/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "DisplayIdentification" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace { using byte_view = std::span; constexpr size_t kEdidBlockSize = 128; constexpr size_t kEdidHeaderLength = 5; constexpr uint16_t kVirtualEdidManufacturerId = 0xffffu; std::optional getEdidDescriptorType(const byte_view& view) { if (static_cast(view.size()) < kEdidHeaderLength || view[0] || view[1] || view[2] || view[4]) { return {}; } return view[3]; } std::string_view parseEdidText(const byte_view& view) { std::string_view text(reinterpret_cast(view.data()), view.size()); text = text.substr(0, text.find('\n')); if (!std::all_of(text.begin(), text.end(), ::isprint)) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: ASCII text is not printable."); return {}; } return text; } // Big-endian 16-bit value encodes three 5-bit letters where A is 0b00001. template char getPnpLetter(uint16_t id) { static_assert(I < 3); const char letter = 'A' + (static_cast(id >> ((2 - I) * 5)) & 0b00011111) - 1; return letter < 'A' || letter > 'Z' ? '\0' : letter; } DeviceProductInfo buildDeviceProductInfo(const Edid& edid) { DeviceProductInfo info; info.name.assign(edid.displayName); info.productId = std::to_string(edid.productId); info.manufacturerPnpId = edid.pnpId; constexpr uint8_t kModelYearFlag = 0xff; constexpr uint32_t kYearOffset = 1990; const auto year = edid.manufactureOrModelYear + kYearOffset; if (edid.manufactureWeek == kModelYearFlag) { info.manufactureOrModelDate = DeviceProductInfo::ModelYear{.year = year}; } else if (edid.manufactureWeek == 0) { DeviceProductInfo::ManufactureYear date; date.year = year; info.manufactureOrModelDate = date; } else { DeviceProductInfo::ManufactureWeekAndYear date; date.year = year; date.week = edid.manufactureWeek; info.manufactureOrModelDate = date; } if (edid.cea861Block && edid.cea861Block->hdmiVendorDataBlock) { const auto& address = edid.cea861Block->hdmiVendorDataBlock->physicalAddress; info.relativeAddress = {address.a, address.b, address.c, address.d}; } return info; } Cea861ExtensionBlock parseCea861Block(const byte_view& block) { Cea861ExtensionBlock cea861Block; constexpr size_t kRevisionNumberOffset = 1; cea861Block.revisionNumber = block[kRevisionNumberOffset]; constexpr size_t kDetailedTimingDescriptorsOffset = 2; const size_t dtdStart = std::min(kEdidBlockSize, static_cast(block[kDetailedTimingDescriptorsOffset])); // Parse data blocks. for (size_t dataBlockOffset = 4; dataBlockOffset < dtdStart;) { const uint8_t header = block[dataBlockOffset]; const uint8_t tag = header >> 5; const size_t bodyLength = header & 0b11111; constexpr size_t kDataBlockHeaderSize = 1; const size_t dataBlockSize = bodyLength + kDataBlockHeaderSize; if (static_cast(block.size()) < dataBlockOffset + dataBlockSize) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: CEA 861 data block is truncated."); break; } const byte_view dataBlock(block.data() + dataBlockOffset, dataBlockSize); constexpr uint8_t kVendorSpecificDataBlockTag = 0x3; if (tag == kVendorSpecificDataBlockTag) { const uint32_t ieeeRegistrationId = static_cast( dataBlock[1] | (dataBlock[2] << 8) | (dataBlock[3] << 16)); constexpr uint32_t kHdmiIeeeRegistrationId = 0xc03; if (ieeeRegistrationId == kHdmiIeeeRegistrationId) { const uint8_t a = dataBlock[4] >> 4; const uint8_t b = dataBlock[4] & 0b1111; const uint8_t c = dataBlock[5] >> 4; const uint8_t d = dataBlock[5] & 0b1111; cea861Block.hdmiVendorDataBlock = HdmiVendorDataBlock{.physicalAddress = HdmiPhysicalAddress{a, b, c, d}}; } else { ALOGV("Ignoring vendor specific data block for vendor with IEEE OUI %x", ieeeRegistrationId); } } else { ALOGV("Ignoring CEA-861 data block with tag %x", tag); } dataBlockOffset += bodyLength + kDataBlockHeaderSize; } return cea861Block; } } // namespace bool isEdid(const DisplayIdentificationData& data) { const uint8_t kMagic[] = {0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0}; return data.size() >= sizeof(kMagic) && std::equal(std::begin(kMagic), std::end(kMagic), data.begin()); } std::optional parseEdid(const DisplayIdentificationData& edid) { if (edid.size() < kEdidBlockSize) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: structure is truncated."); // Attempt parsing even if EDID is malformed. } else { ALOGW_IF(std::accumulate(edid.begin(), edid.begin() + kEdidBlockSize, static_cast(0)), "Invalid EDID: structure does not checksum."); } constexpr size_t kManufacturerOffset = 8; if (edid.size() < kManufacturerOffset + sizeof(uint16_t)) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: manufacturer ID is truncated."); return {}; } // Plug and play ID encoded as big-endian 16-bit value. const uint16_t manufacturerId = static_cast((edid[kManufacturerOffset] << 8) | edid[kManufacturerOffset + 1]); const auto pnpId = getPnpId(manufacturerId); if (!pnpId) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: manufacturer ID is not a valid PnP ID."); return {}; } constexpr size_t kProductIdOffset = 10; if (edid.size() < kProductIdOffset + sizeof(uint16_t)) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: product ID is truncated."); return {}; } const uint16_t productId = static_cast(edid[kProductIdOffset] | (edid[kProductIdOffset + 1] << 8)); constexpr size_t kManufactureWeekOffset = 16; if (edid.size() < kManufactureWeekOffset + sizeof(uint8_t)) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: manufacture week is truncated."); return {}; } const uint8_t manufactureWeek = edid[kManufactureWeekOffset]; ALOGW_IF(0x37 <= manufactureWeek && manufactureWeek <= 0xfe, "Invalid EDID: week of manufacture cannot be in the range [0x37, 0xfe]."); constexpr size_t kManufactureYearOffset = 17; if (edid.size() < kManufactureYearOffset + sizeof(uint8_t)) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: manufacture year is truncated."); return {}; } const uint8_t manufactureOrModelYear = edid[kManufactureYearOffset]; ALOGW_IF(manufactureOrModelYear <= 0xf, "Invalid EDID: model year or manufacture year cannot be in the range [0x0, 0xf]."); constexpr size_t kDescriptorOffset = 54; if (edid.size() < kDescriptorOffset) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: descriptors are missing."); return {}; } byte_view view(edid.data(), edid.size()); view = view.subspan(kDescriptorOffset); std::string_view displayName; std::string_view serialNumber; std::string_view asciiText; constexpr size_t kDescriptorCount = 4; constexpr size_t kDescriptorLength = 18; for (size_t i = 0; i < kDescriptorCount; i++) { if (static_cast(view.size()) < kDescriptorLength) { break; } if (const auto type = getEdidDescriptorType(view)) { byte_view descriptor(view.data(), kDescriptorLength); descriptor = descriptor.subspan(kEdidHeaderLength); switch (*type) { case 0xfc: displayName = parseEdidText(descriptor); break; case 0xfe: asciiText = parseEdidText(descriptor); break; case 0xff: serialNumber = parseEdidText(descriptor); break; } } view = view.subspan(kDescriptorLength); } std::string_view modelString = displayName; if (modelString.empty()) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: falling back to serial number due to missing display name."); modelString = serialNumber; } if (modelString.empty()) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: falling back to ASCII text due to missing serial number."); modelString = asciiText; } if (modelString.empty()) { ALOGE("Invalid EDID: display name and fallback descriptors are missing."); return {}; } // Hash model string instead of using product code or (integer) serial number, since the latter // have been observed to change on some displays with multiple inputs. Use a stable hash instead // of std::hash which is only required to be same within a single execution of a program. const uint32_t modelHash = static_cast(*ftl::stable_hash(modelString)); // Parse extension blocks. std::optional cea861Block; if (edid.size() < kEdidBlockSize) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: block 0 is truncated."); } else { constexpr size_t kNumExtensionsOffset = 126; const size_t numExtensions = edid[kNumExtensionsOffset]; view = byte_view(edid.data(), edid.size()); for (size_t blockNumber = 1; blockNumber <= numExtensions; blockNumber++) { view = view.subspan(kEdidBlockSize); if (static_cast(view.size()) < kEdidBlockSize) { ALOGW("Invalid EDID: block %zu is truncated.", blockNumber); break; } const byte_view block(view.data(), kEdidBlockSize); ALOGW_IF(std::accumulate(block.begin(), block.end(), static_cast(0)), "Invalid EDID: block %zu does not checksum.", blockNumber); const uint8_t tag = block[0]; constexpr uint8_t kCea861BlockTag = 0x2; if (tag == kCea861BlockTag) { cea861Block = parseCea861Block(block); } else { ALOGV("Ignoring block number %zu with tag %x.", blockNumber, tag); } } } return Edid{.manufacturerId = manufacturerId, .productId = productId, .pnpId = *pnpId, .modelHash = modelHash, .displayName = displayName, .manufactureOrModelYear = manufactureOrModelYear, .manufactureWeek = manufactureWeek, .cea861Block = cea861Block}; } std::optional getPnpId(uint16_t manufacturerId) { const char a = getPnpLetter<0>(manufacturerId); const char b = getPnpLetter<1>(manufacturerId); const char c = getPnpLetter<2>(manufacturerId); return a && b && c ? std::make_optional(PnpId{a, b, c}) : std::nullopt; } std::optional getPnpId(PhysicalDisplayId displayId) { return getPnpId(displayId.getManufacturerId()); } std::optional parseDisplayIdentificationData( uint8_t port, const DisplayIdentificationData& data) { if (data.empty()) { ALOGI("Display identification data is empty."); return {}; } if (!isEdid(data)) { ALOGE("Display identification data has unknown format."); return {}; } const auto edid = parseEdid(data); if (!edid) { return {}; } const auto displayId = PhysicalDisplayId::fromEdid(port, edid->manufacturerId, edid->modelHash); return DisplayIdentificationInfo{.id = displayId, .name = std::string(edid->displayName), .deviceProductInfo = buildDeviceProductInfo(*edid)}; } PhysicalDisplayId getVirtualDisplayId(uint32_t id) { return PhysicalDisplayId::fromEdid(0, kVirtualEdidManufacturerId, id); } } // namespace android