_end)) { // //... // } // FieldView fields2(/*PerfettoPbDecoderField*/ nested_field); // FieldView fields3(/*std::vector<uint8_t>*/ data); // size_t num = fields1.size(); // The number of fields. // bool ok = fields1.ok(); // Checks that the message is not malformed. using FieldView = FieldViewBase<NoFieldSkipper>; // Like `FieldView`, but only considers fields with a specific id. // // Examples: // // IdFieldView fields(msg_begin, msg_end, id) using IdFieldView = FieldViewBase<IdFieldSkipper>; // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField with the specified id. Accepts another // matcher to match the contents of the field. // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, PbField(900, VarIntField(5))); template <typename M> auto PbField(int32_t id, M m) { return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::id, id), m); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField submessage field. Accepts a container // matcher for the subfields. // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, MsgField(ElementsAre(...))); template <typename M> auto MsgField(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return FieldView(field); }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField length delimited field. Accepts a string // matcher. // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, StringField("string")); template <typename M> auto StringField(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return std::string( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(field.value.delimited.start), field.value.delimited.len); }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField VarInt field. Accepts an integer matcher // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, VarIntField(1))); template <typename M> auto VarIntField(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return field.value.integer64; }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField fixed64 field. Accepts an integer matcher // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, Fixed64Field(1))); template <typename M> auto Fixed64Field(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return field.value.integer64; }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_FIXED64), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField fixed32 field. Accepts an integer matcher // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, Fixed32Field(1))); template <typename M> auto Fixed32Field(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return field.value.integer32; }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_FIXED32), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField double field. Accepts a double matcher // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, DoubleField(1.0))); template <typename M> auto DoubleField(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return field.value.double_val; }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_FIXED64), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField float field. Accepts a float matcher // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, FloatField(1.0))); template <typename M> auto FloatField(M m) { auto f = [](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return field.value.float_val; }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_FIXED32), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } // Matches a PerfettoPbDecoderField submessage field. Accepts a container // matcher for the subfields. // // Example: // PerfettoPbDecoderField field = ... // EXPECT_THAT(field, AllFieldsWithId(900, ElementsAre(...))); template <typename M> auto AllFieldsWithId(int32_t id, M m) { auto f = [id](const PerfettoPbDecoderField& field) { return IdFieldView(field, id); }; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::status, PERFETTO_PB_DECODER_OK), testing::Field(&PerfettoPbDecoderField::wire_type, PERFETTO_PB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), testing::ResultOf(f, m)); } } // namespace test_utils } // namespace shlib } // namespace perfetto #endif // UTILS_H